Logical Thinking
Logical Thinking

Online - desktop / tablet, Online - mobile

 Online - desktop / tablet, Online - mobile

20 Minutes

 20 Minutes

English (AUS), English (UK)...

 English (AUS), English (UK)...


This test is designed to assess your candidate's ability to observe and interpret patterns, sequences of numbers and shapes plus the relationship between them.

Why should you use this assessment?

SkillValue tests improve objectivity in the recruitment process and help you make reliable hiring decisions based on data driven scores, ranking and code analysis. They help you to minimise or remove biases that arise from CVs and panel interviews.  

You will be able to choose from a selection of questions available on our platform or add your own questions. We have 30, 000+ questions to choose from. We add 100+ new tests every year to our platform.

You can choose from the following 600+ tech and marketing skills assessments:

  • Java, .Net, PHP
  • Javascript, C, C++, Python, Ruby on Rails
  • Front end development
  • Full stack development
  • Mobile apps
  • IoT, embedded systems
  • Databases
  • Business intelligence
  • Big data
  • Game development
  • Product management
  • Blockchain
  • Multimedia
  • Maths and logic
  • OOP
  • UX/UI
  • Microsoft Office
  • Salesforce
  • SAP
  • Windev
  • DevOps
  • Infrastructure, AWS
  • Test automation

Happy Customers!

We are always recruiting, and the process is definitely more efficient with SkillValue. We discovered the platform whilst looking for a tool which would let us conduct IT tests with our applicants and from the minute we tried it, the process of pre-selecting our applicants was much easier. The tests are comprehensive and ready to use. The results are sent directly to the applicants and are accessible to our recruitment, making the entire selection process easier. SkillValue is the ideal recruitment tool.

Damien Chimier, Sales Director at Infotem.







Verbal Ability 1.0



Verbal Ability 1.0

Online - Desktop / Tablet

 Online - Desktop / Tablet

20 Minutes

 20 Minutes

English (UK)

 English (UK)

FREE Trial ...
FREE Trial ...
Verbal Ability / Reasoning tests assess a test taker’s ability to solve verbal problems. Tests may use brief information, such as analogies where test takers have to identify they relationships between pairs of words, or more extended information that test takers need to understand before answering questions. Questions may range from simple information retrieval to more complex skills such as understanding a person’s perspective or making inferences. Tests of Verbal Ability / Reasoning will assess a test taker’s ability to reason with and solve verbal problems but will also provide an indication of their general reasoning ability.







































































































































































































































































































































































































Smart Interview
Smart Interview

Cloud, Web-based...

 Cloud, Web-based...

English (AUS), English (UK)...

 English (AUS), English (UK)...

Contact us
Contact us

Reveal your candidate’s talents through the pre-recorded video interview

Give your candidates the opportunity to express themselves beyond their resume. Make a finer pre-selection of your candidates and be sure not to miss the hidden gem by reviewing a larger number of candidates.


  • Your assessment tools and your interviews on the same interface
  • Intelligent interviews combining video, audio and text
  • Time saving and efficiency in candidates screening
  • Reduce the costs of recruitment
  • Improved candidate experience and enhance your employer brand

An intuitive video solution, fully customisable and easy to use

  1. The recruiter adds his questions on the platform and chooses the format (video, audio, text) as well as the response time.
  2. Candidates connect to the interface via an invitation and answer the questions posed by the recruiter.
  3. The recruiter is alerted when the interview is over and can view and listen to the answers. He can then compare the candidates profiles in the Talent Matcher.
  4. The recruiter also has the opportunity to invite other evaluators to give their opinion of the candidates.
Pre-Hire Behavioural Assessment
Pre-Hire Behavioural Assessment

Online - desktop / tablet, Online - mobile

 Online - desktop / tablet, Online - mobile

20 Minutes

 20 Minutes

English (AUS), English (UK)...

 English (AUS), English (UK)...

Bespoke packages
Bespoke packages

• 6500+ Job Specific Formulas • 175 Job Performance Impact Traits • 25+ Years Research & Validation • Advanced Assessment Technology • High ROI • Easily Customized • Reports Specific to Person and Job • 29+ Languages • No Adverse Impact

The Harrison Assessments System provides a comprehensive assessment of the behavioural competencies required for a position and accurately predicts success and potential obstacles. Integrated selection tools include performance based interviewing questions, how to attract the candidate, and the ability to calculate eligibility, suitability, and interview ratings for a composite ranking of candidates.

The assessment is web-based and scored online with comprehensive results available within 15 seconds.

Enjoyment Performance Theory:  Enjoyment Performance Theory states that an individual will perform more effectively in a job if they enjoy the tasks required by that job, have interests that relate to the position, and have work environment preferences that correspond with the environment of the workplace. Harrison Assessment’s global research indicates that the enjoyment of these various aspects of a job is highly correlated with good performance. "If you enjoy an activity, you tend to do it more. By doing it more, you tend to learn and improve the related skills. As a result, you tend to gain recognition (including self recognition) which helps you enjoy the activity more."

Candidates rank answers in order of what you they  know enjoy. Enjoyment performance theory states that if someone enjoys 75% of the tasks required in a job role they are 3x more likely to be successful.

Paradox Theory: Harrison Assessment’s Paradox Theory provides a greater depth of psychological understanding because it reveals an entire system of behaviour rather than merely offering insights about specific traits. It also predicts stress behaviour and provides a framework that facilitates objective understanding of self and a clear direction for self-development.



The ability to predict job performance is dependent upon identifying all of the critical factors. If one assesses eligibility or technical competencies, it only represents a portion of the critical factors to predict performance. When behavioural competencies are also measured, such as emotional intelligence, personality, and work preferences, a high degree of accuracy is attained to predict performance.

Note: No training required use the assessment as we will support you in administering and delivering the reports to you. should you wish to manage this process yourself, we would be able to offer the training.







The Personal Assistant (VirtualAC, Express)



The Personal Assistant (VirtualAC, Express)

Online - desktop / tablet, Virtual AC

 Online - desktop / tablet, Virtual AC

70 Minutes

 70 Minutes

English (AUS), English (UK)...

 English (AUS), English (UK)...

£ 63.90 Request pricing
£ 63.90 Request pricing

The Participant assumes the role of a Personal Assistant to the Senior Partner in the Law firm, Parker Woods LLP.  They work closely with the Senior Partner providing administrative support for daily work requirements.  The Participant is required to deal with issues relating to diary management, quality checking documents, dealing with internal and external requests and performance issues.  This exercise is one of our more challenging Level A exercises due to the responsibilities of a Personal Assistant.

Note: This is an express version of the original exercise. Express exercises are condensed versions of their original counterparts. They assess fewer competencies and take less time to both complete and mark.

Why should you use this assessment?

This type of assessment is also called a job simulation or work simulation exercise as it can offer a realistic simulation of the skills required for a role. All you have to do is ensure it matches the skills or competencies you are looking to assess and is at the right level for the role you are recruiting for. Using this type of exercises help hiring decision-makers:

  • improve objectivity and minimize biases from interviews and
  • deliver constructive feedback to candidates improving their experience.

Not sure if this is the right assessment? Send us an uptodate job description including competencies that are critical to succeed in the role. We will send you our recommendations or discuss this with you.

****Talent Grader  sources these exercises from our trusted  partners to offer as part of the consultancy services. You do not need to be trained to use these exercises as we will support you in assessing your candidates and provide you with a detailed report, saving you time and effort. If you are a trained assessor, please contact us to purchase the assessment only and we will set you up as an assessor to mark the exercise. ****

Personalised pre-hire assessments for volume hiring (Day-in-the-Life)
Personalised pre-hire assessments for volume hiring (Day-in-the-Life)

Online - desktop / tablet, Online - mobile

 Online - desktop / tablet, Online - mobile

20 Minutes

 20 Minutes

English (UK)

 English (UK)

Request Pricing
Request Pricing
High volume meets high quality. What if your pre-hire assessments did more than just reduce bad hires? We believe assessments should give an idea of what the job’s really like, test real skills related to the role, and create a noteworthy first experience of your company ThriveMap’s work simulation assessments place your candidate at the heart of the story of a typical work day. As well as measuring suitability for the role, candidates get to experience what the job and culture is all about before progressing with the interview process. This level of honesty and clarity creates a shared understanding of value and impacts talent quality, staff retention, and time to hire. Great for you, great for them.

Cloud, Web-based

 Cloud, Web-based

Chinese Simplified, English (AUS)...

 Chinese Simplified, English (AUS)...

Starter ...
Starter ...

Make It Personal With Smart Video Interviews
With myInterview, you easily get to know candidates and spotlight the perfect fit before they walk through the door. Easy to use for both applicants and businesses, myInterview makes hiring a fully collaborative experience, allowing colleagues and managers to provide feedback quickly and efficiently.


myInterview's asynchronous video interview platform allows a candidate to answer pre-defined interview question in the first screening stage - often in place of a phone screen. The recruiter sends a link with a flow of questions creating a sequence of video snippets that form a video introduction. The recruiter views the videos, shortlisting candidates and involving hiring managers at the early stage of screening.

HIRE SMARTER With myInterview Intelligence™
your queue is always full of custom-picked candidates to watch. Purpose-built machine learning algorithms fueled by diverse data scan every video to reveal the hidden gems that perfectly match what you’re looking for. Welcome to the future of hiring.

Don’t let free fool you. myInterview packs powerful features that enterprises can rely on, all at a price any sized company can afford. That’s why both Fortune 500s like Facebook, Six Flags and Chick-fil-A, as well as hundreds of small businesses already trust us to transform the way they hire.



Online - desktop / tablet, Online - mobile

 Online - desktop / tablet, Online - mobile

10 Minutes

 10 Minutes

Brazilian, Chinese Simplified...

 Brazilian, Chinese Simplified...

Request a quote
Request a quote

AssessFirst is a predictive solution for HR, Managers and TA teams.

Whether it’s hiring new talent, developing existing talent, or managing role evolutions and teams within your organisation, AssessFirst provides you with the insight you need to make the best HR decisions, at every step of the talent management life cycle.

AssessFirst gives you the ability to predict the potential of success for any individual in any role. We are also the only assessment platform that allows you to address motivations...

As a result, employees perform 30% better and twice as fast. Taking into account the global potential of your candidates and their ability to integrate into your culture, AssessFirst allows you to keep them engaged in your company twice as long as the average. These criteria allow you to limit cognitive bias and increase diversity. We have developed three assessments to assess the personality, motivations and mental agility of individual's and we use Artificial Intelligence to predict how successful people will be within a specific role, company and culture.


Online - desktop / tablet, Online - mobile

 Online - desktop / tablet, Online - mobile

15 Minutes

 15 Minutes

English (UK), English (US)...

 English (UK), English (US)...

£ 475 £ 500.00 (5% discount) ...
£ 475 £ 500.00 (5% discount) ...

Evaluate emotional intelligence in the workplace

EMOTION 2 measures candidates’ and employees’ ability to understand their own emotions and their capacity to establish harmonious working relationships with others. The test provides a reliable score for an individual’s interpersonal and intrapersonal competencies by assessing 15 specific factors related to emotional intelligence.


  • Measures social desirability
  • Provides norm-based EQ scores
  • Personalised analysis with easily applicable developmental advice

Analysis of 5 main dimensions:

  • Self-awareness
  • Self-assertion
  • Personal development
  • Leadership
  • Adaptability

Analysis of 15 factors of emotional intelligence:

Intra-personal Intelligence Inter-personal Intelligence
Self-knowledge Expressing emotions
Self-control Assertiveness 
Self-regard Empathy
Self-confidence Tactfulness
Self-motivation Dealing with diversity
Optimism Motivating others
Resilience Mediation 


  • Social desirability indicator
  • Standardised EQ score
  • Graph for at-a-glance analysis
  • Analysis of the candidate’s profile
  • Developmental Comments
  • Candidate matching with the 5 EI dimensions
Professional Profile 2
Professional Profile 2

Online - desktop / tablet, Online - mobile

 Online - desktop / tablet, Online - mobile

15 Minutes

 15 Minutes

Arabic, Chinese PRC...

 Arabic, Chinese PRC...

£ 475 £ 500.00 (5% discount) ...
£ 475 £ 500.00 (5% discount) ...

The PROFESSIONAL PROFILE 2© adopts the trait approach. This is our latest personality assessment, designed and validated with the most recent method in psychometrics, the Thurstonian IRT. It measures 14 set of dimensions in opposition (e.g. introversion vs. extraversion), thereby resulting in an analysis of 28 aspects of personality and motivations. 

In addition to the Five Factor Model (FFM) of personality, several established theories were used for the conceptual and practical development of the PROFESSIONAL PROFILE 2©.

Other theoretical frameworks include C.G. Jung (1971) Theory of Psychological Types; William Schutz (1958) Fundamental Interpersonal Relations Orientation; Lee and Ashton(2004) HEXACO Model of Personality and J. Holland (1958) Occupational Themes (RIASEC)

Key Features

  • Uses the Thurstonian IRT model to avoid social desirability
  •  Easy to understand reports, without psychological jargon
  • Internationally recognised, and registered with the British Psychological Society (BPS)

14 sets of character traits are analysed: 

  • Straightforwardness vs. Persuasiveness
  • Firmness vs. Flexibility
  • Emotional sensitivity vs. Emotional distance
  • Introversion vs. Extraversion
  • Structure vs. Improvisation
  • Intuition vs. Focus on facts
  • Personal balance vs. Involvement at work
  • Desire for guidance vs. Desire to lead
  • Need for reflection vs. Need for action
  • Humility vs. Ambition
  • Team work vs. Autonomy
  • Individualism vs. Altruism
  • Free-thinking vs. Rule-following
  •  Familiarity-seeking vs. Novelty-seeking
 French Language Test
French Language Test

Online - desktop / tablet, Online - mobile

 Online - desktop / tablet, Online - mobile

15 Minutes

 15 Minutes

English (AUS), English (UK)...

 English (AUS), English (UK)...

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Contact us

Assess proficiency in French Language

The French Language Test allows you to assess a candidate’s or employee’s level of written French, whether they are a native or a non-native French speaker. The test measures their knowledge of French in 3 areas: spelling, vocabulary, and grammar. This test is available in two versions: beginner/ intermediate level and advanced level.  Suitable for any person whose written French is indispensable to their work.

Beginner / intermediate level: 15 minutes (timed) Advanced level: 12 minutes (timed)


  • Gives an overall score out of 20
  • Scores candidates out of 10 for each of these factors: grammar, vocabulary, and spelling
  • Positions candidates on the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (Levels A1 to C2)

The candidate receives an overall score out of 20 and a separate score on each dimension:

  • Spelling: Measures the candidate’s ability to recognise and use words correctly and to understand the rules and conventions of spelling
  • Vocabulary: Measures the candidate’s knowledge of the meaning of words
  • Grammar: Measures the candidate’s use of grammatical structure
TopScore -Virtual Assessment Platform
TopScore -Virtual Assessment Platform

Cloud, SaaS...

 Cloud, SaaS...

English (AUS), English (UK)...

 English (AUS), English (UK)...

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TopScore is a provider of assessment centre software, for face to face or virtual assessment centres. Our Digital Assessment Centre Platform streamlines the assessment centre process with a complete paperless approach, allowing for digital efficiency; saving time, money and resources, particularly when used for virtual assessment centres.

Why use TopScore?

Traditional paper-based assessment centres will be revolutionised in the following ways:

• Efficiency

• Engagement

• Accuracy

• Security

• Environmental Sustainability

• Virtual Experiences

TopScore in Action

Our web-based application:

• Is completely configurable to your assessment process and scoring approach

• Typical exercises used: Interview, Group, Presentation, Case-Study, In-Tray, Role-play

• Has a Dashboard of collated scores with various reports and insights

• Has 3 user views: Administrator, Assessor and Candidate (optional)

• Stores all assessment materials on one place with ease of user access

• Allows facilitators to easily track assessment centre progress

• Inbuilt videoconferencing and instant chat

• Has a scheduling system with automatic updates to amendments

• Enables digital note-taking

• Automates candidate feedback reporting

• Can be client branded – all screens, emails, reports

• Can be used for Virtual Assessment Centres with inbuilt videoconferencing

Organisations used TopScore:

Greencore, Schroders, the Financial Conduct Authority, Fidelity International, Tesco, Clifford Chance Bird & Bird, RWE, BAE Systems, Linklaters, Macfarlanes, Stephenson Harwood, the National Audit Office and more.

Video-based behavioural assessment
Video-based behavioural assessment

Online - desktop / tablet, Online - mobile

 Online - desktop / tablet, Online - mobile

15 Minutes

 15 Minutes

English (UK)

 English (UK)

Request Pricing
Request Pricing
Retorio works with a video-based Artificial Intelligence system that supports human intuition. Our technology is based on one of the most well-researched personality taxonomies, the so-called Big5 (or OCEAN) model, which has been validated as a reliable predictor of personality and job performance. Our AI quantifies the behaviour that participants of Retorio's assessment show in short video recordings; their facial expressions, gesture, language, and voice in order to derive a perceived personality prediction, meaning that our AI predicts how your candidates and their behavior would be perceived by a representative set of people.  How exactly can we help you with your hiring process In job interviews, candidate's assessment of their own personality and soft skills tend to be altered by their desire to appear more favorable and get the job. Retorio has learned to judge interviews objectively and free from bias. Our AI simulates how your candidates will be perceived by the future team members, clients, subordinates or superiors. This way, you can assess reliably, how closely a candidate matches the requirements of the task that he or she is expected to perform, and how well a candidate fits into your company culture. What parameters of a person does Retorio's AI analyze The combined rating of the AI makes use of visual input from facial expression and gesture, as well as auditive information like speaking speed, language sentiment and engaging language. Note: No. of questions and duration has been provided as a guide. We recommend using between 3 to 5 questions that can be set up in few minutes with an option to set response time. 
Checking Test
Checking Test

Online - desktop / tablet

 Online - desktop / tablet

10 Minutes

 10 Minutes

English (AUS), English (UK)...

 English (AUS), English (UK)...

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Checking tests assess candidate's ability to compare information quickly and accurately, and check the correctness of data. They will be required to learn a set of system rules before applying these to check for errors in a data set. This provides an insight into their level of detail focus and skill at producing high quality work.

Suitable for: 

For roles with a high need for attention to detail, spotting errors in material or inputting data. Test uses multiple choice questions under timed conditions to see whether candidates can quickly and accurately find the errors between two pieces of reference material.

Points to remember:

  • Assesses aptitude for attending to detail and spotting errors
  • Corroborate information from two sources

Difficulty levels: 

Enhanced - B2C: Our most widely used suite of assessments, applicable for entry and mid-level roles. For example, customer service and administration.This level contains 16 items to be completed in 5-10 minutes. This is an untimed test. 


Cognitive ability or aptitude tests are an objective way of measuring an individual’s performance on different work related tasks or situations. They tap into reasoning skills and are therefore a measure of potential, rather than academic performance or stored knowledge.

They provide employers with an indication of how people will perform in a work setting and so are frequently used to decide whether a candidate has the baseline cognitive ‘firepower’ necessary to be successful in the role.

We provide the following coginitive ability tests: 

  • Numerical 
  • Verbal
  • Abstract
  • Mechanical
  • Checking 

When used alongside other psychometrics, such as personality questionnaires or scenario based tests, employers are able to build up a holistic picture of how the individual would behave in the role.

Numerical Ability Test
Numerical Ability Test

Online - desktop / tablet

 Online - desktop / tablet

18 Minutes

 18 Minutes

Chinese PRC, Danish...

 Chinese PRC, Danish...

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Numerical ability test measures how well someone can understand, analyse and perform calculations on numerical information. 

Suitable for: 

For roles where candidates will need to be comfortable with numbers, mathematical functions and interpreting data. Candidates use number-based reference material to answer multiple choice questions involving basic arithmetic, averages, percentages and ratios. Tests are timed and candidates are able to use a calculator throughout (one of their own, not built into test). 

Difficulty levels: 

Expert - Utopia : This suite contains high level reasoning tests for top level managers, professionals or graduates. This level contains 16 questions to be completed in 20 min. 

Enhanced - B2C: Our most widely used suite of assessments, applicable for entry and mid-level roles. For example, customer service and administration.This level  contains 16 questions to be completed in 18 min. 

Essential – Criterion Workforce Series: This suite includes assessments closer to basic comprehension tests. Designed for industry or manufacturing roles. This level contains 16 questions to be completed in 15 min. 

Recruitment Industry Numerical Assessment is also available with 8 questions to be completed in 10 min. 


Cognitive ability or aptitude tests are an objective way of measuring an individual’s performance on different work related tasks or situations. They tap into reasoning skills and are therefore a measure of potential, rather than academic performance or stored knowledge.

They provide employers with an indication of how people will perform in a work setting and so are frequently used to decide whether a candidate has the baseline cognitive ‘firepower’ necessary to be successful in the role.

We provide the following coginitive ability tests: 

  • Numerical 
  • Verbal
  • Abstract
  • Mechanical
  • Checking 

When used alongside other psychometrics, such as personality questionnaires or scenario based tests, employers are able to build up a holistic picture of how the individual would behave in the role.

Verbal Ability Test
Verbal Ability Test

Online - desktop / tablet

 Online - desktop / tablet

11 Minutes

 11 Minutes

Chinese PRC, Danish...

 Chinese PRC, Danish...

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This test has been designed to measure the candidate’s ability to understand written information.

Suitable for: 

For roles where candidates will need to have to comprehend, analyse and draw conclusions from written information. Tests present a paragraph of text about a given topic, candidates must then decide if a series of statements are true, false or cannot say by evaluating the information under timed conditions.

Difficulty levels: 

Expert - Utopia : This suite contains high level reasoning tests for top level managers, professionals or graduates.This level contains 16 questions to be completed in 11 min. 

Enhanced - B2C: Our most widely used suite of assessments, applicable for entry and mid-level roles. For example, customer service and administration. This level contains 16 questions to be completed in 9 min. 

Essential – Criterion Workforce Series: This suite includes assessments closer to basic comprehension tests. Designed for industry or manufacturing roles. This level contains 16 questions to be completed in 10 min. 

Recruitment Industry Numerical Assessment is also available with 8 questions to be completed in 5 min. 


Cognitive ability or aptitude tests are an objective way of measuring an individual’s performance on different work related tasks or situations. They tap into reasoning skills and are therefore a measure of potential, rather than academic performance or stored knowledge.

They provide employers with an indication of how people will perform in a work setting and so are frequently used to decide whether a candidate has the baseline cognitive ‘firepower’ necessary to be successful in the role.

We provide the following coginitive ability tests: 

  • Numerical 
  • Verbal
  • Abstract
  • Mechanical
  • Checking 

When used alongside other psychometrics, such as personality questionnaires or scenario based tests, employers are able to build up a holistic picture of how the individual would behave in the role.

Abstract Reasoning Test
Abstract Reasoning Test

Online - desktop / tablet, Online - mobile

 Online - desktop / tablet, Online - mobile

24 Minutes

 24 Minutes

Dutch, English (AUS)...

 Dutch, English (AUS)...

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Also known as diagrammatic or inductive reasoning - Measures general intellect and ability to work with new concepts and ideas. Candidates are expected to predict next in the sequence using rational strategies.

Suitable for: 

For roles where candidates will need to deal with complex data, identify patters trends and rules to solve logical problems. Sometimes known as inductive or diagrammatic reasoning tests, the tests are non-verbal and adopt a multiple choice format under timed conditions. Candidates are presented with a series of shapes or patterns and asked to deduce what comes next, or what is missing.

Difficulty levels: 

Expert - Utopia : This suite contains high level reasoning tests for top level managers, professionals or graduates. This level containes 16 questions to be completed in 45 min. 

Enhanced - B2C: Our most widely used suite of assessments, applicable for entry and mid-level roles. For example, customer service and administration. This level containes 16 questions to be completed in 24 min. 


Cognitive ability or aptitude tests are an objective way of measuring an individual’s performance on different work related tasks or situations. They tap into reasoning skills and are therefore a measure of potential, rather than academic performance or stored knowledge.

They provide employers with an indication of how people will perform in a work setting and so are frequently used to decide whether a candidate has the baseline cognitive ‘firepower’ necessary to be successful in the role.

We provide the following coginitive ability tests: 

  • Numerical 
  • Verbal
  • Abstract
  • Mechanical
  • Checking 

When used alongside other psychometrics, such as personality questionnaires or scenario based tests, employers are able to build up a holistic picture of how the individual would behave in the role.

Leadership Judgement Test
Leadership Judgement Test

Online - desktop / tablet, Online - mobile

 Online - desktop / tablet, Online - mobile

30 Minutes

 30 Minutes

English (AUS), English (UK)...

 English (AUS), English (UK)...

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Request a quote

This test provides your candidates with an opportunity to demonstrate the style and approach they prefer to take towards challenges at work. The picture they provide will help us understand how they see themselves in relation to working in a leadership role.

They will be presented with a sequence of scenarios describing a situation or challenge. They will also see a selection of possible approaches that they could take to respond to the situation or challenge described in the scenario.

For each scenario, they will be expected to tick the most effective or least effective approach they would take in each fictitious scenario.   

Provides a realistic job preview

Map competencies to your organisational framework providing candidates with a more realistic job preview compared to relying on interviews alone.

Eliminates hiring bias

Measure how well candidates respond to a host of work related scenarios, allowing you to find the most competent candidates for the role.

Saves time & hiring resources

Allows candidates to self select out if they realise the job isn’t a good fit for them - saving you valuable time and resources.

When used alongside other psychometrics, such as personality questionnaires or cognitive ability tests, employers are able to build up a holistic picture of how the individual would behave in the role.

Are you looking to develop bespoke situational judgements tets or looking to host your own test on our platform? 

We are Business Psychologists with over 25 years of experience in developing tests. Our Psycruit platform is ready to host your own test. Please contact us by support@talentgrader.com who will be able to help you with your enquiry. Talent Grader is one of our authorised partners in the UK. 

The Clevry Personality Questionnaire
The Clevry Personality Questionnaire

Online - desktop / tablet, Online - mobile

 Online - desktop / tablet, Online - mobile

20 Minutes

 20 Minutes

Brazilian, Chinese PRC...

 Brazilian, Chinese PRC...

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The Criterion Personality Questionnaire is unlike anything else on the market. We don’t subscribe to a one-size-fits-all approach to personality; the CPQ offers unparalleled flexibility by allowing you to pick and choose the elements you want to measure.

The CPQ is made up of 46 scales split across five key areas of personality at work. These elements are:

Interpersonal Style – The candidate’s approach to working with others, taps into their style of communication and preferences for working around others

Thinking Style – The candidate’s approach to tasks, decisions and challenges

Emotional Style – The candidate’s reaction to the emotional demands of the role

Motivations – Understanding what drives the candidate and helps them to feel energised and motivated at work

Culture Fit – Understanding the style of environment that is best suited to the candidate

We provide the following 3 options for you to choose from: 


Psycruit offers two off-the-shelf personality questionnaires, both of which include a range of scales from across the five elements.

The Criterion Core (21 Scales) – Comprehensive insight into the typical preferences and tendencies for behaviours, feelings, values and motivations that are important in the workplace. This questionnaire takes about 20 minutes for the candidate to complete. Using the Core questionnaire will give you access to two specialised reports; Team Strengths Report & Sales Report.

The Criterion Enhanced (30 Scales) – Builds on the Criterion Core, offering a deeper insight across a breadth of elements of personality in an occupational setting. This questionnaire will take about 30 minutes for candidates to complete. Using it will give you access to our Leadership Report.


Psycruit allows you to build your own personality questionnaire so you can tap directly into the traits you are interested in for the role you are recruiting for or developing. You can pick any combination of the 46 scales in the Library and structure the selection according to your own values/competency framework or use our default headings. Telling the platform ‘what good looks like’ will give you access to the Selection Report.


We now have a collection of industry specific questionnaires that are available on Psycruit. These have been developed through role research and the expert knowledge and experience of our business psychologists. All of our off the shelf questionnaires also contain the social desirability scale in addition to those scales listed below.

  • Remote Working
  • Sales
  • Call Centre
  • Customer Service
  • Graduates
  • Recruitment Industry
  • Project Manager
  • Legal Sector
  • IT Professionals
  • Engineering
  • Workforce
  • Human Resources
  • Administrative Role
  • Marketing
  • Education Role
  • Hospitality
Contact Centre Assessment
Contact Centre Assessment

Online - desktop / tablet, Online - mobile

 Online - desktop / tablet, Online - mobile

20 Minutes

 20 Minutes

English (AUS), English (UK)...

 English (AUS), English (UK)...

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This test provides your candidates with an opportunity to demonstrate the style and approach they prefer to take towards challenges at work. The picture they provide will help us understand how they see themselves in relation to working in a contact centre role.

They will be presented with a sequence of scenarios describing a situation or challenge. They will also see a selection of possible approaches that they could take to respond to the situation or challenge described in the scenario.

For each scenario, they will be expected to tick the most effective or least effective approach they would take in each fictitious scenario.   

Provides a realistic job preview

Map competencies to your organisational framework providing candidates with a more realistic job preview compared to relying on interviews alone.

Eliminates hiring bias

Measure how well candidates respond to a host of work related scenarios, allowing you to find the most competent candidates for the role.

Saves time & hiring resources

Allows candidates to self select out if they realise the job isn’t a good fit for them - saving you valuable time and resources.

When used alongside other psychometrics, such as personality questionnaires or cognitive ability tests, employers are able to build up a holistic picture of how the individual would behave in the role.

Are you looking to develop bespoke situational judgements tets or looking to host your own test on our platform? 

We are Business Psychologists with over 25 years of experience in developing tests. Our Clevry platform is ready to host your own test. Please contact us by support@talentgrader.com who will be able to help you with your enquiry. Talent Grader is one of our authorised partners in the UK. 

Recruitment Scenario Assessment(Recruiter)
Recruitment Scenario Assessment(Recruiter)

Online - desktop / tablet, Online - mobile

 Online - desktop / tablet, Online - mobile

15 Minutes

 15 Minutes

English (AUS), English (UK)...

 English (AUS), English (UK)...

Request a quote
Request a quote

This assessment is designed to mirror the kinds of conversations you would have with colleagues, candidates and clients in your role as a recruiter.

You will be presented with a short message outlining the scenario we are asking you to imagine yourself in. You will then receive a number of messages from colleagues, candidates and clients, which will present you with questions and issues for which you will have to provide a response. For each question you get, you will be given a number of response options to choose from. There are no right or wrong answers; just pick the response which is most closely aligned with your typical behaviour and values.

This assessment is comprised of 12 questions and there is no time limit.

What does this assessment measure?

Message Me assessments help recruiters measure candidate behaviour in relation to the role they’re applying to.

Message Me assessments can provide additional value when combined with Psycruit personality questionnaires. Recruiters will be able to create a more well rounded picture of their candidates, allowing them to find and hire only the best candidates.

Virtual BPS Test User Training
Virtual BPS Test User Training



English (UK)

 English (UK)

£ 1000.00
£ 1000.00

Our BPS accredited occupational Test User Training courses are professional qualifications that are designed for those who use psychometric assessments or cognitive ability tests as part of their role.

These qualifications are based on a syllabus of assessments developed by the British Psychological Society (BPS) and enable you to use, administer, interpret and provide feedback on psychometric assessments.

Factory HR Manager(VirtualAC, express)



Factory HR Manager(VirtualAC, express)

Online - desktop / tablet, Virtual AC

 Online - desktop / tablet, Virtual AC

85 Minutes

 85 Minutes

English (AUS), English (UK)...

 English (AUS), English (UK)...

Request pricing
Request pricing

The Participant assumes the role of a Factory HR Manager of a leading motor components manufacturer. Supported by a small team, the Factory HR Manager is responsible for all HR matters at several sites and this entails managing a wide range of correspondence from various levels within the organisation. The issues raised relate to selection, appraisal, training & development, internal communications, rewards and disciplinary matters. Participants are not required to display specific knowledge of HR practises or legal principles, beyond what would be expected of any line manager.

Note: This is an express version of the original exercise. Express exercises are condensed versions of their original counterparts. They assess fewer competencies and take less time to both complete and mark. VirtualAC refers to virtual assessment centre platform. A paper version of this Exercise is also available.

Why should you use this assessment?

This type of assessment is also called a job simulation or work simulation exercise as it can offer a realistic simulation of the skills required for a role. All you have to do is ensure it matches the skills or competencies you are looking to assess and is at the right level for the role you are recruiting for. Using this type of exercises help hiring decision-makers:

  • improve objectivity and minimize biases from interviews and
  • deliver constructive feedback to candidates improving their experience.

Not sure if this is the right assessment? Send us an uptodate job description including competencies that are critical to succeed in the role. We will send you our recommendations or discuss this with you.

****Talent Grader  sources these exercises from our trusted  partners to offer as part of the consultancy services. You do not need to be trained to use these exercises as we will support you in assessing your candidates and provide you with a detailed report, saving you time and effort. If you are a trained assessor, please contact us to purchase the assessment only and we will set you up as an assessor to mark the exercise. ****

Public Sector Agency (VirtualAC, express)



Public Sector Agency (VirtualAC, express)

Online - desktop / tablet, Virtual AC

 Online - desktop / tablet, Virtual AC

85 Minutes

 85 Minutes

English (AUS), English (UK)...

 English (AUS), English (UK)...

Request pricing
Request pricing

The Participant assumes the role of a Regional Director of a Public Sector Agency responsible for the collation and ongoing analysis of demographic data within the UK. The In-Basket contains issues relating to staff, such as recruitment, staff development and the results of a recent Employee Opinion Survey, as well as some issues with direct reports. It also contains items regarding the use of new technology for data analysis, commercial opportunities for the use of their data and various other strategic initiatives.

Note: This is an express version of the original exercise. Express exercises are condensed versions of their original counterparts. They assess fewer competencies and take less time to both complete and mark. VirtualAC refers to virtual assessment centre platform. A paper version of this Exercise is also available.

Why should you use this assessment?

This type of assessment is also called a job simulation or work simulation exercise as it can offer a realistic simulation of the skills required for a role. All you have to do is ensure it matches the skills or competencies you are looking to assess and is at the right level for the role you are recruiting for. Using this type of exercises help hiring decision-makers:

  • improve objectivity and minimize biases from interviews and
  • deliver constructive feedback to candidates improving their experience.

Not sure if this is the right assessment? Send us an uptodate job description including competencies that are critical to succeed in the role. We will send you our recommendations or discuss this with you.

****Talent Grader  sources these exercises from our trusted  partners to offer as part of the consultancy services. You do not need to be trained to use these exercises as we will support you in assessing your candidates and provide you with a detailed report, saving you time and effort. If you are a trained assessor, please contact us to purchase the assessment only and we will set you up as an assessor to mark the exercise. ****


Virtual AC

 Virtual AC

20 Minutes

 20 Minutes

English (US)

 English (US)

£ 30.00
£ 30.00

Jombay’s experiential InBasket simulation platform provides organizations with an opportunity to assess key managerial capabilities by putting the assessment taker in the role of a manager and presenting him/her with a series of emails that represent situations managers face on a daily basis. The assessment taker is required to make decisions and take key actions such as assigning and prioritizing tasks, planning projects, allocating resources, and helping develop individual employees. Jombay’s InBasket simulation is available in two versions, ManageFirst for first level managers, and ManageNxT for manager of managers or middle managers. 


Jombay’s experiential inBasket simulation is based on the commonly used and highly effective in-tray exercise. The platform is powered by content that is engaging, relevant, and industry-specific. It posits a set of relevant and comprehensive scenarios that all managers face, responses to which help assess the assessment taker’s managerial capability on predefined behaviors. 

Assistant Test User (Occupational Testing)



Assistant Test User (Occupational Testing)



English (UK)

 English (UK)

£ 995.00
£ 995.00
The Assistant Test User course is run as an in-house, bespoke course according to client requirements. It can be run with between one and six delegates over a day. During this highly practical course, delegates will come to appreciate the key properties of psychometric tests and the different types of tests available. They will also develop practical skills in test administration and scoring. The Assistant Test User course covers:
  • Characteristics of psychometric tests
  • Different types of test
  • Types of test score and interpretation
  • Planning and conducting a test session
  • Practical test administration
  • Test scoring
  • Security and confidentiality of test materials
  • Storage of test data
During the day delegates will complete practical exercises in test administration and scoring, and complete a brief written assessment.
Do you have a business case for pre-hire assessments?



Do you have a business case for pre-hire assessments?



English (AUS), English (UK)...

 English (AUS), English (UK)...


Ongoing and unprecedented changes to the hiring landscape – including remote working and increased applicant volumes – have accelerated the need for assessment solutions that are more accurate, resilient, flexible and cost-efficient.

For many large or enterprise companies, this has triggered a conversation around moving from manual CV sifting to automated assessments. But are pre-hrie assessments right for your business?

In this webinar, we'll be covering off areas such as:

- how to know you're ready for pre-hire assessments
- what to look for in an assessment provider
- what metrics to track to demonstrate success
- how to sell in the business case for pre-hire assessments

The Company Conference



The Company Conference

Paper, Online - desktop / tablet

 Paper, Online - desktop / tablet

75 Minutes

 75 Minutes

English (AUS), English (UK)...

 English (AUS), English (UK)...

Request pricing
Request pricing

Participants assume the role of an Administrative Assistant in the Marketing Department of Somersby Books Ltd, a mediumsized publishers. Having been with the company for 6 months, and keen to make their mark, the Participant is producing a sales analysis for the Marketing Manager in time for the forthcoming product catalogue meeting. The Participant is required to analyse data and make a recommendation as to which titles to exclude from the catalogue and which alternative titles to incorporate.

***Translated – Available in alternative languages***

This exercise has been designed based on Business Functions - Administration but can be used for all sectors and functions. 

Why should you use this assessment?

This type of assessment is also called a job simulation or work simulation exercise as it can offer a realistic simulation of the skills required for a role. All you have to do is ensure it matches the skills or competencies you are looking to assess and is at the right level for the role you are recruiting for. Using this type of exercises help hiring decision-makers:

  • improve objectivity and minimize biases from interviews and
  • deliver constructive feedback to candidates improving their experience.

Not sure if this is the right assessment? Send us an uptodate job description including competencies that are critical to succeed in the role. We will send you our recommendations or discuss this with you.

****Talent Grader  sources these exercises from our trusted  partners to offer as part of the consultancy services. You do not need to be trained to use these exercises as we will support you in assessing your candidates and provide you with a detailed report, saving you time and effort. If you are a trained assessor, please contact us to purchase the assessment only and we will set you up as an assessor to mark the exercise. ****

The Annual Appraisal Cycle



The Annual Appraisal Cycle

Paper, Online - desktop / tablet

 Paper, Online - desktop / tablet

75 Minutes

 75 Minutes

English (AUS), English (UK)...

 English (AUS), English (UK)...

Request pricing
Request pricing

Participants assume the role of an Administrative Assistant in the Marketing Department of Somersby Books Ltd, a mediumsized publishers. Having been with the company for 6 months, and keen to make their mark, the Participant is producing a sales analysis for the Marketing Manager in time for the forthcoming product catalogue meeting. The Participant is required to analyse data and make a recommendation as to which titles to exclude from the catalogue and which alternative titles to incorporate.

***Translated – Available in alternative languages***

This exercise has been designed based on Business Functions - Personnel/HR, Administration but can be used for all sectors and functions. .

Why should you use this assessment?

This type of assessment is also called a job simulation or work simulation exercise as it can offer a realistic simulation of the skills required for a role. All you have to do is ensure it matches the skills or competencies you are looking to assess and is at the right level for the role you are recruiting for. Using this type of exercises help hiring decision-makers:

  • improve objectivity and minimize biases from interviews and
  • deliver constructive feedback to candidates improving their experience.

Not sure if this is the right assessment? Send us an uptodate job description including competencies that are critical to succeed in the role. We will send you our recommendations or discuss this with you.

****Talent Grader  sources these exercises from our trusted  partners to offer as part of the consultancy services. You do not need to be trained to use these exercises as we will support you in assessing your candidates and provide you with a detailed report, saving you time and effort. If you are a trained assessor, please contact us to purchase the assessment only and we will set you up as an assessor to mark the exercise. ****

National Clerical Society



National Clerical Society

Paper, Online - desktop / tablet

 Paper, Online - desktop / tablet

80 Minutes

 80 Minutes

English (AUS), English (UK)...

 English (AUS), English (UK)...

Request pricing
Request pricing

Participants assume the role of an Administrative Assistant in the Marketing Department of Somersby Books Ltd, a mediumsized publishers. Having been with the company for 6 months, and keen to make their mark, the Participant is producing a sales analysis for the Marketing Manager in time for the forthcoming product catalogue meeting. The Participant is required to analyse data and make a recommendation as to which titles to exclude from the catalogue and which alternative titles to incorporate.

***Translated – Available in alternative languages***

This exercise has been designed based on Business Function - General Management but can be used for all functions.

Why should you use this assessment?

This type of assessment is also called a job simulation or work simulation exercise as it can offer a realistic simulation of the skills required for a role. All you have to do is ensure it matches the skills or competencies you are looking to assess and is at the right level for the role you are recruiting for. Using this type of exercises help hiring decision-makers:

  • improve objectivity and minimize biases from interviews and
  • deliver constructive feedback to candidates improving their experience.

Not sure if this is the right assessment? Send us an uptodate job description including competencies that are critical to succeed in the role. We will send you our recommendations or discuss this with you.

****Talent Grader  sources these exercises from our trusted  partners to offer as part of the consultancy services. You do not need to be trained to use these exercises as we will support you in assessing your candidates and provide you with a detailed report, saving you time and effort. If you are a trained assessor, please contact us to purchase the assessment only and we will set you up as an assessor to mark the exercise. ****

The Company Event



The Company Event

Paper, Online - desktop / tablet

 Paper, Online - desktop / tablet

75 Minutes

 75 Minutes

English (AUS), English (UK)...

 English (AUS), English (UK)...

Request pricing
Request pricing

Participants assume the role of an Administrative Assistant in the Marketing Department of Somersby Books Ltd, a mediumsized publishers. Having been with the company for 6 months, and keen to make their mark, the Participant is producing a sales analysis for the Marketing Manager in time for the forthcoming product catalogue meeting. The Participant is required to analyse data and make a recommendation as to which titles to exclude from the catalogue and which alternative titles to incorporate.

***Translated – Available in alternative languages***

This exercise has been designed based on Industry Sectors - Manufacturing/Production/Warehousing/Publishing and Business Functions - Management but can be used for all sectors and functions.

Why should you use this assessment?

This type of assessment is also called a job simulation or work simulation exercise as it can offer a realistic simulation of the skills required for a role. All you have to do is ensure it matches the skills or competencies you are looking to assess and is at the right level for the role you are recruiting for. Using this type of exercises help hiring decision-makers:

  • improve objectivity and minimize biases from interviews and
  • deliver constructive feedback to candidates improving their experience.

Not sure if this is the right assessment? Send us an uptodate job description including competencies that are critical to succeed in the role. We will send you our recommendations or discuss this with you.

****Talent Grader  sources these exercises from our trusted  partners to offer as part of the consultancy services. You do not need to be trained to use these exercises as we will support you in assessing your candidates and provide you with a detailed report, saving you time and effort. If you are a trained assessor, please contact us to purchase the assessment only and we will set you up as an assessor to mark the exercise. ****

Test User Ability (BPS qualifying course)



Test User Ability (BPS qualifying course)



English (UK)

 English (UK)

£ 895.00
£ 895.00
The distance learning option for Test User Ability allows you complete flexibility in how you study for the Test User Ability qualification. As all learning and assessment is carried out at a distance, this option also means that no travel is necessary – it could not be more convenient! You can start the course when you want to and work at a pace to suit you. Throughout the course you will make use of Campus Online, our active learning website, giving you plenty of contact with your tutor and fellow course delegates. The website will support your learning, provide a mechanism for responsive tutoring, encourage communication with peers and enable you to monitor your own progress. The knowledge-based part of the course is contained in a high quality course manual, with the active learning website providing flexible support — enabling you to learn in a manner that best suits your personal style.
The Project Manager



The Project Manager

Paper, Online - desktop / tablet

 Paper, Online - desktop / tablet

75 Minutes

 75 Minutes

English (AUS), English (UK)...

 English (AUS), English (UK)...

Request pricing
Request pricing

Participants assume the role of an Administrative Assistant in the Marketing Department of Somersby Books Ltd, a mediumsized publishers. Having been with the company for 6 months, and keen to make their mark, the Participant is producing a sales analysis for the Marketing Manager in time for the forthcoming product catalogue meeting. The Participant is required to analyse data and make a recommendation as to which titles to exclude from the catalogue and which alternative titles to incorporate.

***Translated – Available in alternative languages***

This exercise has been designed based on Business Functions - Management but can be used for all sectors and functions.

Why should you use this assessment?

This type of assessment is also called a job simulation or work simulation exercise as it can offer a realistic simulation of the skills required for a role. All you have to do is ensure it matches the skills or competencies you are looking to assess and is at the right level for the role you are recruiting for. Using this type of exercises help hiring decision-makers:

  • improve objectivity and minimize biases from interviews and
  • deliver constructive feedback to candidates improving their experience.

Not sure if this is the right assessment? Send us an uptodate job description including competencies that are critical to succeed in the role. We will send you our recommendations or discuss this with you.

****Talent Grader  sources these exercises from our trusted  partners to offer as part of the consultancy services. You do not need to be trained to use these exercises as we will support you in assessing your candidates and provide you with a detailed report, saving you time and effort. If you are a trained assessor, please contact us to purchase the assessment only and we will set you up as an assessor to mark the exercise. ****

The Company Relocation



The Company Relocation

Paper, Online - desktop / tablet

 Paper, Online - desktop / tablet

55 Minutes

 55 Minutes

English (AUS), English (UK)...

 English (AUS), English (UK)...

Request pricing
Request pricing

Participants assume the role of an Administrative Assistant in the Marketing Department of Somersby Books Ltd, a mediumsized publishers. Having been with the company for 6 months, and keen to make their mark, the Participant is producing a sales analysis for the Marketing Manager in time for the forthcoming product catalogue meeting. The Participant is required to analyse data and make a recommendation as to which titles to exclude from the catalogue and which alternative titles to incorporate.

***Translated – Available in alternative languages***

This exercise has been designed based on Business Functions - Management but can be used for all sectors and functions.

Why should you use this assessment?

This type of assessment is also called a job simulation or work simulation exercise as it can offer a realistic simulation of the skills required for a role. All you have to do is ensure it matches the skills or competencies you are looking to assess and is at the right level for the role you are recruiting for. Using this type of exercises help hiring decision-makers:

  • improve objectivity and minimize biases from interviews and
  • deliver constructive feedback to candidates improving their experience.

Not sure if this is the right assessment? Send us an uptodate job description including competencies that are critical to succeed in the role. We will send you our recommendations or discuss this with you.

****Talent Grader  sources these exercises from our trusted  partners to offer as part of the consultancy services. You do not need to be trained to use these exercises as we will support you in assessing your candidates and provide you with a detailed report, saving you time and effort. If you are a trained assessor, please contact us to purchase the assessment only and we will set you up as an assessor to mark the exercise. ****

The Recruitment Campaign



The Recruitment Campaign

Paper, Online - desktop / tablet

 Paper, Online - desktop / tablet

55 Minutes

 55 Minutes

English (AUS), English (UK)...

 English (AUS), English (UK)...

Request pricing
Request pricing

Participants assume the role of an Administrative Assistant in the Marketing Department of Somersby Books Ltd, a mediumsized publishers. Having been with the company for 6 months, and keen to make their mark, the Participant is producing a sales analysis for the Marketing Manager in time for the forthcoming product catalogue meeting. The Participant is required to analyse data and make a recommendation as to which titles to exclude from the catalogue and which alternative titles to incorporate.

***Translated – Available in alternative languages***

This exercise has been designed based on Business Functions - Management, Personnel/HR but can be used for all sectors and functions.

Why should you use this assessment?

This type of assessment is also called a job simulation or work simulation exercise as it can offer a realistic simulation of the skills required for a role. All you have to do is ensure it matches the skills or competencies you are looking to assess and is at the right level for the role you are recruiting for. Using this type of exercises help hiring decision-makers:

  • improve objectivity and minimize biases from interviews and
  • deliver constructive feedback to candidates improving their experience.

Not sure if this is the right assessment? Send us an uptodate job description including competencies that are critical to succeed in the role. We will send you our recommendations or discuss this with you.

****Talent Grader  sources these exercises from our trusted  partners to offer as part of the consultancy services. You do not need to be trained to use these exercises as we will support you in assessing your candidates and provide you with a detailed report, saving you time and effort. If you are a trained assessor, please contact us to purchase the assessment only and we will set you up as an assessor to mark the exercise. ****

International Office  Move



International Office Move

Paper, Online - desktop / tablet

 Paper, Online - desktop / tablet

100 Minutes

 100 Minutes

English (AUS), English (UK)...

 English (AUS), English (UK)...

Request pricing
Request pricing

Participants assume the role of an Administrative Assistant in the Marketing Department of Somersby Books Ltd, a mediumsized publishers. Having been with the company for 6 months, and keen to make their mark, the Participant is producing a sales analysis for the Marketing Manager in time for the forthcoming product catalogue meeting. The Participant is required to analyse data and make a recommendation as to which titles to exclude from the catalogue and which alternative titles to incorporate.

***Translated – Available in alternative languages***

This exercise has been designed based on Industry Sectors - Financial Services/Insurance/Banking and Business Functions - Management, Personnel/HR but can be used for all sectors and functions.

Why should you use this assessment?

This type of assessment is also called a job simulation or work simulation exercise as it can offer a realistic simulation of the skills required for a role. All you have to do is ensure it matches the skills or competencies you are looking to assess and is at the right level for the role you are recruiting for. Using this type of exercises help hiring decision-makers:

  • improve objectivity and minimize biases from interviews and
  • deliver constructive feedback to candidates improving their experience.

Not sure if this is the right assessment? Send us an uptodate job description including competencies that are critical to succeed in the role. We will send you our recommendations or discuss this with you.

****Talent Grader  sources these exercises from our trusted  partners to offer as part of the consultancy services. You do not need to be trained to use these exercises as we will support you in assessing your candidates and provide you with a detailed report, saving you time and effort. If you are a trained assessor, please contact us to purchase the assessment only and we will set you up as an assessor to mark the exercise. ****

 Business English Test
Business English Test

Online - desktop / tablet, Online - mobile

 Online - desktop / tablet, Online - mobile

25 Minutes

 25 Minutes

English (AUS), English (UK)...

 English (AUS), English (UK)...

Contact us
Contact us

Assess proficiency in Business English

The Business English Test allows you to objectively assess an individual’s ability to understand and communicate in English, especially in a business setup. It evaluates your candidate’s knowledge of English on three dimensions: reading, vocabulary, and grammar. This test is available in two versions: Business English Test full version and Business English Test 30; a shorter, easier version.  Suitable for any non-native English speaker. 

30 questions (Business English Test’30 ) 60 questions ( Business English Test)

Business English Test’30: 25 minutes (timed) Business English Test : 40 minutes (timed)


  • Levels Elementary to Proficient (A1 to C2) for Business English Test
  • Assesses levels Elementary & Primary (A1 to A2) Business English Test’30
  • Gives an overall score out of 20
  • Provides solutions to the questions (in the report)

The candidate receives an overall score out of 20 and a separate score on each dimension:

  • Reading: Measures the candidate’s facility for reading and comprehending information in a written passage
  • Vocabulary: Measures the candidate’s knowledge of a variety of words, which is essential for understanding and communicating in an international environment
  • Grammar: Measures the candidate’s grasp of English grammar

Online - desktop / tablet, Online - mobile

 Online - desktop / tablet, Online - mobile

16 Minutes

 16 Minutes

English (UK), English (US)...

 English (UK), English (US)...

£ 475 £ 500.00 (5% discount) ...
£ 475 £ 500.00 (5% discount) ...

Measuring spatial reasoning abilities

REASONING – SPATIAL measures the spatial reasoning abilities of an individual and more specifically its ability to mentally rotate an object in 2D or 3D. These abilities are particularly important in the areas of STEM (science, technology, engineering, mathematics).


  • Measure the ability of mental rotation
  • Score comparison between STEM and no-STEM population
  • Score and personalised comments

The candidate receives an overall score and personalised comments.

Mental rotation ability requires very good skills in mental visualisation skills since it is about to mentally represent a complex object and repositioning it in space.

Mental rotation is useful in many professional fields, for example in interior architecture, sculpture or pottery, even in haute couture.


  • Overall score
  • Personalised comments
  • Definition of spatial reasoning
  • Comparison between STEM and no-STEM population
Work Profile
Work Profile

Online - desktop / tablet, Online - mobile

 Online - desktop / tablet, Online - mobile

12 Minutes

 12 Minutes

English (UK), English (US)...

 English (UK), English (US)...

£ 475 £ 500.00 (5% discount) ...
£ 475 £ 500.00 (5% discount) ...

Reveal a candidate’s behaviour and job compatibility

Work Profile is a personality assessment designed especially for entry-level jobs, requiring a lower level of qualifications. It is the only recruitment-based assessment to reliably measure an individual’s work personality through their workplace, social and emotional traits, as well as the values and aspirations that drive them forward. Suitable for candidates and employees with lower level qualifications.


  • Uses ipsative structure of the Thurstonian IRT model to avoid social desirability
  • Profile matching with 6 work-focused personality types and 138 groups of professions
  • Detailed, easy to read report with personalised comments

Analysis of 15 factors split into 3 groups:

  • Workplace traits: organisation, compliance, dynamism, sociability, sense of responsibility
  • Social and emotional traits: persuasiveness, self-control, tenacity, assertiveness, adaptability
  • Aspirations and values: sense of service, ambition, autonomy, intellectual curiosity, desire to supervise

Profile matching with 6 work-focused personality types: Leader, Persistent, Conscientious, Sociable, Explorer, Innovative



Online - desktop / tablet, Online - mobile

 Online - desktop / tablet, Online - mobile

12 Minutes

 12 Minutes

Arabic, English (UK)...

 Arabic, English (UK)...

£ 475 £ 500.00 (5% discount) ...
£ 475 £ 500.00 (5% discount) ...

Predict counterproductive work behaviour

ETIX evaluates the likelihood of individuals engaging in counterproductive work behaviour. It covers six behaviours relevant to today’s work environment, including discrimination, harassment, and lying. By distinguishing between a person’s attitudes towards themselves and other people, ETIX reveals not only if a person might participate in counterproductive work behaviour, but also if they might enable it in others.


  • Monitors social desirability
  • Measures attitudes towards counterproductive work behaviour in both self and others
  • Adheres to the ISO 26000 norm

Analysis of 6 dimensions of work ethics, each of which relates to a counterproductive work behaviour:

  • Respect for Facts and Honesty
  • Respect for Rules and Procedures
  • Respect for Goods and Property
  • Respect for Commitment
  • Respect for Equality
  • Respect for Other People

Each dimension is divided into 2 facets:

  • Attitudes towards self
  • Attitudes towards others


  • Global work ethics indicator
  • Social desirability score
  • Mirror graph
  • Personalised comments for each factor



Online - desktop / tablet, Online - mobile

 Online - desktop / tablet, Online - mobile

15 Minutes

 15 Minutes

Arabic, Dutch...

 Arabic, Dutch...

£ 475 £ 500.00 (5% discount) ...
£ 475 £ 500.00 (5% discount) ...

VOCATION is a career assessment based on the RIASEC model. It measures 12 interest domains and then matches the individual profile with 138 occupations, enabling the individual to pinpoint the most suitable profession that aligns with their personality.



  • Provides a 3-factor combined RIASEC profile
  • Monitors social desirability
  • Matches the candidate’s profile with 138 occupations

Analysis of 12 domains outlined by the RIASEC model:

  • Realistic: Physical and Outdoor Activities, Manual and Technical Interests
  • Investigative: Intellectual Curiosity and Learning, Science and Technology
  • Artistic: Aesthetic Sense and Expression, Creativity and Design
  • Social: Dedication to Others, Personal Relationships
  • Enterprising: Enterprising, Leadership
  • Conventional: Methodical, Data and Numbers


  • Graph showing results on 12 dimensions
  • Personalised comments
  • General and 3-factor combined profiles

VOCATION is a fair and accurate measure of occupational and vocational preferences, and HR practitioners and psychologists can be confident of its diverse application.

Reasoning Test-R
Reasoning Test-R

Online - desktop / tablet, Online - mobile

 Online - desktop / tablet, Online - mobile

35 Minutes

 35 Minutes

Arabic, Dutch...

 Arabic, Dutch...

£ 475 £ 500.00 (5% discount) ...
£ 475 £ 500.00 (5% discount) ...

The Reasoning Test-R allows you to assess a candidate’s logical, numerical and verbal reasoning abilities for their intelligence quotient (IQ). It helps to improve the reliability of your hiring decision by comparing candidates on the basis of an objective criteria. The Reasoning Test-R is available as a full version labelled Reasoning Test (Corporate)- 40 miniutes and a shorter version as Reasoning  Test 20 minutes.


  • Evaluates a candidate’s general intelligence
  • Uses original and varied questions
  • Provides detailed solutions to the questions

The candidate receives an overall calibrated rating and detailed results by factor:

  • Logical Intelligence: The ability to discover an existing relationship between a set of complexities
  • Numerical Intelligence: The ability to comprehend and interpret numerical data with precision
  • Verbal Intelligence: The ability to understand the subtleties of a language in reports, speeches, and writing


  • Scores for IQ, logical intelligence, numerical intelligence, and verbal intelligence
  • General description of the evaluated factors

Recommended for assessing intellectual capacities such as reasoning, abstract thinking, analytical and critical thinking capacities of professionals such as sales persons, entrepreneurs, managers, and other office executives.

Spark and Scala
Spark and Scala

Online - desktop / tablet, Online - mobile

 Online - desktop / tablet, Online - mobile

20 Minutes

 20 Minutes

English (AUS), English (UK)...

 English (AUS), English (UK)...


Designed for experienced specialists, this quiz allows you to test your candidate's knowledge and theory about what Spark does, how it works and what it is used for. Topics: Spark Data Structures (general questions, about how Spark handles data structures and distributed data), Spark Code samples and data manipulation, REST API.

Why should you use this assessment?

SkillValue tests improve objectivity in the recruitment process and help you make reliable hiring decisions based on data driven scores, ranking and code analysis. They help you to minimise or remove biases that arise from CVs and panel interviews.  

You will be able to choose from a selection of questions available on our platform or add your own questions. We have 30, 000+ questions to choose from. We add 100+ new tests every year to our platform.

You can choose from the following 600+ tech and marketing skills assessments:

  • Java, .Net, PHP
  • Javascript, C, C++, Python, Ruby on Rails
  • Front end development
  • Full stack development
  • Mobile apps
  • IoT, embedded systems
  • Databases
  • Business intelligence
  • Big data
  • Game development
  • Product management
  • Blockchain
  • Multimedia
  • Maths and logic
  • OOP
  • UX/UI
  • Microsoft Office
  • Salesforce
  • SAP
  • Windev
  • DevOps
  • Infrastructure, AWS
  • Test automation

Happy Customers!

We are always recruiting, and the process is definitely more efficient with SkillValue. We discovered the platform whilst looking for a tool which would let us conduct IT tests with our applicants and from the minute we tried it, the process of pre-selecting our applicants was much easier. The tests are comprehensive and ready to use. The results are sent directly to the applicants and are accessible to our recruitment, making the entire selection process easier. SkillValue is the ideal recruitment tool.

Damien Chimier, Sales Director at Infotem.

Title and Description ( French) No. of Questions Duration(min)

Spark et Scala quiz niveau intermédiaire

Ce test permet d'évaluer les connaissances générales des candidats en ce qui concerne Spark & Scala. Sujets abordés : - connaissances et théorie de base sur le rôle de Spark, son fonctionnement et son utilité ; - questions générales et des détails sur la façon avec laquelle Spark gère les données ; - structures et données distribuées ; - échantillons de code de Spark et manipulation de données. - REST API.

20 20

Online - desktop / tablet, Online - mobile

 Online - desktop / tablet, Online - mobile

20 Minutes

 20 Minutes

English (AUS), English (UK)...

 English (AUS), English (UK)...


This test assesses the candidates' general knowledge of the Hadoop ecosystem, as well as their ability to work with Data Ingestion and Data Transformation. Topics: Hadoop ecosystem questions (e.g. particular HDFS usage), Data Ingestion - Ingesting data with tools such as Sqoop or Flume, Data Transformation - Processing and filtering data with Hive queries, HBase commands or simple Spark

Why should you use this assessment?

SkillValue tests improve objectivity in the recruitment process and help you make reliable hiring decisions based on data driven scores, ranking and code analysis. They help you to minimise or remove biases that arise from CVs and panel interviews.  

You will be able to choose from a selection of questions available on our platform or add your own questions. We have 30, 000+ questions to choose from. We add 100+ new tests every year to our platform.

You can choose from the following 600+ tech and marketing skills assessments:

  • Java, .Net, PHP
  • Javascript, C, C++, Python, Ruby on Rails
  • Front end development
  • Full stack development
  • Mobile apps
  • IoT, embedded systems
  • Databases
  • Business intelligence
  • Big data
  • Game development
  • Product management
  • Blockchain
  • Multimedia
  • Maths and logic
  • OOP
  • UX/UI
  • Microsoft Office
  • Salesforce
  • SAP
  • Windev
  • DevOps
  • Infrastructure, AWS
  • Test automation

Happy Customers!

We are always recruiting, and the process is definitely more efficient with SkillValue. We discovered the platform whilst looking for a tool which would let us conduct IT tests with our applicants and from the minute we tried it, the process of pre-selecting our applicants was much easier. The tests are comprehensive and ready to use. The results are sent directly to the applicants and are accessible to our recruitment, making the entire selection process easier. SkillValue is the ideal recruitment tool.

Damien Chimier, Sales Director at Infotem.

Title and Description ( French) No. of Questions Duration(min)

Hadoop quiz niveau intermédiaire

Ce test évalue les connaissances générales de vos candidats sur l'écosystème Hadoop, tout comme leur habilité de travailler avec l'ingestion de données et la transformation de données. Connaissances mesurées : questions sur l'écosystème Hadoop (ex. : l'usage particulier du HDFS), l'ingestion de données - ingestion de données avec des outils tels que Sqoop ou Flume, la transformation de données - traitement et filtrage de données via les requêtes Hive, les commandes HBase ou les commandes Spark shell simples, les configurations du cluster Hadoop.

20 20
The Customer Survey



The Customer Survey

Paper, Online - desktop / tablet

 Paper, Online - desktop / tablet

75 Minutes

 75 Minutes

English (AUS), English (UK)...

 English (AUS), English (UK)...

Request pricing
Request pricing

Participants assume the role of an Administrative Assistant in the Marketing Department of Somersby Books Ltd, a mediumsized publishers. Having been with the company for 6 months, and keen to make their mark, the Participant is producing a sales analysis for the Marketing Manager in time for the forthcoming product catalogue meeting. The Participant is required to analyse data and make a recommendation as to which titles to exclude from the catalogue and which alternative titles to incorporate.

***Translated – Available in alternative languages***

This exercise has been designed based on Industry Sectors - Manufacturing/Production/Warehousing/Publishing and Business Functions - Customer Service but can be used for all sectors and functions. .

Why should you use this assessment?

This type of assessment is also called a job simulation or work simulation exercise as it can offer a realistic simulation of the skills required for a role. All you have to do is ensure it matches the skills or competencies you are looking to assess and is at the right level for the role you are recruiting for. Using this type of exercises help hiring decision-makers:

  • improve objectivity and minimize biases from interviews and
  • deliver constructive feedback to candidates improving their experience.

Not sure if this is the right assessment? Send us an uptodate job description including competencies that are critical to succeed in the role. We will send you our recommendations or discuss this with you.

****Talent Grader  sources these exercises from our trusted  partners to offer as part of the consultancy services. You do not need to be trained to use these exercises as we will support you in assessing your candidates and provide you with a detailed report, saving you time and effort. If you are a trained assessor, please contact us to purchase the assessment only and we will set you up as an assessor to mark the exercise. ****

German language quiz B1
German language quiz B1

Online - desktop / tablet, Online - mobile

 Online - desktop / tablet, Online - mobile

45 Minutes

 45 Minutes




Dieser Einstufungstest wurde gemeint, um Ihre Deutschkenntnisse zu Wortschatz und Grammatik zu messen. B1-Themen: Präteritum, Redewendungen, Imperativ, Lokale Präpositionen, Deklination der Adjektive, Modalien, Infinitivkonstruktionen, substantivierte Wörter, zusammengesetzte Wörter, Passiv.

This placement test was meant to measure your knowledge of German in terms of vocabulary and grammar. B1 topics: past tense, idioms, imperative, local prepositions, declination of adjectives, modalities, infinitive constructions, substantiated words, compound words, passive.

Why should you use this assessment?

SkillValue tests improve objectivity in the recruitment process and help you make reliable hiring decisions based on data driven scores, ranking and code analysis. They help you to minimise or remove biases that arise from CVs and panel interviews.  

You will be able to choose from a selection of questions available on our platform or add your own questions. We have 30, 000+ questions to choose from. We add 100+ new tests every year to our platform.

You can choose from the following 600+ tech and marketing skills assessments:

  • Java, .Net, PHP
  • Javascript, C, C++, Python, Ruby on Rails
  • Front end development
  • Full stack development
  • Mobile apps
  • IoT, embedded systems
  • Databases
  • Business intelligence
  • Big data
  • Game development
  • Product management
  • Blockchain
  • Multimedia
  • Maths and logic
  • OOP
  • UX/UI
  • Microsoft Office
  • Salesforce
  • SAP
  • Windev
  • DevOps
  • Infrastructure, AWS
  • Test automation

Happy Customers!

We are always recruiting, and the process is definitely more efficient with SkillValue. We discovered the platform whilst looking for a tool which would let us conduct IT tests with our applicants and from the minute we tried it, the process of pre-selecting our applicants was much easier. The tests are comprehensive and ready to use. The results are sent directly to the applicants and are accessible to our recruitment, making the entire selection process easier. SkillValue is the ideal recruitment tool.

Damien Chimier, Sales Director at Infotem.

German language quiz C1
German language quiz C1

Online - desktop / tablet, Online - mobile

 Online - desktop / tablet, Online - mobile

45 Minutes

 45 Minutes




Dieser Einstufungstest wurde gemeint, um Ihre Deutschkenntnisse zu Wortschatz und Grammatik zu messen. C1-Themen: Verben mit Präpositionen, Konjunktiv II mit Modalverben, Gruppenpräpositionen, Passiv Perfekt, Verben mit bestimmten Partikeln.

This placement test was meant to measure your knowledge of German in terms of vocabulary and grammar. C1 topics: Verbs with prepositions, subjunctive II with modal verbs, group prepositions, passive perfect, verbs with certain particles.

Why should you use this assessment?

SkillValue tests improve objectivity in the recruitment process and help you make reliable hiring decisions based on data driven scores, ranking and code analysis. They help you to minimise or remove biases that arise from CVs and panel interviews.  

You will be able to choose from a selection of questions available on our platform or add your own questions. We have 30, 000+ questions to choose from. We add 100+ new tests every year to our platform.

You can choose from the following 600+ tech and marketing skills assessments:

  • Java, .Net, PHP
  • Javascript, C, C++, Python, Ruby on Rails
  • Front end development
  • Full stack development
  • Mobile apps
  • IoT, embedded systems
  • Databases
  • Business intelligence
  • Big data
  • Game development
  • Product management
  • Blockchain
  • Multimedia
  • Maths and logic
  • OOP
  • UX/UI
  • Microsoft Office
  • Salesforce
  • SAP
  • Windev
  • DevOps
  • Infrastructure, AWS
  • Test automation

Happy Customers!

We are always recruiting, and the process is definitely more efficient with SkillValue. We discovered the platform whilst looking for a tool which would let us conduct IT tests with our applicants and from the minute we tried it, the process of pre-selecting our applicants was much easier. The tests are comprehensive and ready to use. The results are sent directly to the applicants and are accessible to our recruitment, making the entire selection process easier. SkillValue is the ideal recruitment tool.

Damien Chimier, Sales Director at Infotem.

Technicien Helpdesk N1
Technicien Helpdesk N1

Online - desktop / tablet, Online - mobile

 Online - desktop / tablet, Online - mobile

20 Minutes

 20 Minutes




Ce test vérifie les capacités d'un Technicien Helpdesk N1 sur les systèmes d'exploitation Windows Desktop et dans le domaine de l'administration réseau. Connaissances mesurées : le protocole TCPIP, les outils de diagnostic Windows, la configuration d'un client de messagerie, MS Outlook, la résolution de problème.

Why should you use this assessment?

SkillValue tests improve objectivity in the recruitment process and help you make reliable hiring decisions based on data driven scores, ranking and code analysis. They help you to minimise or remove biases that arise from CVs and panel interviews.  

You will be able to choose from a selection of questions available on our platform or add your own questions. We have 30, 000+ questions to choose from. We add 100+ new tests every year to our platform.

You can choose from the following 600+ tech and marketing skills assessments:

  • Java, .Net, PHP
  • Javascript, C, C++, Python, Ruby on Rails
  • Front end development
  • Full stack development
  • Mobile apps
  • IoT, embedded systems
  • Databases
  • Business intelligence
  • Big data
  • Game development
  • Product management
  • Blockchain
  • Multimedia
  • Maths and logic
  • OOP
  • UX/UI
  • Microsoft Office
  • Salesforce
  • SAP
  • Windev
  • DevOps
  • Infrastructure, AWS
  • Test automation

Happy Customers!

We are always recruiting, and the process is definitely more efficient with SkillValue. We discovered the platform whilst looking for a tool which would let us conduct IT tests with our applicants and from the minute we tried it, the process of pre-selecting our applicants was much easier. The tests are comprehensive and ready to use. The results are sent directly to the applicants and are accessible to our recruitment, making the entire selection process easier. SkillValue is the ideal recruitment tool.

Damien Chimier, Sales Director at Infotem.

Helpdesk L1
Helpdesk L1

Online - desktop / tablet, Online - mobile

 Online - desktop / tablet, Online - mobile

20 Minutes

 20 Minutes




This test assesses the skills of a Helpdesk Engineer on the Windows Desktop operating systems and networking. Topics: TCP/IP protocol, Windows diagnostic tools, email client configuration, MS Outlook, problem solving.

Why should you use this assessment?

SkillValue tests improve objectivity in the recruitment process and help you make reliable hiring decisions based on data driven scores, ranking and code analysis. They help you to minimise or remove biases that arise from CVs and panel interviews.  

You will be able to choose from a selection of questions available on our platform or add your own questions. We have 30, 000+ questions to choose from. We add 100+ new tests every year to our platform.

You can choose from the following 600+ tech and marketing skills assessments:

  • Java, .Net, PHP
  • Javascript, C, C++, Python, Ruby on Rails
  • Front end development
  • Full stack development
  • Mobile apps
  • IoT, embedded systems
  • Databases
  • Business intelligence
  • Big data
  • Game development
  • Product management
  • Blockchain
  • Multimedia
  • Maths and logic
  • OOP
  • UX/UI
  • Microsoft Office
  • Salesforce
  • SAP
  • Windev
  • DevOps
  • Infrastructure, AWS
  • Test automation

Happy Customers!

We are always recruiting, and the process is definitely more efficient with SkillValue. We discovered the platform whilst looking for a tool which would let us conduct IT tests with our applicants and from the minute we tried it, the process of pre-selecting our applicants was much easier. The tests are comprehensive and ready to use. The results are sent directly to the applicants and are accessible to our recruitment, making the entire selection process easier. SkillValue is the ideal recruitment tool.

Damien Chimier, Sales Director at Infotem.

Langue française quiz C1
Langue française quiz C1

Online - desktop / tablet, Online - mobile

 Online - desktop / tablet, Online - mobile

30 Minutes

 30 Minutes




Ce test a été conçu pour évaluer le niveau autonome de connaissances de grammaire et d'usage de la langue française d'un candidat, niveau C1.

Why should you use this assessment?

SkillValue tests improve objectivity in the recruitment process and help you make reliable hiring decisions based on data driven scores, ranking and code analysis. They help you to minimise or remove biases that arise from CVs and panel interviews.  

You will be able to choose from a selection of questions available on our platform or add your own questions. We have 30, 000+ questions to choose from. We add 100+ new tests every year to our platform.

You can choose from the following 600+ tech and marketing skills assessments:

  • Java, .Net, PHP
  • Javascript, C, C++, Python, Ruby on Rails
  • Front end development
  • Full stack development
  • Mobile apps
  • IoT, embedded systems
  • Databases
  • Business intelligence
  • Big data
  • Game development
  • Product management
  • Blockchain
  • Multimedia
  • Maths and logic
  • OOP
  • UX/UI
  • Microsoft Office
  • Salesforce
  • SAP
  • Windev
  • DevOps
  • Infrastructure, AWS
  • Test automation

Happy Customers!

We are always recruiting, and the process is definitely more efficient with SkillValue. We discovered the platform whilst looking for a tool which would let us conduct IT tests with our applicants and from the minute we tried it, the process of pre-selecting our applicants was much easier. The tests are comprehensive and ready to use. The results are sent directly to the applicants and are accessible to our recruitment, making the entire selection process easier. SkillValue is the ideal recruitment tool.

Damien Chimier, Sales Director at Infotem.

Langue française quiz B1
Langue française quiz B1

Online - desktop / tablet, Online - mobile

 Online - desktop / tablet, Online - mobile

30 Minutes

 30 Minutes




Ce test a été spécialement conçu pour évaluer le niveau seuil de connaissances de grammaire et d'usage de la langue française d'un candidat, niveau B1.

Why should you use this assessment?

SkillValue tests improve objectivity in the recruitment process and help you make reliable hiring decisions based on data driven scores, ranking and code analysis. They help you to minimise or remove biases that arise from CVs and panel interviews.  

You will be able to choose from a selection of questions available on our platform or add your own questions. We have 30, 000+ questions to choose from. We add 100+ new tests every year to our platform.

You can choose from the following 600+ tech and marketing skills assessments:

  • Java, .Net, PHP
  • Javascript, C, C++, Python, Ruby on Rails
  • Front end development
  • Full stack development
  • Mobile apps
  • IoT, embedded systems
  • Databases
  • Business intelligence
  • Big data
  • Game development
  • Product management
  • Blockchain
  • Multimedia
  • Maths and logic
  • OOP
  • UX/UI
  • Microsoft Office
  • Salesforce
  • SAP
  • Windev
  • DevOps
  • Infrastructure, AWS
  • Test automation

Happy Customers!

We are always recruiting, and the process is definitely more efficient with SkillValue. We discovered the platform whilst looking for a tool which would let us conduct IT tests with our applicants and from the minute we tried it, the process of pre-selecting our applicants was much easier. The tests are comprehensive and ready to use. The results are sent directly to the applicants and are accessible to our recruitment, making the entire selection process easier. SkillValue is the ideal recruitment tool.

Damien Chimier, Sales Director at Infotem.

Langue française quiz A1
Langue française quiz A1

Online - desktop / tablet, Online - mobile

 Online - desktop / tablet, Online - mobile

30 Minutes

 30 Minutes




Ce test a été conçu pour l'évaluation des connaissances de grammaire et d'usage de la langue française d'un candidat de niveau débutant, niveau A1.

Why should you use this assessment?

SkillValue tests improve objectivity in the recruitment process and help you make reliable hiring decisions based on data driven scores, ranking and code analysis. They help you to minimise or remove biases that arise from CVs and panel interviews.  

You will be able to choose from a selection of questions available on our platform or add your own questions. We have 30, 000+ questions to choose from. We add 100+ new tests every year to our platform.

You can choose from the following 600+ tech and marketing skills assessments:

  • Java, .Net, PHP
  • Javascript, C, C++, Python, Ruby on Rails
  • Front end development
  • Full stack development
  • Mobile apps
  • IoT, embedded systems
  • Databases
  • Business intelligence
  • Big data
  • Game development
  • Product management
  • Blockchain
  • Multimedia
  • Maths and logic
  • OOP
  • UX/UI
  • Microsoft Office
  • Salesforce
  • SAP
  • Windev
  • DevOps
  • Infrastructure, AWS
  • Test automation

Happy Customers!

We are always recruiting, and the process is definitely more efficient with SkillValue. We discovered the platform whilst looking for a tool which would let us conduct IT tests with our applicants and from the minute we tried it, the process of pre-selecting our applicants was much easier. The tests are comprehensive and ready to use. The results are sent directly to the applicants and are accessible to our recruitment, making the entire selection process easier. SkillValue is the ideal recruitment tool.

Damien Chimier, Sales Director at Infotem.

German language quiz A1
German language quiz A1

Online - desktop / tablet, Online - mobile

 Online - desktop / tablet, Online - mobile

45 Minutes

 45 Minutes




Dieser Einstufungstest wurde gemeint, um Ihre Deutschkenntnisse zu Wortschatz und Grammatik zu messen. A1-Themen: Das Verb im Präsens, einfache W-Fragen, Ja-Nein Fragen, Personalpronomen im Nominativ, Verneinung, Adjektive, Wortordnung im Satz, Trennbare Verben, Leseverstehen

Why should you use this assessment?

SkillValue tests improve objectivity in the recruitment process and help you make reliable hiring decisions based on data driven scores, ranking and code analysis. They help you to minimise or remove biases that arise from CVs and panel interviews.  

You will be able to choose from a selection of questions available on our platform or add your own questions. We have 30, 000+ questions to choose from. We add 100+ new tests every year to our platform.

You can choose from the following 600+ tech and marketing skills assessments:

  • Java, .Net, PHP
  • Javascript, C, C++, Python, Ruby on Rails
  • Front end development
  • Full stack development
  • Mobile apps
  • IoT, embedded systems
  • Databases
  • Business intelligence
  • Big data
  • Game development
  • Product management
  • Blockchain
  • Multimedia
  • Maths and logic
  • OOP
  • UX/UI
  • Microsoft Office
  • Salesforce
  • SAP
  • Windev
  • DevOps
  • Infrastructure, AWS
  • Test automation

Happy Customers!

We are always recruiting, and the process is definitely more efficient with SkillValue. We discovered the platform whilst looking for a tool which would let us conduct IT tests with our applicants and from the minute we tried it, the process of pre-selecting our applicants was much easier. The tests are comprehensive and ready to use. The results are sent directly to the applicants and are accessible to our recruitment, making the entire selection process easier. SkillValue is the ideal recruitment tool.

Damien Chimier, Sales Director at Infotem.

English language quiz C1
English language quiz C1

Online - desktop / tablet, Online - mobile

 Online - desktop / tablet, Online - mobile

30 Minutes

 30 Minutes

English (AUS), English (UK)...

 English (AUS), English (UK)...


This placement test is designed to assess the level of a candidate's knowledge of English grammar and usage, C1 level. Level to pass: at least 60 correct answers. Topics: tense correspondence, all tenses (both active and passive voice), modals (all tenses), phrasal verbs, advanced usage of vocabulary.

Why should you use this assessment?

SkillValue tests improve objectivity in the recruitment process and help you make reliable hiring decisions based on data driven scores, ranking and code analysis. They help you to minimise or remove biases that arise from CVs and panel interviews.  

You will be able to choose from a selection of questions available on our platform or add your own questions. We have 30, 000+ questions to choose from. We add 100+ new tests every year to our platform.

You can choose from the following 600+ tech and marketing skills assessments:

  • Java, .Net, PHP
  • Javascript, C, C++, Python, Ruby on Rails
  • Front end development
  • Full stack development
  • Mobile apps
  • IoT, embedded systems
  • Databases
  • Business intelligence
  • Big data
  • Game development
  • Product management
  • Blockchain
  • Multimedia
  • Maths and logic
  • OOP
  • UX/UI
  • Microsoft Office
  • Salesforce
  • SAP
  • Windev
  • DevOps
  • Infrastructure, AWS
  • Test automation

Happy Customers!

We are always recruiting, and the process is definitely more efficient with SkillValue. We discovered the platform whilst looking for a tool which would let us conduct IT tests with our applicants and from the minute we tried it, the process of pre-selecting our applicants was much easier. The tests are comprehensive and ready to use. The results are sent directly to the applicants and are accessible to our recruitment, making the entire selection process easier. SkillValue is the ideal recruitment tool.

Damien Chimier, Sales Director at Infotem.

English language quiz B1
English language quiz B1

Online - desktop / tablet, Online - mobile

 Online - desktop / tablet, Online - mobile

30 Minutes

 30 Minutes

English (AUS), English (UK)...

 English (AUS), English (UK)...


This placement test is designed to assess the level of a candidate's knowledge of English grammar and usage, B1 level. To pass the level: at least 60 correct answers. Topics: present tense and past tense, conditional phrases, verb phrases, question tags, interrogatives, comparisons, modals.

Why should you use this assessment?

SkillValue tests improve objectivity in the recruitment process and help you make reliable hiring decisions based on data driven scores, ranking and code analysis. They help you to minimise or remove biases that arise from CVs and panel interviews.  

You will be able to choose from a selection of questions available on our platform or add your own questions. We have 30, 000+ questions to choose from. We add 100+ new tests every year to our platform.

You can choose from the following 600+ tech and marketing skills assessments:

  • Java, .Net, PHP
  • Javascript, C, C++, Python, Ruby on Rails
  • Front end development
  • Full stack development
  • Mobile apps
  • IoT, embedded systems
  • Databases
  • Business intelligence
  • Big data
  • Game development
  • Product management
  • Blockchain
  • Multimedia
  • Maths and logic
  • OOP
  • UX/UI
  • Microsoft Office
  • Salesforce
  • SAP
  • Windev
  • DevOps
  • Infrastructure, AWS
  • Test automation

Happy Customers!

We are always recruiting, and the process is definitely more efficient with SkillValue. We discovered the platform whilst looking for a tool which would let us conduct IT tests with our applicants and from the minute we tried it, the process of pre-selecting our applicants was much easier. The tests are comprehensive and ready to use. The results are sent directly to the applicants and are accessible to our recruitment, making the entire selection process easier. SkillValue is the ideal recruitment tool.

Damien Chimier, Sales Director at Infotem.


Online - desktop / tablet, Online - mobile

 Online - desktop / tablet, Online - mobile

20 Minutes

 20 Minutes

English (AUS), English (UK)...

 English (AUS), English (UK)...


This test is especially designed to test developers' skills and understanding of Ethereum, a blockchain-based distributed computing platform. Topics: Cryptography, Ethereum's Mechanisms, Smart Contracts and Decentralized Applications, Solidity.

Why should you use this assessment?

SkillValue tests improve objectivity in the recruitment process and help you make reliable hiring decisions based on data driven scores, ranking and code analysis. They help you to minimise or remove biases that arise from CVs and panel interviews.  

You will be able to choose from a selection of questions available on our platform or add your own questions. We have 30, 000+ questions to choose from. We add 100+ new tests every year to our platform.

You can choose from the following 600+ tech and marketing skills assessments:

  • Java, .Net, PHP
  • Javascript, C, C++, Python, Ruby on Rails
  • Front end development
  • Full stack development
  • Mobile apps
  • IoT, embedded systems
  • Databases
  • Business intelligence
  • Big data
  • Game development
  • Product management
  • Blockchain
  • Multimedia
  • Maths and logic
  • OOP
  • UX/UI
  • Microsoft Office
  • Salesforce
  • SAP
  • Windev
  • DevOps
  • Infrastructure, AWS
  • Test automation

Happy Customers!

We are always recruiting, and the process is definitely more efficient with SkillValue. We discovered the platform whilst looking for a tool which would let us conduct IT tests with our applicants and from the minute we tried it, the process of pre-selecting our applicants was much easier. The tests are comprehensive and ready to use. The results are sent directly to the applicants and are accessible to our recruitment, making the entire selection process easier. SkillValue is the ideal recruitment tool.

Damien Chimier, Sales Director at Infotem.

Title and Description ( French) No. of Questions Duration(min)

Ethereum quiz niveau intermédiaire

Ce test a été spécialement conçu pour tester les compétences et connaissances en Ethereum, une plateforme Blockchain. Connaissances mesurées : cryptographie, les mécanismes de l'Ethereum, contrats intelligents et applications décentralisées, Solidity.

20 20

Online - desktop / tablet, Online - mobile

 Online - desktop / tablet, Online - mobile

20 Minutes

 20 Minutes

English (AUS), English (UK)...

 English (AUS), English (UK)...


This test is specially designed to test developers' skills and understanding of Blockchain architecture. Topics: Cryptography, Blockchain Mechanisms (Transactions, The UTXO model, The Account model, The fee market, Upgrading the network (via forks)), Scripts and Smart Contracts (UTXO Scripting, Decentralized application use cases).

Why should you use this assessment?

SkillValue tests improve objectivity in the recruitment process and help you make reliable hiring decisions based on data driven scores, ranking and code analysis. They help you to minimise or remove biases that arise from CVs and panel interviews.  

You will be able to choose from a selection of questions available on our platform or add your own questions. We have 30, 000+ questions to choose from. We add 100+ new tests every year to our platform.

You can choose from the following 600+ tech and marketing skills assessments:

  • Java, .Net, PHP
  • Javascript, C, C++, Python, Ruby on Rails
  • Front end development
  • Full stack development
  • Mobile apps
  • IoT, embedded systems
  • Databases
  • Business intelligence
  • Big data
  • Game development
  • Product management
  • Blockchain
  • Multimedia
  • Maths and logic
  • OOP
  • UX/UI
  • Microsoft Office
  • Salesforce
  • SAP
  • Windev
  • DevOps
  • Infrastructure, AWS
  • Test automation

Happy Customers!

We are always recruiting, and the process is definitely more efficient with SkillValue. We discovered the platform whilst looking for a tool which would let us conduct IT tests with our applicants and from the minute we tried it, the process of pre-selecting our applicants was much easier. The tests are comprehensive and ready to use. The results are sent directly to the applicants and are accessible to our recruitment, making the entire selection process easier. SkillValue is the ideal recruitment tool.

Damien Chimier, Sales Director at Infotem.

Title and Description ( French) No. of Questions Duration(min)

Blockchain quiz niveau intermédiaire

Ce test a été conçu spécialement pour les développeurs qui souhaitent tester leurs connaissances et compréhension de l'architecture Blockchain. Connaissances mesurées : cryptographie, mécanismes Blockchain (transactions, modèle UTXO, modèle Account, Fee market, upgrade du réseau (via les forks)), scripts et contrats intelligents (UTXO Scripting, cas d'emploi des applications décentralisées).

20 20

Online - desktop / tablet, Online - mobile

 Online - desktop / tablet, Online - mobile

20 Minutes

 20 Minutes

English (AUS), English (UK)...

 English (AUS), English (UK)...


This test is especially designed to test developers' skills and understanding of Bitcoin and its underlying Blockchain architecture, one of the fastest growing skills online. Topics: Cryptography, Proof-of-work, Mining, Transactions, Fees, Consensus, Blockchain, Bitcoin and Anonymity.

Why should you use this assessment?

SkillValue tests improve objectivity in the recruitment process and help you make reliable hiring decisions based on data driven scores, ranking and code analysis. They help you to minimise or remove biases that arise from CVs and panel interviews.  

You will be able to choose from a selection of questions available on our platform or add your own questions. We have 30, 000+ questions to choose from. We add 100+ new tests every year to our platform.

You can choose from the following 600+ tech and marketing skills assessments:

  • Java, .Net, PHP
  • Javascript, C, C++, Python, Ruby on Rails
  • Front end development
  • Full stack development
  • Mobile apps
  • IoT, embedded systems
  • Databases
  • Business intelligence
  • Big data
  • Game development
  • Product management
  • Blockchain
  • Multimedia
  • Maths and logic
  • OOP
  • UX/UI
  • Microsoft Office
  • Salesforce
  • SAP
  • Windev
  • DevOps
  • Infrastructure, AWS
  • Test automation

Happy Customers!

We are always recruiting, and the process is definitely more efficient with SkillValue. We discovered the platform whilst looking for a tool which would let us conduct IT tests with our applicants and from the minute we tried it, the process of pre-selecting our applicants was much easier. The tests are comprehensive and ready to use. The results are sent directly to the applicants and are accessible to our recruitment, making the entire selection process easier. SkillValue is the ideal recruitment tool.

Damien Chimier, Sales Director at Infotem.

Title and Description ( French) No. of Questions Duration(min)

Bitcoin quiz niveau intermédiaire

Ce test a été spécialement conçu pour tester les compétences et connaissances sur le Bitcoin et son architecture. Connaissances mesurées : cryptographie, preuve de travail, minage, transactions, frais, consensus, blockchain, bitcoin et anonymat.

20 20
C++ quiz
C++ quiz

Online - desktop / tablet, Online - mobile

 Online - desktop / tablet, Online - mobile

40 Minutes

 40 Minutes

English (AUS), English (UK)...

 English (AUS), English (UK)...


This quiz evaluates the developers' beginner level skills in C++ programming practice in order to test their knowledge of syntax and object-oriented programming. Another objective is to determinate if they are able to understand and debug an already written code and to find its output.

Title and Description  No. of Questions Duration(min)
C++ quiz beginner level

This quiz evaluates the developers' beginner level skills in C++ programming practice in order to test their knowledge of syntax and object-oriented programming. Another objective is to determinate if they are able to understand and debug an already written code and to find its output. Topics: algorithms, instructions, data types, class structures, OOP.

15 20

C++ quiz medium level

This test assesses the candidates' intermediate skills in C++ development, as well as their syntax and OOP knowledge. Topics: algorithms, instructions, data types, class structures, OOP.

20 40

Why should you use this assessment?

SkillValue tests improve objectivity in the recruitment process and help you make reliable hiring decisions based on data driven scores, ranking and code analysis. They help you to minimise or remove biases that arise from CVs and panel interviews.  

You will be able to choose from a selection of questions available on our platform or add your own questions. We have 30, 000+ questions to choose from. We add 100+ new tests every year to our platform.

You can choose from the following 600+ tech and marketing skills assessments:

  • Java, .Net, PHP
  • Javascript, C, C++, Python, Ruby on Rails
  • Front end development
  • Full stack development
  • Mobile apps
  • IoT, embedded systems
  • Databases
  • Business intelligence
  • Big data
  • Game development
  • Product management
  • Blockchain
  • Multimedia
  • Maths and logic
  • OOP
  • UX/UI
  • Microsoft Office
  • Salesforce
  • SAP
  • Windev
  • DevOps
  • Infrastructure, AWS
  • Test automation

Happy Customers!

We are always recruiting, and the process is definitely more efficient with SkillValue. We discovered the platform whilst looking for a tool which would let us conduct IT tests with our applicants and from the minute we tried it, the process of pre-selecting our applicants was much easier. The tests are comprehensive and ready to use. The results are sent directly to the applicants and are accessible to our recruitment, making the entire selection process easier. SkillValue is the ideal recruitment tool.

Damien Chimier, Sales Director at Infotem.


Title and Description ( French) No. of Questions Duration(min)

C++ quiz niveau débutant

Ce test vérifie les capacités C/C++ des développeurs de niveau débutant. Il va à la recherche des compétences de compréhension de la syntaxe du langage C/C++ et des connaissances sur la programmation orientée objet. Le dernier objectif est de voir si les candidats sont capables de comprendre et de déboguer un code déjà écrit et d'en trouver le résultat. Connaissances mesurées : algorithmes, instructions, types de données, structures de classe, POO.

15 20

C++ quiz niveau intermédiaire

Ce test vous permet de vérifier les compétences de niveau intermédiaire des candidats en ce qui concerne la programmation en C++, leurs connaissances de la syntaxe et de la programmation orientée objet. Connaissances mesurées : algorithmes, instructions, types de données, structures de classe, POO.

20 40
C quiz
C quiz

Online - desktop / tablet, Online - mobile

 Online - desktop / tablet, Online - mobile

20 Minutes

 20 Minutes

English (AUS), English (UK)...

 English (AUS), English (UK)...


This test assesses the candidate's beginner skills in C development, C syntax and features of C Topics: C syntax, data types, arrays, functions, structures, pointers.

Title and Description  No. of Questions Duration(min)
C quiz beginner level

This test assesses the candidate's beginner skills in C development, C syntax and features of C Topics: C syntax, data types, arrays, functions, structures, pointers.

15 15

C quiz medium level

This test assesses the candidate's intermediate skills in C development, C syntax and features of C Topics: C syntax, data types, arrays, functions, structures, pointers.

20 20

Why should you use this assessment?

SkillValue tests improve objectivity in the recruitment process and help you make reliable hiring decisions based on data driven scores, ranking and code analysis. They help you to minimise or remove biases that arise from CVs and panel interviews.  

You will be able to choose from a selection of questions available on our platform or add your own questions. We have 30, 000+ questions to choose from. We add 100+ new tests every year to our platform.

You can choose from the following 600+ tech and marketing skills assessments:

  • Java, .Net, PHP
  • Javascript, C, C++, Python, Ruby on Rails
  • Front end development
  • Full stack development
  • Mobile apps
  • IoT, embedded systems
  • Databases
  • Business intelligence
  • Big data
  • Game development
  • Product management
  • Blockchain
  • Multimedia
  • Maths and logic
  • OOP
  • UX/UI
  • Microsoft Office
  • Salesforce
  • SAP
  • Windev
  • DevOps
  • Infrastructure, AWS
  • Test automation

Happy Customers!

We are always recruiting, and the process is definitely more efficient with SkillValue. We discovered the platform whilst looking for a tool which would let us conduct IT tests with our applicants and from the minute we tried it, the process of pre-selecting our applicants was much easier. The tests are comprehensive and ready to use. The results are sent directly to the applicants and are accessible to our recruitment, making the entire selection process easier. SkillValue is the ideal recruitment tool.

Damien Chimier, Sales Director at Infotem.


Title and Description ( French) No. of Questions Duration(min)

C quiz niveau débutant

Ce test vous permet de vérifier les compétences de niveau débutant en ce qui concerne la programmation en C. Connaissances mesurées : syntaxe, types de données, tableaux, fonctions, structures, pointeurs.

15 15

C quiz niveau intermédiaire

Ce test vous permet de vérifier les compétences de niveau moyen dans la programmation C. Connaissances mesurées : syntaxe, types de données, arrays, fonctions, structures, pointeurs.

20 20

Online - desktop / tablet, Online - mobile

 Online - desktop / tablet, Online - mobile

40 Minutes

 40 Minutes

English (AUS), English (UK)...

 English (AUS), English (UK)...


This test evaluates the candidate's medium knowledge in Cobol development. Topics: syntax, symbols, data types, program structure, data layout, conditional statements, file handling.

Why should you use this assessment?

SkillValue tests improve objectivity in the recruitment process and help you make reliable hiring decisions based on data driven scores, ranking and code analysis. They help you to minimise or remove biases that arise from CVs and panel interviews.  

You will be able to choose from a selection of questions available on our platform or add your own questions. We have 30, 000+ questions to choose from. We add 100+ new tests every year to our platform.

You can choose from the following 600+ tech and marketing skills assessments:

  • Java, .Net, PHP
  • Javascript, C, C++, Python, Ruby on Rails
  • Front end development
  • Full stack development
  • Mobile apps
  • IoT, embedded systems
  • Databases
  • Business intelligence
  • Big data
  • Game development
  • Product management
  • Blockchain
  • Multimedia
  • Maths and logic
  • OOP
  • UX/UI
  • Microsoft Office
  • Salesforce
  • SAP
  • Windev
  • DevOps
  • Infrastructure, AWS
  • Test automation

Happy Customers!

We are always recruiting, and the process is definitely more efficient with SkillValue. We discovered the platform whilst looking for a tool which would let us conduct IT tests with our applicants and from the minute we tried it, the process of pre-selecting our applicants was much easier. The tests are comprehensive and ready to use. The results are sent directly to the applicants and are accessible to our recruitment, making the entire selection process easier. SkillValue is the ideal recruitment tool.

Damien Chimier, Sales Director at Infotem.

Title and Description ( French) No. of Questions Duration(min)

Cobol quiz niveau intermédiaire

Ce test permet de tester les connaissances des candidats en développement Cobol. Connaissances mesurées : syntaxe, symboles, types de données, structure du programme, structure de données, structures conditionnelles, gestion des fichiers.

25 40
Viruses LifeCycle
Viruses LifeCycle

Online - desktop / tablet, Online - mobile

 Online - desktop / tablet, Online - mobile

50 Minutes

 50 Minutes

English (AUS), English (UK)...

 English (AUS), English (UK)...


This test can be taken in the following coding languages: Java, PHP, C#, C, C++, Ruby, Python, JavaScript

Why should you use this assessment?

SkillValue tests improve objectivity in the recruitment process and help you make reliable hiring decisions based on data driven scores, ranking and code analysis. They help you to minimise or remove biases that arise from CVs and panel interviews.  

You will be able to choose from a selection of questions available on our platform or add your own questions. We have 30, 000+ questions to choose from. We add 100+ new tests every year to our platform.

You can choose from the following 600+ tech and marketing skills assessments:

  • Java, .Net, PHP
  • Javascript, C, C++, Python, Ruby on Rails
  • Front end development
  • Full stack development
  • Mobile apps
  • IoT, embedded systems
  • Databases
  • Business intelligence
  • Big data
  • Game development
  • Product management
  • Blockchain
  • Multimedia
  • Maths and logic
  • OOP
  • UX/UI
  • Microsoft Office
  • Salesforce
  • SAP
  • Windev
  • DevOps
  • Infrastructure, AWS
  • Test automation

Happy Customers!

We are always recruiting, and the process is definitely more efficient with SkillValue. We discovered the platform whilst looking for a tool which would let us conduct IT tests with our applicants and from the minute we tried it, the process of pre-selecting our applicants was much easier. The tests are comprehensive and ready to use. The results are sent directly to the applicants and are accessible to our recruitment, making the entire selection process easier. SkillValue is the ideal recruitment tool.

Recover password
Recover password

Online - desktop / tablet, Online - mobile

 Online - desktop / tablet, Online - mobile

40 Minutes

 40 Minutes

English (AUS), English (UK)...

 English (AUS), English (UK)...


This test can be taken in the following coding languages: Java, PHP, C#, C, C++, Ruby, Python, JavaScript

Why should you use this assessment?

SkillValue tests improve objectivity in the recruitment process and help you make reliable hiring decisions based on data driven scores, ranking and code analysis. They help you to minimise or remove biases that arise from CVs and panel interviews.  

You will be able to choose from a selection of questions available on our platform or add your own questions. We have 30, 000+ questions to choose from. We add 100+ new tests every year to our platform.

You can choose from the following 600+ tech and marketing skills assessments:

  • Java, .Net, PHP
  • Javascript, C, C++, Python, Ruby on Rails
  • Front end development
  • Full stack development
  • Mobile apps
  • IoT, embedded systems
  • Databases
  • Business intelligence
  • Big data
  • Game development
  • Product management
  • Blockchain
  • Multimedia
  • Maths and logic
  • OOP
  • UX/UI
  • Microsoft Office
  • Salesforce
  • SAP
  • Windev
  • DevOps
  • Infrastructure, AWS
  • Test automation

Happy Customers!

We are always recruiting, and the process is definitely more efficient with SkillValue. We discovered the platform whilst looking for a tool which would let us conduct IT tests with our applicants and from the minute we tried it, the process of pre-selecting our applicants was much easier. The tests are comprehensive and ready to use. The results are sent directly to the applicants and are accessible to our recruitment, making the entire selection process easier. SkillValue is the ideal recruitment tool.

Excited Cells
Excited Cells

Online - desktop / tablet, Online - mobile

 Online - desktop / tablet, Online - mobile

40 Minutes

 40 Minutes

English (AUS), English (UK)...

 English (AUS), English (UK)...


This test can be taken in the following coding languages: Java, PHP, C#, C, C++, Ruby, Python, JavaScript

Why should you use this assessment?

SkillValue tests improve objectivity in the recruitment process and help you make reliable hiring decisions based on data driven scores, ranking and code analysis. They help you to minimise or remove biases that arise from CVs and panel interviews.  

You will be able to choose from a selection of questions available on our platform or add your own questions. We have 30, 000+ questions to choose from. We add 100+ new tests every year to our platform.

You can choose from the following 600+ tech and marketing skills assessments:

  • Java, .Net, PHP
  • Javascript, C, C++, Python, Ruby on Rails
  • Front end development
  • Full stack development
  • Mobile apps
  • IoT, embedded systems
  • Databases
  • Business intelligence
  • Big data
  • Game development
  • Product management
  • Blockchain
  • Multimedia
  • Maths and logic
  • OOP
  • UX/UI
  • Microsoft Office
  • Salesforce
  • SAP
  • Windev
  • DevOps
  • Infrastructure, AWS
  • Test automation

Happy Customers!

We are always recruiting, and the process is definitely more efficient with SkillValue. We discovered the platform whilst looking for a tool which would let us conduct IT tests with our applicants and from the minute we tried it, the process of pre-selecting our applicants was much easier. The tests are comprehensive and ready to use. The results are sent directly to the applicants and are accessible to our recruitment, making the entire selection process easier. SkillValue is the ideal recruitment tool.

Anagram Solver
Anagram Solver

Online - desktop / tablet, Online - mobile

 Online - desktop / tablet, Online - mobile

45 Minutes

 45 Minutes

English (AUS), English (UK)...

 English (AUS), English (UK)...


This test can be taken in the following coding languages: Java, PHP, C#, C, C++, Ruby, Python, JavaScript

Why should you use this assessment?

SkillValue tests improve objectivity in the recruitment process and help you make reliable hiring decisions based on data driven scores, ranking and code analysis. They help you to minimise or remove biases that arise from CVs and panel interviews.  

You will be able to choose from a selection of questions available on our platform or add your own questions. We have 30, 000+ questions to choose from. We add 100+ new tests every year to our platform.

You can choose from the following 600+ tech and marketing skills assessments:

  • Java, .Net, PHP
  • Javascript, C, C++, Python, Ruby on Rails
  • Front end development
  • Full stack development
  • Mobile apps
  • IoT, embedded systems
  • Databases
  • Business intelligence
  • Big data
  • Game development
  • Product management
  • Blockchain
  • Multimedia
  • Maths and logic
  • OOP
  • UX/UI
  • Microsoft Office
  • Salesforce
  • SAP
  • Windev
  • DevOps
  • Infrastructure, AWS
  • Test automation

Happy Customers!

We are always recruiting, and the process is definitely more efficient with SkillValue. We discovered the platform whilst looking for a tool which would let us conduct IT tests with our applicants and from the minute we tried it, the process of pre-selecting our applicants was much easier. The tests are comprehensive and ready to use. The results are sent directly to the applicants and are accessible to our recruitment, making the entire selection process easier. SkillValue is the ideal recruitment tool.

The Product Launch



The Product Launch

Paper, Online - desktop / tablet

 Paper, Online - desktop / tablet

55 Minutes

 55 Minutes

English (AUS), English (UK)...

 English (AUS), English (UK)...

Request pricing
Request pricing

Participants assume the role of an Administrative Assistant in the Marketing Department of Somersby Books Ltd, a mediumsized publishers. Having been with the company for 6 months, and keen to make their mark, the Participant is producing a sales analysis for the Marketing Manager in time for the forthcoming product catalogue meeting. The Participant is required to analyse data and make a recommendation as to which titles to exclude from the catalogue and which alternative titles to incorporate.

***Translated – Available in alternative languages***

This exercise has been designed based on Industry Sectors - Manufacturing/Production/Warehousing/Publishing and Business Functions - MarketingManagement but can be used for all sectors and functions. .

Why should you use this assessment?

This type of assessment is also called a job simulation or work simulation exercise as it can offer a realistic simulation of the skills required for a role. All you have to do is ensure it matches the skills or competencies you are looking to assess and is at the right level for the role you are recruiting for. Using this type of exercises help hiring decision-makers:

  • improve objectivity and minimize biases from interviews and
  • deliver constructive feedback to candidates improving their experience.

Not sure if this is the right assessment? Send us an uptodate job description including competencies that are critical to succeed in the role. We will send you our recommendations or discuss this with you.

****Talent Grader  sources these exercises from our trusted  partners to offer as part of the consultancy services. You do not need to be trained to use these exercises as we will support you in assessing your candidates and provide you with a detailed report, saving you time and effort. If you are a trained assessor, please contact us to purchase the assessment only and we will set you up as an assessor to mark the exercise. ****

SQL Server DBA
SQL Server DBA

Online - desktop / tablet, Online - mobile

 Online - desktop / tablet, Online - mobile

25 Minutes

 25 Minutes

English (AUS), English (UK)...

 English (AUS), English (UK)...


This test assesses the candidate's medium knowledge of SQL Server Administration, as well as their ability to work directly on installing, configuring, and administering Microsoft SQL Server 2014.

Why should you use this assessment?

SkillValue tests improve objectivity in the recruitment process and help you make reliable hiring decisions based on data driven scores, ranking and code analysis. They help you to minimise or remove biases that arise from CVs and panel interviews.  

You will be able to choose from a selection of questions available on our platform or add your own questions. We have 30, 000+ questions to choose from. We add 100+ new tests every year to our platform.

You can choose from the following 600+ tech and marketing skills assessments:

  • Java, .Net, PHP
  • Javascript, C, C++, Python, Ruby on Rails
  • Front end development
  • Full stack development
  • Mobile apps
  • IoT, embedded systems
  • Databases
  • Business intelligence
  • Big data
  • Game development
  • Product management
  • Blockchain
  • Multimedia
  • Maths and logic
  • OOP
  • UX/UI
  • Microsoft Office
  • Salesforce
  • SAP
  • Windev
  • DevOps
  • Infrastructure, AWS
  • Test automation

Happy Customers!

We are always recruiting, and the process is definitely more efficient with SkillValue. We discovered the platform whilst looking for a tool which would let us conduct IT tests with our applicants and from the minute we tried it, the process of pre-selecting our applicants was much easier. The tests are comprehensive and ready to use. The results are sent directly to the applicants and are accessible to our recruitment, making the entire selection process easier. SkillValue is the ideal recruitment tool.

Damien Chimier, Sales Director at Infotem.

Title and Description ( French) No. of Questions Duration(min)

SQL Server DBA quiz niveau intermédiaire

Ce test évalue les connaissances de niveau intermédiaire en ce qui concerne SQL Server DBA. Sujets : installation et configuration, sauvegarde et récupération de données, objets de la base de données, tuning de performance, sécurité et gestion des utilisateurs.

25 25
SQL Server
SQL Server

Online - desktop / tablet, Online - mobile

 Online - desktop / tablet, Online - mobile

25 Minutes

 25 Minutes

English (AUS), English (UK)...

 English (AUS), English (UK)...


This test assesses the candidate's entry-level skills in SQL Server.

Title and Description  No. of Questions Duration(min)

SQL Server Development quiz beginner level

This test assesses the candidate's entry-level skills in SQL Server. Topics: Constraints, Transactions, Data Types, SQL, Stored Procedures, Indexes.

18 25

SQL Server Development quiz medium level

This quiz will allow you to test your candidate's knowledge of SQL Server 2012 programming. Topics: constraints, variables, functions, temporary tables, different types of JOINS, stored procedures, indexes and views.

22 25

Why should you use this assessment?

SkillValue tests improve objectivity in the recruitment process and help you make reliable hiring decisions based on data driven scores, ranking and code analysis. They help you to minimise or remove biases that arise from CVs and panel interviews.  

You will be able to choose from a selection of questions available on our platform or add your own questions. We have 30, 000+ questions to choose from. We add 100+ new tests every year to our platform.

You can choose from the following 600+ tech and marketing skills assessments:

  • Java, .Net, PHP
  • Javascript, C, C++, Python, Ruby on Rails
  • Front end development
  • Full stack development
  • Mobile apps
  • IoT, embedded systems
  • Databases
  • Business intelligence
  • Big data
  • Game development
  • Product management
  • Blockchain
  • Multimedia
  • Maths and logic
  • OOP
  • UX/UI
  • Microsoft Office
  • Salesforce
  • SAP
  • Windev
  • DevOps
  • Infrastructure, AWS
  • Test automation

Happy Customers!

We are always recruiting, and the process is definitely more efficient with SkillValue. We discovered the platform whilst looking for a tool which would let us conduct IT tests with our applicants and from the minute we tried it, the process of pre-selecting our applicants was much easier. The tests are comprehensive and ready to use. The results are sent directly to the applicants and are accessible to our recruitment, making the entire selection process easier. SkillValue is the ideal recruitment tool.

Damien Chimier, Sales Director at Infotem.


Title and Description ( French) No. of Questions Duration(min)

Développement SQL Server quiz niveau débutant

Ce test vous permet de vérifier les compétences de niveau débutant sur le SQL Server. Connaissances mesurées : Constraints, Transactions, Data Types, SQL, Stored Procedures, Indexes

18 25

Développement SQL Server quiz niveau intermédiaire

Ce test vous permet d'évaluer les connaissances sur le développement SQL sous SQL Server 2012. Sujets : contraintes, variables, fonctions, tables temporaires, différents types de jointures, procédures stockées, indexes et vues.

22 25

Online - desktop / tablet, Online - mobile

 Online - desktop / tablet, Online - mobile

20 Minutes

 20 Minutes

English (AUS), English (UK)...

 English (AUS), English (UK)...


This test assesses your candidates' MongoDB development, the NoSQL database, and their knowledge on the main concepts needed to create and deploy a highly scalable and performance-oriented database. Topics: Collections, Insert Document, Query Document, Delete Document, Update Document, Aggregation.

Why should you use this assessment?

SkillValue tests improve objectivity in the recruitment process and help you make reliable hiring decisions based on data driven scores, ranking and code analysis. They help you to minimise or remove biases that arise from CVs and panel interviews.  

You will be able to choose from a selection of questions available on our platform or add your own questions. We have 30, 000+ questions to choose from. We add 100+ new tests every year to our platform.

You can choose from the following 600+ tech and marketing skills assessments:

  • Java, .Net, PHP
  • Javascript, C, C++, Python, Ruby on Rails
  • Front end development
  • Full stack development
  • Mobile apps
  • IoT, embedded systems
  • Databases
  • Business intelligence
  • Big data
  • Game development
  • Product management
  • Blockchain
  • Multimedia
  • Maths and logic
  • OOP
  • UX/UI
  • Microsoft Office
  • Salesforce
  • SAP
  • Windev
  • DevOps
  • Infrastructure, AWS
  • Test automation

Happy Customers!

We are always recruiting, and the process is definitely more efficient with SkillValue. We discovered the platform whilst looking for a tool which would let us conduct IT tests with our applicants and from the minute we tried it, the process of pre-selecting our applicants was much easier. The tests are comprehensive and ready to use. The results are sent directly to the applicants and are accessible to our recruitment, making the entire selection process easier. SkillValue is the ideal recruitment tool.

Damien Chimier, Sales Director at Infotem.

Title and Description ( French) No. of Questions Duration(min)

Développement MongoDB quiz niveau intermédiaire

Ce test vise à évaluer les connaissances des candidats sur le développement sous MongoDB, la base de données NoSQL, tout comme sur les principaux concepts nécessaires pour créer et déployer une base de données hautement évolutive et performante. Connaissances mesurées : collections, insérer un document, interroger un document, supprimer un document, mettre à jour un document, agrégation.

20 20

Online - desktop / tablet, Online - mobile

 Online - desktop / tablet, Online - mobile

25 Minutes

 25 Minutes

English (AUS), English (UK)...

 English (AUS), English (UK)...


This test assesses the candidate's entry-level skills in SQL.

Title and Description  No. of Questions Duration(min)
SQL quiz beginner level

This test assesses the candidate's entry-level skills in SQL. Topics: data manipulation language (SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE), logical operators, clauses, index.

20 25

SQL quiz medium level

This test evaluates the candidate's intermediate skills in SQL language. Topics: database manipulation language, SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE statements, logical operators, clauses, indexes, functions, transactions.

20 15

Why should you use this assessment?

SkillValue tests improve objectivity in the recruitment process and help you make reliable hiring decisions based on data driven scores, ranking and code analysis. They help you to minimise or remove biases that arise from CVs and panel interviews.  

You will be able to choose from a selection of questions available on our platform or add your own questions. We have 30, 000+ questions to choose from. We add 100+ new tests every year to our platform.

You can choose from the following 600+ tech and marketing skills assessments:

  • Java, .Net, PHP
  • Javascript, C, C++, Python, Ruby on Rails
  • Front end development
  • Full stack development
  • Mobile apps
  • IoT, embedded systems
  • Databases
  • Business intelligence
  • Big data
  • Game development
  • Product management
  • Blockchain
  • Multimedia
  • Maths and logic
  • OOP
  • UX/UI
  • Microsoft Office
  • Salesforce
  • SAP
  • Windev
  • DevOps
  • Infrastructure, AWS
  • Test automation

Happy Customers!

We are always recruiting, and the process is definitely more efficient with SkillValue. We discovered the platform whilst looking for a tool which would let us conduct IT tests with our applicants and from the minute we tried it, the process of pre-selecting our applicants was much easier. The tests are comprehensive and ready to use. The results are sent directly to the applicants and are accessible to our recruitment, making the entire selection process easier. SkillValue is the ideal recruitment tool.

Damien Chimier, Sales Director at Infotem.


Title and Description ( French) No. of Questions Duration(min)

SQL quiz niveau débutant

Ce test vous permet de vérifier les compétences de niveau débutant sur le langage SQL. Connaissances mesurées : les commandes de manipulation de données SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE et des sujets tels que les opérateurs logiques, les clauses, les index.

20 25

SQL quiz niveau intermédiaire

Ce test vous permet de vérifier les compétences de niveau intermédiaire sur le langage SQL. Connaissances mesurées : les commandes de manipulation de données SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, les opérateurs logiques, les clauses, les index, les fonctions, les transactions.

20 15

Online - desktop / tablet, Online - mobile

 Online - desktop / tablet, Online - mobile

20 Minutes

 20 Minutes

English (AUS), English (UK)...

 English (AUS), English (UK)...


This test is designed to measure medium knowledge of SQL and PL/SQL.

Why should you use this assessment?

SkillValue tests improve objectivity in the recruitment process and help you make reliable hiring decisions based on data driven scores, ranking and code analysis. They help you to minimise or remove biases that arise from CVs and panel interviews.  

You will be able to choose from a selection of questions available on our platform or add your own questions. We have 30, 000+ questions to choose from. We add 100+ new tests every year to our platform.

You can choose from the following 600+ tech and marketing skills assessments:

  • Java, .Net, PHP
  • Javascript, C, C++, Python, Ruby on Rails
  • Front end development
  • Full stack development
  • Mobile apps
  • IoT, embedded systems
  • Databases
  • Business intelligence
  • Big data
  • Game development
  • Product management
  • Blockchain
  • Multimedia
  • Maths and logic
  • OOP
  • UX/UI
  • Microsoft Office
  • Salesforce
  • SAP
  • Windev
  • DevOps
  • Infrastructure, AWS
  • Test automation

Happy Customers!

We are always recruiting, and the process is definitely more efficient with SkillValue. We discovered the platform whilst looking for a tool which would let us conduct IT tests with our applicants and from the minute we tried it, the process of pre-selecting our applicants was much easier. The tests are comprehensive and ready to use. The results are sent directly to the applicants and are accessible to our recruitment, making the entire selection process easier. SkillValue is the ideal recruitment tool.

Damien Chimier, Sales Director at Infotem.

Title and Description ( French) No. of Questions Duration(min)

SQL et PL/SQL quiz niveau intermédiaire

Ce test vous permet de vérifier les compétences de niveau intermédiaire sur SQL et PL/SQL. Connaissances mesurées : commandes de manipulation de données SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, opérateurs logiques, fonctions, blocs, variables et constantes, structures de contrôle, curseurs et déclencheurs.

26 20

Online - desktop / tablet, Online - mobile

 Online - desktop / tablet, Online - mobile

20 Minutes

 20 Minutes

English (AUS), English (UK)...

 English (AUS), English (UK)...


This quiz is designed to test both theoretical and practical knowledge of Delphi, regardless of the preferred versions (i.e, the old Borland Delphi versions or the newer versions from Embarcadero). Topics: OOP, datasets, syntax, events handling, etc.

Why should you use this assessment?

SkillValue tests improve objectivity in the recruitment process and help you make reliable hiring decisions based on data driven scores, ranking and code analysis. They help you to minimise or remove biases that arise from CVs and panel interviews.  

You will be able to choose from a selection of questions available on our platform or add your own questions. We have 30, 000+ questions to choose from. We add 100+ new tests every year to our platform.

You can choose from the following 600+ tech and marketing skills assessments:

  • Java, .Net, PHP
  • Javascript, C, C++, Python, Ruby on Rails
  • Front end development
  • Full stack development
  • Mobile apps
  • IoT, embedded systems
  • Databases
  • Business intelligence
  • Big data
  • Game development
  • Product management
  • Blockchain
  • Multimedia
  • Maths and logic
  • OOP
  • UX/UI
  • Microsoft Office
  • Salesforce
  • SAP
  • Windev
  • DevOps
  • Infrastructure, AWS
  • Test automation

Happy Customers!

We are always recruiting, and the process is definitely more efficient with SkillValue. We discovered the platform whilst looking for a tool which would let us conduct IT tests with our applicants and from the minute we tried it, the process of pre-selecting our applicants was much easier. The tests are comprehensive and ready to use. The results are sent directly to the applicants and are accessible to our recruitment, making the entire selection process easier. SkillValue is the ideal recruitment tool.

Damien Chimier, Sales Director at Infotem.

Title and Description ( French) No. of Questions Duration(min)

Delphi quiz niveau intermédiaire

Ce quiz est conçu pour tester à la fois les connaissances théoriques et les connaissances pratiques en ce qui concerne Delphi, sans tenir compte des versions préférées (les anciennes versions de Borland Delphi ou les plus récentes à partir d'Embarcadero).

20 20
Développeur certifié AWS
Développeur certifié AWS

Online - desktop / tablet, Online - mobile

 Online - desktop / tablet, Online - mobile

20 Minutes

 20 Minutes




Le test « développeur certifié par Amazon Web Services (AWS) - niveau associé » vous permet d'évaluer la compréhension de votre candidat au sujet des services de base d'AWS, des meilleures pratiques de l'architecture de base d'AWS et des applications sans serveur.

Why should you use this assessment?

SkillValue tests improve objectivity in the recruitment process and help you make reliable hiring decisions based on data driven scores, ranking and code analysis. They help you to minimise or remove biases that arise from CVs and panel interviews.  

You will be able to choose from a selection of questions available on our platform or add your own questions. We have 30, 000+ questions to choose from. We add 100+ new tests every year to our platform.

You can choose from the following 600+ tech and marketing skills assessments:

  • Java, .Net, PHP
  • Javascript, C, C++, Python, Ruby on Rails
  • Front end development
  • Full stack development
  • Mobile apps
  • IoT, embedded systems
  • Databases
  • Business intelligence
  • Big data
  • Game development
  • Product management
  • Blockchain
  • Multimedia
  • Maths and logic
  • OOP
  • UX/UI
  • Microsoft Office
  • Salesforce
  • SAP
  • Windev
  • DevOps
  • Infrastructure, AWS
  • Test automation

Happy Customers!

We are always recruiting, and the process is definitely more efficient with SkillValue. We discovered the platform whilst looking for a tool which would let us conduct IT tests with our applicants and from the minute we tried it, the process of pre-selecting our applicants was much easier. The tests are comprehensive and ready to use. The results are sent directly to the applicants and are accessible to our recruitment, making the entire selection process easier. SkillValue is the ideal recruitment tool.

Damien Chimier, Sales Director at Infotem.

AWS Developer Associate
AWS Developer Associate

Online - desktop / tablet, Online - mobile

 Online - desktop / tablet, Online - mobile

20 Minutes

 20 Minutes

English (AUS), English (UK)...

 English (AUS), English (UK)...


The Amazon Web Services (AWS) Certified Developer - Associate test allows you to test your candidate's understanding of core AWS Services, basic AWS architecture best practices and serverless applications.

Why should you use this assessment?

SkillValue tests improve objectivity in the recruitment process and help you make reliable hiring decisions based on data driven scores, ranking and code analysis. They help you to minimise or remove biases that arise from CVs and panel interviews.  

You will be able to choose from a selection of questions available on our platform or add your own questions. We have 30, 000+ questions to choose from. We add 100+ new tests every year to our platform.

You can choose from the following 600+ tech and marketing skills assessments:

  • Java, .Net, PHP
  • Javascript, C, C++, Python, Ruby on Rails
  • Front end development
  • Full stack development
  • Mobile apps
  • IoT, embedded systems
  • Databases
  • Business intelligence
  • Big data
  • Game development
  • Product management
  • Blockchain
  • Multimedia
  • Maths and logic
  • OOP
  • UX/UI
  • Microsoft Office
  • Salesforce
  • SAP
  • Windev
  • DevOps
  • Infrastructure, AWS
  • Test automation

Happy Customers!

We are always recruiting, and the process is definitely more efficient with SkillValue. We discovered the platform whilst looking for a tool which would let us conduct IT tests with our applicants and from the minute we tried it, the process of pre-selecting our applicants was much easier. The tests are comprehensive and ready to use. The results are sent directly to the applicants and are accessible to our recruitment, making the entire selection process easier. SkillValue is the ideal recruitment tool.

Damien Chimier, Sales Director at Infotem.

Technicien Helpdesk N2
Technicien Helpdesk N2

Online - desktop / tablet, Online - mobile

 Online - desktop / tablet, Online - mobile

20 Minutes

 20 Minutes




Ce test vérifie les capacités d'un Technicien Helpdesk N2 sur l'administration Windows Desktop et les outils de lignes de commande sur Windows Desktop. Connaissances mesurées : le protocole TCPIP, Active Directory, les outils d'administration Windows, la résolution de problèmes.

Why should you use this assessment?

SkillValue tests improve objectivity in the recruitment process and help you make reliable hiring decisions based on data driven scores, ranking and code analysis. They help you to minimise or remove biases that arise from CVs and panel interviews.  

You will be able to choose from a selection of questions available on our platform or add your own questions. We have 30, 000+ questions to choose from. We add 100+ new tests every year to our platform.

You can choose from the following 600+ tech and marketing skills assessments:

  • Java, .Net, PHP
  • Javascript, C, C++, Python, Ruby on Rails
  • Front end development
  • Full stack development
  • Mobile apps
  • IoT, embedded systems
  • Databases
  • Business intelligence
  • Big data
  • Game development
  • Product management
  • Blockchain
  • Multimedia
  • Maths and logic
  • OOP
  • UX/UI
  • Microsoft Office
  • Salesforce
  • SAP
  • Windev
  • DevOps
  • Infrastructure, AWS
  • Test automation

Happy Customers!

We are always recruiting, and the process is definitely more efficient with SkillValue. We discovered the platform whilst looking for a tool which would let us conduct IT tests with our applicants and from the minute we tried it, the process of pre-selecting our applicants was much easier. The tests are comprehensive and ready to use. The results are sent directly to the applicants and are accessible to our recruitment, making the entire selection process easier. SkillValue is the ideal recruitment tool.

Damien Chimier, Sales Director at Infotem.

Helpdesk L2
Helpdesk L2

Online - desktop / tablet, Online - mobile

 Online - desktop / tablet, Online - mobile

20 Minutes

 20 Minutes

English (AUS), English (UK)...

 English (AUS), English (UK)...


This test assesses the skills of a Helpdesk Engineer on the Windows Desktop administration and command line tools skills. Topics: TCP / IP protocol, Active Directory, Windows administration tools, problem solving.

Why should you use this assessment?

SkillValue tests improve objectivity in the recruitment process and help you make reliable hiring decisions based on data driven scores, ranking and code analysis. They help you to minimise or remove biases that arise from CVs and panel interviews.  

You will be able to choose from a selection of questions available on our platform or add your own questions. We have 30, 000+ questions to choose from. We add 100+ new tests every year to our platform.

You can choose from the following 600+ tech and marketing skills assessments:

  • Java, .Net, PHP
  • Javascript, C, C++, Python, Ruby on Rails
  • Front end development
  • Full stack development
  • Mobile apps
  • IoT, embedded systems
  • Databases
  • Business intelligence
  • Big data
  • Game development
  • Product management
  • Blockchain
  • Multimedia
  • Maths and logic
  • OOP
  • UX/UI
  • Microsoft Office
  • Salesforce
  • SAP
  • Windev
  • DevOps
  • Infrastructure, AWS
  • Test automation

Happy Customers!

We are always recruiting, and the process is definitely more efficient with SkillValue. We discovered the platform whilst looking for a tool which would let us conduct IT tests with our applicants and from the minute we tried it, the process of pre-selecting our applicants was much easier. The tests are comprehensive and ready to use. The results are sent directly to the applicants and are accessible to our recruitment, making the entire selection process easier. SkillValue is the ideal recruitment tool.

Damien Chimier, Sales Director at Infotem.

Front End Developer
Front End Developer

Online - desktop / tablet, Online - mobile

 Online - desktop / tablet, Online - mobile

30 Minutes

 30 Minutes

English (AUS), English (UK)...

 English (AUS), English (UK)...


This test will allow to assess knowledge in HTML5, CSS and JavaScript. Topics: HTML5 elements and attributes, CSS properties and selectors, JavaScript syntax, events and operators.

Why should you use this assessment?

SkillValue tests improve objectivity in the recruitment process and help you make reliable hiring decisions based on data driven scores, ranking and code analysis. They help you to minimise or remove biases that arise from CVs and panel interviews.  

You will be able to choose from a selection of questions available on our platform or add your own questions. We have 30, 000+ questions to choose from. We add 100+ new tests every year to our platform.

You can choose from the following 600+ tech and marketing skills assessments:

  • Java, .Net, PHP
  • Javascript, C, C++, Python, Ruby on Rails
  • Front end development
  • Full stack development
  • Mobile apps
  • IoT, embedded systems
  • Databases
  • Business intelligence
  • Big data
  • Game development
  • Product management
  • Blockchain
  • Multimedia
  • Maths and logic
  • OOP
  • UX/UI
  • Microsoft Office
  • Salesforce
  • SAP
  • Windev
  • DevOps
  • Infrastructure, AWS
  • Test automation

Happy Customers!

We are always recruiting, and the process is definitely more efficient with SkillValue. We discovered the platform whilst looking for a tool which would let us conduct IT tests with our applicants and from the minute we tried it, the process of pre-selecting our applicants was much easier. The tests are comprehensive and ready to use. The results are sent directly to the applicants and are accessible to our recruitment, making the entire selection process easier. SkillValue is the ideal recruitment tool.

Damien Chimier, Sales Director at Infotem.

Title and Description ( French) No. of Questions Duration(min)

Développeur Front End quiz niveau intermédiaire

Ce test est destiné à l'évaluation des compétences en HTML5, CSS et JavaScript. Connaissances mesurées : les éléments et les attributs HTML5, les propriétés et les sélecteurs CSS, la syntaxe, les événements et les opérateurs JavaScript.

36 30

Online - desktop / tablet, Online - mobile

 Online - desktop / tablet, Online - mobile

40 Minutes

 40 Minutes

English (AUS), English (UK)...

 English (AUS), English (UK)...


Designed for WebAssembly beginner developers, this quiz tests your candidate's basic theoretical knowledge and practical know-how about the import/export WebAssembly instance. Topics: WebAssembly, Emscripten, Import and call WebAssembly functions.

Why should you use this assessment?

SkillValue tests improve objectivity in the recruitment process and help you make reliable hiring decisions based on data driven scores, ranking and code analysis. They help you to minimise or remove biases that arise from CVs and panel interviews.  

You will be able to choose from a selection of questions available on our platform or add your own questions. We have 30, 000+ questions to choose from. We add 100+ new tests every year to our platform.

You can choose from the following 600+ tech and marketing skills assessments:

  • Java, .Net, PHP
  • Javascript, C, C++, Python, Ruby on Rails
  • Front end development
  • Full stack development
  • Mobile apps
  • IoT, embedded systems
  • Databases
  • Business intelligence
  • Big data
  • Game development
  • Product management
  • Blockchain
  • Multimedia
  • Maths and logic
  • OOP
  • UX/UI
  • Microsoft Office
  • Salesforce
  • SAP
  • Windev
  • DevOps
  • Infrastructure, AWS
  • Test automation

Happy Customers!

We are always recruiting, and the process is definitely more efficient with SkillValue. We discovered the platform whilst looking for a tool which would let us conduct IT tests with our applicants and from the minute we tried it, the process of pre-selecting our applicants was much easier. The tests are comprehensive and ready to use. The results are sent directly to the applicants and are accessible to our recruitment, making the entire selection process easier. SkillValue is the ideal recruitment tool.

Damien Chimier, Sales Director at Infotem.

Title and Description ( French) No. of Questions Duration(min)

WebAssembly quiz niveau débutant

Conçu pour les développeurs débutants WebAssembly, ce quiz évalue les connaissances théoriques de base de votre candidat et ses compétences pratiques en ce qui concerne l'instance d'import/export de WebAssembly. Sujets : WebAssembly, Emscripten, importer et appeler des fonctions de WebAssembly.

20 40

Online - desktop / tablet, Online - mobile

 Online - desktop / tablet, Online - mobile

15 Minutes

 15 Minutes

English (AUS), English (UK)...

 English (AUS), English (UK)...


This test is designed to evaluate the candidate's beginner level knowledge of HTML4 and their ability to create static web pages by using a predefined layout.

Title and Description  No. of Questions Duration(min)

HTML4 quiz beginner level 

This test is designed to evaluate the candidate's beginner level knowledge of HTML4 and their ability to create static web pages by using a predefined layout. Topics: basic knowledge of HTML markup language, page structure, syntax, tags, attributes and tags order.

20 15

HTML4 quiz medium level

This test is designed to measure medium knowledge of the HTML4. Topics: basic knowledge of HTML markup language, page structure, forms, syntax, tags, attributes and table, links, lists.

20 15

Why should you use this assessment?

SkillValue tests improve objectivity in the recruitment process and help you make reliable hiring decisions based on data driven scores, ranking and code analysis. They help you to minimise or remove biases that arise from CVs and panel interviews.  

You will be able to choose from a selection of questions available on our platform or add your own questions. We have 30, 000+ questions to choose from. We add 100+ new tests every year to our platform.

You can choose from the following 600+ tech and marketing skills assessments:

  • Java, .Net, PHP
  • Javascript, C, C++, Python, Ruby on Rails
  • Front end development
  • Full stack development
  • Mobile apps
  • IoT, embedded systems
  • Databases
  • Business intelligence
  • Big data
  • Game development
  • Product management
  • Blockchain
  • Multimedia
  • Maths and logic
  • OOP
  • UX/UI
  • Microsoft Office
  • Salesforce
  • SAP
  • Windev
  • DevOps
  • Infrastructure, AWS
  • Test automation

Happy Customers!

We are always recruiting, and the process is definitely more efficient with SkillValue. We discovered the platform whilst looking for a tool which would let us conduct IT tests with our applicants and from the minute we tried it, the process of pre-selecting our applicants was much easier. The tests are comprehensive and ready to use. The results are sent directly to the applicants and are accessible to our recruitment, making the entire selection process easier. SkillValue is the ideal recruitment tool.

Damien Chimier, Sales Director at Infotem.


Title and Description ( French) No. of Questions Duration(min)

HTML4 quiz niveau débutant

Ce test est destiné à l'évaluation des compétences de niveau débutant sur le langage HTML4, et les capacités des candidats de créer des pages web statiques, en utilisant un layout prédéfini. Connaissances mesurées : la structure de la page, la syntaxe, les balises, les attributs et l'ordre des balises.

20 15

HTML4 quiz niveau intermédiaire

Ce test vous permet de mesurer les connaissances intermédiaires du HTML4. Connaissances mesurées : connaissances de base du langage de balisage HTML, la structure de la page, les formulaires, la syntaxe, les balises,les attributs et l'ordre des balises.

20 15

Online - desktop / tablet, Online - mobile

 Online - desktop / tablet, Online - mobile

20 Minutes

 20 Minutes

English (AUS), English (UK)...

 English (AUS), English (UK)...


This test enables you to evaluate the candidates' knowledge of CSS3 with 20 intriguing questions that will test style sheets skills, essential for any web designer.

Title and Description  No. of Questions Duration(min)

CSS3 quiz advanced level

This test enables you to evaluate the candidates' knowledge of CSS3 with 20 intriguing questions that will test style sheets skills, essential for any web designer. Topics: Animations, Borders, Backgrounds, Texts, Fonts, Transitions, Media Queries.

20 20

CSS3 quiz medium level

This test assesses the candidate's intermediate knowledge of CSS 3 and their ability to work with main CSS3 features. Topics: selectors, layout, variables, positioning, responsiveness, colors.

20 20

CSS3 quiz beginner level

This test will assess your candidates' CSS3 knowledge and their ability to work with its features. Topics: selectors, layout, positioning, colors, borders, text.

20 20

Why should you use this assessment?

SkillValue tests improve objectivity in the recruitment process and help you make reliable hiring decisions based on data driven scores, ranking and code analysis. They help you to minimise or remove biases that arise from CVs and panel interviews.  

You will be able to choose from a selection of questions available on our platform or add your own questions. We have 30, 000+ questions to choose from. We add 100+ new tests every year to our platform.

You can choose from the following 600+ tech and marketing skills assessments:

  • Java, .Net, PHP
  • Javascript, C, C++, Python, Ruby on Rails
  • Front end development
  • Full stack development
  • Mobile apps
  • IoT, embedded systems
  • Databases
  • Business intelligence
  • Big data
  • Game development
  • Product management
  • Blockchain
  • Multimedia
  • Maths and logic
  • OOP
  • UX/UI
  • Microsoft Office
  • Salesforce
  • SAP
  • Windev
  • DevOps
  • Infrastructure, AWS
  • Test automation

Happy Customers!

We are always recruiting, and the process is definitely more efficient with SkillValue. We discovered the platform whilst looking for a tool which would let us conduct IT tests with our applicants and from the minute we tried it, the process of pre-selecting our applicants was much easier. The tests are comprehensive and ready to use. The results are sent directly to the applicants and are accessible to our recruitment, making the entire selection process easier. SkillValue is the ideal recruitment tool.

Damien Chimier, Sales Director at Infotem.


Title and Description ( French) No. of Questions Duration(min)

CSS3 quiz niveau avancé

Ce test vous permettent d'évaluer les connaissances de vos candidats sur CSS3 avec 20 questions intrigantes à répondre qui vont tester les compétences sur les fiches de styles, essentielles pour chaque web designer. Connaissances mesurées : Animations, Borders, Backgrounds, Texts, Fonts, Transitions, Media Queries.

20 20

CSS3 quiz niveau intermédiaire

Ce test évalue les connaissances de niveau intermédiaire du candidat en ce qui concerne CSS3 et sa capacité à travailler avec les principales fonctionnalités de CSS3.

20 20

CSS3 quiz niveau débutant

Ce test évaluera vos connaissances en ce qui concerne CSS3 et votre capacité à travailler avec les principales fonctionnalités de CSS3. Connaissances mesurées : sélecteurs, mise en page, positionnement, couleurs, bordures, texte.

20 20

Online - desktop / tablet, Online - mobile

 Online - desktop / tablet, Online - mobile

30 Minutes

 30 Minutes

English (AUS), English (UK)...

 English (AUS), English (UK)...


This test assesses the candidate's advanced knowledge of CSS and their ability to create complex layouts, compatible with modern browsers.

Title and Description  No. of Questions Duration(min)

CSS quiz advanced level

This test assesses the candidate's advanced knowledge of CSS and their ability to create complex layouts, compatible with modern browsers. Topics: syntax, advanced selectors, common mistakes regarding attributes and style inheritance.

20 20

CSS quiz medium level

This test assesses the intermediate knowledge of CSS development in building and implementing high-quality user interfaces. Topics: CSS 2.1 syntax, selectors, cross-browser issues, pseudo-classes.

20 15

CSS quiz beginner level

This test is designed for measuring knowledge in building and implementing high-quality user interfaces, ensuring each pixel is visually and interactively perfect. Topics: CSS 2.1, syntax, selectors, cross-browser issues, pseudo-classes.

30 30

Why should you use this assessment?

SkillValue tests improve objectivity in the recruitment process and help you make reliable hiring decisions based on data driven scores, ranking and code analysis. They help you to minimise or remove biases that arise from CVs and panel interviews.  

You will be able to choose from a selection of questions available on our platform or add your own questions. We have 30, 000+ questions to choose from. We add 100+ new tests every year to our platform.

You can choose from the following 600+ tech and marketing skills assessments:

  • Java, .Net, PHP
  • Javascript, C, C++, Python, Ruby on Rails
  • Front end development
  • Full stack development
  • Mobile apps
  • IoT, embedded systems
  • Databases
  • Business intelligence
  • Big data
  • Game development
  • Product management
  • Blockchain
  • Multimedia
  • Maths and logic
  • OOP
  • UX/UI
  • Microsoft Office
  • Salesforce
  • SAP
  • Windev
  • DevOps
  • Infrastructure, AWS
  • Test automation

Happy Customers!

We are always recruiting, and the process is definitely more efficient with SkillValue. We discovered the platform whilst looking for a tool which would let us conduct IT tests with our applicants and from the minute we tried it, the process of pre-selecting our applicants was much easier. The tests are comprehensive and ready to use. The results are sent directly to the applicants and are accessible to our recruitment, making the entire selection process easier. SkillValue is the ideal recruitment tool.

Damien Chimier, Sales Director at Infotem.


Title and Description ( French) No. of Questions Duration(min)

CSS quiz niveau avancé

Ce test est conçu pour évaluer les compétences avancées des candidats concernant la création des layouts complexes, compatibles avec les navigateurs modernes. Connaissances mesurées : la syntaxe, les sélecteurs avancés, l'héritage des styles CSS et des questions sur les erreurs les plus courantes concernant les attributs

20 20

CSS quiz niveau intermédiaire

Ce test permet d'évaluer les connaissances intermédiaires sur le développement CSS dans la construction et l'implémentation des interfaces utilisateur de haute qualité. Connaissances mesurées : syntaxe, sélecteurs, problèmes « de compatibilité entre navigateurs », pseudo - classes CSS 2.1

20 15

CSS quiz niveau débutant

Ce test a été conçu pour évaluer les compétences de base concernant la création et l'implémentation des interfaces utilisateur de haute qualité, en s'assurant que chaque pixel est parfait d'un point de vue visuel et interactif. Connaissances mesurées : CSS 2.1, la syntaxe, les sélecteurs, les questions cross-browser, les pseudo-classes.

30 30

Online - desktop / tablet, Online - mobile

 Online - desktop / tablet, Online - mobile

15 Minutes

 15 Minutes

English (AUS), English (UK)...

 English (AUS), English (UK)...


This test assesses the candidate's advanced knowledge of HTML5.

Title and Description  No. of Questions Duration(min)

HTML5 quiz advanced level

This test assesses the candidate's advanced knowledge of HTML5. Topics: attributes, tags, web storage, canvas, audio & video, and web workers

20 15

HTML5 quiz medium level

This test assesses the candidate's medium knowledge of HTML5, the technology that makes the creation of accessible sites easier. Topics: graphics, forms, attributes, media, tags, local storage and geolocation.

20 15

HTML5 quiz beginner level

This test assesses the candidate's beginner knowledge of HTML5 language. Topics: syntax, tags, input field types, input field validation, sockets, sessions, attributes

20 15

Why should you use this assessment?

SkillValue tests improve objectivity in the recruitment process and help you make reliable hiring decisions based on data driven scores, ranking and code analysis. They help you to minimise or remove biases that arise from CVs and panel interviews.  

You will be able to choose from a selection of questions available on our platform or add your own questions. We have 30, 000+ questions to choose from. We add 100+ new tests every year to our platform.

You can choose from the following 600+ tech and marketing skills assessments:

  • Java, .Net, PHP
  • Javascript, C, C++, Python, Ruby on Rails
  • Front end development
  • Full stack development
  • Mobile apps
  • IoT, embedded systems
  • Databases
  • Business intelligence
  • Big data
  • Game development
  • Product management
  • Blockchain
  • Multimedia
  • Maths and logic
  • OOP
  • UX/UI
  • Microsoft Office
  • Salesforce
  • SAP
  • Windev
  • DevOps
  • Infrastructure, AWS
  • Test automation

Happy Customers!

We are always recruiting, and the process is definitely more efficient with SkillValue. We discovered the platform whilst looking for a tool which would let us conduct IT tests with our applicants and from the minute we tried it, the process of pre-selecting our applicants was much easier. The tests are comprehensive and ready to use. The results are sent directly to the applicants and are accessible to our recruitment, making the entire selection process easier. SkillValue is the ideal recruitment tool.

Damien Chimier, Sales Director at Infotem.


Title and Description ( French) No. of Questions Duration(min)

HTML5 quiz niveau avancé

Ce test est destiné à évaluer les compétences de niveau avancé en programmation HTML5. Connaissances mesurées : attributs, balises, web storage, canvas, audio & video, web workers.

20 15

HTML5 quiz niveau intermédiaire

Ce test est destiné à l'évaluation des compétences de niveau moyen en programmation HTML5, la technologie qui rend la création des sites accessibles plus facile. Connaissances mesurées : graphiques, attributs, médias, balises, stockage.

20 15

HTML5 quiz niveau débutant

Ce test est destiné à l'évaluation des compétences de niveau débutant en programmation HTML5 (HyperText Markup Language 5). Connaissances mesurées : la syntaxe, les balises, les types de champs de saisie, la validation des champs de saisie, les sockets, les sessions, les attributs.

20 15

Online - desktop / tablet, Online - mobile

 Online - desktop / tablet, Online - mobile

20 Minutes

 20 Minutes

English (AUS), English (UK)...

 English (AUS), English (UK)...


This test allows evaluates knowledge of Golang. Topics: basic data structures, flow control, structures and concurrent programming using goroutines.

Why should you use this assessment?

SkillValue tests improve objectivity in the recruitment process and help you make reliable hiring decisions based on data driven scores, ranking and code analysis. They help you to minimise or remove biases that arise from CVs and panel interviews.  

You will be able to choose from a selection of questions available on our platform or add your own questions. We have 30, 000+ questions to choose from. We add 100+ new tests every year to our platform.

You can choose from the following 600+ tech and marketing skills assessments:

  • Java, .Net, PHP
  • Javascript, C, C++, Python, Ruby on Rails
  • Front end development
  • Full stack development
  • Mobile apps
  • IoT, embedded systems
  • Databases
  • Business intelligence
  • Big data
  • Game development
  • Product management
  • Blockchain
  • Multimedia
  • Maths and logic
  • OOP
  • UX/UI
  • Microsoft Office
  • Salesforce
  • SAP
  • Windev
  • DevOps
  • Infrastructure, AWS
  • Test automation

Happy Customers!

We are always recruiting, and the process is definitely more efficient with SkillValue. We discovered the platform whilst looking for a tool which would let us conduct IT tests with our applicants and from the minute we tried it, the process of pre-selecting our applicants was much easier. The tests are comprehensive and ready to use. The results are sent directly to the applicants and are accessible to our recruitment, making the entire selection process easier. SkillValue is the ideal recruitment tool.

Damien Chimier, Sales Director at Infotem.

Title and Description ( French) No. of Questions Duration(min)

Golang quiz niveau intermédiaire

Ce test vous permet de mesurer les connaissances intermédiaires en Golang. Connaissances mesurées : structures de données de base, contrôle de flux, structures et programmation concurrente utilisant des goroutines.

20 20
Jombay-Assessment Centre Platform
Jombay-Assessment Centre Platform

Cloud, Web-based

 Cloud, Web-based

English (AUS), English (UK)...

 English (AUS), English (UK)...

Request a Quote
Request a Quote

Jombay was founded to make high-touch leadership assessments scalable, giving many more organizations and leaders across the world the opportunity to experience the benefits.

Our consolidated assessment center platform combines technology with behavioral science to help organisations relook at their hiring, development and succession planning processes and to take them virtual, while also enhancing operational efficiency and optimizing costs.


  • Configure the competencies you want to measure
  • Select the assessment templates
  • Upload your assessment content
    (case studies, role plays etc.)
  • Integrate any personality or cognitive
    assessment of your choice


  • Send out the links of the assessment taker dashboard to the candidate


  • Use the video technology platform and assessor dashboard to evaluate role plays, interviews and case studies


  • Use the platform to generate individual and group reports


GC Regional Manager (VirtualAC)



GC Regional Manager (VirtualAC)

Online - desktop / tablet, Virtual AC

 Online - desktop / tablet, Virtual AC

230 Minutes

 230 Minutes

English (AUS), English (UK)...

 English (AUS), English (UK)...

Request pricing
Request pricing

In this ‘day-in-the-life’ exercise, the Participant assumes the role of the newly-appointed Regional Commercial Manager for the Middle East for Groupe Chaumont (known as ‘GC’). GC is an international manufacturer of soft drinks. The exercise is made up of three different components: an email section (similar to an Inbox or Inbasket), an Analysis Exercise with a Briefing call and an Internal Interview Simulation (or Roleplay). In the email section of the exercise, the Participant is faced with a sales query, a request for recommendations about a possible licencing agreement, and a need to review outputs of a staff survey. In the Analysis Exercise the Participant has to review data and information relating to an explosion in one of the factories, and in the Interview Simulation they have a meeting with a direct report in which they must address some performance issues.

*** This is an Online Business Simulation Exercise delivered through our VirtualAC Platform. ***This exercise is a parallel version of the Improving Performance Express Analysis Exercise.

Option1 Report only : 85 min Option 2,            Report & Briefing: 125 min


Why should you use this assessment?

This type of assessment is also called a job simulation or work simulation exercise as it can offer a realistic simulation of the skills required for a role. All you have to do is ensure it matches the skills or competencies you are looking to assess and is at the right level for the role you are recruiting for. Using this type of exercises help hiring decision-makers:

  • improve objectivity and minimize biases from interviews and
  • deliver constructive feedback to candidates improving their experience.

Not sure if this is the right assessment? Send us an uptodate job description including competencies that are critical to succeed in the role. We will send you our recommendations or discuss this with you.

****Talent Grader  sources these exercises from our trusted  partners to offer as part of the consultancy services. You do not need to be trained to use these exercises as we will support you in assessing your candidates and provide you with a detailed report, saving you time and effort. If you are a trained assessor, please contact us to purchase the assessment only and we will set you up as an assessor to mark the exercise. ****

2G and 3G Networks
2G and 3G Networks

Online - desktop / tablet, Online - mobile

 Online - desktop / tablet, Online - mobile

20 Minutes

 20 Minutes

English (AUS), English (UK)...

 English (AUS), English (UK)...


This test is designed to assess the candidate's beginner skills on 2G and 3G networks.

Why should you use this assessment?

SkillValue tests improve objectivity in the recruitment process and help you make reliable hiring decisions based on data driven scores, ranking and code analysis. They help you to minimise or remove biases that arise from CVs and panel interviews.  

You will be able to choose from a selection of questions available on our platform or add your own questions. We have 30, 000+ questions to choose from. We add 100+ new tests every year to our platform.

You can choose from the following 600+ tech and marketing skills assessments:

  • Java, .Net, PHP
  • Javascript, C, C++, Python, Ruby on Rails
  • Front end development
  • Full stack development
  • Mobile apps
  • IoT, embedded systems
  • Databases
  • Business intelligence
  • Big data
  • Game development
  • Product management
  • Blockchain
  • Multimedia
  • Maths and logic
  • OOP
  • UX/UI
  • Microsoft Office
  • Salesforce
  • SAP
  • Windev
  • DevOps
  • Infrastructure, AWS
  • Test automation

Happy Customers!

We are always recruiting, and the process is definitely more efficient with SkillValue. We discovered the platform whilst looking for a tool which would let us conduct IT tests with our applicants and from the minute we tried it, the process of pre-selecting our applicants was much easier. The tests are comprehensive and ready to use. The results are sent directly to the applicants and are accessible to our recruitment, making the entire selection process easier. SkillValue is the ideal recruitment tool.

Damien Chimier, Sales Director at Infotem.

Title and Description ( French) No. of Questions Duration(min)

Réseaux 2G et 3G quiz niveau débutant

Ce test est destiné à l'évaluation des candidats de niveau débutant sur les réseau 2G et 3G.

40 20
Embedded C
Embedded C

Online - desktop / tablet, Online - mobile

 Online - desktop / tablet, Online - mobile

20 Minutes

 20 Minutes

English (AUS), English (UK)...

 English (AUS), English (UK)...


This test helps you to evaluate your candidates' advanced knowledge of Embedded C.

Title and Description  No. of Questions Duration(min)

Embedded C quiz advanced level

This test helps you to evaluate your candidates' advanced knowledge of Embedded C. Topics: C knowledge (C syntax, data structures and algorithms), embedded knowledge (interrupts, processor architecture, etc).

25 20

Embedded C quiz medium level

This test helps you to quickly evaluate your candidates' medium knowledge of Embedded C. Topics: basic C knowledge (C syntax, data structures and simple algorithms), basic embedded knowledge (interrupts, processor architecture, etc).

20 20

Embedded C quiz beginner level

This test helps you to evaluate your candidates' begginer knowledge of Embedded C. Topics: basic C knowledge (C syntax, data structures and simple algorithms), basic embedded knowledge (processor architecture, etc).

20 15

Why should you use this assessment?

SkillValue tests improve objectivity in the recruitment process and help you make reliable hiring decisions based on data driven scores, ranking and code analysis. They help you to minimise or remove biases that arise from CVs and panel interviews.  

You will be able to choose from a selection of questions available on our platform or add your own questions. We have 30, 000+ questions to choose from. We add 100+ new tests every year to our platform.

You can choose from the following 600+ tech and marketing skills assessments:

  • Java, .Net, PHP
  • Javascript, C, C++, Python, Ruby on Rails
  • Front end development
  • Full stack development
  • Mobile apps
  • IoT, embedded systems
  • Databases
  • Business intelligence
  • Big data
  • Game development
  • Product management
  • Blockchain
  • Multimedia
  • Maths and logic
  • OOP
  • UX/UI
  • Microsoft Office
  • Salesforce
  • SAP
  • Windev
  • DevOps
  • Infrastructure, AWS
  • Test automation

Happy Customers!

We are always recruiting, and the process is definitely more efficient with SkillValue. We discovered the platform whilst looking for a tool which would let us conduct IT tests with our applicants and from the minute we tried it, the process of pre-selecting our applicants was much easier. The tests are comprehensive and ready to use. The results are sent directly to the applicants and are accessible to our recruitment, making the entire selection process easier. SkillValue is the ideal recruitment tool.

Damien Chimier, Sales Director at Infotem.


Title and Description ( French) No. of Questions Duration(min)

C Embarqué quiz niveau avancé

Ce test vous permet d'évaluer très rapidement les connaissances de niveau avancé de vos candidats sur C embarqué. Connaissances mesurées : connaissances en langage C (syntaxe C, structures de données et algorithmes ), C embarqué (interruptions, architecture du processeur...).

25 20

Embedded C quiz niveau intermédiaire

Ce test vous permet d'évaluer très rapidement les connaissances de niveau intermédiaire de vos candidats sur C embarqué. Connaissances mesurées : connaissances de base en langage C (syntaxe C, structures de données et algorithmes simples), connaissances de base sur C embarqué (interruptions, architecture du processeur...).

20 20

C Embarqué quiz niveau débutant

Ce test vous permet d'évaluer les connaissances de niveau débutant de vos candidats sur C embarqué. Connaissances mesurées : connaissances de base en langage C (syntaxe C, structures de données et algorithmes simples), connaissances de base sur C embarqué (architecture du processeur...).

20 15

Online - desktop / tablet, Online - mobile

 Online - desktop / tablet, Online - mobile

10 Minutes

 10 Minutes

English (AUS), English (UK)...

 English (AUS), English (UK)...


This test is designed to assess your candidate's beginner skills in VOIP.

Why should you use this assessment?

SkillValue tests improve objectivity in the recruitment process and help you make reliable hiring decisions based on data driven scores, ranking and code analysis. They help you to minimise or remove biases that arise from CVs and panel interviews.  

You will be able to choose from a selection of questions available on our platform or add your own questions. We have 30, 000+ questions to choose from. We add 100+ new tests every year to our platform.

You can choose from the following 600+ tech and marketing skills assessments:

  • Java, .Net, PHP
  • Javascript, C, C++, Python, Ruby on Rails
  • Front end development
  • Full stack development
  • Mobile apps
  • IoT, embedded systems
  • Databases
  • Business intelligence
  • Big data
  • Game development
  • Product management
  • Blockchain
  • Multimedia
  • Maths and logic
  • OOP
  • UX/UI
  • Microsoft Office
  • Salesforce
  • SAP
  • Windev
  • DevOps
  • Infrastructure, AWS
  • Test automation

Happy Customers!

We are always recruiting, and the process is definitely more efficient with SkillValue. We discovered the platform whilst looking for a tool which would let us conduct IT tests with our applicants and from the minute we tried it, the process of pre-selecting our applicants was much easier. The tests are comprehensive and ready to use. The results are sent directly to the applicants and are accessible to our recruitment, making the entire selection process easier. SkillValue is the ideal recruitment tool.

Damien Chimier, Sales Director at Infotem.

Title and Description ( French) No. of Questions Duration(min)

VOIP quiz niveau débutant

Ce test est destiné à l'évaluation des connaissances de niveau débutant sur VOIP.

20 10
Vaadin 6.x
Vaadin 6.x

Online - desktop / tablet, Online - mobile

 Online - desktop / tablet, Online - mobile

20 Minutes

 20 Minutes

English (AUS), English (UK)...

 English (AUS), English (UK)...


This test is designed to assess the candidate's beginner knowledge of Vaadin 6.x in a Java Web software development context.

Title and Description  No. of Questions Duration(min)

Vaadin 6.x quiz beginner level

This test is designed to assess the candidate's beginner knowledge of Vaadin 6.x in a Java Web software development context. Topics: fundamentals, Windows, components, tables, layouts.

20 20

Vaadin 6.x quiz medium level

This test is designed to assess the candidate's medium knowledge of Vaadin 6.x in a Java Web software development context. Topics: fundamentals, Windows, components, tables, layouts.

20 20

Why should you use this assessment?

SkillValue tests improve objectivity in the recruitment process and help you make reliable hiring decisions based on data driven scores, ranking and code analysis. They help you to minimise or remove biases that arise from CVs and panel interviews.  

You will be able to choose from a selection of questions available on our platform or add your own questions. We have 30, 000+ questions to choose from. We add 100+ new tests every year to our platform.

You can choose from the following 600+ tech and marketing skills assessments:

  • Java, .Net, PHP
  • Javascript, C, C++, Python, Ruby on Rails
  • Front end development
  • Full stack development
  • Mobile apps
  • IoT, embedded systems
  • Databases
  • Business intelligence
  • Big data
  • Game development
  • Product management
  • Blockchain
  • Multimedia
  • Maths and logic
  • OOP
  • UX/UI
  • Microsoft Office
  • Salesforce
  • SAP
  • Windev
  • DevOps
  • Infrastructure, AWS
  • Test automation

Happy Customers!

We are always recruiting, and the process is definitely more efficient with SkillValue. We discovered the platform whilst looking for a tool which would let us conduct IT tests with our applicants and from the minute we tried it, the process of pre-selecting our applicants was much easier. The tests are comprehensive and ready to use. The results are sent directly to the applicants and are accessible to our recruitment, making the entire selection process easier. SkillValue is the ideal recruitment tool.

Damien Chimier, Sales Director at Infotem.


Title and Description ( French) No. of Questions Duration(min)

Vaadin 6.x quiz niveau débutant

Ce test permet d'évaluer les connaissances débutants du Vaadin 6.x dans un contexte de développement software Java Web. Connaissances mesurées : les fondamentaux, Windows, composants, tableaux, layouts.

20 20

Vaadin 6.x quiz niveau intermédiaire

Ce test permet d'évaluer les connaissances intermédiaires du Vaadin 6.x dans un contexte de développement software Java Web. Connaissances mesurées : les fondamentaux, Windows, composants, tableaux, layouts.

20 20
Spring 4.x
Spring 4.x

Online - desktop / tablet, Online - mobile

 Online - desktop / tablet, Online - mobile

30 Minutes

 30 Minutes

English (AUS), English (UK)...

 English (AUS), English (UK)...


This test measures beginner knowledge of the Spring framework, version: 4.3.7, in a Java 7/8 software development context.

Title and Description  No. of Questions Duration(min)

Spring 4.x quiz beginner level

This test measures beginner knowledge of the Spring framework, version: 4.3.7, in a Java 7/8 software development context. Topics: basic concepts, bean scope, bean life cycle, dependency injection, transactions, MVC.

20 30

Spring 4.x quiz medium level

This test measures medium knowledge of the Spring framework, version: 4.3.7, in a Java 7/8 software development context. Topics: basic concepts, bean life cycle, dependency injection, transactions, REST services, MVC.

20 30

Why should you use this assessment?

SkillValue tests improve objectivity in the recruitment process and help you make reliable hiring decisions based on data driven scores, ranking and code analysis. They help you to minimise or remove biases that arise from CVs and panel interviews.  

You will be able to choose from a selection of questions available on our platform or add your own questions. We have 30, 000+ questions to choose from. We add 100+ new tests every year to our platform.

You can choose from the following 600+ tech and marketing skills assessments:

  • Java, .Net, PHP
  • Javascript, C, C++, Python, Ruby on Rails
  • Front end development
  • Full stack development
  • Mobile apps
  • IoT, embedded systems
  • Databases
  • Business intelligence
  • Big data
  • Game development
  • Product management
  • Blockchain
  • Multimedia
  • Maths and logic
  • OOP
  • UX/UI
  • Microsoft Office
  • Salesforce
  • SAP
  • Windev
  • DevOps
  • Infrastructure, AWS
  • Test automation

Happy Customers!

We are always recruiting, and the process is definitely more efficient with SkillValue. We discovered the platform whilst looking for a tool which would let us conduct IT tests with our applicants and from the minute we tried it, the process of pre-selecting our applicants was much easier. The tests are comprehensive and ready to use. The results are sent directly to the applicants and are accessible to our recruitment, making the entire selection process easier. SkillValue is the ideal recruitment tool.

Damien Chimier, Sales Director at Infotem.


Title and Description ( French) No. of Questions Duration(min)

Spring 4.x quiz niveau débutant

Ce test évalue les connaissances de niveau débutant sur le framework Spring, version: 4.3.7, dans un contexte de développement Java 7/8. Connaissances mesurées : concepts de base, bean scope, cycle de vie des beans, injection de dépendance, transactions, MVC.

20 30

Spring 4.x quiz niveau intermédiaire

Ce test évalue les connaissances, de niveau intermédiaire, en ce qui concerne le framework Spring, (version 4.3.7), dans un contexte de développement de logiciel de Java 7/8. Connaissances mesurées : concepts de base, cycle de vie des beans, injection de dépendances, transactions, REST services, Web MVC.

20 30
Spring 3.x
Spring 3.x

Online - desktop / tablet, Online - mobile

 Online - desktop / tablet, Online - mobile

30 Minutes

 30 Minutes

English (AUS), English (UK)...

 English (AUS), English (UK)...


This test evaluates the candidate's advanced knowledge of the Spring 3.x framework in a Java web software development context. 

Title and Description  No. of Questions Duration(min)

Spring 3.x quiz advanced level

This test evaluates the candidate's advanced knowledge of the Spring 3.x framework in a Java web software development context. Topics: Fundamentals, Beans, Controllers, AOP, Containers, Dependency Injection, Events, ORM, Security.

27 30

Spring 3.x quiz medium level

This test evaluates the candidate's medium knowledge of the Spring 3.x framework in a Java web software development context. Topics: basic concepts, bean life cycle, dependency injection, transactions, Web MVC.

20 30

Spring 3.x quiz beginner level

This test measures the candidate's basic knowledge of Spring 3.x Framework in a Java web software development context. Topics: basic concepts, bean life cycle, dependency injection, transactions, Web MVC.

20 10

Why should you use this assessment?

SkillValue tests improve objectivity in the recruitment process and help you make reliable hiring decisions based on data driven scores, ranking and code analysis. They help you to minimise or remove biases that arise from CVs and panel interviews.  

You will be able to choose from a selection of questions available on our platform or add your own questions. We have 30, 000+ questions to choose from. We add 100+ new tests every year to our platform.

You can choose from the following 600+ tech and marketing skills assessments:

  • Java, .Net, PHP
  • Javascript, C, C++, Python, Ruby on Rails
  • Front end development
  • Full stack development
  • Mobile apps
  • IoT, embedded systems
  • Databases
  • Business intelligence
  • Big data
  • Game development
  • Product management
  • Blockchain
  • Multimedia
  • Maths and logic
  • OOP
  • UX/UI
  • Microsoft Office
  • Salesforce
  • SAP
  • Windev
  • DevOps
  • Infrastructure, AWS
  • Test automation

Happy Customers!

We are always recruiting, and the process is definitely more efficient with SkillValue. We discovered the platform whilst looking for a tool which would let us conduct IT tests with our applicants and from the minute we tried it, the process of pre-selecting our applicants was much easier. The tests are comprehensive and ready to use. The results are sent directly to the applicants and are accessible to our recruitment, making the entire selection process easier. SkillValue is the ideal recruitment tool.

Damien Chimier, Sales Director at Infotem.


Title and Description ( French) No. of Questions Duration(min)

Spring 3.x quiz niveau avancé

Ce test permet d'évaluer les connaissances avancé du framework Spring 3.x dans un contexte de développement software Java. Connaissances mesurées : Fundamentals, Beans, Controllers, AOP, Containers, Dependency Injection, Events, ORM, Security.

27 30

Spring 3.x quiz niveau intermédiaire

Ce test permet d'évaluer les connaissances intermédiaires du framework Spring 3.x dans un contexte de développement software Java. Connaissances mesurées : concepts de base, cycle de vie des beans, injection de dépendance, transactions, Web MVC.

20 30

Spring 3.x quiz niveau débutant

Ce test vérifie les connaissances de base des candidats sur Framework Spring 3.x dans le contexte de développement web en Java. Connaissances mesurées : concepts de base, cycle de vie d'un Bean, injection de dépendances, transactions,Web MVC.

20 10
SWT 3.x
SWT 3.x

Online - desktop / tablet, Online - mobile

 Online - desktop / tablet, Online - mobile

30 Minutes

 30 Minutes

English (AUS), English (UK)...

 English (AUS), English (UK)...


This test is designed to assess your candidate's medium skills in Standard Widget Toolkit (SWT).

Why should you use this assessment?

SkillValue tests improve objectivity in the recruitment process and help you make reliable hiring decisions based on data driven scores, ranking and code analysis. They help you to minimise or remove biases that arise from CVs and panel interviews.  

You will be able to choose from a selection of questions available on our platform or add your own questions. We have 30, 000+ questions to choose from. We add 100+ new tests every year to our platform.

You can choose from the following 600+ tech and marketing skills assessments:

  • Java, .Net, PHP
  • Javascript, C, C++, Python, Ruby on Rails
  • Front end development
  • Full stack development
  • Mobile apps
  • IoT, embedded systems
  • Databases
  • Business intelligence
  • Big data
  • Game development
  • Product management
  • Blockchain
  • Multimedia
  • Maths and logic
  • OOP
  • UX/UI
  • Microsoft Office
  • Salesforce
  • SAP
  • Windev
  • DevOps
  • Infrastructure, AWS
  • Test automation

Happy Customers!

We are always recruiting, and the process is definitely more efficient with SkillValue. We discovered the platform whilst looking for a tool which would let us conduct IT tests with our applicants and from the minute we tried it, the process of pre-selecting our applicants was much easier. The tests are comprehensive and ready to use. The results are sent directly to the applicants and are accessible to our recruitment, making the entire selection process easier. SkillValue is the ideal recruitment tool.

Damien Chimier, Sales Director at Infotem.

Title and Description ( French) No. of Questions Duration(min)

SWT 3.x quiz niveau intermédiaire

Ce test est destiné à l'évaluation des connaissances de niveau intermédiaire sur Standard Widget Toolkit (SWT).

20 30

Online - desktop / tablet, Online - mobile

 Online - desktop / tablet, Online - mobile

30 Minutes

 30 Minutes

English (AUS), English (UK)...

 English (AUS), English (UK)...


This test assesses the candidates' Scala knowledge in term of syntax, Collections, Types and Generics, Functional programming. Topics: Collections, Types and Generics, Pattern matching, Futures, Partial functions, Concurrency, Implicit classes.

Why should you use this assessment?

SkillValue tests improve objectivity in the recruitment process and help you make reliable hiring decisions based on data driven scores, ranking and code analysis. They help you to minimise or remove biases that arise from CVs and panel interviews.  

You will be able to choose from a selection of questions available on our platform or add your own questions. We have 30, 000+ questions to choose from. We add 100+ new tests every year to our platform.

You can choose from the following 600+ tech and marketing skills assessments:

  • Java, .Net, PHP
  • Javascript, C, C++, Python, Ruby on Rails
  • Front end development
  • Full stack development
  • Mobile apps
  • IoT, embedded systems
  • Databases
  • Business intelligence
  • Big data
  • Game development
  • Product management
  • Blockchain
  • Multimedia
  • Maths and logic
  • OOP
  • UX/UI
  • Microsoft Office
  • Salesforce
  • SAP
  • Windev
  • DevOps
  • Infrastructure, AWS
  • Test automation

Happy Customers!

We are always recruiting, and the process is definitely more efficient with SkillValue. We discovered the platform whilst looking for a tool which would let us conduct IT tests with our applicants and from the minute we tried it, the process of pre-selecting our applicants was much easier. The tests are comprehensive and ready to use. The results are sent directly to the applicants and are accessible to our recruitment, making the entire selection process easier. SkillValue is the ideal recruitment tool.

Damien Chimier, Sales Director at Infotem.

Title and Description ( French) No. of Questions Duration(min)

Scala quiz niveau intermédiaire

Ce test permet d'évaluer les connaissances intermédiaires du langage Scala en mettant l'accent sur : la syntaxe, les collections, les types et les génériques, la programmation fonctionnelle. Connaissances mesurées : collections, types et génériques, pattern matching, futures, fonctions partielles, concurrence, classes implicites.

20 30
JavaServer Faces 2.x
JavaServer Faces 2.x

Online - desktop / tablet, Online - mobile

 Online - desktop / tablet, Online - mobile

40 Minutes

 40 Minutes

English (AUS), English (UK)...

 English (AUS), English (UK)...


This test is designed to assess the candidate's beginner knowledge of JavaServer Faces 2.x.

Title and Description  No. of Questions Duration(min)

JavaServer Faces 2.x quiz beginner level

This test is designed to assess the candidate's beginner knowledge of JavaServer Faces 2.x.

20 20

JavaServer Faces 2.x quiz medium level

This test is designed to assess the candidate's medium knowledge of JavaServer Faces 2.x.

20 40

Why should you use this assessment?

SkillValue tests improve objectivity in the recruitment process and help you make reliable hiring decisions based on data driven scores, ranking and code analysis. They help you to minimise or remove biases that arise from CVs and panel interviews.  

You will be able to choose from a selection of questions available on our platform or add your own questions. We have 30, 000+ questions to choose from. We add 100+ new tests every year to our platform.

You can choose from the following 600+ tech and marketing skills assessments:

  • Java, .Net, PHP
  • Javascript, C, C++, Python, Ruby on Rails
  • Front end development
  • Full stack development
  • Mobile apps
  • IoT, embedded systems
  • Databases
  • Business intelligence
  • Big data
  • Game development
  • Product management
  • Blockchain
  • Multimedia
  • Maths and logic
  • OOP
  • UX/UI
  • Microsoft Office
  • Salesforce
  • SAP
  • Windev
  • DevOps
  • Infrastructure, AWS
  • Test automation

Happy Customers!

We are always recruiting, and the process is definitely more efficient with SkillValue. We discovered the platform whilst looking for a tool which would let us conduct IT tests with our applicants and from the minute we tried it, the process of pre-selecting our applicants was much easier. The tests are comprehensive and ready to use. The results are sent directly to the applicants and are accessible to our recruitment, making the entire selection process easier. SkillValue is the ideal recruitment tool.

Damien Chimier, Sales Director at Infotem.


Title and Description ( French) No. of Questions Duration(min)

JavaServer Faces 2.x quiz niveau débutant

Ce test est destiné à l'évaluation des connaissances de niveau débutant sur JavaServer Faces 2.x.

20 20

JavaServer Faces 2.x quiz niveau intermédiaire

Ce test est destiné à l'évaluation des connaissances de niveau intermédiaire sur JavaServer Faces 2.x.

20 40

Online - desktop / tablet, Online - mobile

 Online - desktop / tablet, Online - mobile

20 Minutes

 20 Minutes




Ce test est conçu pour les débutants. Il mesure leurs connaissances de Vuex à l'aide de questions interactives qui testent à la fois les compétences théoriques et pratiques. Sujets : Vue, Vuex, JavaScript, Front-End, composants, store.

Why should you use this assessment?

SkillValue tests improve objectivity in the recruitment process and help you make reliable hiring decisions based on data driven scores, ranking and code analysis. They help you to minimise or remove biases that arise from CVs and panel interviews.  

You will be able to choose from a selection of questions available on our platform or add your own questions. We have 30, 000+ questions to choose from. We add 100+ new tests every year to our platform.

You can choose from the following 600+ tech and marketing skills assessments:

  • Java, .Net, PHP
  • Javascript, C, C++, Python, Ruby on Rails
  • Front end development
  • Full stack development
  • Mobile apps
  • IoT, embedded systems
  • Databases
  • Business intelligence
  • Big data
  • Game development
  • Product management
  • Blockchain
  • Multimedia
  • Maths and logic
  • OOP
  • UX/UI
  • Microsoft Office
  • Salesforce
  • SAP
  • Windev
  • DevOps
  • Infrastructure, AWS
  • Test automation

Happy Customers!

We are always recruiting, and the process is definitely more efficient with SkillValue. We discovered the platform whilst looking for a tool which would let us conduct IT tests with our applicants and from the minute we tried it, the process of pre-selecting our applicants was much easier. The tests are comprehensive and ready to use. The results are sent directly to the applicants and are accessible to our recruitment, making the entire selection process easier. SkillValue is the ideal recruitment tool.

Damien Chimier, Sales Director at Infotem.

Angular 8
Angular 8

Online - desktop / tablet, Online - mobile

 Online - desktop / tablet, Online - mobile

25 Minutes

 25 Minutes

English (AUS), English (UK)...

 English (AUS), English (UK)...


Angular 8 quiz consists of 25 basic questions. It evaluates the understanding of the framework's key concepts familiar to any skilled developer. You, as a developer, should have a range of competencies: - making use of the RxJS library; - breaking the application into feature modules and shared modules; - using advanced routing techniques like lazy loading, guarding, or resolvers; - implementing a presentational/container component architecture; - creating services; - integrating third-party modules and libraries;deploying the Angular application to a production environment. Topics: Modules, Forms, Components, Angular CLI, Routing, HTTP Requests, RxJS.

Why should you use this assessment?

SkillValue tests improve objectivity in the recruitment process and help you make reliable hiring decisions based on data driven scores, ranking and code analysis. They help you to minimise or remove biases that arise from CVs and panel interviews.  

You will be able to choose from a selection of questions available on our platform or add your own questions. We have 30, 000+ questions to choose from. We add 100+ new tests every year to our platform.

You can choose from the following 600+ tech and marketing skills assessments:

  • Java, .Net, PHP
  • Javascript, C, C++, Python, Ruby on Rails
  • Front end development
  • Full stack development
  • Mobile apps
  • IoT, embedded systems
  • Databases
  • Business intelligence
  • Big data
  • Game development
  • Product management
  • Blockchain
  • Multimedia
  • Maths and logic
  • OOP
  • UX/UI
  • Microsoft Office
  • Salesforce
  • SAP
  • Windev
  • DevOps
  • Infrastructure, AWS
  • Test automation

Happy Customers!

We are always recruiting, and the process is definitely more efficient with SkillValue. We discovered the platform whilst looking for a tool which would let us conduct IT tests with our applicants and from the minute we tried it, the process of pre-selecting our applicants was much easier. The tests are comprehensive and ready to use. The results are sent directly to the applicants and are accessible to our recruitment, making the entire selection process easier. SkillValue is the ideal recruitment tool.

Damien Chimier, Sales Director at Infotem.

Title and Description ( French) No. of Questions Duration(min)

Angular 8 quiz niveau intermédiaire

Le quiz sur Angular 8 se compose de 25 questions de base. Il évalue la compréhension des concepts-clés du framework qui sont familiers à tout développeur compétent. En tant que développeur Angular, vos candidats doivent avoir un éventail varié de compétences : - Utiliser la bibliothèque RxJS ; - Décomposer l'application en modules de fonctionnalités et modules partagés ; - Utiliser des techniques de routage avancées comme le lazy loading, le guarding ou les resolvers ; - Implémenter une architecture de composants de présentation/conteneurs ; - Créer des services ; - Intégrer des modules tiers et des bibliothèques tierces ; - Déployer l'application sous Angular dans un environnement de production.

25 25
Angular 8
Angular 8

Online - desktop / tablet, Online - mobile

 Online - desktop / tablet, Online - mobile

20 Minutes

 20 Minutes

English (AUS), English (UK)...

 English (AUS), English (UK)...


This test assesses a candidate's beginner knowledge of Angular 8.

Title and Description  No. of Questions Duration(min)

Angular 8 quiz beginner level

This test assesses a candidate's beginner knowledge of Angular 8. Topics: Modules, Forms, Components, Routing, HTTP Requests, etc.

20 20

Angular 8 quiz advanced level

This quiz provides 20 basic questions that outline key concepts of the framework that every Angular 8 developer should be familiar with them. Topics: Version changes, best practices, asynchronous calls, rxjs, Routing, Forms, templating.

20 20

Why should you use this assessment?

SkillValue tests improve objectivity in the recruitment process and help you make reliable hiring decisions based on data driven scores, ranking and code analysis. They help you to minimise or remove biases that arise from CVs and panel interviews.  

You will be able to choose from a selection of questions available on our platform or add your own questions. We have 30, 000+ questions to choose from. We add 100+ new tests every year to our platform.

You can choose from the following 600+ tech and marketing skills assessments:

  • Java, .Net, PHP
  • Javascript, C, C++, Python, Ruby on Rails
  • Front end development
  • Full stack development
  • Mobile apps
  • IoT, embedded systems
  • Databases
  • Business intelligence
  • Big data
  • Game development
  • Product management
  • Blockchain
  • Multimedia
  • Maths and logic
  • OOP
  • UX/UI
  • Microsoft Office
  • Salesforce
  • SAP
  • Windev
  • DevOps
  • Infrastructure, AWS
  • Test automation

Happy Customers!

We are always recruiting, and the process is definitely more efficient with SkillValue. We discovered the platform whilst looking for a tool which would let us conduct IT tests with our applicants and from the minute we tried it, the process of pre-selecting our applicants was much easier. The tests are comprehensive and ready to use. The results are sent directly to the applicants and are accessible to our recruitment, making the entire selection process easier. SkillValue is the ideal recruitment tool.

Damien Chimier, Sales Director at Infotem.


Title and Description ( French) No. of Questions Duration(min)

Angular 8 quiz niveau débutant

Ce test évalue les connaissances, de niveau intermédiaire, de vos candidats en ce qui concerne Angular 8. Connaissances mesurées : modules, formulaires, composants, routing, requêtes HTTP, etc.

20 20

Angular 8 quiz niveau avancé

Ce quiz propose 20 questions de base sur les concepts clés du framework. Chaque développeur, utilisant Angular 8, se doit de les connaître. Connaissances mesurées : changements de version, meilleures pratiques, appels asynchrones, rxjs, routage, formulaires, templates (modèles).

20 20
JavaScript ES6
JavaScript ES6

Online - desktop / tablet, Online - mobile

 Online - desktop / tablet, Online - mobile

20 Minutes

 20 Minutes

English (AUS), English (UK)...

 English (AUS), English (UK)...


This quiz will assess your candidate's advanced understanding of newly introduced ES6 syntax, language constructs and concepts made popular by recent updates to the language like immutability, transpiling, polyfilling, using modules.

Title and Description  No. of Questions Duration(min)

JavaScript ES6 quiz advanced level

This quiz will assess your candidate's advanced understanding of newly introduced ES6 syntax, language constructs and concepts made popular by recent updates to the language like immutability, transpiling, polyfilling, using modules.

20 15

JavaScript ES6 quiz medium level

This test is designed to evaluate the candidate's intermediate knowledge of JavaScript ES6. Topics: environment, JavaScript syntax, variables, operators, loops, arrow functions, classes, promises.

20 20

JavaScript ES6 quiz beginner level

This quiz will assess your candidate's basic understanding of newly introduced ES6 syntax, language constructs and concepts made popular by recent updates to the language like immutability, transpiling, polyfilling, using modules.

20 20

Why should you use this assessment?

SkillValue tests improve objectivity in the recruitment process and help you make reliable hiring decisions based on data driven scores, ranking and code analysis. They help you to minimise or remove biases that arise from CVs and panel interviews.  

You will be able to choose from a selection of questions available on our platform or add your own questions. We have 30, 000+ questions to choose from. We add 100+ new tests every year to our platform.

You can choose from the following 600+ tech and marketing skills assessments:

  • Java, .Net, PHP
  • Javascript, C, C++, Python, Ruby on Rails
  • Front end development
  • Full stack development
  • Mobile apps
  • IoT, embedded systems
  • Databases
  • Business intelligence
  • Big data
  • Game development
  • Product management
  • Blockchain
  • Multimedia
  • Maths and logic
  • OOP
  • UX/UI
  • Microsoft Office
  • Salesforce
  • SAP
  • Windev
  • DevOps
  • Infrastructure, AWS
  • Test automation

Happy Customers!

We are always recruiting, and the process is definitely more efficient with SkillValue. We discovered the platform whilst looking for a tool which would let us conduct IT tests with our applicants and from the minute we tried it, the process of pre-selecting our applicants was much easier. The tests are comprehensive and ready to use. The results are sent directly to the applicants and are accessible to our recruitment, making the entire selection process easier. SkillValue is the ideal recruitment tool.

Damien Chimier, Sales Director at Infotem.


Title and Description ( French) No. of Questions Duration(min)

JavaScript ES6 quiz niveau avancé

Ce quiz évaluera la compréhension avancée de votre candidat en ce qui concerne la syntaxe d'ES6, les constructions du langage et les concepts rendus populaires par les mises à jour du langage comme l'immutabilité, la « transpilling », le « polyfilling », l'utilisation de modules.

20 15

JavaScript ES6 quiz niveau intermédiaire

Ce quiz permet de tester les connaissances intermédiaires en programmation JavaScript ES6. Connaissances mesurées : l'environnement, la syntaxe JavaScript, les variables, les opérateurs, les fonctions, les loops, les classes, les promises.

20 20

JavaScript ES6 quiz niveau débutant

Ce quiz évaluera la compréhension de base de la syntaxe d'ES6, des constructions du langage et des concepts rendus populaires par les mises à jour du langage comme l'immutabilité, la transpilation (« transpilling »), le « polyfilling », l'utilisation de modules.

20 20

Online - desktop / tablet, Online - mobile

 Online - desktop / tablet, Online - mobile

20 Minutes

 20 Minutes

English (AUS), English (UK)...

 English (AUS), English (UK)...


This test is designed for beginners to measure their knowledge of Vue.js with interactive questions that will test both theoretical and practical skills.

Title and Description  No. of Questions Duration(min)
Vue.js quiz beginner level

This test is designed for beginners to measure their knowledge of Vue.js with interactive questions that will test both theoretical and practical skills. Topics: Vue, JavaScript, FrontEnd, Vue.js directives, components, event emitter.

20 15

Vue.js quiz medium level

This test assesses medium knowledge of the Vue.js JavaScript framework with interactive questions that will test both theoretical and practical skills of the candidates. Topics: Vue.js directives, components, interpolation, markup, events, event emitter.

20 20

Why should you use this assessment?

SkillValue tests improve objectivity in the recruitment process and help you make reliable hiring decisions based on data driven scores, ranking and code analysis. They help you to minimise or remove biases that arise from CVs and panel interviews.  

You will be able to choose from a selection of questions available on our platform or add your own questions. We have 30, 000+ questions to choose from. We add 100+ new tests every year to our platform.

You can choose from the following 600+ tech and marketing skills assessments:

  • Java, .Net, PHP
  • Javascript, C, C++, Python, Ruby on Rails
  • Front end development
  • Full stack development
  • Mobile apps
  • IoT, embedded systems
  • Databases
  • Business intelligence
  • Big data
  • Game development
  • Product management
  • Blockchain
  • Multimedia
  • Maths and logic
  • OOP
  • UX/UI
  • Microsoft Office
  • Salesforce
  • SAP
  • Windev
  • DevOps
  • Infrastructure, AWS
  • Test automation

Happy Customers!

We are always recruiting, and the process is definitely more efficient with SkillValue. We discovered the platform whilst looking for a tool which would let us conduct IT tests with our applicants and from the minute we tried it, the process of pre-selecting our applicants was much easier. The tests are comprehensive and ready to use. The results are sent directly to the applicants and are accessible to our recruitment, making the entire selection process easier. SkillValue is the ideal recruitment tool.

Damien Chimier, Sales Director at Infotem.


Title and Description ( French) No. of Questions Duration(min)

Vue.js quiz niveau intermédiaire

Le test Vue.js est parfait pour l'évaluation des connaissances générales des développeurs de ce framework. Nos questions interactives testent les compétences théoriques et pratiques des candidats. Connaissances mesurées : directives Vue.js, composants, interpolation, markup, événements, émetteur d'événements.

20 20

Vuex quiz beginner level

This test is designed for beginner developers. It measures their knowledge of Vuex with the help of interactive questions that test both theoretical and practical skills. Topics: Vue, Vuex, JavaScript, FrontEnd, components, store.

20 20
Big Five Profile
Big Five Profile

Online - desktop / tablet, Online - mobile

 Online - desktop / tablet, Online - mobile

10 Minutes

 10 Minutes

Arabic, Dutch...

 Arabic, Dutch...

£ 475 £ 500.00 (5% discount) ...
£ 475 £ 500.00 (5% discount) ...

The Big Five Profile is based on the Five Factor model, identifies an individual’s dominant personality traits. It does so by measuring five dimensions of personality, all of which have a major impact on behaviour. Since these traits remain relatively stable throughout a person’s lifetime, this assessment is suitable for both adults and adolescents.


  • Quick to administer
  • Snapshot of an individual’s dominant personality traits
  • Monitors social desirability

Analysis based on the Big Five model:

  • Openness: Conservatism vs. Openness-Imagination
  • Conscientiousness: Intuition vs. Meticulousness
  • Extroversion: Introversion vs. Sociability-Dynamism
  •  Agreeableness: Competitiveness vs. Consciousness of others
  • Neuroticism: Emotional sensitivity vs. Emotional balance
German language quiz B2
German language quiz B2

Online - desktop / tablet, Online - mobile

 Online - desktop / tablet, Online - mobile

45 Minutes

 45 Minutes




Dieser Einstufungstest wurde gemeint, um Ihre Deutschkenntnisse zu Wortschatz und Grammatik zu messen. B2-Themen: Relativsätze, Modalien, Konjunktiv II, Konjunktionen, Infinitivkonstruktionen, Passiv, substantivierte Wörter, zusammengesetzte Präpositionen und Pronomen.

This placement test was meant to measure your knowledge of German in terms of vocabulary and grammar. B2 topics: Relative clauses, modalities, subjunctive II, conjunctions, infinitive constructions, passive, substantiated words, compound prepositions and pronouns.

Why should you use this assessment?

SkillValue tests improve objectivity in the recruitment process and help you make reliable hiring decisions based on data driven scores, ranking and code analysis. They help you to minimise or remove biases that arise from CVs and panel interviews.  

You will be able to choose from a selection of questions available on our platform or add your own questions. We have 30, 000+ questions to choose from. We add 100+ new tests every year to our platform.

You can choose from the following 600+ tech and marketing skills assessments:

  • Java, .Net, PHP
  • Javascript, C, C++, Python, Ruby on Rails
  • Front end development
  • Full stack development
  • Mobile apps
  • IoT, embedded systems
  • Databases
  • Business intelligence
  • Big data
  • Game development
  • Product management
  • Blockchain
  • Multimedia
  • Maths and logic
  • OOP
  • UX/UI
  • Microsoft Office
  • Salesforce
  • SAP
  • Windev
  • DevOps
  • Infrastructure, AWS
  • Test automation

Happy Customers!

We are always recruiting, and the process is definitely more efficient with SkillValue. We discovered the platform whilst looking for a tool which would let us conduct IT tests with our applicants and from the minute we tried it, the process of pre-selecting our applicants was much easier. The tests are comprehensive and ready to use. The results are sent directly to the applicants and are accessible to our recruitment, making the entire selection process easier. SkillValue is the ideal recruitment tool.

Damien Chimier, Sales Director at Infotem.

German language quiz C2
German language quiz C2

Online - desktop / tablet, Online - mobile

 Online - desktop / tablet, Online - mobile

45 Minutes

 45 Minutes




Dieser Einstufungstest wurde gemeint, um Ihre Deutschkenntnisse zu Wortschatz und Grammatik zu messen. C2-Themen: Präpositionen, Konjunktiv II, Konjunktionen, Passiv-alle Zeiten, Indikativ-alle Zeiten, Redewendungen, Partizipien.

This placement test was meant to measure your knowledge of German in terms of vocabulary and grammar. C2 topics: prepositions, subjunctive II, conjunctions, passive-all tenses, indicative-all tenses, idioms, participles.

Why should you use this assessment?

SkillValue tests improve objectivity in the recruitment process and help you make reliable hiring decisions based on data driven scores, ranking and code analysis. They help you to minimise or remove biases that arise from CVs and panel interviews.  

You will be able to choose from a selection of questions available on our platform or add your own questions. We have 30, 000+ questions to choose from. We add 100+ new tests every year to our platform.

You can choose from the following 600+ tech and marketing skills assessments:

  • Java, .Net, PHP
  • Javascript, C, C++, Python, Ruby on Rails
  • Front end development
  • Full stack development
  • Mobile apps
  • IoT, embedded systems
  • Databases
  • Business intelligence
  • Big data
  • Game development
  • Product management
  • Blockchain
  • Multimedia
  • Maths and logic
  • OOP
  • UX/UI
  • Microsoft Office
  • Salesforce
  • SAP
  • Windev
  • DevOps
  • Infrastructure, AWS
  • Test automation

Happy Customers!

We are always recruiting, and the process is definitely more efficient with SkillValue. We discovered the platform whilst looking for a tool which would let us conduct IT tests with our applicants and from the minute we tried it, the process of pre-selecting our applicants was much easier. The tests are comprehensive and ready to use. The results are sent directly to the applicants and are accessible to our recruitment, making the entire selection process easier. SkillValue is the ideal recruitment tool.

Damien Chimier, Sales Director at Infotem.


Online - desktop / tablet, Online - mobile

 Online - desktop / tablet, Online - mobile

20 Minutes

 20 Minutes

English (AUS), English (UK)...

 English (AUS), English (UK)...


Designed for Machine Learning Engineers/ Data Scientists, this quiz allows you to test your candidate's practical knowledge of ML algorithms with applications in the most used AI framework, Google's Tensorflow. Topics: Supervised Artificial Neural Networks (CNN, DNN, etc.), commonly used algorithms and techniques in ML (feature encoding techniques, vanishing gradients etc.), Tf.Keras.

Why should you use this assessment?

SkillValue tests improve objectivity in the recruitment process and help you make reliable hiring decisions based on data driven scores, ranking and code analysis. They help you to minimise or remove biases that arise from CVs and panel interviews.  

You will be able to choose from a selection of questions available on our platform or add your own questions. We have 30, 000+ questions to choose from. We add 100+ new tests every year to our platform.

You can choose from the following 600+ tech and marketing skills assessments:

  • Java, .Net, PHP
  • Javascript, C, C++, Python, Ruby on Rails
  • Front end development
  • Full stack development
  • Mobile apps
  • IoT, embedded systems
  • Databases
  • Business intelligence
  • Big data
  • Game development
  • Product management
  • Blockchain
  • Multimedia
  • Maths and logic
  • OOP
  • UX/UI
  • Microsoft Office
  • Salesforce
  • SAP
  • Windev
  • DevOps
  • Infrastructure, AWS
  • Test automation

Happy Customers!

We are always recruiting, and the process is definitely more efficient with SkillValue. We discovered the platform whilst looking for a tool which would let us conduct IT tests with our applicants and from the minute we tried it, the process of pre-selecting our applicants was much easier. The tests are comprehensive and ready to use. The results are sent directly to the applicants and are accessible to our recruitment, making the entire selection process easier. SkillValue is the ideal recruitment tool.

Damien Chimier, Sales Director at Infotem.

Title and Description ( French) No. of Questions Duration(min)

TensorFlow quiz niveau intermédiaire

Conçu pour les ingénieurs en « Machine Learning » et les « data-scientists », ce quiz vous permet de tester les connaissances pratiques de votre candidat, en ce qui concerne les algorithmes de ML avec des applications dans la plateforme d'IA la plus utilisée, Tensorflow de Google.

20 20
R language
R language

Online - desktop / tablet, Online - mobile

 Online - desktop / tablet, Online - mobile

20 Minutes

 20 Minutes

English (AUS), English (UK)...

 English (AUS), English (UK)...


This test is designed to assess a developer's knowledge of R programming basics.

Title and Description  No. of Questions Duration(min)

R language quiz beginner level

This test is designed to assess a developer's knowledge of R programming basics. It covers the foundations of R development and includes topics such as: variable types, basic functions, general knowledge of the language, object manipulation (especially data frames), with some practical examples of how to use these tools/methods.

20 20

R language quiz medium level

This test is design to assess a developer's knowledge of the fundamental R programming concepts. Topics: use of main R packages (dplyr, reshape2, data.table, etc.), advanced data frame manipulations, general knowledge of the language and practical examples of how to use these tools/methods.

20 20

Why should you use this assessment?

SkillValue tests improve objectivity in the recruitment process and help you make reliable hiring decisions based on data driven scores, ranking and code analysis. They help you to minimise or remove biases that arise from CVs and panel interviews.  

You will be able to choose from a selection of questions available on our platform or add your own questions. We have 30, 000+ questions to choose from. We add 100+ new tests every year to our platform.

You can choose from the following 600+ tech and marketing skills assessments:

  • Java, .Net, PHP
  • Javascript, C, C++, Python, Ruby on Rails
  • Front end development
  • Full stack development
  • Mobile apps
  • IoT, embedded systems
  • Databases
  • Business intelligence
  • Big data
  • Game development
  • Product management
  • Blockchain
  • Multimedia
  • Maths and logic
  • OOP
  • UX/UI
  • Microsoft Office
  • Salesforce
  • SAP
  • Windev
  • DevOps
  • Infrastructure, AWS
  • Test automation

Happy Customers!

We are always recruiting, and the process is definitely more efficient with SkillValue. We discovered the platform whilst looking for a tool which would let us conduct IT tests with our applicants and from the minute we tried it, the process of pre-selecting our applicants was much easier. The tests are comprehensive and ready to use. The results are sent directly to the applicants and are accessible to our recruitment, making the entire selection process easier. SkillValue is the ideal recruitment tool.

Damien Chimier, Sales Director at Infotem.


Title and Description ( French) No. of Questions Duration(min)

R language quiz niveau débutant

Ce test de niveau débutant comprend 20 questions qui couvrent les connaissances pratiques des bases du langage R. Il couvre différents sujets comme : les types de variables, les fonctions basiques usuelles, les connaissances générales du langage, la manipulation d'objets (en particulier celle des dataframes) et quelques exemples pratiques d'utilisation de ces différents outils et méthodes.

20 20

R language quiz niveau intermédiaire

Ce test de niveau intermédiaire comprend 20 questions et permet d'évaluer les connaissances sur les principes fondamentaux de la programmation en R. Les sujets couverts sont : l'utilisation des principaux packages R (dplyr, reshape2, data.table, etc.), la manipulation avancée de dataframes, des connaissances générales du langage, et quelques exemples pratiques d'utilisation de ces différents outils et méthodes.

20 20
Machine Learning
Machine Learning

Online - desktop / tablet, Online - mobile

 Online - desktop / tablet, Online - mobile

20 Minutes

 20 Minutes

English (AUS), English (UK)...

 English (AUS), English (UK)...


Designed for Artificial Intelligence professionals, especially Machine Learning Engineers/Data Scientists, this quiz allows you to test general theoretical knowledge and practical know-how about some of the most used algorithms in the AI field.

Why should you use this assessment?

SkillValue tests improve objectivity in the recruitment process and help you make reliable hiring decisions based on data driven scores, ranking and code analysis. They help you to minimise or remove biases that arise from CVs and panel interviews.  

You will be able to choose from a selection of questions available on our platform or add your own questions. We have 30, 000+ questions to choose from. We add 100+ new tests every year to our platform.

You can choose from the following 600+ tech and marketing skills assessments:

  • Java, .Net, PHP
  • Javascript, C, C++, Python, Ruby on Rails
  • Front end development
  • Full stack development
  • Mobile apps
  • IoT, embedded systems
  • Databases
  • Business intelligence
  • Big data
  • Game development
  • Product management
  • Blockchain
  • Multimedia
  • Maths and logic
  • OOP
  • UX/UI
  • Microsoft Office
  • Salesforce
  • SAP
  • Windev
  • DevOps
  • Infrastructure, AWS
  • Test automation

Happy Customers!

We are always recruiting, and the process is definitely more efficient with SkillValue. We discovered the platform whilst looking for a tool which would let us conduct IT tests with our applicants and from the minute we tried it, the process of pre-selecting our applicants was much easier. The tests are comprehensive and ready to use. The results are sent directly to the applicants and are accessible to our recruitment, making the entire selection process easier. SkillValue is the ideal recruitment tool.

Damien Chimier, Sales Director at Infotem.

Title and Description ( French) No. of Questions Duration(min)

Machine Learning quiz niveau intermédiaire

Conçu pour les professionnels de l'Intelligence Artificielle, en particulier les ingénieurs en « Machine Learning » et les « data-scientists », ce quiz vous permet de tester les connaissances théoriques générales et le savoir-faire pratique en ce qui concerne certains des algorithmes les plus utilisés dans le domaine de l'IA. Connaissances mesurées : réseaux neuronaux artificiels supervisés/non supervisés (CNN, LSTMNN, MLP, etc.), algorithmes et techniques couramment utilisés en ML (élagage (« pruning »), techniques d'encodage de caractéristiques.

20 20

Online - desktop / tablet, Online - mobile

 Online - desktop / tablet, Online - mobile

10 Minutes

 10 Minutes

English (AUS), English (UK)...

 English (AUS), English (UK)...


This test is designed to assess knowledge of algorithms and data structures. This test is intended for 1st and 2nd year computer science students, but not only, who may nevertheless find some questions difficult.

Why should you use this assessment?

SkillValue tests improve objectivity in the recruitment process and help you make reliable hiring decisions based on data driven scores, ranking and code analysis. They help you to minimise or remove biases that arise from CVs and panel interviews.  

You will be able to choose from a selection of questions available on our platform or add your own questions. We have 30, 000+ questions to choose from. We add 100+ new tests every year to our platform.

You can choose from the following 600+ tech and marketing skills assessments:

  • Java, .Net, PHP
  • Javascript, C, C++, Python, Ruby on Rails
  • Front end development
  • Full stack development
  • Mobile apps
  • IoT, embedded systems
  • Databases
  • Business intelligence
  • Big data
  • Game development
  • Product management
  • Blockchain
  • Multimedia
  • Maths and logic
  • OOP
  • UX/UI
  • Microsoft Office
  • Salesforce
  • SAP
  • Windev
  • DevOps
  • Infrastructure, AWS
  • Test automation

Happy Customers!

We are always recruiting, and the process is definitely more efficient with SkillValue. We discovered the platform whilst looking for a tool which would let us conduct IT tests with our applicants and from the minute we tried it, the process of pre-selecting our applicants was much easier. The tests are comprehensive and ready to use. The results are sent directly to the applicants and are accessible to our recruitment, making the entire selection process easier. SkillValue is the ideal recruitment tool.

Damien Chimier, Sales Director at Infotem.

Title and Description ( French) No. of Questions Duration(min)

Algorithmes quiz niveau intermédiaire

Ce test est accessible aux étudiants en informatique de 1ère et 2ème année et il est destiné à l'évaluation des connaissances sur l'algorithmique et des structures de données.

15 10
Digital Literacy
Digital Literacy

Online - desktop / tablet, Online - mobile

 Online - desktop / tablet, Online - mobile

15 Minutes

 15 Minutes

English (AUS), English (UK)...

 English (AUS), English (UK)...


This test assesses the candidate's general understanding and knowledge of working with computers. Topics: general questions about Windows, Windows files, Windows shortcuts, Office tools (MS Office, MS Excel), browsers.

Why should you use this assessment?

SkillValue tests improve objectivity in the recruitment process and help you make reliable hiring decisions based on data driven scores, ranking and code analysis. They help you to minimise or remove biases that arise from CVs and panel interviews.  

You will be able to choose from a selection of questions available on our platform or add your own questions. We have 30, 000+ questions to choose from. We add 100+ new tests every year to our platform.

You can choose from the following 600+ tech and marketing skills assessments:

  • Java, .Net, PHP
  • Javascript, C, C++, Python, Ruby on Rails
  • Front end development
  • Full stack development
  • Mobile apps
  • IoT, embedded systems
  • Databases
  • Business intelligence
  • Big data
  • Game development
  • Product management
  • Blockchain
  • Multimedia
  • Maths and logic
  • OOP
  • UX/UI
  • Microsoft Office
  • Salesforce
  • SAP
  • Windev
  • DevOps
  • Infrastructure, AWS
  • Test automation

Happy Customers!

We are always recruiting, and the process is definitely more efficient with SkillValue. We discovered the platform whilst looking for a tool which would let us conduct IT tests with our applicants and from the minute we tried it, the process of pre-selecting our applicants was much easier. The tests are comprehensive and ready to use. The results are sent directly to the applicants and are accessible to our recruitment, making the entire selection process easier. SkillValue is the ideal recruitment tool.

Damien Chimier, Sales Director at Infotem.

Title and Description ( French) No. of Questions Duration(min)

Digital Literacy quiz niveau intermédiaire

Ce test vérifie les connaissances informatiques de base du candidat. Connaissances mesurées : questions générales sur Windows, fichiers Windows, raccourcis Windows, outils Office (MS Office, MS Excel), navigateurs.

15 25
React Native
React Native

Online - desktop / tablet, Online - mobile

 Online - desktop / tablet, Online - mobile

30 Minutes

 30 Minutes

English (AUS), English (UK)...

 English (AUS), English (UK)...


Designed for experienced specialists, this quiz allows you to test your candidate's knowledge on the React Native framework for developing mobile applications. Topics: basic concepts, components, native modules, props and state, layouts, images, animation, database.

Why should you use this assessment?

SkillValue tests improve objectivity in the recruitment process and help you make reliable hiring decisions based on data driven scores, ranking and code analysis. They help you to minimise or remove biases that arise from CVs and panel interviews.  

You will be able to choose from a selection of questions available on our platform or add your own questions. We have 30, 000+ questions to choose from. We add 100+ new tests every year to our platform.

You can choose from the following 600+ tech and marketing skills assessments:

  • Java, .Net, PHP
  • Javascript, C, C++, Python, Ruby on Rails
  • Front end development
  • Full stack development
  • Mobile apps
  • IoT, embedded systems
  • Databases
  • Business intelligence
  • Big data
  • Game development
  • Product management
  • Blockchain
  • Multimedia
  • Maths and logic
  • OOP
  • UX/UI
  • Microsoft Office
  • Salesforce
  • SAP
  • Windev
  • DevOps
  • Infrastructure, AWS
  • Test automation

Happy Customers!

We are always recruiting, and the process is definitely more efficient with SkillValue. We discovered the platform whilst looking for a tool which would let us conduct IT tests with our applicants and from the minute we tried it, the process of pre-selecting our applicants was much easier. The tests are comprehensive and ready to use. The results are sent directly to the applicants and are accessible to our recruitment, making the entire selection process easier. SkillValue is the ideal recruitment tool.

Damien Chimier, Sales Director at Infotem.

Title and Description ( French) No. of Questions Duration(min)

React Native quiz niveau avancé

Destiné aux spécialistes expérimentés, ce quiz vous permet d'évaluer les connaissances de votre candidat sur le framework (environnement de développement) React Native pour le développement d'applications mobiles. Sujets : concepts de base, composants, modules natifs, props et state, layouts (dispositions, mises en page), images, animation, base de données.

20 20
Xamarin Forms
Xamarin Forms

Online - desktop / tablet, Online - mobile

 Online - desktop / tablet, Online - mobile

30 Minutes

 30 Minutes

English (AUS), English (UK)...

 English (AUS), English (UK)...


This test measures your candidate's medium knowledge of Xamarin, the framework used for developing mobile applications. The quiz covers all key concepts related to Xamarin app development. Topics: XAML, backgrounding, bindings, styling, shared code vs. specific code, native development.

Why should you use this assessment?

SkillValue tests improve objectivity in the recruitment process and help you make reliable hiring decisions based on data driven scores, ranking and code analysis. They help you to minimise or remove biases that arise from CVs and panel interviews.  

You will be able to choose from a selection of questions available on our platform or add your own questions. We have 30, 000+ questions to choose from. We add 100+ new tests every year to our platform.

You can choose from the following 600+ tech and marketing skills assessments:

  • Java, .Net, PHP
  • Javascript, C, C++, Python, Ruby on Rails
  • Front end development
  • Full stack development
  • Mobile apps
  • IoT, embedded systems
  • Databases
  • Business intelligence
  • Big data
  • Game development
  • Product management
  • Blockchain
  • Multimedia
  • Maths and logic
  • OOP
  • UX/UI
  • Microsoft Office
  • Salesforce
  • SAP
  • Windev
  • DevOps
  • Infrastructure, AWS
  • Test automation

Happy Customers!

We are always recruiting, and the process is definitely more efficient with SkillValue. We discovered the platform whilst looking for a tool which would let us conduct IT tests with our applicants and from the minute we tried it, the process of pre-selecting our applicants was much easier. The tests are comprehensive and ready to use. The results are sent directly to the applicants and are accessible to our recruitment, making the entire selection process easier. SkillValue is the ideal recruitment tool.

Damien Chimier, Sales Director at Infotem.

Title and Description ( French) No. of Questions Duration(min)

Xamarin Forms quiz niveau intermédiaire

Ce test de niveau intermédiaire comprend 20 questions qui couvrent tous les concepts clés du framework Xamarin pour le développement d'applications mobiles. Connaissances mesurées : les concepts essentiels en Xamarin Forms de création d'UI performantes comme XAML, les bindings, le styling, l'affichage dépendant des données, etc., et les concepts de code comme le backgrounding, le code partagé vs code spécifique, mais aussi quelques notions de développement natif.

20 30
Windows 8 Metro
Windows 8 Metro

Online - desktop / tablet, Online - mobile

 Online - desktop / tablet, Online - mobile

20 Minutes

 20 Minutes

English (AUS), English (UK)...

 English (AUS), English (UK)...


This test assesses the candidate's skills in Windows 8 development, mainly targeting developers who have already created their own Windows Store application. Topics: new features in the .NET framework 4.5 for Windows Store applications, XAML and general Windows 8 concepts such as charms and live tiles.

Why should you use this assessment?

SkillValue tests improve objectivity in the recruitment process and help you make reliable hiring decisions based on data driven scores, ranking and code analysis. They help you to minimise or remove biases that arise from CVs and panel interviews.  

You will be able to choose from a selection of questions available on our platform or add your own questions. We have 30, 000+ questions to choose from. We add 100+ new tests every year to our platform.

You can choose from the following 600+ tech and marketing skills assessments:

  • Java, .Net, PHP
  • Javascript, C, C++, Python, Ruby on Rails
  • Front end development
  • Full stack development
  • Mobile apps
  • IoT, embedded systems
  • Databases
  • Business intelligence
  • Big data
  • Game development
  • Product management
  • Blockchain
  • Multimedia
  • Maths and logic
  • OOP
  • UX/UI
  • Microsoft Office
  • Salesforce
  • SAP
  • Windev
  • DevOps
  • Infrastructure, AWS
  • Test automation

Happy Customers!

We are always recruiting, and the process is definitely more efficient with SkillValue. We discovered the platform whilst looking for a tool which would let us conduct IT tests with our applicants and from the minute we tried it, the process of pre-selecting our applicants was much easier. The tests are comprehensive and ready to use. The results are sent directly to the applicants and are accessible to our recruitment, making the entire selection process easier. SkillValue is the ideal recruitment tool.

Damien Chimier, Sales Director at Infotem.

Title and Description ( French) No. of Questions Duration(min)

Windows 8 Metro quiz niveau intermédiaire

Ce test vous permet de vérifier les compétences de niveau intermédiaire sur le développement Windows 8. Il est destiné aux développeurs qui ont déjà créé leur propre application pour le Windows Store. Connaissances mesurées : les nouvelles fonctionnalités du .NET framework 4.5 pour les applications du Windows Store, XAML et les concepts généraux du Windows 8 comme des charms et des tuiles vivantes.

22 20

Online - desktop / tablet, Online - mobile

 Online - desktop / tablet, Online - mobile

20 Minutes

 20 Minutes

English (AUS), English (UK)...

 English (AUS), English (UK)...


This test allows you to evaluate beginner knowledge in mobile development with Swift 4 and 5, the programming language created by Apple for iOS and OS X development.

Title and Description  No. of Questions Duration(min)

Swift quiz beginner level

This test allows you to evaluate beginner knowledge in mobile development with Swift 4 and 5, the programming language created by Apple for iOS and OS X development. Topics: syntax, data types, optionals, class, struct, statements.

20 20

Swift quiz medium level

This test allows you to evaluate knowledge in mobile development with Swift 4 and 5, the programming language created by Apple for iOS and OS X development. Topics: syntax, data types, classes, struct, statements, View Controllers.

20 20

Why should you use this assessment?

SkillValue tests improve objectivity in the recruitment process and help you make reliable hiring decisions based on data driven scores, ranking and code analysis. They help you to minimise or remove biases that arise from CVs and panel interviews.  

You will be able to choose from a selection of questions available on our platform or add your own questions. We have 30, 000+ questions to choose from. We add 100+ new tests every year to our platform.

You can choose from the following 600+ tech and marketing skills assessments:

  • Java, .Net, PHP
  • Javascript, C, C++, Python, Ruby on Rails
  • Front end development
  • Full stack development
  • Mobile apps
  • IoT, embedded systems
  • Databases
  • Business intelligence
  • Big data
  • Game development
  • Product management
  • Blockchain
  • Multimedia
  • Maths and logic
  • OOP
  • UX/UI
  • Microsoft Office
  • Salesforce
  • SAP
  • Windev
  • DevOps
  • Infrastructure, AWS
  • Test automation

Happy Customers!

We are always recruiting, and the process is definitely more efficient with SkillValue. We discovered the platform whilst looking for a tool which would let us conduct IT tests with our applicants and from the minute we tried it, the process of pre-selecting our applicants was much easier. The tests are comprehensive and ready to use. The results are sent directly to the applicants and are accessible to our recruitment, making the entire selection process easier. SkillValue is the ideal recruitment tool.

Damien Chimier, Sales Director at Infotem.


Title and Description ( French) No. of Questions Duration(min)

Swift quiz niveau débutant

Ce test vous permet d'évaluer les connaissances des débutant(e)s, en ce qui concerne le développement mobile avec Swift 4 et 5, le langage de programmation créé par Apple pour le développement sous iOS et sous OS X. Connaissances mesurées : syntaxe, types de données, optionnels, classe, structure (struct), instructions.

20 20

Swift quiz niveau intermédiaire

Ce test vous permet d'évaluer les connaissances en ce qui concerne le développement mobile avec Swift 4 et 5, le langage de programmation créé par Apple pour le développement sous iOS et sous OS X. Connaissances mesurées : syntaxe, types de données, classes, structures (struct), instructions, contrôleurs de vue.

20 20
React Native
React Native

Online - desktop / tablet, Online - mobile

 Online - desktop / tablet, Online - mobile

20 Minutes

 20 Minutes

English (AUS), English (UK)...

 English (AUS), English (UK)...


This quiz is composed of 20 questions that go through all the key-concepts of the React Native framework for developing mobile applications. Topics: basic concepts, components, native modules, props and state, layouts, images, networking.

Why should you use this assessment?

SkillValue tests improve objectivity in the recruitment process and help you make reliable hiring decisions based on data driven scores, ranking and code analysis. They help you to minimise or remove biases that arise from CVs and panel interviews.  

You will be able to choose from a selection of questions available on our platform or add your own questions. We have 30, 000+ questions to choose from. We add 100+ new tests every year to our platform.

You can choose from the following 600+ tech and marketing skills assessments:

  • Java, .Net, PHP
  • Javascript, C, C++, Python, Ruby on Rails
  • Front end development
  • Full stack development
  • Mobile apps
  • IoT, embedded systems
  • Databases
  • Business intelligence
  • Big data
  • Game development
  • Product management
  • Blockchain
  • Multimedia
  • Maths and logic
  • OOP
  • UX/UI
  • Microsoft Office
  • Salesforce
  • SAP
  • Windev
  • DevOps
  • Infrastructure, AWS
  • Test automation

Happy Customers!

We are always recruiting, and the process is definitely more efficient with SkillValue. We discovered the platform whilst looking for a tool which would let us conduct IT tests with our applicants and from the minute we tried it, the process of pre-selecting our applicants was much easier. The tests are comprehensive and ready to use. The results are sent directly to the applicants and are accessible to our recruitment, making the entire selection process easier. SkillValue is the ideal recruitment tool.

Damien Chimier, Sales Director at Infotem.

Title and Description ( French) No. of Questions Duration(min)

React Native quiz niveau intermédiaire

Ce test permet d'évaluer les connaissances intermédiaires du framework React Native pour le développement d'applications mobiles. Connaissances mesurées : concepts de base, composants, modules natifs, layouts, images, networking.

20 20
MS Office



MS Office

Online - desktop / tablet

 Online - desktop / tablet

10 Minutes

 10 Minutes

English (AUS), English (UK)...

 English (AUS), English (UK)...

Request Pricing
Request Pricing

We are able to provide the following versions of the MS Office applications: 

MS Excel 

  • Office 365
  • 2010

MS Word 

  • Office 365
  • 2010

MS PowerPoint

  • Office 365
  • 2010

Outlook  2013


Difficulty Level: The above tests are available in various difficulty level from beginner, intermediate to advanced level.

Duration: Depending on the difficulty level, the duration varies between 10 to 55 min.


Can't find what you are looking for?

 +44 (0) 773 0444 949     support@talentgrader.com

MS Word 2016
MS Word 2016

Online - desktop / tablet, Online - mobile

 Online - desktop / tablet, Online - mobile

30 Minutes

 30 Minutes

English (AUS), English (UK)...

 English (AUS), English (UK)...


This test is designed to assess the candidate's advanced level skills in MS Word 2016. 

Title and Description  No. of Questions Duration(min)

MS Word 2016 quiz advanced level

This test is designed to assess the candidate's advanced level skills in MS Word 2016. Topics: - Basics - Editing a document - Formatting a document - Creating and Formatting Tables - Illustrating Documents with Graphics, Charts - Working with Themes, Styles and Templates - Merging Word Documents - Multipage documents: bookmarks, thumbnails - Developer (content controls) - Working with References - Collaborating with coworkers.

20 30

MS Word 2016 quiz medium level

This test is designed to assess the candidate's medium skills in MS Word 2016. Topics: - Basics - Editing a document - Formatting a document - Creating and Formatting Tables - Illustrating Documents with Graphics, Charts - Working with Themes, Styles and Templates - Merging Word Documents - Multipage documents: bookmarks, thumbnails - Developer (content controls) - Working with References - Collaborating with coworkers.

20 30

MS Word 2016 quiz beginner level

This test is designed to assess the candidate's basic level knowledge of MS Word 2016. Topics: - Basics - Editing a document - Formatting a document - Creating and Formatting Tables - Illustrating Documents with Graphics, Charts - Working with Themes, Styles and Templates - Merging Word Documents - Multipage documents: bookmarks, thumbnails.

20 30

Why should you use this assessment?

SkillValue tests improve objectivity in the recruitment process and help you make reliable hiring decisions based on data driven scores, ranking and code analysis. They help you to minimise or remove biases that arise from CVs and panel interviews.  

You will be able to choose from a selection of questions available on our platform or add your own questions. We have 30, 000+ questions to choose from. We add 100+ new tests every year to our platform.

You can choose from the following 600+ tech and marketing skills assessments:

  • Java, .Net, PHP
  • Javascript, C, C++, Python, Ruby on Rails
  • Front end development
  • Full stack development
  • Mobile apps
  • IoT, embedded systems
  • Databases
  • Business intelligence
  • Big data
  • Game development
  • Product management
  • Blockchain
  • Multimedia
  • Maths and logic
  • OOP
  • UX/UI
  • Microsoft Office
  • Salesforce
  • SAP
  • Windev
  • DevOps
  • Infrastructure, AWS
  • Test automation

Happy Customers!

We are always recruiting, and the process is definitely more efficient with SkillValue. We discovered the platform whilst looking for a tool which would let us conduct IT tests with our applicants and from the minute we tried it, the process of pre-selecting our applicants was much easier. The tests are comprehensive and ready to use. The results are sent directly to the applicants and are accessible to our recruitment, making the entire selection process easier. SkillValue is the ideal recruitment tool.

Damien Chimier, Sales Director at Infotem.


Title and Description ( French) No. of Questions Duration(min)

MS Word 2016 quiz niveau avancé

Ce test est conçu pour vérifier les compétences avancées en MS Word 2016. Connaissances mesurées : - Fonctions de base - Modifier un document - Mettre en forme un document - Créer et mettre en forme des tableaux - Illustrer des documents à l'aide des graphiques - Travailler avec des thèmes, des styles et des modèles

20 30

MS Word 2016 quiz niveau intermédiaire

Ce test est conçu pour vérifier les connaissances de niveau intermédiaire en MS Word 2016. Connaissances mesurées : - Fonctions de base - Modifier un document - Mettre en forme un document - Créer et mettre en forme des tableaux - Illustrer des documents à l'aide des graphiques - Travailler avec des thèmes, des styles et des modèles

20 20

MS Word 2016 quiz niveau débutant

Ce test est conçu pour vérifier les connaissances de base des candidats sur MS Word 2016. Connaissances mesurées : - Fonctions de base - Modifier un document - Mettre en forme un document - Créer et mettre en forme des tableaux - Illustrer des documents à l'aide des graphiques - Travailler avec des thèmes, des styles et des modèles - Fusionner des documents Word - Documents de plusieurs pages : signets, miniatures.

20 30
MS Excel 2016
MS Excel 2016

Online - desktop / tablet, Online - mobile

 Online - desktop / tablet, Online - mobile

30 Minutes

 30 Minutes

English (AUS), English (UK)...

 English (AUS), English (UK)...


This test is designed to assess the candidate's advanced skills in MS Excel 2016. Topics:

Title and Description  No. of Questions Duration(min)
MS Excel 2016 quiz advanced level

This test is designed to assess the candidate's advanced skills in MS Excel 2016. Topics: - Basics (cells, rows) - Formatting a worksheet - Formulas, functions, operators - Charts - What-if analysis - PivotTables - Macros, VBA

20 30

MS Excel 2016 quiz beginner level

This test is designed to assess the candidate's basic level knowledge of MS Excel 2016. Topics: - Basics (cells, rows) - Formatting a worksheet - Formulas, functions, operators - Charts - PivotTables

20 30

MS Excel 2016 quiz medium level

This test is designed to assess the candidate's medium skills in MS Excel 2016. Topics: - Basics (cells, rows) - Formatting a worksheet - Formulas, functions, operators - Charts - VLOOKUP

20 30

Why should you use this assessment?

SkillValue tests improve objectivity in the recruitment process and help you make reliable hiring decisions based on data driven scores, ranking and code analysis. They help you to minimise or remove biases that arise from CVs and panel interviews.  

You will be able to choose from a selection of questions available on our platform or add your own questions. We have 30, 000+ questions to choose from. We add 100+ new tests every year to our platform.

You can choose from the following 600+ tech and marketing skills assessments:

  • Java, .Net, PHP
  • Javascript, C, C++, Python, Ruby on Rails
  • Front end development
  • Full stack development
  • Mobile apps
  • IoT, embedded systems
  • Databases
  • Business intelligence
  • Big data
  • Game development
  • Product management
  • Blockchain
  • Multimedia
  • Maths and logic
  • OOP
  • UX/UI
  • Microsoft Office
  • Salesforce
  • SAP
  • Windev
  • DevOps
  • Infrastructure, AWS
  • Test automation

Happy Customers!

We are always recruiting, and the process is definitely more efficient with SkillValue. We discovered the platform whilst looking for a tool which would let us conduct IT tests with our applicants and from the minute we tried it, the process of pre-selecting our applicants was much easier. The tests are comprehensive and ready to use. The results are sent directly to the applicants and are accessible to our recruitment, making the entire selection process easier. SkillValue is the ideal recruitment tool.

Damien Chimier, Sales Director at Infotem.


Title and Description ( French) No. of Questions Duration(min)

MS Excel 2016 quiz niveau avancé

Ce test est conçu pour vérifier les compétences avancées en MS Excel 2016. Connaissances mesurées : - Fonctions de base (cellules, lignes) - Mettre en forme une feuille de calcul - Formules, fonctions, opérateurs - Graphiques - Analyse d'hypothèses -Tableaux croisés dynamiques - Macros, VBAs

20 30

MS Excel 2016 quiz niveau débutant

Ce test est conçu pour vérifier les connaissances de base des candidats sur MS Excel 2016. Connaissances mesurées : - Fonctions de base (cellules, lignes) - Mettre en forme une feuille de calcul - Formules, fonctions, opérateurs - Graphiques - Tableaux croisés dynamiques

20 30

MS Excel 2016 quiz niveau intermédiaire

Ce test est conçu pour vérifier les connaissances de niveau intermédiaire en MS Excel 2016. Connaissances mesurées : - Fonctions de base (cellules, lignes) - Mettre en forme une feuille de calcul - Formules, fonctions, opérateurs - Graphiques - RECHERCHEV - Tableaux croisés dynamiques.

20 30

Online - desktop / tablet, Online - mobile

 Online - desktop / tablet, Online - mobile

30 Minutes

 30 Minutes

Arabic, Dutch...

 Arabic, Dutch...

£ 475 £ 500.00 (5% discount) ...
£ 475 £ 500.00 (5% discount) ...

CTPI-R was developed on the basis of different theoretical and empirical models of personality at work, by considering the dimensions measured by existing personality questionnaires as well as the conceptual criteria used for other successful Central Test tools (namely the Professional Profile-R and the Occupational Interest Inventory).


  • Thinking and working styles scores
  • Social Desirability Indicator
  • Managerial Potential Indicator
  • Comparison of the candidate’s profile with the competency model of the organisation

Graphical and tabular presentation of the profile

  • Personalised comments
  • Matches profiles with 21 key behavioural competencies
  • Matching of the candidate’s profile with the competency model of the organisation

The assessment CTPI-R,2012  examines 19 factors categorised into 4 dimensions:

People management: Control/Power - Affiliation - Tactical - Assertiveness - Trust - Developing others

Perception mode: Conscientiousness - Rational - Rule conscious

 Self-management: Self-confidence - Lively - Emotional stability - Optimism - Surpassing - Commitment

Change management: Visionary - Action-orientated - Adaptability - Experimental 

CTPI-R and Equal Opportunities

Equal opportunities represent a critical consideration for any modernday work assessment, and an assessment is only considered to be truly valid when it is appropriate for use with different groups. The CTPI-R is a fair and accurate measure of critical thinking, and HR practitioners and psychologists can be confident of its application.


Online - desktop / tablet, Online - mobile

 Online - desktop / tablet, Online - mobile

30 Minutes

 30 Minutes

English (AUS), English (UK)...

 English (AUS), English (UK)...


This quiz assesses the candidates' basic knowledge of Unity 3D and C#. The test covers the main concepts of Unity that a developer becomes familiar with in the first year of experience. This test should be simple for a developer who has worked in a company or individually with Unity and quite hard for a developer who has gathered his knowledge from forums and books.

Title and Description  No. of Questions Duration(min)

Unity3D quiz beginner level

This quiz assesses the candidates' basic knowledge of Unity 3D and C#. The test covers the main concepts of Unity that a developer becomes familiar with in the first year of experience. This test should be simple for a developer who has worked in a company or individually with Unity and quite hard for a developer who has gathered his knowledge from forums and books. Topics: layers, GUI, scripting, meshes, shaders and textures.

20 25

Unity3D quiz medium level

This test assesses the medium knowledge of Unity3D with C#. The test concentrates on knowing the small but essential differences between similar functions / events. For a Unity developer with practical experience, this test is simple and intuitive. For an inexperienced developer with theoretical knowledge, the test should be hard and the answer options confusing as multiple answers may seem correct. Topics: Physics, scripting, meshes, shaders, textures and batching.

25 30

Why should you use this assessment?

SkillValue tests improve objectivity in the recruitment process and help you make reliable hiring decisions based on data driven scores, ranking and code analysis. They help you to minimise or remove biases that arise from CVs and panel interviews.  

You will be able to choose from a selection of questions available on our platform or add your own questions. We have 30, 000+ questions to choose from. We add 100+ new tests every year to our platform.

You can choose from the following 600+ tech and marketing skills assessments:

  • Java, .Net, PHP
  • Javascript, C, C++, Python, Ruby on Rails
  • Front end development
  • Full stack development
  • Mobile apps
  • IoT, embedded systems
  • Databases
  • Business intelligence
  • Big data
  • Game development
  • Product management
  • Blockchain
  • Multimedia
  • Maths and logic
  • OOP
  • UX/UI
  • Microsoft Office
  • Salesforce
  • SAP
  • Windev
  • DevOps
  • Infrastructure, AWS
  • Test automation

Happy Customers!

We are always recruiting, and the process is definitely more efficient with SkillValue. We discovered the platform whilst looking for a tool which would let us conduct IT tests with our applicants and from the minute we tried it, the process of pre-selecting our applicants was much easier. The tests are comprehensive and ready to use. The results are sent directly to the applicants and are accessible to our recruitment, making the entire selection process easier. SkillValue is the ideal recruitment tool.

Damien Chimier, Sales Director at Infotem.


Title and Description ( French) No. of Questions Duration(min)

Unity3D quiz niveau débutant

Ce test évalue les compétences de base des candidats sur Unity 3D et C#. Le test couvre les principales parties d'Unity connues par un développeur dans sa première année d'expérience. Ce test devrait être facile pour un développeur qui a travaillé dans une entreprise ou individuellement sur Unity, mais assez difficile pour un développeur ayant acquis ses connaissances des forums et des livres. Connaissances mesurées : layers, GUI, scripting, meshes, shaders et textures.

20 25

Unity3D quiz niveau intermédiaire

Ce test permet d'évaluer les connaissances intermédiaires en Unity3D avec C#. Les tests ciblent la connaissance des différences petites, mais essentielles entre les fonctions / évènements similaires. Pour un développeur avec une expérience pratique en Unity, ce test est simple et intuitif. Pour un développeur inexpérimenté qui possède seulement des connaissances théoriques, le test devrait être difficile et les options de réponse déroutantes - plusieurs réponses peuvent paraître correctes.

25 30
Flex 3.x/ActionScript 3
Flex 3.x/ActionScript 3

Online - desktop / tablet, Online - mobile

 Online - desktop / tablet, Online - mobile

30 Minutes

 30 Minutes

English (AUS), English (UK)...

 English (AUS), English (UK)...


This test is designed to assess the candidate's beginner skills on Flex 3.x et ActionScript 3.

Why should you use this assessment?

SkillValue tests improve objectivity in the recruitment process and help you make reliable hiring decisions based on data driven scores, ranking and code analysis. They help you to minimise or remove biases that arise from CVs and panel interviews.  

You will be able to choose from a selection of questions available on our platform or add your own questions. We have 30, 000+ questions to choose from. We add 100+ new tests every year to our platform.

You can choose from the following 600+ tech and marketing skills assessments:

  • Java, .Net, PHP
  • Javascript, C, C++, Python, Ruby on Rails
  • Front end development
  • Full stack development
  • Mobile apps
  • IoT, embedded systems
  • Databases
  • Business intelligence
  • Big data
  • Game development
  • Product management
  • Blockchain
  • Multimedia
  • Maths and logic
  • OOP
  • UX/UI
  • Microsoft Office
  • Salesforce
  • SAP
  • Windev
  • DevOps
  • Infrastructure, AWS
  • Test automation

Happy Customers!

We are always recruiting, and the process is definitely more efficient with SkillValue. We discovered the platform whilst looking for a tool which would let us conduct IT tests with our applicants and from the minute we tried it, the process of pre-selecting our applicants was much easier. The tests are comprehensive and ready to use. The results are sent directly to the applicants and are accessible to our recruitment, making the entire selection process easier. SkillValue is the ideal recruitment tool.

Damien Chimier, Sales Director at Infotem.

Title and Description ( French) No. of Questions Duration(min)

Flex 3.x/ActionScript 3 quiz niveau débutant

Ce test est destiné à l'évaluation des candidats de niveau débutant sur Flex 3.x et ActionScript 3.

20 30
ActionScript 3.0
ActionScript 3.0

Online - desktop / tablet, Online - mobile

 Online - desktop / tablet, Online - mobile

20 Minutes

 20 Minutes

English (AUS), English (UK)...

 English (AUS), English (UK)...


This test is designed to assess the candidate's medium knowledge in ActionScript 3.0.

Why should you use this assessment?

SkillValue tests improve objectivity in the recruitment process and help you make reliable hiring decisions based on data driven scores, ranking and code analysis. They help you to minimise or remove biases that arise from CVs and panel interviews.  

You will be able to choose from a selection of questions available on our platform or add your own questions. We have 30, 000+ questions to choose from. We add 100+ new tests every year to our platform.

You can choose from the following 600+ tech and marketing skills assessments:

  • Java, .Net, PHP
  • Javascript, C, C++, Python, Ruby on Rails
  • Front end development
  • Full stack development
  • Mobile apps
  • IoT, embedded systems
  • Databases
  • Business intelligence
  • Big data
  • Game development
  • Product management
  • Blockchain
  • Multimedia
  • Maths and logic
  • OOP
  • UX/UI
  • Microsoft Office
  • Salesforce
  • SAP
  • Windev
  • DevOps
  • Infrastructure, AWS
  • Test automation

Happy Customers!

We are always recruiting, and the process is definitely more efficient with SkillValue. We discovered the platform whilst looking for a tool which would let us conduct IT tests with our applicants and from the minute we tried it, the process of pre-selecting our applicants was much easier. The tests are comprehensive and ready to use. The results are sent directly to the applicants and are accessible to our recruitment, making the entire selection process easier. SkillValue is the ideal recruitment tool.

Damien Chimier, Sales Director at Infotem.

Title and Description ( French) No. of Questions Duration(min)

ActionScript 3.0 quiz niveau intermédiaire

Ce test est destiné à l'évaluation des connaissances de niveau intermédiaire sur ActionScript 3.0.

20 20
Sales Profile-R
Sales Profile-R

Online - desktop / tablet, Online - mobile

 Online - desktop / tablet, Online - mobile

20 Minutes

 20 Minutes

Arabic, Dutch...

 Arabic, Dutch...

£ 475 £ 500.00 (5% discount) ...
£ 475 £ 500.00 (5% discount) ...

Sales Profile-R identifies the potential, competencies, and motivations needed to succeed in sales. As well as being an indispensable tool for recruitment, Sales Profile-R can also be used for training, internal mobility, and sales force audits.


  • Sales potential score
  • Social desirability indicator
  • Matches the candidate’s profile with 25 sales roles

 Measures 12 behavioural traits grouped under 4 key skills-based dimensions:

  • Client acquisition: Prospecting, approaching clients, combativeness
  •  Business development: Networking, strategic selling, customer satisfaction
  • Negotiation: Understanding needs, pitching, closing deals
  • Selling: Sales acumen, charisma, self-control

Results are matched with 25 sales roles representative of the needs in the area. Sales Profile-R can be used to identify sales potential in non-sales people (engineers, technicians, or others).

The SALES PROFILE-R can be combined with other personality questionnaires such as Central Test’s Professional Profile or the CTPI-R in order to acquire a more precise and comprehensive profile of the individual. For instance, combining the CTPI-R, which assesses work personality and managerial abilities, with the SALES PROFILE-R, can be useful in evaluating a person's potential as a Sales Director.

Also, when combined with other personality tests, the SALES PROFILE-R can corroborate personality dimensions that could indicate an aptitude for sales, such as a high score on the “Persuasiveness” or “Firmness” factors from the Professional Profile.  

.NET Core 3
.NET Core 3

Online - desktop / tablet, Online - mobile

 Online - desktop / tablet, Online - mobile

35 Minutes

 35 Minutes

English (AUS), English (UK)...

 English (AUS), English (UK)...


This quiz is a journey through topics like ASP.NET Core, ASP.NET Core MVC, Blazor, Razor Pages, Windows desktop applications, API, Security and Identity, Middlewares, Tag Helpers, Dependency Injection that assesses a candidate's intermediate knowledge on inner work of .NET Core 3.0 and above.

Title and Description  No. of Questions Duration(min)

.NET Core 3 quiz medium level

This quiz is a journey through topics like ASP.NET Core, ASP.NET Core MVC, Blazor, Razor Pages, Windows desktop applications, API, Security and Identity, Middlewares, Tag Helpers, Dependency Injection that assesses a candidate's intermediate knowledge on inner work of .NET Core 3.0 and above.

22 30

.NET Core 3 quiz advanced level

Covering topics like ASP.NET Core, ASP.NET Core MVC, Hosting, Dependency Injection, API, Security and Identity, .Net Core CLI, Razor Pages, and Blazor, this test assesses a candidate's advanced knowledge of .NET Core.

20 35

Why should you use this assessment?

SkillValue tests improve objectivity in the recruitment process and help you make reliable hiring decisions based on data driven scores, ranking and code analysis. They help you to minimise or remove biases that arise from CVs and panel interviews.  

You will be able to choose from a selection of questions available on our platform or add your own questions. We have 30, 000+ questions to choose from. We add 100+ new tests every year to our platform.

You can choose from the following 600+ tech and marketing skills assessments:

  • Java, .Net, PHP
  • Javascript, C, C++, Python, Ruby on Rails
  • Front end development
  • Full stack development
  • Mobile apps
  • IoT, embedded systems
  • Databases
  • Business intelligence
  • Big data
  • Game development
  • Product management
  • Blockchain
  • Multimedia
  • Maths and logic
  • OOP
  • UX/UI
  • Microsoft Office
  • Salesforce
  • SAP
  • Windev
  • DevOps
  • Infrastructure, AWS
  • Test automation

Happy Customers!

We are always recruiting, and the process is definitely more efficient with SkillValue. We discovered the platform whilst looking for a tool which would let us conduct IT tests with our applicants and from the minute we tried it, the process of pre-selecting our applicants was much easier. The tests are comprehensive and ready to use. The results are sent directly to the applicants and are accessible to our recruitment, making the entire selection process easier. SkillValue is the ideal recruitment tool.

Damien Chimier, Sales Director at Infotem.


Title and Description ( French) No. of Questions Duration(min)

.NET Core 3 quiz niveau intermédiaire

Ce quiz est un voyage à travers des sujets comme ASP.NET Core, ASP.NET Core MVC, Blazor, les pages Razor, les applications de bureau Windows, l'API, la sécurité et l'identité, les middlewares (logiciels médiateurs, intergiciels), les Tag Helpers (assistances des balises), l'injection de dépendance ; qui évalue les connaissances de niveau intermédiaire du candidat sur le travail interne de .NET Core 3.0 et au-delà.

22 30

.NET Core 3 quiz niveau avancé

Couvrant des sujets comme ASP.NET Core, ASP.NET Core MVC, l'hébergement, l'injection de dépendance, l'API, la sécurité et l'identité, .Net Core CLI, les pages Razor, et Blazor, ce test évalue les connaissances du candidat, avec un niveau avancé, sur .NET Core.

20 35

Online - desktop / tablet, Online - mobile

 Online - desktop / tablet, Online - mobile

15 Minutes

 15 Minutes

English (AUS), English (UK)...

 English (AUS), English (UK)...


This test aims to assess the candidate's beginner skills in ASP.NET MVC 4 development. It covers multiple aspects of the MVC 4 framework, as well as general web development topics (security, HTTP). Topics: - ASP.NET Web API. - ASP.NET - Styles and Layout. - Controllers and Routing. - Views and UI Rendering.

This test aims to assess the candidate's medium skills in ASP.NET MVC 4 development. It covers multiple aspects of the MVC 4 framework, as well as general web development topics (security, HTTP).

Title and Description  No. of Questions Duration(min)

ASP.NET MVC 4 quiz beginner level

This test aims to assess the candidate's beginner skills in ASP.NET MVC 4 development. It covers multiple aspects of the MVC 4 framework, as well as general web development topics (security, HTTP). Topics: - ASP.NET Web API. - ASP.NET - Styles and Layout. - Controllers and Routing. - Views and UI Rendering..

20 15

ASP.NET MVC 4 quiz medium level

This test aims to assess the candidate's medium skills in ASP.NET MVC 4 development. It covers multiple aspects of the MVC 4 framework, as well as general web development topics (security, HTTP). Topics: - ASP.NET Web API. - ASP.NET - Styles and Layout. - Controllers and Routing. - Views and UI Rendering. - ASP.NET MVC Model Binding.

20 15

Why should you use this assessment?

SkillValue tests improve objectivity in the recruitment process and help you make reliable hiring decisions based on data driven scores, ranking and code analysis. They help you to minimise or remove biases that arise from CVs and panel interviews.  

You will be able to choose from a selection of questions available on our platform or add your own questions. We have 30, 000+ questions to choose from. We add 100+ new tests every year to our platform.

You can choose from the following 600+ tech and marketing skills assessments:

  • Java, .Net, PHP
  • Javascript, C, C++, Python, Ruby on Rails
  • Front end development
  • Full stack development
  • Mobile apps
  • IoT, embedded systems
  • Databases
  • Business intelligence
  • Big data
  • Game development
  • Product management
  • Blockchain
  • Multimedia
  • Maths and logic
  • OOP
  • UX/UI
  • Microsoft Office
  • Salesforce
  • SAP
  • Windev
  • DevOps
  • Infrastructure, AWS
  • Test automation

Happy Customers!

We are always recruiting, and the process is definitely more efficient with SkillValue. We discovered the platform whilst looking for a tool which would let us conduct IT tests with our applicants and from the minute we tried it, the process of pre-selecting our applicants was much easier. The tests are comprehensive and ready to use. The results are sent directly to the applicants and are accessible to our recruitment, making the entire selection process easier. SkillValue is the ideal recruitment tool.

Damien Chimier, Sales Director at Infotem.


Title and Description ( French) No. of Questions Duration(min)

ASP.NET MVC 4 quiz niveau débutant

Ce test est destiné à l'évaluation des compétences de niveau débutant sur la programmation en ASP.NET MVC 4. Il couvre plusieurs aspects du Framework ASP.NET MVC 4, ainsi que des sujets généraux sur le développement web (sécurité, HTTP ...) Connaissances mesurées : - ASP.NET Web API. - ASP.NET - Styles et layout. - Contrôleurs et routage. - Vues et rendu de l'interface utilisateur.

20 15

ASP.NET MVC 4 quiz niveau intermédiaire

Ce test est destiné à l'évaluation des compétences de niveau intermédiaire sur la programmation en ASP.NET MVC 4. Il couvre plusieurs aspects du Framework ASP.NET MVC 4, ainsi que des sujets généraux sur le développement web (sécurité, HTTP ...). Connaissances mesurées : - ASP.NET Web API. - ASP.NET - Styles et layout. - Contrôleurs et routage. - Vues et rendu de l'interface utilisateur. - La liaison de modèle ASP.NET MVC

20 10
C# 7.0
C# 7.0

Online - desktop / tablet, Online - mobile

 Online - desktop / tablet, Online - mobile

25 Minutes

 25 Minutes

English (AUS), English (UK)...

 English (AUS), English (UK)...


This test will assess your candidate's knowledge of C# development language. Topics: object-oriented programming in C#, syntax, collections, data types, exceptions and tuples.

Title and Description  No. of Questions Duration(min)
C# 7.0 quiz beginner level

This test will assess your candidate's knowledge of C# development language. Topics: object-oriented programming in C#, syntax, collections, data types, exceptions and tuples.

20 25

C# 7.0 quiz medium level

This test assesses the knowledge of medium-level developers working with the C# programming language and some of the C# 7.0 new features. Topics: data types, collections, enumerations, operators, loops, and tuples.

20 25

Why should you use this assessment?

SkillValue tests improve objectivity in the recruitment process and help you make reliable hiring decisions based on data driven scores, ranking and code analysis. They help you to minimise or remove biases that arise from CVs and panel interviews.  

You will be able to choose from a selection of questions available on our platform or add your own questions. We have 30, 000+ questions to choose from. We add 100+ new tests every year to our platform.

You can choose from the following 600+ tech and marketing skills assessments:

  • Java, .Net, PHP
  • Javascript, C, C++, Python, Ruby on Rails
  • Front end development
  • Full stack development
  • Mobile apps
  • IoT, embedded systems
  • Databases
  • Business intelligence
  • Big data
  • Game development
  • Product management
  • Blockchain
  • Multimedia
  • Maths and logic
  • OOP
  • UX/UI
  • Microsoft Office
  • Salesforce
  • SAP
  • Windev
  • DevOps
  • Infrastructure, AWS
  • Test automation

Happy Customers!

We are always recruiting, and the process is definitely more efficient with SkillValue. We discovered the platform whilst looking for a tool which would let us conduct IT tests with our applicants and from the minute we tried it, the process of pre-selecting our applicants was much easier. The tests are comprehensive and ready to use. The results are sent directly to the applicants and are accessible to our recruitment, making the entire selection process easier. SkillValue is the ideal recruitment tool.

Damien Chimier, Sales Director at Infotem.


Title and Description ( French) No. of Questions Duration(min)

C# 7.0 quiz niveau débutant

Ce test est destiné à l'évaluation des compétences de niveau débutant sur la programmation en C# 7.0. Connaissances mesurées : la programmation orientée objet en C#, la syntaxe, les collections, les types de données, les exceptions et tuples.

20 25

C# 7.0 quiz niveau intermédiaire

Ce test permet de vérifier les capacités des développeurs intermédiaires sur les fonctionnalités du langage C# 7.0 et le fonctionnement interne du framework .NET. Connaissances mesurées : C# 7.0, types de données, collections, enumerations, opérateurs, boucles et tuples.

20 25
Développement SharePoint 2007
Développement SharePoint 2007

Online - desktop / tablet, Online - mobile

 Online - desktop / tablet, Online - mobile

30 Minutes

 30 Minutes




Ce test vérifie les capacités des développeurs SharePoint intermédiaires ou seniors et permet de tester leurs connaissances sur la programmation SharePoint 2007. Ce test portera sur des sujets tels que les fermes SharePoint, les applications, les sites et pages web SharePoint, les définitions de listes, les actions personnalisées, les composants Web Part, les définitions de sites personnalisées, etc. et vous donnera l'occasion d'évaluer vos connaissances sur les caractéristiques les plus importantes de la programmation SharePoint. Connaissances mesurées : - Modèle d'objet SharePoint 2007. - Composants SharePoint et comment créer les entités personnalisées. - Configuration et personnalisation SharePoint 2007.

Why should you use this assessment?

SkillValue tests improve objectivity in the recruitment process and help you make reliable hiring decisions based on data driven scores, ranking and code analysis. They help you to minimise or remove biases that arise from CVs and panel interviews.  

You will be able to choose from a selection of questions available on our platform or add your own questions. We have 30, 000+ questions to choose from. We add 100+ new tests every year to our platform.

You can choose from the following 600+ tech and marketing skills assessments:

  • Java, .Net, PHP
  • Javascript, C, C++, Python, Ruby on Rails
  • Front end development
  • Full stack development
  • Mobile apps
  • IoT, embedded systems
  • Databases
  • Business intelligence
  • Big data
  • Game development
  • Product management
  • Blockchain
  • Multimedia
  • Maths and logic
  • OOP
  • UX/UI
  • Microsoft Office
  • Salesforce
  • SAP
  • Windev
  • DevOps
  • Infrastructure, AWS
  • Test automation

Happy Customers!

We are always recruiting, and the process is definitely more efficient with SkillValue. We discovered the platform whilst looking for a tool which would let us conduct IT tests with our applicants and from the minute we tried it, the process of pre-selecting our applicants was much easier. The tests are comprehensive and ready to use. The results are sent directly to the applicants and are accessible to our recruitment, making the entire selection process easier. SkillValue is the ideal recruitment tool.

Développement SharePoint 2010
Développement SharePoint 2010

Online - desktop / tablet, Online - mobile

 Online - desktop / tablet, Online - mobile

30 Minutes

 30 Minutes




Ce test vérifie les capacités des développeurs SharePoint intermédiaires ou seniors et permet de tester leurs connaissances sur la programmation SharePoint 2010. Ce test portera sur des sujets tels que les fermes SharePoint, les applications, les sites et pages web SharePoint, les définitions de listes, les actions personnalisées, les composants Web Part, les définitions de sites personnalisées. Connaissances mesurées : - Modèle d'objet SharePoint 2010. - Composants SharePoint et comment créer les entités personnalisées. - Configuration et personnalisation SharePoint 2010.

Why should you use this assessment?

SkillValue tests improve objectivity in the recruitment process and help you make reliable hiring decisions based on data driven scores, ranking and code analysis. They help you to minimise or remove biases that arise from CVs and panel interviews.  

You will be able to choose from a selection of questions available on our platform or add your own questions. We have 30, 000+ questions to choose from. We add 100+ new tests every year to our platform.

You can choose from the following 600+ tech and marketing skills assessments:

  • Java, .Net, PHP
  • Javascript, C, C++, Python, Ruby on Rails
  • Front end development
  • Full stack development
  • Mobile apps
  • IoT, embedded systems
  • Databases
  • Business intelligence
  • Big data
  • Game development
  • Product management
  • Blockchain
  • Multimedia
  • Maths and logic
  • OOP
  • UX/UI
  • Microsoft Office
  • Salesforce
  • SAP
  • Windev
  • DevOps
  • Infrastructure, AWS
  • Test automation

Happy Customers!

We are always recruiting, and the process is definitely more efficient with SkillValue. We discovered the platform whilst looking for a tool which would let us conduct IT tests with our applicants and from the minute we tried it, the process of pre-selecting our applicants was much easier. The tests are comprehensive and ready to use. The results are sent directly to the applicants and are accessible to our recruitment, making the entire selection process easier. SkillValue is the ideal recruitment tool.


Online - desktop / tablet, Online - mobile

 Online - desktop / tablet, Online - mobile

30 Minutes

 30 Minutes

English (AUS), English (UK)...

 English (AUS), English (UK)...


This test assesses the candidate's vSphere / ESXi 6.7 skills. It requires a good working knowledge of VMWare solutions such as vCenter, ESXi, vCloud, NSX, NSX EdgeGateway and others. Topics: - vSphere / ESXi specifications; - Specifications related to server virtualization (networking, vMotion, disk management, failover).

Why should you use this assessment?

SkillValue tests improve objectivity in the recruitment process and help you make reliable hiring decisions based on data driven scores, ranking and code analysis. They help you to minimise or remove biases that arise from CVs and panel interviews.  

You will be able to choose from a selection of questions available on our platform or add your own questions. We have 30, 000+ questions to choose from. We add 100+ new tests every year to our platform.

You can choose from the following 600+ tech and marketing skills assessments:

  • Java, .Net, PHP
  • Javascript, C, C++, Python, Ruby on Rails
  • Front end development
  • Full stack development
  • Mobile apps
  • IoT, embedded systems
  • Databases
  • Business intelligence
  • Big data
  • Game development
  • Product management
  • Blockchain
  • Multimedia
  • Maths and logic
  • OOP
  • UX/UI
  • Microsoft Office
  • Salesforce
  • SAP
  • Windev
  • DevOps
  • Infrastructure, AWS
  • Test automation

Happy Customers!

We are always recruiting, and the process is definitely more efficient with SkillValue. We discovered the platform whilst looking for a tool which would let us conduct IT tests with our applicants and from the minute we tried it, the process of pre-selecting our applicants was much easier. The tests are comprehensive and ready to use. The results are sent directly to the applicants and are accessible to our recruitment, making the entire selection process easier. SkillValue is the ideal recruitment tool.

Damien Chimier, Sales Director at Infotem.

Title and Description ( French) No. of Questions Duration(min)

VMware quiz niveau intermédiaire

Ce test évalue les compétences du candidat en ce qui concerne vSphere / ESXi 6.7. Il nécessite une bonne connaissance pratique des solutions de VMWare telles que vCenter, ESXi, vCloud, NSX, NSX EdgeGateway et autres. Connaissances mesurées : - Spécifications vSphere / ESXi ; - Spécifications concernant la virtualisation des serveurs (mise en réseau, vMotion, gestion des disques, failover (basculement)).

30 30

Online - desktop / tablet, Online - mobile

 Online - desktop / tablet, Online - mobile

18 Minutes

 18 Minutes

English (AUS), English (UK)...

 English (AUS), English (UK)...


This test assesses the candidate's advanced knowledge of Node.js and focuses on Node.js development related topics. Topics: - General functions, http server/client, I/O library - Asynchronous method execution, TCP, events - Best practices and others.

Why should you use this assessment?

SkillValue tests improve objectivity in the recruitment process and help you make reliable hiring decisions based on data driven scores, ranking and code analysis. They help you to minimise or remove biases that arise from CVs and panel interviews.  

You will be able to choose from a selection of questions available on our platform or add your own questions. We have 30, 000+ questions to choose from. We add 100+ new tests every year to our platform.

You can choose from the following 600+ tech and marketing skills assessments:

  • Java, .Net, PHP
  • Javascript, C, C++, Python, Ruby on Rails
  • Front end development
  • Full stack development
  • Mobile apps
  • IoT, embedded systems
  • Databases
  • Business intelligence
  • Big data
  • Game development
  • Product management
  • Blockchain
  • Multimedia
  • Maths and logic
  • OOP
  • UX/UI
  • Microsoft Office
  • Salesforce
  • SAP
  • Windev
  • DevOps
  • Infrastructure, AWS
  • Test automation

Happy Customers!

We are always recruiting, and the process is definitely more efficient with SkillValue. We discovered the platform whilst looking for a tool which would let us conduct IT tests with our applicants and from the minute we tried it, the process of pre-selecting our applicants was much easier. The tests are comprehensive and ready to use. The results are sent directly to the applicants and are accessible to our recruitment, making the entire selection process easier. SkillValue is the ideal recruitment tool.

Damien Chimier, Sales Director at Infotem.

Title and Description ( French) No. of Questions Duration(min)

Node.js quiz niveau avancé

Ce test évalue les connaissances avancées du candidat sur Node.js et se concentre sur des sujets liés au développement sous Node.js. Sujets : - Fonctions générales, serveur/client http, bibliothèque d'I/O - Exécution de méthodes asynchrones, TCP, événements - Meilleures pratiques, etc.

18 18

Online - desktop / tablet, Online - mobile

 Online - desktop / tablet, Online - mobile

20 Minutes

 20 Minutes

English (AUS), English (UK)...

 English (AUS), English (UK)...


This quiz assesses the candidates' basic knowledge of Node.js. Topics: general concepts and functions, npm, HTTP module, I/O library, events and best practices.

Title and Description  No. of Questions Duration(min)

Node.js quiz beginner level

This quiz assesses the candidates' basic knowledge of Node.js. Topics: general concepts and functions, npm, HTTP module, I/O library, events and best practices.

20 20

Node.js quiz medium level

This test assesses the candidate's medium knowledge of Node.js and focuses on Node.js development related topics. Topics: - General functions, http server/client, I/O library - Asynchronous method execution, TCP, events - Best practices and others.

20 20

Why should you use this assessment?

SkillValue tests improve objectivity in the recruitment process and help you make reliable hiring decisions based on data driven scores, ranking and code analysis. They help you to minimise or remove biases that arise from CVs and panel interviews.  

You will be able to choose from a selection of questions available on our platform or add your own questions. We have 30, 000+ questions to choose from. We add 100+ new tests every year to our platform.

You can choose from the following 600+ tech and marketing skills assessments:

  • Java, .Net, PHP
  • Javascript, C, C++, Python, Ruby on Rails
  • Front end development
  • Full stack development
  • Mobile apps
  • IoT, embedded systems
  • Databases
  • Business intelligence
  • Big data
  • Game development
  • Product management
  • Blockchain
  • Multimedia
  • Maths and logic
  • OOP
  • UX/UI
  • Microsoft Office
  • Salesforce
  • SAP
  • Windev
  • DevOps
  • Infrastructure, AWS
  • Test automation

Happy Customers!

We are always recruiting, and the process is definitely more efficient with SkillValue. We discovered the platform whilst looking for a tool which would let us conduct IT tests with our applicants and from the minute we tried it, the process of pre-selecting our applicants was much easier. The tests are comprehensive and ready to use. The results are sent directly to the applicants and are accessible to our recruitment, making the entire selection process easier. SkillValue is the ideal recruitment tool.

Damien Chimier, Sales Director at Infotem.


Title and Description ( French) No. of Questions Duration(min)

Node.js quiz niveau débutant

Ce quiz évalue les connaissances de base des candidats en ce qui concerne Node.js. Connaissances mesurées : concepts généraux et fonctions, npm, module HTTP, bibliothèque d'E/S (I/O), événements et meilleures pratiques.

20 20

Node.js quiz niveau intermédiaire

Ce test est destiné à évaluer les compétences intermédiaires des candidats en programmation Node.js. Connaissances mesurées : - Les fonctions générales, le http client/serveur, la bibliothèque E/S - L'exécution asynchrone de la méthode, le protocole TCP, les événements

20 20

Online - desktop / tablet, Online - mobile

 Online - desktop / tablet, Online - mobile

25 Minutes

 25 Minutes

English (AUS), English (UK)...

 English (AUS), English (UK)...


This test will allow to assess knowledge in Express, a web framework for Node.js. Topics: basic questions, Express.js Request, Express.js Get, Express.js Post, Express.js Routing, Express.js Middleware, Express.js File Upload.

Why should you use this assessment?

SkillValue tests improve objectivity in the recruitment process and help you make reliable hiring decisions based on data driven scores, ranking and code analysis. They help you to minimise or remove biases that arise from CVs and panel interviews.  

You will be able to choose from a selection of questions available on our platform or add your own questions. We have 30, 000+ questions to choose from. We add 100+ new tests every year to our platform.

You can choose from the following 600+ tech and marketing skills assessments:

  • Java, .Net, PHP
  • Javascript, C, C++, Python, Ruby on Rails
  • Front end development
  • Full stack development
  • Mobile apps
  • IoT, embedded systems
  • Databases
  • Business intelligence
  • Big data
  • Game development
  • Product management
  • Blockchain
  • Multimedia
  • Maths and logic
  • OOP
  • UX/UI
  • Microsoft Office
  • Salesforce
  • SAP
  • Windev
  • DevOps
  • Infrastructure, AWS
  • Test automation

Happy Customers!

We are always recruiting, and the process is definitely more efficient with SkillValue. We discovered the platform whilst looking for a tool which would let us conduct IT tests with our applicants and from the minute we tried it, the process of pre-selecting our applicants was much easier. The tests are comprehensive and ready to use. The results are sent directly to the applicants and are accessible to our recruitment, making the entire selection process easier. SkillValue is the ideal recruitment tool.

Damien Chimier, Sales Director at Infotem.

Title and Description ( French) No. of Questions Duration(min)

Express quiz niveau intermédiaire

Ce test est destiné à l'évaluation des compétences en Express, un framework web pour Node.js. Connaissances mesurées : questions de base, Express.js Request, Express.js Get, Express.js Post, Express.js Routing, Express.js Middleware, Express.js File Upload.

23 25
OOP in Java
OOP in Java

Online - desktop / tablet, Online - mobile

 Online - desktop / tablet, Online - mobile

20 Minutes

 20 Minutes

English (AUS), English (UK)...

 English (AUS), English (UK)...


This OOP questionnaire has a medium level and covers the basic concepts, tested using theoretical questions and also questions with practical examples in Java. Topics: the principles of OOP (encapsulation, abstraction, inheritance and polymorphism), the most common Design Pattern (singleton) and their use.

Why should you use this assessment?

SkillValue tests improve objectivity in the recruitment process and help you make reliable hiring decisions based on data driven scores, ranking and code analysis. They help you to minimise or remove biases that arise from CVs and panel interviews.  

You will be able to choose from a selection of questions available on our platform or add your own questions. We have 30, 000+ questions to choose from. We add 100+ new tests every year to our platform.

You can choose from the following 600+ tech and marketing skills assessments:

  • Java, .Net, PHP
  • Javascript, C, C++, Python, Ruby on Rails
  • Front end development
  • Full stack development
  • Mobile apps
  • IoT, embedded systems
  • Databases
  • Business intelligence
  • Big data
  • Game development
  • Product management
  • Blockchain
  • Multimedia
  • Maths and logic
  • OOP
  • UX/UI
  • Microsoft Office
  • Salesforce
  • SAP
  • Windev
  • DevOps
  • Infrastructure, AWS
  • Test automation

Happy Customers!

We are always recruiting, and the process is definitely more efficient with SkillValue. We discovered the platform whilst looking for a tool which would let us conduct IT tests with our applicants and from the minute we tried it, the process of pre-selecting our applicants was much easier. The tests are comprehensive and ready to use. The results are sent directly to the applicants and are accessible to our recruitment, making the entire selection process easier. SkillValue is the ideal recruitment tool.

Damien Chimier, Sales Director at Infotem.

Title and Description ( French) No. of Questions Duration(min)

POO en Java quiz niveau intermédiaire

Ce questionnaire est de niveau intermédiaire et il couvre les notions de base, testées au moyen de questions théoriques ainsi que de questions avec des exemples de code en Java. Connaissances mesurées : les principes de la programmation orientée objet (encapsulation, abstraction, héritage et polymorphisme), le patron de conception (« design pattern ») le plus commun (singleton) et son utilisation.

20 20

Online - desktop / tablet, Online - mobile

 Online - desktop / tablet, Online - mobile

10 Minutes

 10 Minutes

English (AUS), English (UK)...

 English (AUS), English (UK)...


This test is designed to assess your candidate's medium skills in Perl development. Topics: syntax, data types, variables, functions, commands, database access.

Why should you use this assessment?

SkillValue tests improve objectivity in the recruitment process and help you make reliable hiring decisions based on data driven scores, ranking and code analysis. They help you to minimise or remove biases that arise from CVs and panel interviews.  

You will be able to choose from a selection of questions available on our platform or add your own questions. We have 30, 000+ questions to choose from. We add 100+ new tests every year to our platform.

You can choose from the following 600+ tech and marketing skills assessments:

  • Java, .Net, PHP
  • Javascript, C, C++, Python, Ruby on Rails
  • Front end development
  • Full stack development
  • Mobile apps
  • IoT, embedded systems
  • Databases
  • Business intelligence
  • Big data
  • Game development
  • Product management
  • Blockchain
  • Multimedia
  • Maths and logic
  • OOP
  • UX/UI
  • Microsoft Office
  • Salesforce
  • SAP
  • Windev
  • DevOps
  • Infrastructure, AWS
  • Test automation

Happy Customers!

We are always recruiting, and the process is definitely more efficient with SkillValue. We discovered the platform whilst looking for a tool which would let us conduct IT tests with our applicants and from the minute we tried it, the process of pre-selecting our applicants was much easier. The tests are comprehensive and ready to use. The results are sent directly to the applicants and are accessible to our recruitment, making the entire selection process easier. SkillValue is the ideal recruitment tool.

Damien Chimier, Sales Director at Infotem.

Title and Description ( French) No. of Questions Duration(min)

Perl quiz niveau intermédiaire

Ces tests vous permettent d'évaluer les connaissances de vos candidats sur le langage de programmation Perl. Connaissances mesurées : syntaxe, types de données, variables, fonctions, commandes, base de données.

15 10
PHP 7.x
PHP 7.x

Online - desktop / tablet, Online - mobile

 Online - desktop / tablet, Online - mobile

25 Minutes

 25 Minutes

English (AUS), English (UK)...

 English (AUS), English (UK)...


This test allows you to evaluate medium knowledge of the main concepts of Git. Topics: main topics, commands, branching, merging, etc.This test will challenge your knowledge of the PHP 7 environment, focusing on new features of PHP 7. Topics: uniform-variable-syntax, the new null-coalesce and spaceship-comparison operators, scalar and return-types, iterable and nullable types, catching multiple exception, internal array pointers, grouping of namespaces, generators.

Why should you use this assessment?

SkillValue tests improve objectivity in the recruitment process and help you make reliable hiring decisions based on data driven scores, ranking and code analysis. They help you to minimise or remove biases that arise from CVs and panel interviews.  

You will be able to choose from a selection of questions available on our platform or add your own questions. We have 30, 000+ questions to choose from. We add 100+ new tests every year to our platform.

You can choose from the following 600+ tech and marketing skills assessments:

  • Java, .Net, PHP
  • Javascript, C, C++, Python, Ruby on Rails
  • Front end development
  • Full stack development
  • Mobile apps
  • IoT, embedded systems
  • Databases
  • Business intelligence
  • Big data
  • Game development
  • Product management
  • Blockchain
  • Multimedia
  • Maths and logic
  • OOP
  • UX/UI
  • Microsoft Office
  • Salesforce
  • SAP
  • Windev
  • DevOps
  • Infrastructure, AWS
  • Test automation

Happy Customers!

We are always recruiting, and the process is definitely more efficient with SkillValue. We discovered the platform whilst looking for a tool which would let us conduct IT tests with our applicants and from the minute we tried it, the process of pre-selecting our applicants was much easier. The tests are comprehensive and ready to use. The results are sent directly to the applicants and are accessible to our recruitment, making the entire selection process easier. SkillValue is the ideal recruitment tool.

Damien Chimier, Sales Director at Infotem.

Title and Description ( French) No. of Questions Duration(min)

PHP 7.x quiz niveau débutant

Ce test mettra à l'épreuve la connaissance de l'environnement PHP 7, en mettant l'accent sur les nouvelles fonctionnalités de PHP 7. Sujets : syntaxe de variable uniforme, nouveaux opérateurs null-coalesce et spaceship pour la comparaison, type scalaire et type de retour, type itérable et type annulable, exception de capture multiple, pointeurs internes de tableau, regroupement d'espaces de noms, générateurs.

20 25

Online - desktop / tablet, Online - mobile

 Online - desktop / tablet, Online - mobile

20 Minutes

 20 Minutes

English (AUS), English (UK)...

 English (AUS), English (UK)...


This test evaluates the candidate's knowledge of PHP5 language and environment.

Title and Description  No. of Questions Duration(min)

PHP5 quiz advanced level

This test evaluates the candidate's knowledge of PHP5 language and environment. Topics: PHP5 environment, algorithms, exception handling, I/O methods, use of cookies, regular expressions, pointers, logical operators.

20 15

PHP5 quiz beginner level

This test evaluates the candidate's basic knowledge of PHP programming. Topics: PHP concepts and basic environment knowledge, static method definition, security concepts etc.

24 20

Why should you use this assessment?

SkillValue tests improve objectivity in the recruitment process and help you make reliable hiring decisions based on data driven scores, ranking and code analysis. They help you to minimise or remove biases that arise from CVs and panel interviews.  

You will be able to choose from a selection of questions available on our platform or add your own questions. We have 30, 000+ questions to choose from. We add 100+ new tests every year to our platform.

You can choose from the following 600+ tech and marketing skills assessments:

  • Java, .Net, PHP
  • Javascript, C, C++, Python, Ruby on Rails
  • Front end development
  • Full stack development
  • Mobile apps
  • IoT, embedded systems
  • Databases
  • Business intelligence
  • Big data
  • Game development
  • Product management
  • Blockchain
  • Multimedia
  • Maths and logic
  • OOP
  • UX/UI
  • Microsoft Office
  • Salesforce
  • SAP
  • Windev
  • DevOps
  • Infrastructure, AWS
  • Test automation

Happy Customers!

We are always recruiting, and the process is definitely more efficient with SkillValue. We discovered the platform whilst looking for a tool which would let us conduct IT tests with our applicants and from the minute we tried it, the process of pre-selecting our applicants was much easier. The tests are comprehensive and ready to use. The results are sent directly to the applicants and are accessible to our recruitment, making the entire selection process easier. SkillValue is the ideal recruitment tool.

Damien Chimier, Sales Director at Infotem.


Title and Description ( French) No. of Questions Duration(min)

PHP5 quiz niveau avancé

Ce quiz permet de faire le point sur les connaissances de l'environnement PHP5. Connaissances mesurées : l'Environnement PHP5, Algorithmes, Gestion d'exceptions, Méthodes d'E/S, Utilisation de cookies, Expressions régulières, Pointeurs, Opérateurs logiques.

20 15

PHP5 quiz niveau débutant

Ce test vérifie les capacités de base des candidats dans la programmation PHP. Connaissances mesurées : concepts PHP, environnement PHP, définition des méthodes statiques, concepts de sécurité, etc...

24 20
Zend Framework
Zend Framework

Online - desktop / tablet, Online - mobile

 Online - desktop / tablet, Online - mobile

25 Minutes

 25 Minutes

English (AUS), English (UK)...

 English (AUS), English (UK)...


This test assesses a candidate's ability to solve complex Zend Framework 2 issues. It contains use cases that reflect the candidate's experience and skills for handling the framework code.

Title and Description  No. of Questions Duration(min)

Zend Framework 2 quiz advanced level

This test assesses a candidate's ability to solve complex Zend Framework 2 issues. It contains use cases that reflect the candidate's experience and skills for handling the framework code. Topics: Service Manager, Event Manager, as well as the use of modules.

20 25

Zend Framework 2 quiz medium level

This test evaluates a candidate's ability to become immediately operational and evolve on a daily basis while using the Zend Framework 2 environment. Topics: main components of the Zend 2 framework such as Service Manager, Event Manager, as well as the use of modules.

20 25

Zend Framework 2 quiz beginner level

This test was designed for assessing a candidate's knowledge of Zend Framework 2 basic principles. Topics: main framework components, such as Service Manager, Event Manager, as well as the use of modules.


20 25

Why should you use this assessment?

SkillValue tests improve objectivity in the recruitment process and help you make reliable hiring decisions based on data driven scores, ranking and code analysis. They help you to minimise or remove biases that arise from CVs and panel interviews.  

You will be able to choose from a selection of questions available on our platform or add your own questions. We have 30, 000+ questions to choose from. We add 100+ new tests every year to our platform.

You can choose from the following 600+ tech and marketing skills assessments:

  • Java, .Net, PHP
  • Javascript, C, C++, Python, Ruby on Rails
  • Front end development
  • Full stack development
  • Mobile apps
  • IoT, embedded systems
  • Databases
  • Business intelligence
  • Big data
  • Game development
  • Product management
  • Blockchain
  • Multimedia
  • Maths and logic
  • OOP
  • UX/UI
  • Microsoft Office
  • Salesforce
  • SAP
  • Windev
  • DevOps
  • Infrastructure, AWS
  • Test automation

Happy Customers!

We are always recruiting, and the process is definitely more efficient with SkillValue. We discovered the platform whilst looking for a tool which would let us conduct IT tests with our applicants and from the minute we tried it, the process of pre-selecting our applicants was much easier. The tests are comprehensive and ready to use. The results are sent directly to the applicants and are accessible to our recruitment, making the entire selection process easier. SkillValue is the ideal recruitment tool.

Damien Chimier, Sales Director at Infotem.


Title and Description ( French) No. of Questions Duration(min)

Zend Framework 2 quiz niveau avancé

Ce test vérifie la capacité d'un candidat à résoudre les problématiques les plus complexes liées à Zend Framework 2. Les cas d'utilisation présentés dans le test reflètent l'expérience du candidat et sa capacité à plonger dans le code du framework.

20 25

Zend Framework 2 quiz niveau intermédiaire

Ce test vérifie la capacité d'un candidat à être immédiatement opérationnel et évoluer quotidiennement dans un environnement utilisant le Zend Framework 2. Connaissances mesurées : les principaux composants du framework tels que le gestionnaire de services, le gestionnaire d'évènements ou l'utilisation des modules.

20 25

Zend Framework 2 quiz niveau débutant

Ce test vérifie les capacités d'un candidat à comprendre les principes de base du Zend Framework 2. Connaissances mesurées : les principaux composants du framework tels que le gestionnaire de services, le gestionnaire d'évènements ou l'utilisation des modules.

20 25

Online - desktop / tablet, Online - mobile

 Online - desktop / tablet, Online - mobile

15 Minutes

 15 Minutes

English (AUS), English (UK)...

 English (AUS), English (UK)...


This test assesses the candidate's knowledge of Object-oriented programming in PHP, as well as their ability to work with OOP concepts on a daily basis. Topics: OOP principles, member variable, member function, destructor.

Why should you use this assessment?

SkillValue tests improve objectivity in the recruitment process and help you make reliable hiring decisions based on data driven scores, ranking and code analysis. They help you to minimise or remove biases that arise from CVs and panel interviews.  

You will be able to choose from a selection of questions available on our platform or add your own questions. We have 30, 000+ questions to choose from. We add 100+ new tests every year to our platform.

You can choose from the following 600+ tech and marketing skills assessments:

  • Java, .Net, PHP
  • Javascript, C, C++, Python, Ruby on Rails
  • Front end development
  • Full stack development
  • Mobile apps
  • IoT, embedded systems
  • Databases
  • Business intelligence
  • Big data
  • Game development
  • Product management
  • Blockchain
  • Multimedia
  • Maths and logic
  • OOP
  • UX/UI
  • Microsoft Office
  • Salesforce
  • SAP
  • Windev
  • DevOps
  • Infrastructure, AWS
  • Test automation

Happy Customers!

We are always recruiting, and the process is definitely more efficient with SkillValue. We discovered the platform whilst looking for a tool which would let us conduct IT tests with our applicants and from the minute we tried it, the process of pre-selecting our applicants was much easier. The tests are comprehensive and ready to use. The results are sent directly to the applicants and are accessible to our recruitment, making the entire selection process easier. SkillValue is the ideal recruitment tool.

Damien Chimier, Sales Director at Infotem.

Title and Description ( French) No. of Questions Duration(min)

POO en PHP quiz niveau débutant

Ce test permet d'évaluer les connaissances de niveau intermédiaire des candidats en programmation orientée objet avec PHP, tout comme leur capacité à travailler avec des concepts POO au quotidien. Connaissances mesurées : principes POO (encapsulation, abstraction, héritage et polymorphisme), variables et fonctions membres, destructeur.

20 15

Online - desktop / tablet, Online - mobile

 Online - desktop / tablet, Online - mobile

20 Minutes

 20 Minutes

English (AUS), English (UK)...

 English (AUS), English (UK)...


This test allows you to evaluate development knowledge in WordPress and your understanding of the WordPress website architecture. Topics: practical questions about creating and editing a Wordpress theme, general questions about the WordPress architecture and the dashboard.

Why should you use this assessment?

SkillValue tests improve objectivity in the recruitment process and help you make reliable hiring decisions based on data driven scores, ranking and code analysis. They help you to minimise or remove biases that arise from CVs and panel interviews.  

You will be able to choose from a selection of questions available on our platform or add your own questions. We have 30, 000+ questions to choose from. We add 100+ new tests every year to our platform.

You can choose from the following 600+ tech and marketing skills assessments:

  • Java, .Net, PHP
  • Javascript, C, C++, Python, Ruby on Rails
  • Front end development
  • Full stack development
  • Mobile apps
  • IoT, embedded systems
  • Databases
  • Business intelligence
  • Big data
  • Game development
  • Product management
  • Blockchain
  • Multimedia
  • Maths and logic
  • OOP
  • UX/UI
  • Microsoft Office
  • Salesforce
  • SAP
  • Windev
  • DevOps
  • Infrastructure, AWS
  • Test automation

Happy Customers!

We are always recruiting, and the process is definitely more efficient with SkillValue. We discovered the platform whilst looking for a tool which would let us conduct IT tests with our applicants and from the minute we tried it, the process of pre-selecting our applicants was much easier. The tests are comprehensive and ready to use. The results are sent directly to the applicants and are accessible to our recruitment, making the entire selection process easier. SkillValue is the ideal recruitment tool.

Damien Chimier, Sales Director at Infotem.

Title and Description ( French) No. of Questions Duration(min)

WordPress quiz niveau intermédiaire

Ce test vous permet d'évaluer les connaissances de développement sous WordPress et la compréhension de l'architecture des sites WordPress. Connaissances mesurées : questions pratique sur la création et la modification d'un thème Wordpress, question générale sur l'architecture des WordPress et sur le tableau de bord.

20 20

Online - desktop / tablet, Online - mobile

 Online - desktop / tablet, Online - mobile

20 Minutes

 20 Minutes

English (AUS), English (UK)...

 English (AUS), English (UK)...


The quiz covers all the key-concepts that any novice should know with various applied exercises for which the candidate should determine the output of the execution, evaluating his understanding of how the main concepts work.

Title and Description  No. of Questions Duration(min)

Angular.js quiz beginner level

The quiz covers all the key-concepts that any novice should know with various applied exercises for which the candidate should determine the output of the execution, evaluating his understanding of how the main concepts work. Topics: general knowledge of modules, controllers and angular $scope.

20 20

Angular.js quiz medium level

This test assesses the candidate's medium knowledge of Angular.js and focuses on the main concepts of Angular.js development. Topics: essential concepts of Angular JS such as Models, Controllers, Views, $scope.

20 15

Why should you use this assessment?

SkillValue tests improve objectivity in the recruitment process and help you make reliable hiring decisions based on data driven scores, ranking and code analysis. They help you to minimise or remove biases that arise from CVs and panel interviews.  

You will be able to choose from a selection of questions available on our platform or add your own questions. We have 30, 000+ questions to choose from. We add 100+ new tests every year to our platform.

You can choose from the following 600+ tech and marketing skills assessments:

  • Java, .Net, PHP
  • Javascript, C, C++, Python, Ruby on Rails
  • Front end development
  • Full stack development
  • Mobile apps
  • IoT, embedded systems
  • Databases
  • Business intelligence
  • Big data
  • Game development
  • Product management
  • Blockchain
  • Multimedia
  • Maths and logic
  • OOP
  • UX/UI
  • Microsoft Office
  • Salesforce
  • SAP
  • Windev
  • DevOps
  • Infrastructure, AWS
  • Test automation

Happy Customers!

We are always recruiting, and the process is definitely more efficient with SkillValue. We discovered the platform whilst looking for a tool which would let us conduct IT tests with our applicants and from the minute we tried it, the process of pre-selecting our applicants was much easier. The tests are comprehensive and ready to use. The results are sent directly to the applicants and are accessible to our recruitment, making the entire selection process easier. SkillValue is the ideal recruitment tool.

Damien Chimier, Sales Director at Infotem.


Title and Description ( French) No. of Questions Duration(min)

Angular.js quiz niveau débutant

Ce quiz vous permet de vérifier les connaissances générales avec quelques exercices appliqués dont le candidat doit déterminer le résultat de l'exécution, l'accent étant mis sur la compréhension des principaux concepts. Connaissances mesurées : les modules, les contrôleurs et le $scope (l'objet scope d'Angular).

20 20

Angular.js quiz niveau intermédiaire

Ce test a le but de vérifier les compétences intermédiaires en programmation Angular.js des candidats. Connaissances mesurées : ce quiz comprend les principaux concepts d'Angular.js tels que les Modèles, les Contrôleurs, les Vues, $scope,

20 15

Online - desktop / tablet, Online - mobile

 Online - desktop / tablet, Online - mobile

20 Minutes

 20 Minutes

English (AUS), English (UK)...

 English (AUS), English (UK)...


This test assesses the candidate's medium knowledge in NumPy. Topics: NumPy Arrays, data types, Pandas, matrices, files, operators, functions.

Why should you use this assessment?

SkillValue tests improve objectivity in the recruitment process and help you make reliable hiring decisions based on data driven scores, ranking and code analysis. They help you to minimise or remove biases that arise from CVs and panel interviews.  

You will be able to choose from a selection of questions available on our platform or add your own questions. We have 30, 000+ questions to choose from. We add 100+ new tests every year to our platform.

You can choose from the following 600+ tech and marketing skills assessments:

  • Java, .Net, PHP
  • Javascript, C, C++, Python, Ruby on Rails
  • Front end development
  • Full stack development
  • Mobile apps
  • IoT, embedded systems
  • Databases
  • Business intelligence
  • Big data
  • Game development
  • Product management
  • Blockchain
  • Multimedia
  • Maths and logic
  • OOP
  • UX/UI
  • Microsoft Office
  • Salesforce
  • SAP
  • Windev
  • DevOps
  • Infrastructure, AWS
  • Test automation

Happy Customers!

We are always recruiting, and the process is definitely more efficient with SkillValue. We discovered the platform whilst looking for a tool which would let us conduct IT tests with our applicants and from the minute we tried it, the process of pre-selecting our applicants was much easier. The tests are comprehensive and ready to use. The results are sent directly to the applicants and are accessible to our recruitment, making the entire selection process easier. SkillValue is the ideal recruitment tool.

Damien Chimier, Sales Director at Infotem.

Title and Description ( French) No. of Questions Duration(min)

NumPy quiz niveau intermédiaire

Ce test vous permet d'évaluer les connaissances sur NumPy. Connaissances mesurées : NumPy Arrays, data types, Pandas, matrices, files, opérateurs, fonctions.

20 20
Python 3
Python 3

Online - desktop / tablet, Online - mobile

 Online - desktop / tablet, Online - mobile

20 Minutes

 20 Minutes

English (AUS), English (UK)...

 English (AUS), English (UK)...


This test assesses the candidates' advanced skills in the Python programming language.

Title and Description  No. of Questions Duration(min)

Python 3 quiz advanced level

This test assesses the candidates' advanced skills in the Python programming language. Topics: generators, iterators, lists, sets, dicts, reference-or-value, Python-2-vs-3, OOP, magic-methods, logging, threading.

20 20

Python 3 quiz medium level

This test evaluates medium knowledge of several Python 3 main concepts and specific changes. Topics: strings, lists, tuples, dicts, sets, OOP, Python 3 new features, function *args, function **kwargs.

20 20

Python 3 quiz beginner level

This test assesses the candidate's beginner knowledge of the Python programming language. Topics: basic questions (print, separate block of code, define a function), comparison, strings, lists, dictionaries, loops, OOP, modules.


20 20

Why should you use this assessment?

SkillValue tests improve objectivity in the recruitment process and help you make reliable hiring decisions based on data driven scores, ranking and code analysis. They help you to minimise or remove biases that arise from CVs and panel interviews.  

You will be able to choose from a selection of questions available on our platform or add your own questions. We have 30, 000+ questions to choose from. We add 100+ new tests every year to our platform.

You can choose from the following 600+ tech and marketing skills assessments:

  • Java, .Net, PHP
  • Javascript, C, C++, Python, Ruby on Rails
  • Front end development
  • Full stack development
  • Mobile apps
  • IoT, embedded systems
  • Databases
  • Business intelligence
  • Big data
  • Game development
  • Product management
  • Blockchain
  • Multimedia
  • Maths and logic
  • OOP
  • UX/UI
  • Microsoft Office
  • Salesforce
  • SAP
  • Windev
  • DevOps
  • Infrastructure, AWS
  • Test automation

Happy Customers!

We are always recruiting, and the process is definitely more efficient with SkillValue. We discovered the platform whilst looking for a tool which would let us conduct IT tests with our applicants and from the minute we tried it, the process of pre-selecting our applicants was much easier. The tests are comprehensive and ready to use. The results are sent directly to the applicants and are accessible to our recruitment, making the entire selection process easier. SkillValue is the ideal recruitment tool.

Damien Chimier, Sales Director at Infotem.


Title and Description ( French) No. of Questions Duration(min)

Python 3 quiz niveau avancé

Ce test vous permet d'évaluer les connaissances avancées du langage de programmation Python de vos candidats. Connaissances mesurées : générateurs, itérateurs, listes, sets, dicts, référence ou valeur, Python-2-vs-3, POO, méthodes magiques, logging, threading.

20 20

Python 3 quiz niveau intermédiaire

Ce test vérifie les connaissances des principaux concepts et évolutions de Python 3. Connaissances mesurées : chaînes de caractères, listes, tuples, dicts, sets, POO, nouvelles fonctionnalités Python 3, fonction *args, fonction **kwargs.

20 20

Python 3 quiz niveau débutant

Ce test est utilisé pour évaluer les connaissances de base du langage de programmation Python de vos candidats. Connaissances mesurées : questions de base (impression, séparation des blocs de code, définition d'une fonction), comparaison, chaînes de caractères, listes, dictionnaires, boucles, POO, modules.

20 20
Django 2.x
Django 2.x

Online - desktop / tablet, Online - mobile

 Online - desktop / tablet, Online - mobile

20 Minutes

 20 Minutes

English (AUS), English (UK)...

 English (AUS), English (UK)...


This test evaluates the candidate's knowledge of the Django web framework and focuses on the backend side, such as middleware classes, request handling and Django models. Topics: Django models, Views, Templates, Fixtures, testing.

Why should you use this assessment?

SkillValue tests improve objectivity in the recruitment process and help you make reliable hiring decisions based on data driven scores, ranking and code analysis. They help you to minimise or remove biases that arise from CVs and panel interviews.  

You will be able to choose from a selection of questions available on our platform or add your own questions. We have 30, 000+ questions to choose from. We add 100+ new tests every year to our platform.

You can choose from the following 600+ tech and marketing skills assessments:

  • Java, .Net, PHP
  • Javascript, C, C++, Python, Ruby on Rails
  • Front end development
  • Full stack development
  • Mobile apps
  • IoT, embedded systems
  • Databases
  • Business intelligence
  • Big data
  • Game development
  • Product management
  • Blockchain
  • Multimedia
  • Maths and logic
  • OOP
  • UX/UI
  • Microsoft Office
  • Salesforce
  • SAP
  • Windev
  • DevOps
  • Infrastructure, AWS
  • Test automation

Happy Customers!

We are always recruiting, and the process is definitely more efficient with SkillValue. We discovered the platform whilst looking for a tool which would let us conduct IT tests with our applicants and from the minute we tried it, the process of pre-selecting our applicants was much easier. The tests are comprehensive and ready to use. The results are sent directly to the applicants and are accessible to our recruitment, making the entire selection process easier. SkillValue is the ideal recruitment tool.

Damien Chimier, Sales Director at Infotem.

Title and Description ( French) No. of Questions Duration(min)

Django 2.x quiz niveau intermédiaire

Ce test a été conçu pour l'évaluation des connaissances du framework web Django des candidats et se concentre sur la partie backend, y compris les classes middleware, la manipulation des requêtes et le Django ORM. Connaissances mesurées : modèles Django, Vues, Templates, Fixtures, tests.

20 20

Online - desktop / tablet, Online - mobile

 Online - desktop / tablet, Online - mobile

20 Minutes

 20 Minutes

English (AUS), English (UK)...

 English (AUS), English (UK)...


This test assesses the candidate's beginner knowledge of Ruby development.

Title and Description  No. of Questions Duration(min)

Ruby quiz beginner level

This test assesses the candidate's beginner knowledge of Ruby development. Topics: arrays, hashes, exceptions, Ruby methods, etc.

20 20

Ruby quiz medium level

This test is designed to measure medium knowledge of the Ruby programming language, with focus on the main features and modules. Topics: operators, strings, variables, methods, symbols, exceptions, inheritance, garbage collection, modules, features, etc.

20 20

Why should you use this assessment?

SkillValue tests improve objectivity in the recruitment process and help you make reliable hiring decisions based on data driven scores, ranking and code analysis. They help you to minimise or remove biases that arise from CVs and panel interviews.  

You will be able to choose from a selection of questions available on our platform or add your own questions. We have 30, 000+ questions to choose from. We add 100+ new tests every year to our platform.

You can choose from the following 600+ tech and marketing skills assessments:

  • Java, .Net, PHP
  • Javascript, C, C++, Python, Ruby on Rails
  • Front end development
  • Full stack development
  • Mobile apps
  • IoT, embedded systems
  • Databases
  • Business intelligence
  • Big data
  • Game development
  • Product management
  • Blockchain
  • Multimedia
  • Maths and logic
  • OOP
  • UX/UI
  • Microsoft Office
  • Salesforce
  • SAP
  • Windev
  • DevOps
  • Infrastructure, AWS
  • Test automation

Happy Customers!

We are always recruiting, and the process is definitely more efficient with SkillValue. We discovered the platform whilst looking for a tool which would let us conduct IT tests with our applicants and from the minute we tried it, the process of pre-selecting our applicants was much easier. The tests are comprehensive and ready to use. The results are sent directly to the applicants and are accessible to our recruitment, making the entire selection process easier. SkillValue is the ideal recruitment tool.

Damien Chimier, Sales Director at Infotem.


Title and Description ( French) No. of Questions Duration(min)

Ruby quiz niveau débutant

Ce test vous permet de vérifier les compétences des développeurs débutants en développement Ruby. Connaissances mesurées : les tableaux, les hash, les exceptions et les méthodes Ruby.

20 20

Ruby quiz niveau intermédiaire

Ce test a été conçu pour mesurer les connaissances intermédiaires en programmation Ruby avec accent sur les principaux modules et fonctionnalités. Connaissances mesurées : operateurs, chaînes, variables, méthodes, symboles, exceptions, héritage, garbage collection, modules, fonctionnalités, etc.

20 20
Ruby on Rails
Ruby on Rails

Online - desktop / tablet, Online - mobile

 Online - desktop / tablet, Online - mobile

20 Minutes

 20 Minutes

English (AUS), English (UK)...

 English (AUS), English (UK)...


This test assesses the candidate's beginner skills on Ruby on Rails development, as well as their knowledge of the MVC architecture and database access libraries.

Title and Description  No. of Questions Duration(min)

Ruby on Rails quiz beginner level

This test assesses the candidate's beginner skills on Ruby on Rails development, as well as their knowledge of the MVC architecture and database access libraries. Topics: libraries, MVC architecture, database access library, controllers.

20 20

Ruby on Rails quiz medium level

This test is designed to measure medium knowledge of the Ruby on Rails framework, with focus on the main concepts such as the MVC design pattern. Topics: MVC architecture, libraries, controllers, database, caching, middleware, Action Mailer.

20 20

Why should you use this assessment?

SkillValue tests improve objectivity in the recruitment process and help you make reliable hiring decisions based on data driven scores, ranking and code analysis. They help you to minimise or remove biases that arise from CVs and panel interviews.  

You will be able to choose from a selection of questions available on our platform or add your own questions. We have 30, 000+ questions to choose from. We add 100+ new tests every year to our platform.

You can choose from the following 600+ tech and marketing skills assessments:

  • Java, .Net, PHP
  • Javascript, C, C++, Python, Ruby on Rails
  • Front end development
  • Full stack development
  • Mobile apps
  • IoT, embedded systems
  • Databases
  • Business intelligence
  • Big data
  • Game development
  • Product management
  • Blockchain
  • Multimedia
  • Maths and logic
  • OOP
  • UX/UI
  • Microsoft Office
  • Salesforce
  • SAP
  • Windev
  • DevOps
  • Infrastructure, AWS
  • Test automation

Happy Customers!

We are always recruiting, and the process is definitely more efficient with SkillValue. We discovered the platform whilst looking for a tool which would let us conduct IT tests with our applicants and from the minute we tried it, the process of pre-selecting our applicants was much easier. The tests are comprehensive and ready to use. The results are sent directly to the applicants and are accessible to our recruitment, making the entire selection process easier. SkillValue is the ideal recruitment tool.

Damien Chimier, Sales Director at Infotem.


Title and Description ( French) No. of Questions Duration(min)

Ruby on Rails quiz niveau débutant

Ce test vous permet de vérifier les compétences des développeurs débutants en ce qui concerne Ruby on Rails et leurs connaissances sur l'architecture MVC et les bibliothèques d'accès aux bases de données. Connaissances mesurées : bibliothèques, architecture MVC, bibliothèque d'accès aux bases de données, contrôleurs.

20 20

Ruby on Rails quiz niveau intermédiaire

Ce test vous permet de mesurer vos connaissances, de niveau intermédiaire, en ce qui concerne le framework et les principaux concepts de Ruby on Rails tels que le « design pattern » (patron de conception) Modèle-Vue-Contrôleur (MVC). Connaissances mesurées : architecture MVC, bibliothèques, contrôleurs, bases de données, mise en cache, middleware, Action Mailer.

20 20
Golden Square (VirtualAC)



Golden Square (VirtualAC)

Online - desktop / tablet, Virtual AC

 Online - desktop / tablet, Virtual AC

230 Minutes

 230 Minutes

English (AUS), English (UK)...

 English (AUS), English (UK)...

Request pricing
Request pricing

In this ‘day-in-the-life’ exercise, the Participant assumes the role of a newly-appointed Senior Manager in the Professional Services firm Golden Square. The exercise is made up of three different components: an email section (similar to an Inbox or Inbasket), an Analysis Exercise with a Briefing call and an Internal Interview Simulation (or Roleplay). In the email section of the exercise, the Participant is presented with a recent staff survey, a budget review, and an issue concerning the overcharging of a Client. In the Analysis Exercise they are required to analyse data and information relating to the performance of the teams they manage, and in the Interview Simulation they need to build rapport, coach and raise issues with a direct report.

*** This is an Online Business Simulation Exercise delivered through our VirtualAC Platform. ***This exercise is a parallel version of the Improving Performance Express Analysis Exercise.

Option1 Report only : 85 min Option 2,            Report & Briefing: 125 min


Why should you use this assessment?

This type of assessment is also called a job simulation or work simulation exercise as it can offer a realistic simulation of the skills required for a role. All you have to do is ensure it matches the skills or competencies you are looking to assess and is at the right level for the role you are recruiting for. Using this type of exercises help hiring decision-makers:

  • improve objectivity and minimize biases from interviews and
  • deliver constructive feedback to candidates improving their experience.

Not sure if this is the right assessment? Send us an uptodate job description including competencies that are critical to succeed in the role. We will send you our recommendations or discuss this with you.

****Talent Grader  sources these exercises from our trusted  partners to offer as part of the consultancy services. You do not need to be trained to use these exercises as we will support you in assessing your candidates and provide you with a detailed report, saving you time and effort. If you are a trained assessor, please contact us to purchase the assessment only and we will set you up as an assessor to mark the exercise. ****


Online - desktop / tablet, Online - mobile

 Online - desktop / tablet, Online - mobile

20 Minutes

 20 Minutes

English (AUS), English (UK)...

 English (AUS), English (UK)...


This test assesses the candidates' beginner level skills in Salesforce, as well as their knowledge of the main development components. 

Title and Description  No. of Questions Duration(min)

Salesforce quiz beginner level

This test assesses the candidates' beginner level skills in Salesforce, as well as their knowledge of the main development components. Topics: Visualforce, Apex Components, objects, triggers, test classes and methods.

20 20

Salesforce quiz medium level

This test has been designed to measure the candidate's medium level experience with Salesforce, with focus on key services, main concepts and components. Topics: Visualforce, Apex Components, objects, triggers, test classes and methods.

25 20

Why should you use this assessment?

SkillValue tests improve objectivity in the recruitment process and help you make reliable hiring decisions based on data driven scores, ranking and code analysis. They help you to minimise or remove biases that arise from CVs and panel interviews.  

You will be able to choose from a selection of questions available on our platform or add your own questions. We have 30, 000+ questions to choose from. We add 100+ new tests every year to our platform.

You can choose from the following 600+ tech and marketing skills assessments:

  • Java, .Net, PHP
  • Javascript, C, C++, Python, Ruby on Rails
  • Front end development
  • Full stack development
  • Mobile apps
  • IoT, embedded systems
  • Databases
  • Business intelligence
  • Big data
  • Game development
  • Product management
  • Blockchain
  • Multimedia
  • Maths and logic
  • OOP
  • UX/UI
  • Microsoft Office
  • Salesforce
  • SAP
  • Windev
  • DevOps
  • Infrastructure, AWS
  • Test automation

Happy Customers!

We are always recruiting, and the process is definitely more efficient with SkillValue. We discovered the platform whilst looking for a tool which would let us conduct IT tests with our applicants and from the minute we tried it, the process of pre-selecting our applicants was much easier. The tests are comprehensive and ready to use. The results are sent directly to the applicants and are accessible to our recruitment, making the entire selection process easier. SkillValue is the ideal recruitment tool.

Damien Chimier, Sales Director at Infotem.


Title and Description ( French) No. of Questions Duration(min)

Salesforce quiz niveau débutant

Ce test vous permet de vérifier les compétences des développeurs débutants en développement Salesforce. Connaissances mesurées : Visualforce, Composants Apex, objets, déclencheurs, classes et méthodes de test.

20 20

Salesforce quiz niveau intermédiaire

Ce quiz a été créé pour mesurer les connaissances intermédiaires des candidats sur le développement Salesforce, mettant l'accent sur des concepts et composants principaux. Connaissances mesurées : Visualforce, Composants Apex, objets, déclencheurs, classes et méthodes de test

25 20

Online - desktop / tablet, Online - mobile

 Online - desktop / tablet, Online - mobile

20 Minutes

 20 Minutes

English (AUS), English (UK)...

 English (AUS), English (UK)...


This test assesses the candidate's medium knowledge of the Ionic mobile app framework. Topics: Ionic CLI, Ionic Markup / Syntax, Ionic Directives, Core Functions.

Why should you use this assessment?

SkillValue tests improve objectivity in the recruitment process and help you make reliable hiring decisions based on data driven scores, ranking and code analysis. They help you to minimise or remove biases that arise from CVs and panel interviews.  

You will be able to choose from a selection of questions available on our platform or add your own questions. We have 30, 000+ questions to choose from. We add 100+ new tests every year to our platform.

You can choose from the following 600+ tech and marketing skills assessments:

  • Java, .Net, PHP
  • Javascript, C, C++, Python, Ruby on Rails
  • Front end development
  • Full stack development
  • Mobile apps
  • IoT, embedded systems
  • Databases
  • Business intelligence
  • Big data
  • Game development
  • Product management
  • Blockchain
  • Multimedia
  • Maths and logic
  • OOP
  • UX/UI
  • Microsoft Office
  • Salesforce
  • SAP
  • Windev
  • DevOps
  • Infrastructure, AWS
  • Test automation

Happy Customers!

We are always recruiting, and the process is definitely more efficient with SkillValue. We discovered the platform whilst looking for a tool which would let us conduct IT tests with our applicants and from the minute we tried it, the process of pre-selecting our applicants was much easier. The tests are comprehensive and ready to use. The results are sent directly to the applicants and are accessible to our recruitment, making the entire selection process easier. SkillValue is the ideal recruitment tool.

Damien Chimier, Sales Director at Infotem.

Title and Description ( French) No. of Questions Duration(min)

Ionic quiz niveau intermédiaire

Ce test a été spécialement conçu pour les développeurs d'applications Ionic. Il couvre les aspects purement techniques de cette plateforme et les exercices pratiques également. Connaissances mesurées : Ionic CLI, Markup / Syntaxe Ionic, directives Ionic, fonctions de base.

20 20

Online - desktop / tablet, Online - mobile

 Online - desktop / tablet, Online - mobile

30 Minutes

 30 Minutes

English (AUS), English (UK)...

 English (AUS), English (UK)...


This test assesses the candidate's knowledge of the SAP SD Module.

Why should you use this assessment?

SkillValue tests improve objectivity in the recruitment process and help you make reliable hiring decisions based on data driven scores, ranking and code analysis. They help you to minimise or remove biases that arise from CVs and panel interviews.  

You will be able to choose from a selection of questions available on our platform or add your own questions. We have 30, 000+ questions to choose from. We add 100+ new tests every year to our platform.

You can choose from the following 600+ tech and marketing skills assessments:

  • Java, .Net, PHP
  • Javascript, C, C++, Python, Ruby on Rails
  • Front end development
  • Full stack development
  • Mobile apps
  • IoT, embedded systems
  • Databases
  • Business intelligence
  • Big data
  • Game development
  • Product management
  • Blockchain
  • Multimedia
  • Maths and logic
  • OOP
  • UX/UI
  • Microsoft Office
  • Salesforce
  • SAP
  • Windev
  • DevOps
  • Infrastructure, AWS
  • Test automation

Happy Customers!

We are always recruiting, and the process is definitely more efficient with SkillValue. We discovered the platform whilst looking for a tool which would let us conduct IT tests with our applicants and from the minute we tried it, the process of pre-selecting our applicants was much easier. The tests are comprehensive and ready to use. The results are sent directly to the applicants and are accessible to our recruitment, making the entire selection process easier. SkillValue is the ideal recruitment tool.

Damien Chimier, Sales Director at Infotem.

Title and Description ( French) No. of Questions Duration(min)

SAP SD quiz niveau débutant

Ce quiz vérifie les connaissances des candidats sur le module SAP SD.

20 30

Online - desktop / tablet, Online - mobile

 Online - desktop / tablet, Online - mobile

30 Minutes

 30 Minutes

English (AUS), English (UK)...

 English (AUS), English (UK)...


This test assesses the candidate's knowledge of MM (Material Management) SAP module - Purchasing, Inventory Management. Topics: purchasing, procurement and inventory management, materials, contracts management.

Why should you use this assessment?

SkillValue tests improve objectivity in the recruitment process and help you make reliable hiring decisions based on data driven scores, ranking and code analysis. They help you to minimise or remove biases that arise from CVs and panel interviews.  

You will be able to choose from a selection of questions available on our platform or add your own questions. We have 30, 000+ questions to choose from. We add 100+ new tests every year to our platform.

You can choose from the following 600+ tech and marketing skills assessments:

  • Java, .Net, PHP
  • Javascript, C, C++, Python, Ruby on Rails
  • Front end development
  • Full stack development
  • Mobile apps
  • IoT, embedded systems
  • Databases
  • Business intelligence
  • Big data
  • Game development
  • Product management
  • Blockchain
  • Multimedia
  • Maths and logic
  • OOP
  • UX/UI
  • Microsoft Office
  • Salesforce
  • SAP
  • Windev
  • DevOps
  • Infrastructure, AWS
  • Test automation

Happy Customers!

We are always recruiting, and the process is definitely more efficient with SkillValue. We discovered the platform whilst looking for a tool which would let us conduct IT tests with our applicants and from the minute we tried it, the process of pre-selecting our applicants was much easier. The tests are comprehensive and ready to use. The results are sent directly to the applicants and are accessible to our recruitment, making the entire selection process easier. SkillValue is the ideal recruitment tool.

Damien Chimier, Sales Director at Infotem.

Title and Description ( French) No. of Questions Duration(min)

SAP MM quiz niveau intermédiaire

Ce quiz vérifie les connaissances des candidats sur le module MM (Material Management) de SAP - la gestion des articles d'un point de vue achats et gestion des stocks. Connaissances mesurées : les commandes de biens et de services, la gestion des achats contrats, demandes d'achat, la gestion des stocks, des approvisionnements.

20 30
Manual Testing
Manual Testing

Online - desktop / tablet, Online - mobile

 Online - desktop / tablet, Online - mobile

30 Minutes

 30 Minutes

English (AUS), English (UK)...

 English (AUS), English (UK)...


This test focuses on the main software testing concepts such as test cases or use cases, regression testing, functional testing, static testing, software development models containing both theoretical and practical questions.

Why should you use this assessment?

SkillValue tests improve objectivity in the recruitment process and help you make reliable hiring decisions based on data driven scores, ranking and code analysis. They help you to minimise or remove biases that arise from CVs and panel interviews.  

You will be able to choose from a selection of questions available on our platform or add your own questions. We have 30, 000+ questions to choose from. We add 100+ new tests every year to our platform.

You can choose from the following 600+ tech and marketing skills assessments:

  • Java, .Net, PHP
  • Javascript, C, C++, Python, Ruby on Rails
  • Front end development
  • Full stack development
  • Mobile apps
  • IoT, embedded systems
  • Databases
  • Business intelligence
  • Big data
  • Game development
  • Product management
  • Blockchain
  • Multimedia
  • Maths and logic
  • OOP
  • UX/UI
  • Microsoft Office
  • Salesforce
  • SAP
  • Windev
  • DevOps
  • Infrastructure, AWS
  • Test automation

Happy Customers!

We are always recruiting, and the process is definitely more efficient with SkillValue. We discovered the platform whilst looking for a tool which would let us conduct IT tests with our applicants and from the minute we tried it, the process of pre-selecting our applicants was much easier. The tests are comprehensive and ready to use. The results are sent directly to the applicants and are accessible to our recruitment, making the entire selection process easier. SkillValue is the ideal recruitment tool.

Damien Chimier, Sales Director at Infotem.

Title and Description ( French) No. of Questions Duration(min)

Manual Testing quiz niveau intermédiaire

Ce test se concentre sur les principaux concepts de test de logiciels tels que les cas de test ou les cas d'utilisation, les tests de régression, les tests fonctionnels, les tests statiques, les modèles de développement logiciel contenant à la fois des questions théoriques et pratiques.

30 30

Online - desktop / tablet, Online - mobile

 Online - desktop / tablet, Online - mobile

15 Minutes

 15 Minutes

English (AUS), English (UK)...

 English (AUS), English (UK)...


This test is designed to assess your candidate's medium skills in TestNG.

Why should you use this assessment?

SkillValue tests improve objectivity in the recruitment process and help you make reliable hiring decisions based on data driven scores, ranking and code analysis. They help you to minimise or remove biases that arise from CVs and panel interviews.  

You will be able to choose from a selection of questions available on our platform or add your own questions. We have 30, 000+ questions to choose from. We add 100+ new tests every year to our platform.

You can choose from the following 600+ tech and marketing skills assessments:

  • Java, .Net, PHP
  • Javascript, C, C++, Python, Ruby on Rails
  • Front end development
  • Full stack development
  • Mobile apps
  • IoT, embedded systems
  • Databases
  • Business intelligence
  • Big data
  • Game development
  • Product management
  • Blockchain
  • Multimedia
  • Maths and logic
  • OOP
  • UX/UI
  • Microsoft Office
  • Salesforce
  • SAP
  • Windev
  • DevOps
  • Infrastructure, AWS
  • Test automation

Happy Customers!

We are always recruiting, and the process is definitely more efficient with SkillValue. We discovered the platform whilst looking for a tool which would let us conduct IT tests with our applicants and from the minute we tried it, the process of pre-selecting our applicants was much easier. The tests are comprehensive and ready to use. The results are sent directly to the applicants and are accessible to our recruitment, making the entire selection process easier. SkillValue is the ideal recruitment tool.

Damien Chimier, Sales Director at Infotem.

Title and Description ( French) No. of Questions Duration(min)

TestNG quiz niveau intermédiaire

Ce test est destiné à l'évaluation des connaissances de niveau intermédiaire sur TestNG.

20 15

Online - desktop / tablet, Online - mobile

 Online - desktop / tablet, Online - mobile

20 Minutes

 20 Minutes

English (AUS), English (UK)...

 English (AUS), English (UK)...


This test is designed to assess the candidate's knowledge of Selenium web browser automation tools and libraries. Topics: Webdriver, WebElements, Selenium Grid, Selenium RC, Page Object, locators, interacting with elements, waits, exceptions, etc. Note: The code examples are written in Java, but the meaning should be comprehensible even if another programming language supported by Selenium is used.

Why should you use this assessment?

SkillValue tests improve objectivity in the recruitment process and help you make reliable hiring decisions based on data driven scores, ranking and code analysis. They help you to minimise or remove biases that arise from CVs and panel interviews.  

You will be able to choose from a selection of questions available on our platform or add your own questions. We have 30, 000+ questions to choose from. We add 100+ new tests every year to our platform.

You can choose from the following 600+ tech and marketing skills assessments:

  • Java, .Net, PHP
  • Javascript, C, C++, Python, Ruby on Rails
  • Front end development
  • Full stack development
  • Mobile apps
  • IoT, embedded systems
  • Databases
  • Business intelligence
  • Big data
  • Game development
  • Product management
  • Blockchain
  • Multimedia
  • Maths and logic
  • OOP
  • UX/UI
  • Microsoft Office
  • Salesforce
  • SAP
  • Windev
  • DevOps
  • Infrastructure, AWS
  • Test automation

Happy Customers!

We are always recruiting, and the process is definitely more efficient with SkillValue. We discovered the platform whilst looking for a tool which would let us conduct IT tests with our applicants and from the minute we tried it, the process of pre-selecting our applicants was much easier. The tests are comprehensive and ready to use. The results are sent directly to the applicants and are accessible to our recruitment, making the entire selection process easier. SkillValue is the ideal recruitment tool.

Damien Chimier, Sales Director at Infotem.

Title and Description ( French) No. of Questions Duration(min)

Selenium quiz niveau intermédiaire

Ce test est conçu pour vérifier la connaissance des bibliothèques et des outils d'automatisation de navigateurs web de Selenium. Connaissances mesurées : Webdriver, WebElements, Selenium Grid, Selenium RC, Page Object, locators, interaction avec les éléments, waits, exceptions, etc. Remarque : les exemples de code sont écrits en Java, mais la signification devrait être compréhensible si vous utilisez un autre langage de programmation supporté par Selenium.

20 20
QTP v10
QTP v10

Online - desktop / tablet, Online - mobile

 Online - desktop / tablet, Online - mobile

20 Minutes

 20 Minutes

English (AUS), English (UK)...

 English (AUS), English (UK)...


This test is designed to assess the candidate's basic level knowledge of QTP, an automated functional testing tool that helps testers perform functional and regression testing. This quiz can be also used to assess knowledge of UFT (the new name of QTP from version 11 upwards).

Why should you use this assessment?

SkillValue tests improve objectivity in the recruitment process and help you make reliable hiring decisions based on data driven scores, ranking and code analysis. They help you to minimise or remove biases that arise from CVs and panel interviews.  

You will be able to choose from a selection of questions available on our platform or add your own questions. We have 30, 000+ questions to choose from. We add 100+ new tests every year to our platform.

You can choose from the following 600+ tech and marketing skills assessments:

  • Java, .Net, PHP
  • Javascript, C, C++, Python, Ruby on Rails
  • Front end development
  • Full stack development
  • Mobile apps
  • IoT, embedded systems
  • Databases
  • Business intelligence
  • Big data
  • Game development
  • Product management
  • Blockchain
  • Multimedia
  • Maths and logic
  • OOP
  • UX/UI
  • Microsoft Office
  • Salesforce
  • SAP
  • Windev
  • DevOps
  • Infrastructure, AWS
  • Test automation

Happy Customers!

We are always recruiting, and the process is definitely more efficient with SkillValue. We discovered the platform whilst looking for a tool which would let us conduct IT tests with our applicants and from the minute we tried it, the process of pre-selecting our applicants was much easier. The tests are comprehensive and ready to use. The results are sent directly to the applicants and are accessible to our recruitment, making the entire selection process easier. SkillValue is the ideal recruitment tool.

Damien Chimier, Sales Director at Infotem.

Title and Description ( French) No. of Questions Duration(min)

QTP v10 quiz niveau débutant

Ce test est conçu pour vérifier les connaissances de base des candidats en QTP, un outil de tests fonctionnels automatisés qui permet aux testeurs de faire des tests fonctionnels et de régression. Ce test peut être également utilisé pour évaluer les connaissances en UFT (le nouveau nom de QTP à partir de la version 11). Connaissances mesurées : usage, enregistrement et lecture des tests, object repository, actions, checkpoints, points de synchronisation, et débogage.

20 20

Online - desktop / tablet, Online - mobile

 Online - desktop / tablet, Online - mobile

20 Minutes

 20 Minutes

English (AUS), English (UK)...

 English (AUS), English (UK)...


This test is designed to measure medium knowledge of the main concepts of Protractor, the end-to-end test framework for Angular and AngularJS applications. Topics: configuration, elements, locators, Spec and Config Files, Protractor tests, etc.

Why should you use this assessment?

SkillValue tests improve objectivity in the recruitment process and help you make reliable hiring decisions based on data driven scores, ranking and code analysis. They help you to minimise or remove biases that arise from CVs and panel interviews.  

You will be able to choose from a selection of questions available on our platform or add your own questions. We have 30, 000+ questions to choose from. We add 100+ new tests every year to our platform.

You can choose from the following 600+ tech and marketing skills assessments:

  • Java, .Net, PHP
  • Javascript, C, C++, Python, Ruby on Rails
  • Front end development
  • Full stack development
  • Mobile apps
  • IoT, embedded systems
  • Databases
  • Business intelligence
  • Big data
  • Game development
  • Product management
  • Blockchain
  • Multimedia
  • Maths and logic
  • OOP
  • UX/UI
  • Microsoft Office
  • Salesforce
  • SAP
  • Windev
  • DevOps
  • Infrastructure, AWS
  • Test automation

Happy Customers!

We are always recruiting, and the process is definitely more efficient with SkillValue. We discovered the platform whilst looking for a tool which would let us conduct IT tests with our applicants and from the minute we tried it, the process of pre-selecting our applicants was much easier. The tests are comprehensive and ready to use. The results are sent directly to the applicants and are accessible to our recruitment, making the entire selection process easier. SkillValue is the ideal recruitment tool.

Damien Chimier, Sales Director at Infotem.

Title and Description ( French) No. of Questions Duration(min)

Protractor quiz niveau intermédiaire

Ce test vous permet de mesurer les connaissances intermédiaires sur les principaux concepts de Protractor, le framework de test de bout en bout pour les applications Angular et AngularJS. Connaissances mesurées : configuration, éléments, localisateurs, fichiers de spécification et de configuration, tests Protractor, etc.

20 20
Seigo’s Head of Strategic Change (VirtualAC)



Seigo’s Head of Strategic Change (VirtualAC)

Online - desktop / tablet, Virtual AC

 Online - desktop / tablet, Virtual AC

230 Minutes

 230 Minutes

English (AUS), English (UK)...

 English (AUS), English (UK)...

Request pricing
Request pricing

In this ‘day-in-the-life’ exercise, the Participant assumes the role of the newly-appointed Head of Strategic Change at Seigo, an international toy manufacturing company. The exercise is made up of three different components: an email section (similar to an Inbox or Inbasket), an Analysis Exercise with a briefing call and an Internal Interview Simulation (or roleplay). In the email section of the exercise, the Participant is faced with tensions between two senior staff members, a request for recommendations based on the outputs of an engagement survey, and issues regarding sustainability within the toy industry. In the Analysis exercise the Participant has to review data and information relating to Seigo’s performance in the Asia-Pacific region, and in the Interview Simulation they meet with a Senior Level Peer, with whom they need to build rapport and raise some specific issues.


*** This is an Online Business Simulation Exercise delivered through our VirtualAC Platform. ***This exercise is a parallel version of the Improving Performance Express Analysis Exercise.

Option1 Report only : 85 min Option 2,            Report & Briefing: 125 min


Why should you use this assessment?

This type of assessment is also called a job simulation or work simulation exercise as it can offer a realistic simulation of the skills required for a role. All you have to do is ensure it matches the skills or competencies you are looking to assess and is at the right level for the role you are recruiting for. Using this type of exercises help hiring decision-makers:

  • improve objectivity and minimize biases from interviews and
  • deliver constructive feedback to candidates improving their experience.

Not sure if this is the right assessment? Send us an uptodate job description including competencies that are critical to succeed in the role. We will send you our recommendations or discuss this with you.

****Talent Grader  sources these exercises from our trusted  partners to offer as part of the consultancy services. You do not need to be trained to use these exercises as we will support you in assessing your candidates and provide you with a detailed report, saving you time and effort. If you are a trained assessor, please contact us to purchase the assessment only and we will set you up as an assessor to mark the exercise. ****

Design Thinking
Design Thinking

Online - desktop / tablet, Online - mobile

 Online - desktop / tablet, Online - mobile

20 Minutes

 20 Minutes




Le Design Thinking est une méthode qui révolutionne les processus d'innovation, de construction de business modèles, et de conception de produits ou services, digitaux ou non. Ce test permet de valider la connaissance théorique et les savoir-faire pratiques de la méthode de Design Thinking de vos candidats.

Why should you use this assessment?

SkillValue tests improve objectivity in the recruitment process and help you make reliable hiring decisions based on data driven scores, ranking and code analysis. They help you to minimise or remove biases that arise from CVs and panel interviews.  

You will be able to choose from a selection of questions available on our platform or add your own questions. We have 30, 000+ questions to choose from. We add 100+ new tests every year to our platform.

You can choose from the following 600+ tech and marketing skills assessments:

  • Java, .Net, PHP
  • Javascript, C, C++, Python, Ruby on Rails
  • Front end development
  • Full stack development
  • Mobile apps
  • IoT, embedded systems
  • Databases
  • Business intelligence
  • Big data
  • Game development
  • Product management
  • Blockchain
  • Multimedia
  • Maths and logic
  • OOP
  • UX/UI
  • Microsoft Office
  • Salesforce
  • SAP
  • Windev
  • DevOps
  • Infrastructure, AWS
  • Test automation

Happy Customers!

We are always recruiting, and the process is definitely more efficient with SkillValue. We discovered the platform whilst looking for a tool which would let us conduct IT tests with our applicants and from the minute we tried it, the process of pre-selecting our applicants was much easier. The tests are comprehensive and ready to use. The results are sent directly to the applicants and are accessible to our recruitment, making the entire selection process easier. SkillValue is the ideal recruitment tool.

Damien Chimier, Sales Director at Infotem.


Online - desktop / tablet, Online - mobile

 Online - desktop / tablet, Online - mobile

15 Minutes

 15 Minutes

English (AUS), English (UK)...

 English (AUS), English (UK)...


This test evaluates the candidate's knowledge of PHP5 language and environment.

Title and Description  No. of Questions Duration(min)

UX quiz beginner level

This test is designed to assess beginner-level UX design skills. Subject areas tested: general knowledge, best practices, guidelines and methodology.

20 15

UX quiz medium level

This test is designed to assess intermediate-level UX design skills. Subject areas tested: general knowledge, best practices, guidelines and methodology.

20 15

Why should you use this assessment?

SkillValue tests improve objectivity in the recruitment process and help you make reliable hiring decisions based on data driven scores, ranking and code analysis. They help you to minimise or remove biases that arise from CVs and panel interviews.  

You will be able to choose from a selection of questions available on our platform or add your own questions. We have 30, 000+ questions to choose from. We add 100+ new tests every year to our platform.

You can choose from the following 600+ tech and marketing skills assessments:

  • Java, .Net, PHP
  • Javascript, C, C++, Python, Ruby on Rails
  • Front end development
  • Full stack development
  • Mobile apps
  • IoT, embedded systems
  • Databases
  • Business intelligence
  • Big data
  • Game development
  • Product management
  • Blockchain
  • Multimedia
  • Maths and logic
  • OOP
  • UX/UI
  • Microsoft Office
  • Salesforce
  • SAP
  • Windev
  • DevOps
  • Infrastructure, AWS
  • Test automation

Happy Customers!

We are always recruiting, and the process is definitely more efficient with SkillValue. We discovered the platform whilst looking for a tool which would let us conduct IT tests with our applicants and from the minute we tried it, the process of pre-selecting our applicants was much easier. The tests are comprehensive and ready to use. The results are sent directly to the applicants and are accessible to our recruitment, making the entire selection process easier. SkillValue is the ideal recruitment tool.

Damien Chimier, Sales Director at Infotem.


Title and Description ( French) No. of Questions Duration(min)

UX quiz niveau débutant

Ce test est destiné à l'évaluation des compétences en UX Design de niveau débutant. Connaissances mesurées : connaissances générales, bonnes pratiques, guidelines et méthodologie.

20 15

UX quiz niveau intermédiaire

Ce test est destiné à l'évaluation des compétences en UX Design de niveau intermédiaire. Connaissances mesurées : connaissances générales, bonnes pratiques, guidelines et méthodologie.

20 15

Online - desktop / tablet, Online - mobile

 Online - desktop / tablet, Online - mobile

30 Minutes

 30 Minutes

English (AUS), English (UK)...

 English (AUS), English (UK)...


This test is designed to assess the candidate's medium knowledge of Illustrator.

Why should you use this assessment?

SkillValue tests improve objectivity in the recruitment process and help you make reliable hiring decisions based on data driven scores, ranking and code analysis. They help you to minimise or remove biases that arise from CVs and panel interviews.  

You will be able to choose from a selection of questions available on our platform or add your own questions. We have 30, 000+ questions to choose from. We add 100+ new tests every year to our platform.

You can choose from the following 600+ tech and marketing skills assessments:

  • Java, .Net, PHP
  • Javascript, C, C++, Python, Ruby on Rails
  • Front end development
  • Full stack development
  • Mobile apps
  • IoT, embedded systems
  • Databases
  • Business intelligence
  • Big data
  • Game development
  • Product management
  • Blockchain
  • Multimedia
  • Maths and logic
  • OOP
  • UX/UI
  • Microsoft Office
  • Salesforce
  • SAP
  • Windev
  • DevOps
  • Infrastructure, AWS
  • Test automation

Happy Customers!

We are always recruiting, and the process is definitely more efficient with SkillValue. We discovered the platform whilst looking for a tool which would let us conduct IT tests with our applicants and from the minute we tried it, the process of pre-selecting our applicants was much easier. The tests are comprehensive and ready to use. The results are sent directly to the applicants and are accessible to our recruitment, making the entire selection process easier. SkillValue is the ideal recruitment tool.

Damien Chimier, Sales Director at Infotem.

Title and Description ( French) No. of Questions Duration(min)

Illustrator quiz niveau intermédiaire

Ce test est destiné à l'évaluation des connaissances de niveau intermédiaire sur Illustrator.

20 30
Adobe Photoshop
Adobe Photoshop

Online - desktop / tablet, Online - mobile

 Online - desktop / tablet, Online - mobile

20 Minutes

 20 Minutes

English (AUS), English (UK)...

 English (AUS), English (UK)...


This test assesses the candidate's basic knowledge of Adobe Photoshop.

Title and Description  No. of Questions Duration(min)

Adobe Photoshop quiz beginner level

This test assesses the candidate's basic knowledge of Adobe Photoshop. Topics: tools, layers, working with palettes, images, selections.

20 15

Adobe Photoshop quiz medium level

This test evaluates the candidate's medium knowledge in Adobe Photoshop. Topics: tools, layers, palettes, selections, image adjustements, text, filters and effects.

15 20

Why should you use this assessment?

SkillValue tests improve objectivity in the recruitment process and help you make reliable hiring decisions based on data driven scores, ranking and code analysis. They help you to minimise or remove biases that arise from CVs and panel interviews.  

You will be able to choose from a selection of questions available on our platform or add your own questions. We have 30, 000+ questions to choose from. We add 100+ new tests every year to our platform.

You can choose from the following 600+ tech and marketing skills assessments:

  • Java, .Net, PHP
  • Javascript, C, C++, Python, Ruby on Rails
  • Front end development
  • Full stack development
  • Mobile apps
  • IoT, embedded systems
  • Databases
  • Business intelligence
  • Big data
  • Game development
  • Product management
  • Blockchain
  • Multimedia
  • Maths and logic
  • OOP
  • UX/UI
  • Microsoft Office
  • Salesforce
  • SAP
  • Windev
  • DevOps
  • Infrastructure, AWS
  • Test automation

Happy Customers!

We are always recruiting, and the process is definitely more efficient with SkillValue. We discovered the platform whilst looking for a tool which would let us conduct IT tests with our applicants and from the minute we tried it, the process of pre-selecting our applicants was much easier. The tests are comprehensive and ready to use. The results are sent directly to the applicants and are accessible to our recruitment, making the entire selection process easier. SkillValue is the ideal recruitment tool.

Damien Chimier, Sales Director at Infotem.


Title and Description ( French) No. of Questions Duration(min)

Adobe Photoshop quiz niveau débutant

Ce test vérifie les compétences en Adobe Photoshop des designers de niveau débutant. Connaissances mesurées : outils, calques, travailler avec des palettes, images, sélection.

20 15

Adobe Photoshop quiz niveau intermédiaire

Ce quiz permet d'évaluer les connaissances des développeurs intermédiaires sur Adobe Photoshop. Connaissances mesurées : outils, calques, palettes, sélections, réglages d'images, texte, filtres et effets.

15 20

Online - desktop / tablet, Online - mobile

 Online - desktop / tablet, Online - mobile

15 Minutes

 15 Minutes

English (AUS), English (UK)...

 English (AUS), English (UK)...


Take this test to assess your knowledge of the main concepts of REST (REpresentational State Transfer). Topics: REST, Options, methods and RESTful principles.

Why should you use this assessment?

SkillValue tests improve objectivity in the recruitment process and help you make reliable hiring decisions based on data driven scores, ranking and code analysis. They help you to minimise or remove biases that arise from CVs and panel interviews.  

You will be able to choose from a selection of questions available on our platform or add your own questions. We have 30, 000+ questions to choose from. We add 100+ new tests every year to our platform.

You can choose from the following 600+ tech and marketing skills assessments:

  • Java, .Net, PHP
  • Javascript, C, C++, Python, Ruby on Rails
  • Front end development
  • Full stack development
  • Mobile apps
  • IoT, embedded systems
  • Databases
  • Business intelligence
  • Big data
  • Game development
  • Product management
  • Blockchain
  • Multimedia
  • Maths and logic
  • OOP
  • UX/UI
  • Microsoft Office
  • Salesforce
  • SAP
  • Windev
  • DevOps
  • Infrastructure, AWS
  • Test automation

Happy Customers!

We are always recruiting, and the process is definitely more efficient with SkillValue. We discovered the platform whilst looking for a tool which would let us conduct IT tests with our applicants and from the minute we tried it, the process of pre-selecting our applicants was much easier. The tests are comprehensive and ready to use. The results are sent directly to the applicants and are accessible to our recruitment, making the entire selection process easier. SkillValue is the ideal recruitment tool.

Damien Chimier, Sales Director at Infotem.

Title and Description ( French) No. of Questions Duration(min)

Rest quiz niveau intermédiaire

Ce test évalue les connaissances d'un(e) candidat(e) en ce qui concerne les principaux concepts de REST (REpresentational State Transfer). Sujets : REST, Options, méthodes et principes de RESTful.

15 15
LAMP Development
LAMP Development

Online - desktop / tablet, Online - mobile

 Online - desktop / tablet, Online - mobile

30 Minutes

 30 Minutes

English (AUS), English (UK)...

 English (AUS), English (UK)...


This test has been designed to measure the candidate's medium level experience with the LAMP environment. It focuses primarily on PHP, while MySQL, Apache and Linux are considered "accessories" for the PHP developer (PHP 60%, MySQL 20%, Linux+Apache 20%). Topics: type hinting, references, OOP, debugging, regular expressions, image manipulation, output buffering, magic functions, SOAP, MySQL engines, indexes, SELECT queries, Linux text files manipulation, Apache virtual hosts and URL rewriting.

Why should you use this assessment?

SkillValue tests improve objectivity in the recruitment process and help you make reliable hiring decisions based on data driven scores, ranking and code analysis. They help you to minimise or remove biases that arise from CVs and panel interviews.  

You will be able to choose from a selection of questions available on our platform or add your own questions. We have 30, 000+ questions to choose from. We add 100+ new tests every year to our platform.

You can choose from the following 600+ tech and marketing skills assessments:

  • Java, .Net, PHP
  • Javascript, C, C++, Python, Ruby on Rails
  • Front end development
  • Full stack development
  • Mobile apps
  • IoT, embedded systems
  • Databases
  • Business intelligence
  • Big data
  • Game development
  • Product management
  • Blockchain
  • Multimedia
  • Maths and logic
  • OOP
  • UX/UI
  • Microsoft Office
  • Salesforce
  • SAP
  • Windev
  • DevOps
  • Infrastructure, AWS
  • Test automation

Happy Customers!

We are always recruiting, and the process is definitely more efficient with SkillValue. We discovered the platform whilst looking for a tool which would let us conduct IT tests with our applicants and from the minute we tried it, the process of pre-selecting our applicants was much easier. The tests are comprehensive and ready to use. The results are sent directly to the applicants and are accessible to our recruitment, making the entire selection process easier. SkillValue is the ideal recruitment tool.

Damien Chimier, Sales Director at Infotem.

Title and Description ( French) No. of Questions Duration(min)

Développement LAMP quiz niveau intermédiaire

Ce quiz a été créé pour mesurer le niveau intermédiaire d'expérience dans l'environnement LAMP et se concentre premièrement sur le langage PHP. MySQL, Apache et Linux sont considérés des « accessoires » du développeur PHP (PHP 60%, MySQL 20%, Linux+Apache 20%). Connaissances mesurées : type hinting, références, POO, débogage, expressions régulières, manipulation d'images, bufferisation de sortie, fonctions magiques, SOAP, moteurs MySQL, index, requêtes SELECT, manipulation de fichiers texte sous Linux, hôtes virtuels sous Apache et réécriture d'URL.

30 30

Online - desktop / tablet, Online - mobile

 Online - desktop / tablet, Online - mobile

20 Minutes

 20 Minutes

English (AUS), English (UK)...

 English (AUS), English (UK)...


This test assesses the advanced skills of WinDev developers working with this tool on a daily basis, as well as their ability to create HMI, WLanguage, Data Model Editor and Code Editor. This test also covers their mastering of the tool's concepts.

Title and Description  No. of Questions Duration(min)

WinDev quiz advanced level

This test assesses the advanced skills of WinDev developers working with this tool on a daily basis, as well as their ability to create HMI, WLanguage, Data Model Editor and Code Editor. This test also covers their mastering of the tool's concepts. Topics: Window Editor, Data Model Editor, Wlanguage, Report Editor, Query Editor.

20 20

WinDev quiz beginner level

This test assesses the beginner skills of WinDev developers, as well as their ability to create HMI, WLanguage and Data Model Editor. This test also covers their mastering of the tool's basic concepts. Topics: Window Editor, Data Model Editor, WLanguage, Report Editor, Query Editor.

20 20

WinDev quiz medium level

This test assesses the skills of WinDev developers working daily with this tool, and their ability to create the HMI, WLanguage and Analysis Editor, as well as to manage the tool's ergonomics. Topics: Data Model Editor, WLanguage, Report Editor, Query Editor, Debugger

20 20

Why should you use this assessment?

SkillValue tests improve objectivity in the recruitment process and help you make reliable hiring decisions based on data driven scores, ranking and code analysis. They help you to minimise or remove biases that arise from CVs and panel interviews.  

You will be able to choose from a selection of questions available on our platform or add your own questions. We have 30, 000+ questions to choose from. We add 100+ new tests every year to our platform.

You can choose from the following 600+ tech and marketing skills assessments:

  • Java, .Net, PHP
  • Javascript, C, C++, Python, Ruby on Rails
  • Front end development
  • Full stack development
  • Mobile apps
  • IoT, embedded systems
  • Databases
  • Business intelligence
  • Big data
  • Game development
  • Product management
  • Blockchain
  • Multimedia
  • Maths and logic
  • OOP
  • UX/UI
  • Microsoft Office
  • Salesforce
  • SAP
  • Windev
  • DevOps
  • Infrastructure, AWS
  • Test automation

Happy Customers!

We are always recruiting, and the process is definitely more efficient with SkillValue. We discovered the platform whilst looking for a tool which would let us conduct IT tests with our applicants and from the minute we tried it, the process of pre-selecting our applicants was much easier. The tests are comprehensive and ready to use. The results are sent directly to the applicants and are accessible to our recruitment, making the entire selection process easier. SkillValue is the ideal recruitment tool.

Damien Chimier, Sales Director at Infotem.


Title and Description ( French) No. of Questions Duration(min)

WinDev quiz niveau avancé

Ce test vérifie les capacités des développeurs WinDev qui utilisent l'outil quotidiennement et connaissent ses usages avancés. Il permet de tester leurs connaissances dans la création d'IHM, du WLangage, de l'éditeur d'analyse et l'éditeur de code. Ce test recouvre également la maîtrise des concepts de l'outil Windev. Connaissances mesurées : Editeur de fenêtres, Editeur d'analyses, Wlangage, Editeur d'états, Editeur de requêtes.

20 20

WinDev quiz niveau débutant

Ce test vérifie les capacités des développeurs WinDev ayant une première expérience sur l'outil, et permet de tester leurs connaissances dans la création d'IHM, du WLangage et de l'éditeur d'analyse. Ce test couvre également la maîtrise des concepts de l'outil Windev.

20 20

WinDev quiz niveau intermédiaire

Ce test permet de mesurer le niveau des développeurs qui utilisent WinDev. Les questions portent sur la création d'IHM, le WLangage et l'éditeur d'analyse de Windev. Ce test évalue aussi la maîtrise de l'ergonomie de l'outil de développement Windev.

20 20
Haven Housing Association (VirtualAC, express)



Haven Housing Association (VirtualAC, express)

Online - desktop / tablet, Virtual AC

 Online - desktop / tablet, Virtual AC

85 Minutes

 85 Minutes

English (AUS), English (UK)...

 English (AUS), English (UK)...

Request pricing
Request pricing

Working within an organisation which is committed to building sustainable communities and better lives, the Participant will assume the role of a newly appointed Branch Manager within Haven Housing Association. The issues included in this In-Basket are typical of a first-line management role and include managing services to customers, team motivation, maximising income and performance management. No prior experience of Housing Associations or related services is assumed.

Note: This is an express version of the original exercise. Express exercises are condensed versions of their original counterparts. They assess fewer competencies and take less time to both complete and mark. VirtualAC refers to virtual assessment centre platform. A paper version of this Exercise is also available.

Why should you use this assessment?

This type of assessment is also called a job simulation or work simulation exercise as it can offer a realistic simulation of the skills required for a role. All you have to do is ensure it matches the skills or competencies you are looking to assess and is at the right level for the role you are recruiting for. Using this type of exercises help hiring decision-makers:

  • improve objectivity and minimize biases from interviews and
  • deliver constructive feedback to candidates improving their experience.

Not sure if this is the right assessment? Send us an uptodate job description including competencies that are critical to succeed in the role. We will send you our recommendations or discuss this with you.

****Talent Grader  sources these exercises from our trusted  partners to offer as part of the consultancy services. You do not need to be trained to use these exercises as we will support you in assessing your candidates and provide you with a detailed report, saving you time and effort. If you are a trained assessor, please contact us to purchase the assessment only and we will set you up as an assessor to mark the exercise. ****

Strides Customer Engagement Manager(VirtualAC)



Strides Customer Engagement Manager(VirtualAC)

Online - desktop / tablet, Virtual AC

 Online - desktop / tablet, Virtual AC

230 Minutes

 230 Minutes

English (AUS), English (UK)...

 English (AUS), English (UK)...

Request pricing
Request pricing

In this ‘day-in-the-life’ exercise, the Participant assumes the role of a newly appointed Customer Engagement Manager in the Marketing Department at Strides, an international gym and health club chain. The exercise is made up of three different components: an email section (similar to an Inbox or Inbasket), an Analysis Exercise with a briefing call and an Internal Interview Simulation (or Roleplay). In the email section of the exercise, the Participant is faced with staff issues, a decision about a new commercial partner and a review of team processes. In the Analysis Exercise they are required to review the success of previous marketing campaigns, and in the Interview Simulation they need to address performance issues with a direct report.


*** This is an Online Business Simulation Exercise delivered through our VirtualAC Platform. ***This exercise is a parallel version of the Improving Performance Express Analysis Exercise.

Option1 Report only : 85 min Option 2,            Report & Briefing: 125 min


Why should you use this assessment?

This type of assessment is also called a job simulation or work simulation exercise as it can offer a realistic simulation of the skills required for a role. All you have to do is ensure it matches the skills or competencies you are looking to assess and is at the right level for the role you are recruiting for. Using this type of exercises help hiring decision-makers:

  • improve objectivity and minimize biases from interviews and
  • deliver constructive feedback to candidates improving their experience.

Not sure if this is the right assessment? Send us an uptodate job description including competencies that are critical to succeed in the role. We will send you our recommendations or discuss this with you.

****Talent Grader  sources these exercises from our trusted  partners to offer as part of the consultancy services. You do not need to be trained to use these exercises as we will support you in assessing your candidates and provide you with a detailed report, saving you time and effort. If you are a trained assessor, please contact us to purchase the assessment only and we will set you up as an assessor to mark the exercise. ****

CPP Unit
CPP Unit

Online - desktop / tablet, Online - mobile

 Online - desktop / tablet, Online - mobile

15 Minutes

 15 Minutes

English (AUS), English (UK)...

 English (AUS), English (UK)...


This test is designed to assess your candidate's medium skills in CPP Unit Testing

Why should you use this assessment?

SkillValue tests improve objectivity in the recruitment process and help you make reliable hiring decisions based on data driven scores, ranking and code analysis. They help you to minimise or remove biases that arise from CVs and panel interviews.  

You will be able to choose from a selection of questions available on our platform or add your own questions. We have 30, 000+ questions to choose from. We add 100+ new tests every year to our platform.

You can choose from the following 600+ tech and marketing skills assessments:

  • Java, .Net, PHP
  • Javascript, C, C++, Python, Ruby on Rails
  • Front end development
  • Full stack development
  • Mobile apps
  • IoT, embedded systems
  • Databases
  • Business intelligence
  • Big data
  • Game development
  • Product management
  • Blockchain
  • Multimedia
  • Maths and logic
  • OOP
  • UX/UI
  • Microsoft Office
  • Salesforce
  • SAP
  • Windev
  • DevOps
  • Infrastructure, AWS
  • Test automation

Happy Customers!

We are always recruiting, and the process is definitely more efficient with SkillValue. We discovered the platform whilst looking for a tool which would let us conduct IT tests with our applicants and from the minute we tried it, the process of pre-selecting our applicants was much easier. The tests are comprehensive and ready to use. The results are sent directly to the applicants and are accessible to our recruitment, making the entire selection process easier. SkillValue is the ideal recruitment tool.

Damien Chimier, Sales Director at Infotem.

Title and Description ( French) No. of Questions Duration(min)

CPP Unit quiz niveau intermédiaire

Ce test est destiné à l'évaluation des connaissances de niveau intermédiaire sur CPP Unit Testing.

20 15
Management trainee scheme (VirtualAC, express)



Management trainee scheme (VirtualAC, express)

Online - desktop / tablet, Virtual AC

 Online - desktop / tablet, Virtual AC

70 Minutes

 70 Minutes

English (AUS), English (UK)...

 English (AUS), English (UK)...

Request pricing
Request pricing

The Participant takes on the role of a recently recruited graduate who is on the company’s Management Trainee Scheme. The scheme is comprised of a series of 3-month placements working on a series of special projects, aimed at giving the individual a broad understanding of the organisation. The Exercise scenario involves the Participant managing a range of issues related to a new set of projects. Items within the In-Basket include emails, circulars and correspondence and the Participant has to process these items within the allotted time.

Note: This is an express version of the original exercise. Express exercises are condensed versions of their original counterparts. They assess fewer competencies and take less time to both complete and mark. VirtualAC refers to virtual assessment centre platform. A paper version of this Exercise is also available.

Why should you use this assessment?

This type of assessment is also called a job simulation or work simulation exercise as it can offer a realistic simulation of the skills required for a role. All you have to do is ensure it matches the skills or competencies you are looking to assess and is at the right level for the role you are recruiting for. Using this type of exercises help hiring decision-makers:

  • improve objectivity and minimize biases from interviews and
  • deliver constructive feedback to candidates improving their experience.

Not sure if this is the right assessment? Send us an uptodate job description including competencies that are critical to succeed in the role. We will send you our recommendations or discuss this with you.

****Talent Grader  sources these exercises from our trusted  partners to offer as part of the consultancy services. You do not need to be trained to use these exercises as we will support you in assessing your candidates and provide you with a detailed report, saving you time and effort. If you are a trained assessor, please contact us to purchase the assessment only and we will set you up as an assessor to mark the exercise. ****

Oracle DBA
Oracle DBA

Online - desktop / tablet, Online - mobile

 Online - desktop / tablet, Online - mobile

30 Minutes

 30 Minutes

English (AUS), English (UK)...

 English (AUS), English (UK)...


This test evaluates the candidate's beginner skills in Oracle DBA.

Why should you use this assessment?

SkillValue tests improve objectivity in the recruitment process and help you make reliable hiring decisions based on data driven scores, ranking and code analysis. They help you to minimise or remove biases that arise from CVs and panel interviews.  

You will be able to choose from a selection of questions available on our platform or add your own questions. We have 30, 000+ questions to choose from. We add 100+ new tests every year to our platform.

You can choose from the following 600+ tech and marketing skills assessments:

  • Java, .Net, PHP
  • Javascript, C, C++, Python, Ruby on Rails
  • Front end development
  • Full stack development
  • Mobile apps
  • IoT, embedded systems
  • Databases
  • Business intelligence
  • Big data
  • Game development
  • Product management
  • Blockchain
  • Multimedia
  • Maths and logic
  • OOP
  • UX/UI
  • Microsoft Office
  • Salesforce
  • SAP
  • Windev
  • DevOps
  • Infrastructure, AWS
  • Test automation

Happy Customers!

We are always recruiting, and the process is definitely more efficient with SkillValue. We discovered the platform whilst looking for a tool which would let us conduct IT tests with our applicants and from the minute we tried it, the process of pre-selecting our applicants was much easier. The tests are comprehensive and ready to use. The results are sent directly to the applicants and are accessible to our recruitment, making the entire selection process easier. SkillValue is the ideal recruitment tool.

Damien Chimier, Sales Director at Infotem.

Title and Description ( French) No. of Questions Duration(min)

Oracle DBA quiz niveau débutant

Ce test vous permet de vérifier les compétences de niveau débutant sur Oracle DBA. Connaissances mesurées : maintenance, sauvegarde et restauration des bases de données.

30 30

Online - desktop / tablet, Online - mobile

 Online - desktop / tablet, Online - mobile

20 Minutes

 20 Minutes

English (AUS), English (UK)...

 English (AUS), English (UK)...


This test is designed to evaluate the candidates' beginner skills in jQuery, assuming they have basic knowledge of JavaScript, HTML and CSS. Topics: selectors, basic functions and jQuery library structure.

Why should you use this assessment?

SkillValue tests improve objectivity in the recruitment process and help you make reliable hiring decisions based on data driven scores, ranking and code analysis. They help you to minimise or remove biases that arise from CVs and panel interviews.  

You will be able to choose from a selection of questions available on our platform or add your own questions. We have 30, 000+ questions to choose from. We add 100+ new tests every year to our platform.

You can choose from the following 600+ tech and marketing skills assessments:

  • Java, .Net, PHP
  • Javascript, C, C++, Python, Ruby on Rails
  • Front end development
  • Full stack development
  • Mobile apps
  • IoT, embedded systems
  • Databases
  • Business intelligence
  • Big data
  • Game development
  • Product management
  • Blockchain
  • Multimedia
  • Maths and logic
  • OOP
  • UX/UI
  • Microsoft Office
  • Salesforce
  • SAP
  • Windev
  • DevOps
  • Infrastructure, AWS
  • Test automation

Happy Customers!

We are always recruiting, and the process is definitely more efficient with SkillValue. We discovered the platform whilst looking for a tool which would let us conduct IT tests with our applicants and from the minute we tried it, the process of pre-selecting our applicants was much easier. The tests are comprehensive and ready to use. The results are sent directly to the applicants and are accessible to our recruitment, making the entire selection process easier. SkillValue is the ideal recruitment tool.

Damien Chimier, Sales Director at Infotem.

Title and Description ( French) No. of Questions Duration(min)

jQuery quiz niveau débutant

Ce test est destiné à l'évaluation des compétences de niveau débutant en ce qui concerne la bibliothèque jQuery. Le candidat doit avoir des connaissances de base en JavaScript, HTML et CSS pour terminer le test. Connaissances mesurées : les sélecteurs, les fonctions de base et la structure jQuery.

20 20

Online - desktop / tablet, Online - mobile

 Online - desktop / tablet, Online - mobile

15 Minutes

 15 Minutes

English (AUS), English (UK)...

 English (AUS), English (UK)...


This test is designed to evaluate the candidate's beginner and intermediate knowledge of JavaScript.

Title and Description  No. of Questions Duration(min)

JavaScript quiz beginner level

This test is designed to evaluate the candidate's beginner and intermediate knowledge of JavaScript. Topics: JavaScript syntax, variables, objects, operators, functions, events, DOM structure, loops, conditional statements.

25 15

JavaScript quiz medium level

This test is designed to evaluate the candidate's intermediate knowledge of JavaScript. Topics: JavaScript syntax, variables, arrays, objects, operators, functions, events, methods.

20 15

Why should you use this assessment?

SkillValue tests improve objectivity in the recruitment process and help you make reliable hiring decisions based on data driven scores, ranking and code analysis. They help you to minimise or remove biases that arise from CVs and panel interviews.  

You will be able to choose from a selection of questions available on our platform or add your own questions. We have 30, 000+ questions to choose from. We add 100+ new tests every year to our platform.

You can choose from the following 600+ tech and marketing skills assessments:

  • Java, .Net, PHP
  • Javascript, C, C++, Python, Ruby on Rails
  • Front end development
  • Full stack development
  • Mobile apps
  • IoT, embedded systems
  • Databases
  • Business intelligence
  • Big data
  • Game development
  • Product management
  • Blockchain
  • Multimedia
  • Maths and logic
  • OOP
  • UX/UI
  • Microsoft Office
  • Salesforce
  • SAP
  • Windev
  • DevOps
  • Infrastructure, AWS
  • Test automation

Happy Customers!

We are always recruiting, and the process is definitely more efficient with SkillValue. We discovered the platform whilst looking for a tool which would let us conduct IT tests with our applicants and from the minute we tried it, the process of pre-selecting our applicants was much easier. The tests are comprehensive and ready to use. The results are sent directly to the applicants and are accessible to our recruitment, making the entire selection process easier. SkillValue is the ideal recruitment tool.

Damien Chimier, Sales Director at Infotem.


Title and Description ( French) No. of Questions Duration(min)

JavaScript quiz niveau débutant

Ce quiz permet de tester les connaissances de base et intermédiaires en programmation JavaScript. Connaissances mesurées : la syntaxe, les variables, les objets, les opérateurs, les fonctions, les événements, la structure DOM, les instructions de boucle etc.

25 15

JavaScript quiz niveau intermédiaire

Ce quiz permet de tester les connaissances intermédiaires en programmation JavaScript. Connaissances mesurées : la syntaxe JavaScript, les variables, les tableaux, les objets, les opérateurs, les fonctions, les événements, les méthodes.

20 15

Online - desktop / tablet, Online - mobile

 Online - desktop / tablet, Online - mobile

30 Minutes

 30 Minutes

English (AUS), English (UK)...

 English (AUS), English (UK)...


This test is designed to assess the candidate's medium skills in Kotlin, the programming language in Android. Topics: best practices, language features, interoperability with Java.

Why should you use this assessment?

SkillValue tests improve objectivity in the recruitment process and help you make reliable hiring decisions based on data driven scores, ranking and code analysis. They help you to minimise or remove biases that arise from CVs and panel interviews.  

You will be able to choose from a selection of questions available on our platform or add your own questions. We have 30, 000+ questions to choose from. We add 100+ new tests every year to our platform.

You can choose from the following 600+ tech and marketing skills assessments:

  • Java, .Net, PHP
  • Javascript, C, C++, Python, Ruby on Rails
  • Front end development
  • Full stack development
  • Mobile apps
  • IoT, embedded systems
  • Databases
  • Business intelligence
  • Big data
  • Game development
  • Product management
  • Blockchain
  • Multimedia
  • Maths and logic
  • OOP
  • UX/UI
  • Microsoft Office
  • Salesforce
  • SAP
  • Windev
  • DevOps
  • Infrastructure, AWS
  • Test automation

Happy Customers!

We are always recruiting, and the process is definitely more efficient with SkillValue. We discovered the platform whilst looking for a tool which would let us conduct IT tests with our applicants and from the minute we tried it, the process of pre-selecting our applicants was much easier. The tests are comprehensive and ready to use. The results are sent directly to the applicants and are accessible to our recruitment, making the entire selection process easier. SkillValue is the ideal recruitment tool.

Damien Chimier, Sales Director at Infotem.

Title and Description ( French) No. of Questions Duration(min)

Kotlin quiz niveau intermédiaire

Ce test vous permet d'évaluer vos connaissances de Kotlin, le langage de programmation Android. Connaissances mesurées : bonnes pratiques, fonctionnalités de langage, interopérabilité avec Java.

20 30
English language placement
English language placement

Online - desktop / tablet, Online - mobile

 Online - desktop / tablet, Online - mobile

60 Minutes

 60 Minutes

English (AUS), English (UK)...

 English (AUS), English (UK)...


This placement test is designed to assess the level of a candidate's knowledge of English grammar and usage in the business context, C1 level. Topics: tenses (both active and passive voice), modal verbs, phrasal verbs, reading comprehension, correct use of prepositions, appropriate use of vocabulary in the business context.

Why should you use this assessment?

SkillValue tests improve objectivity in the recruitment process and help you make reliable hiring decisions based on data driven scores, ranking and code analysis. They help you to minimise or remove biases that arise from CVs and panel interviews.  

You will be able to choose from a selection of questions available on our platform or add your own questions. We have 30, 000+ questions to choose from. We add 100+ new tests every year to our platform.

You can choose from the following 600+ tech and marketing skills assessments:

  • Java, .Net, PHP
  • Javascript, C, C++, Python, Ruby on Rails
  • Front end development
  • Full stack development
  • Mobile apps
  • IoT, embedded systems
  • Databases
  • Business intelligence
  • Big data
  • Game development
  • Product management
  • Blockchain
  • Multimedia
  • Maths and logic
  • OOP
  • UX/UI
  • Microsoft Office
  • Salesforce
  • SAP
  • Windev
  • DevOps
  • Infrastructure, AWS
  • Test automation

Happy Customers!

We are always recruiting, and the process is definitely more efficient with SkillValue. We discovered the platform whilst looking for a tool which would let us conduct IT tests with our applicants and from the minute we tried it, the process of pre-selecting our applicants was much easier. The tests are comprehensive and ready to use. The results are sent directly to the applicants and are accessible to our recruitment, making the entire selection process easier. SkillValue is the ideal recruitment tool.

Damien Chimier, Sales Director at Infotem.

Orthographe langue française
Orthographe langue française

Online - desktop / tablet, Online - mobile

 Online - desktop / tablet, Online - mobile

30 Minutes

 30 Minutes




Ce test évalue le niveau débutant de connaissances d'orthographe de la langue française d'un candidat.

Title and Description  No. of Questions Duration(min)

Orthographe langue française quiz niveau débutant

Ce test évalue le niveau débutant de connaissances d'orthographe de la langue française d'un candidat.

50 30

Orthographe langue française quiz niveau intermédiaire

Ce test évalue le niveau intermédiaire de connaissances d'orthographe de la langue française d'un candidat.

50 30

Why should you use this assessment?

SkillValue tests improve objectivity in the recruitment process and help you make reliable hiring decisions based on data driven scores, ranking and code analysis. They help you to minimise or remove biases that arise from CVs and panel interviews.  

You will be able to choose from a selection of questions available on our platform or add your own questions. We have 30, 000+ questions to choose from. We add 100+ new tests every year to our platform.

You can choose from the following 600+ tech and marketing skills assessments:

  • Java, .Net, PHP
  • Javascript, C, C++, Python, Ruby on Rails
  • Front end development
  • Full stack development
  • Mobile apps
  • IoT, embedded systems
  • Databases
  • Business intelligence
  • Big data
  • Game development
  • Product management
  • Blockchain
  • Multimedia
  • Maths and logic
  • OOP
  • UX/UI
  • Microsoft Office
  • Salesforce
  • SAP
  • Windev
  • DevOps
  • Infrastructure, AWS
  • Test automation

Happy Customers!

We are always recruiting, and the process is definitely more efficient with SkillValue. We discovered the platform whilst looking for a tool which would let us conduct IT tests with our applicants and from the minute we tried it, the process of pre-selecting our applicants was much easier. The tests are comprehensive and ready to use. The results are sent directly to the applicants and are accessible to our recruitment, making the entire selection process easier. SkillValue is the ideal recruitment tool.

Damien Chimier, Sales Director at Infotem.


Title and Description ( French) No. of Questions Duration(min)

Analyse d’un log quiz niveau intermédiaire

L'analyse d'un log est une compétence professionnelle qui prend tout son sens compte tenu de l'environnement actuelle de la cybersécurité, à la fois complexe et riche en défis. Un professionnel responsable de cette mission devra savoir comment collecter, analyser et utiliser stratégiquement les sources de données des réseaux et des terminaux modernes pour détecter les activités malveillantes ou non autorisées afin de renforcer la sécurité de l'organisation. Grâce à ce quiz, testez les connaissances de votre candidat sur le sujet. Les sujets abordés sont : concepts et définitions, vocabulaire de base de la sécurité de l'information, concepts liés au risque, réaction aux incidents, etc.

25 25
Langue française quiz C2
Langue française quiz C2

Online - desktop / tablet, Online - mobile

 Online - desktop / tablet, Online - mobile

30 Minutes

 30 Minutes




Ce test va évaluer le niveau maîtrise de connaissances de grammaire et d'usage de la langue française du candidat, niveau C2.

Why should you use this assessment?

SkillValue tests improve objectivity in the recruitment process and help you make reliable hiring decisions based on data driven scores, ranking and code analysis. They help you to minimise or remove biases that arise from CVs and panel interviews.  

You will be able to choose from a selection of questions available on our platform or add your own questions. We have 30, 000+ questions to choose from. We add 100+ new tests every year to our platform.

You can choose from the following 600+ tech and marketing skills assessments:

  • Java, .Net, PHP
  • Javascript, C, C++, Python, Ruby on Rails
  • Front end development
  • Full stack development
  • Mobile apps
  • IoT, embedded systems
  • Databases
  • Business intelligence
  • Big data
  • Game development
  • Product management
  • Blockchain
  • Multimedia
  • Maths and logic
  • OOP
  • UX/UI
  • Microsoft Office
  • Salesforce
  • SAP
  • Windev
  • DevOps
  • Infrastructure, AWS
  • Test automation

Happy Customers!

We are always recruiting, and the process is definitely more efficient with SkillValue. We discovered the platform whilst looking for a tool which would let us conduct IT tests with our applicants and from the minute we tried it, the process of pre-selecting our applicants was much easier. The tests are comprehensive and ready to use. The results are sent directly to the applicants and are accessible to our recruitment, making the entire selection process easier. SkillValue is the ideal recruitment tool.

Damien Chimier, Sales Director at Infotem.

Langue française quiz B2
Langue française quiz B2

Online - desktop / tablet, Online - mobile

 Online - desktop / tablet, Online - mobile

30 Minutes

 30 Minutes




Ce test évalue le niveau intermédiaire de connaissances de grammaire et d'usage de la langue française d'un candidat, niveau B2.

Why should you use this assessment?

SkillValue tests improve objectivity in the recruitment process and help you make reliable hiring decisions based on data driven scores, ranking and code analysis. They help you to minimise or remove biases that arise from CVs and panel interviews.  

You will be able to choose from a selection of questions available on our platform or add your own questions. We have 30, 000+ questions to choose from. We add 100+ new tests every year to our platform.

You can choose from the following 600+ tech and marketing skills assessments:

  • Java, .Net, PHP
  • Javascript, C, C++, Python, Ruby on Rails
  • Front end development
  • Full stack development
  • Mobile apps
  • IoT, embedded systems
  • Databases
  • Business intelligence
  • Big data
  • Game development
  • Product management
  • Blockchain
  • Multimedia
  • Maths and logic
  • OOP
  • UX/UI
  • Microsoft Office
  • Salesforce
  • SAP
  • Windev
  • DevOps
  • Infrastructure, AWS
  • Test automation

Happy Customers!

We are always recruiting, and the process is definitely more efficient with SkillValue. We discovered the platform whilst looking for a tool which would let us conduct IT tests with our applicants and from the minute we tried it, the process of pre-selecting our applicants was much easier. The tests are comprehensive and ready to use. The results are sent directly to the applicants and are accessible to our recruitment, making the entire selection process easier. SkillValue is the ideal recruitment tool.

Damien Chimier, Sales Director at Infotem.

Travelling Snails
Travelling Snails

Online - desktop / tablet, Online - mobile

 Online - desktop / tablet, Online - mobile

40 Minutes

 40 Minutes

English (AUS), English (UK)...

 English (AUS), English (UK)...


This test can be taken in the following coding languages: Java, PHP, C#, C, C++, Ruby, Python, JavaScript

Why should you use this assessment?

SkillValue tests improve objectivity in the recruitment process and help you make reliable hiring decisions based on data driven scores, ranking and code analysis. They help you to minimise or remove biases that arise from CVs and panel interviews.  

You will be able to choose from a selection of questions available on our platform or add your own questions. We have 30, 000+ questions to choose from. We add 100+ new tests every year to our platform.

You can choose from the following 600+ tech and marketing skills assessments:

  • Java, .Net, PHP
  • Javascript, C, C++, Python, Ruby on Rails
  • Front end development
  • Full stack development
  • Mobile apps
  • IoT, embedded systems
  • Databases
  • Business intelligence
  • Big data
  • Game development
  • Product management
  • Blockchain
  • Multimedia
  • Maths and logic
  • OOP
  • UX/UI
  • Microsoft Office
  • Salesforce
  • SAP
  • Windev
  • DevOps
  • Infrastructure, AWS
  • Test automation

Happy Customers!

We are always recruiting, and the process is definitely more efficient with SkillValue. We discovered the platform whilst looking for a tool which would let us conduct IT tests with our applicants and from the minute we tried it, the process of pre-selecting our applicants was much easier. The tests are comprehensive and ready to use. The results are sent directly to the applicants and are accessible to our recruitment, making the entire selection process easier. SkillValue is the ideal recruitment tool.


Online - desktop / tablet, Online - mobile

 Online - desktop / tablet, Online - mobile

30 Minutes

 30 Minutes

English (AUS), English (UK)...

 English (AUS), English (UK)...


This test can be taken in the following coding languages: Java, PHP, C#, C, C++, Ruby, Python, JavaScript

Why should you use this assessment?

SkillValue tests improve objectivity in the recruitment process and help you make reliable hiring decisions based on data driven scores, ranking and code analysis. They help you to minimise or remove biases that arise from CVs and panel interviews.  

You will be able to choose from a selection of questions available on our platform or add your own questions. We have 30, 000+ questions to choose from. We add 100+ new tests every year to our platform.

You can choose from the following 600+ tech and marketing skills assessments:

  • Java, .Net, PHP
  • Javascript, C, C++, Python, Ruby on Rails
  • Front end development
  • Full stack development
  • Mobile apps
  • IoT, embedded systems
  • Databases
  • Business intelligence
  • Big data
  • Game development
  • Product management
  • Blockchain
  • Multimedia
  • Maths and logic
  • OOP
  • UX/UI
  • Microsoft Office
  • Salesforce
  • SAP
  • Windev
  • DevOps
  • Infrastructure, AWS
  • Test automation

Happy Customers!

We are always recruiting, and the process is definitely more efficient with SkillValue. We discovered the platform whilst looking for a tool which would let us conduct IT tests with our applicants and from the minute we tried it, the process of pre-selecting our applicants was much easier. The tests are comprehensive and ready to use. The results are sent directly to the applicants and are accessible to our recruitment, making the entire selection process easier. SkillValue is the ideal recruitment tool.

Spy Game
Spy Game

Online - desktop / tablet, Online - mobile

 Online - desktop / tablet, Online - mobile

45 Minutes

 45 Minutes

English (AUS), English (UK)...

 English (AUS), English (UK)...


This test can be taken in the following coding languages: Java, PHP, C#, C, C++, Ruby, Python, JavaScript

Why should you use this assessment?

SkillValue tests improve objectivity in the recruitment process and help you make reliable hiring decisions based on data driven scores, ranking and code analysis. They help you to minimise or remove biases that arise from CVs and panel interviews.  

You will be able to choose from a selection of questions available on our platform or add your own questions. We have 30, 000+ questions to choose from. We add 100+ new tests every year to our platform.

You can choose from the following 600+ tech and marketing skills assessments:

  • Java, .Net, PHP
  • Javascript, C, C++, Python, Ruby on Rails
  • Front end development
  • Full stack development
  • Mobile apps
  • IoT, embedded systems
  • Databases
  • Business intelligence
  • Big data
  • Game development
  • Product management
  • Blockchain
  • Multimedia
  • Maths and logic
  • OOP
  • UX/UI
  • Microsoft Office
  • Salesforce
  • SAP
  • Windev
  • DevOps
  • Infrastructure, AWS
  • Test automation

Happy Customers!

We are always recruiting, and the process is definitely more efficient with SkillValue. We discovered the platform whilst looking for a tool which would let us conduct IT tests with our applicants and from the minute we tried it, the process of pre-selecting our applicants was much easier. The tests are comprehensive and ready to use. The results are sent directly to the applicants and are accessible to our recruitment, making the entire selection process easier. SkillValue is the ideal recruitment tool.

Space Travel
Space Travel

Online - desktop / tablet, Online - mobile

 Online - desktop / tablet, Online - mobile

20 Minutes

 20 Minutes

English (AUS), English (UK)...

 English (AUS), English (UK)...


This test can be taken in the following coding languages: Java, PHP, C#, C, C++, Ruby, Python, JavaScript

Why should you use this assessment?

SkillValue tests improve objectivity in the recruitment process and help you make reliable hiring decisions based on data driven scores, ranking and code analysis. They help you to minimise or remove biases that arise from CVs and panel interviews.  

You will be able to choose from a selection of questions available on our platform or add your own questions. We have 30, 000+ questions to choose from. We add 100+ new tests every year to our platform.

You can choose from the following 600+ tech and marketing skills assessments:

  • Java, .Net, PHP
  • Javascript, C, C++, Python, Ruby on Rails
  • Front end development
  • Full stack development
  • Mobile apps
  • IoT, embedded systems
  • Databases
  • Business intelligence
  • Big data
  • Game development
  • Product management
  • Blockchain
  • Multimedia
  • Maths and logic
  • OOP
  • UX/UI
  • Microsoft Office
  • Salesforce
  • SAP
  • Windev
  • DevOps
  • Infrastructure, AWS
  • Test automation

Happy Customers!

We are always recruiting, and the process is definitely more efficient with SkillValue. We discovered the platform whilst looking for a tool which would let us conduct IT tests with our applicants and from the minute we tried it, the process of pre-selecting our applicants was much easier. The tests are comprehensive and ready to use. The results are sent directly to the applicants and are accessible to our recruitment, making the entire selection process easier. SkillValue is the ideal recruitment tool.

Repetition Game
Repetition Game

Online - desktop / tablet, Online - mobile

 Online - desktop / tablet, Online - mobile

40 Minutes

 40 Minutes

English (AUS), English (UK)...

 English (AUS), English (UK)...


This test can be taken in the following coding languages: Java, PHP, C#, C, C++, Ruby, Python, JavaScript

Why should you use this assessment?

SkillValue tests improve objectivity in the recruitment process and help you make reliable hiring decisions based on data driven scores, ranking and code analysis. They help you to minimise or remove biases that arise from CVs and panel interviews.  

You will be able to choose from a selection of questions available on our platform or add your own questions. We have 30, 000+ questions to choose from. We add 100+ new tests every year to our platform.

You can choose from the following 600+ tech and marketing skills assessments:

  • Java, .Net, PHP
  • Javascript, C, C++, Python, Ruby on Rails
  • Front end development
  • Full stack development
  • Mobile apps
  • IoT, embedded systems
  • Databases
  • Business intelligence
  • Big data
  • Game development
  • Product management
  • Blockchain
  • Multimedia
  • Maths and logic
  • OOP
  • UX/UI
  • Microsoft Office
  • Salesforce
  • SAP
  • Windev
  • DevOps
  • Infrastructure, AWS
  • Test automation

Happy Customers!

We are always recruiting, and the process is definitely more efficient with SkillValue. We discovered the platform whilst looking for a tool which would let us conduct IT tests with our applicants and from the minute we tried it, the process of pre-selecting our applicants was much easier. The tests are comprehensive and ready to use. The results are sent directly to the applicants and are accessible to our recruitment, making the entire selection process easier. SkillValue is the ideal recruitment tool.

Repeated Multiplication
Repeated Multiplication

Online - desktop / tablet, Online - mobile

 Online - desktop / tablet, Online - mobile

20 Minutes

 20 Minutes

English (AUS), English (UK)...

 English (AUS), English (UK)...


This test can be taken in the following coding languages: Java, PHP, C#, C, C++, Ruby, Python, JavaScript

Why should you use this assessment?

SkillValue tests improve objectivity in the recruitment process and help you make reliable hiring decisions based on data driven scores, ranking and code analysis. They help you to minimise or remove biases that arise from CVs and panel interviews.  

You will be able to choose from a selection of questions available on our platform or add your own questions. We have 30, 000+ questions to choose from. We add 100+ new tests every year to our platform.

You can choose from the following 600+ tech and marketing skills assessments:

  • Java, .Net, PHP
  • Javascript, C, C++, Python, Ruby on Rails
  • Front end development
  • Full stack development
  • Mobile apps
  • IoT, embedded systems
  • Databases
  • Business intelligence
  • Big data
  • Game development
  • Product management
  • Blockchain
  • Multimedia
  • Maths and logic
  • OOP
  • UX/UI
  • Microsoft Office
  • Salesforce
  • SAP
  • Windev
  • DevOps
  • Infrastructure, AWS
  • Test automation

Happy Customers!

We are always recruiting, and the process is definitely more efficient with SkillValue. We discovered the platform whilst looking for a tool which would let us conduct IT tests with our applicants and from the minute we tried it, the process of pre-selecting our applicants was much easier. The tests are comprehensive and ready to use. The results are sent directly to the applicants and are accessible to our recruitment, making the entire selection process easier. SkillValue is the ideal recruitment tool.

PostgreSQL DBA
PostgreSQL DBA

Online - desktop / tablet, Online - mobile

 Online - desktop / tablet, Online - mobile

20 Minutes

 20 Minutes

English (AUS), English (UK)...

 English (AUS), English (UK)...


Designed for PostgreSQL DBA's, this quiz allows you to test your candidate's knowledge about PostgreSQL inner workings, how to set up it properly and how to monitor it.

Why should you use this assessment?

SkillValue tests improve objectivity in the recruitment process and help you make reliable hiring decisions based on data driven scores, ranking and code analysis. They help you to minimise or remove biases that arise from CVs and panel interviews.  

You will be able to choose from a selection of questions available on our platform or add your own questions. We have 30, 000+ questions to choose from. We add 100+ new tests every year to our platform.

You can choose from the following 600+ tech and marketing skills assessments:

  • Java, .Net, PHP
  • Javascript, C, C++, Python, Ruby on Rails
  • Front end development
  • Full stack development
  • Mobile apps
  • IoT, embedded systems
  • Databases
  • Business intelligence
  • Big data
  • Game development
  • Product management
  • Blockchain
  • Multimedia
  • Maths and logic
  • OOP
  • UX/UI
  • Microsoft Office
  • Salesforce
  • SAP
  • Windev
  • DevOps
  • Infrastructure, AWS
  • Test automation

Happy Customers!

We are always recruiting, and the process is definitely more efficient with SkillValue. We discovered the platform whilst looking for a tool which would let us conduct IT tests with our applicants and from the minute we tried it, the process of pre-selecting our applicants was much easier. The tests are comprehensive and ready to use. The results are sent directly to the applicants and are accessible to our recruitment, making the entire selection process easier. SkillValue is the ideal recruitment tool.

Damien Chimier, Sales Director at Infotem.

Title and Description ( French) No. of Questions Duration(min)

PostgreSQL DBA quiz niveau intermédiaire

Conçu pour les DBAs de PostgreSQL, ce quiz vous permet de tester les connaissances de votre candidat en ce qui concerne le fonctionnement interne de PostgreSQL, la façon de le configurer correctement et la façon de le contrôler. Connaissances mesurées : tablespaces (espaces de tables) PostgreSQL, rôles, processus.

20 20

Online - desktop / tablet, Online - mobile

 Online - desktop / tablet, Online - mobile

20 Minutes

 20 Minutes

English (AUS), English (UK)...

 English (AUS), English (UK)...


Designed for Senior Backend Developers, this quiz allows you to test knowledge about how PostgreSQL works and how to use it.

Why should you use this assessment?

SkillValue tests improve objectivity in the recruitment process and help you make reliable hiring decisions based on data driven scores, ranking and code analysis. They help you to minimise or remove biases that arise from CVs and panel interviews.  

You will be able to choose from a selection of questions available on our platform or add your own questions. We have 30, 000+ questions to choose from. We add 100+ new tests every year to our platform.

You can choose from the following 600+ tech and marketing skills assessments:

  • Java, .Net, PHP
  • Javascript, C, C++, Python, Ruby on Rails
  • Front end development
  • Full stack development
  • Mobile apps
  • IoT, embedded systems
  • Databases
  • Business intelligence
  • Big data
  • Game development
  • Product management
  • Blockchain
  • Multimedia
  • Maths and logic
  • OOP
  • UX/UI
  • Microsoft Office
  • Salesforce
  • SAP
  • Windev
  • DevOps
  • Infrastructure, AWS
  • Test automation

Happy Customers!

We are always recruiting, and the process is definitely more efficient with SkillValue. We discovered the platform whilst looking for a tool which would let us conduct IT tests with our applicants and from the minute we tried it, the process of pre-selecting our applicants was much easier. The tests are comprehensive and ready to use. The results are sent directly to the applicants and are accessible to our recruitment, making the entire selection process easier. SkillValue is the ideal recruitment tool.

Damien Chimier, Sales Director at Infotem.

Title and Description ( French) No. of Questions Duration(min)

PostgreSQL quiz niveau intermédiaire

Conçu pour les développeurs back-end seniors, ce quiz vous permet de tester les connaissances en ce qui concerne le fonctionnement de PostgreSQL et son utilisation. Connaissances mesurées : types de données de PostgreSQL, transactions ACID, administration de base de données.

23 20
Oracle SQL
Oracle SQL

Online - desktop / tablet, Online - mobile

 Online - desktop / tablet, Online - mobile

20 Minutes

 20 Minutes

English (AUS), English (UK)...

 English (AUS), English (UK)...


This quiz will allow you to test your candidate's skills of Oracle SQL.

Why should you use this assessment?

SkillValue tests improve objectivity in the recruitment process and help you make reliable hiring decisions based on data driven scores, ranking and code analysis. They help you to minimise or remove biases that arise from CVs and panel interviews.  

You will be able to choose from a selection of questions available on our platform or add your own questions. We have 30, 000+ questions to choose from. We add 100+ new tests every year to our platform.

You can choose from the following 600+ tech and marketing skills assessments:

  • Java, .Net, PHP
  • Javascript, C, C++, Python, Ruby on Rails
  • Front end development
  • Full stack development
  • Mobile apps
  • IoT, embedded systems
  • Databases
  • Business intelligence
  • Big data
  • Game development
  • Product management
  • Blockchain
  • Multimedia
  • Maths and logic
  • OOP
  • UX/UI
  • Microsoft Office
  • Salesforce
  • SAP
  • Windev
  • DevOps
  • Infrastructure, AWS
  • Test automation

Happy Customers!

We are always recruiting, and the process is definitely more efficient with SkillValue. We discovered the platform whilst looking for a tool which would let us conduct IT tests with our applicants and from the minute we tried it, the process of pre-selecting our applicants was much easier. The tests are comprehensive and ready to use. The results are sent directly to the applicants and are accessible to our recruitment, making the entire selection process easier. SkillValue is the ideal recruitment tool.

Damien Chimier, Sales Director at Infotem.

Title and Description ( French) No. of Questions Duration(min)

Oracle SQL quiz niveau avancé

Ce test vous permet d'évaluer les connaissances sur Oracle SQL. Connaissances mesurées : c ommandes DDL et DML, index, fonctions SQL, opérateurs.

20 20

Online - desktop / tablet, Online - mobile

 Online - desktop / tablet, Online - mobile

20 Minutes

 20 Minutes

English (AUS), English (UK)...

 English (AUS), English (UK)...


This test is designed to measure medium knowledge of PL/SQL, the procedural language extensions of SQL. Topics: functions, blocks, variables and constants, control structures, cursors and triggers.

Why should you use this assessment?

SkillValue tests improve objectivity in the recruitment process and help you make reliable hiring decisions based on data driven scores, ranking and code analysis. They help you to minimise or remove biases that arise from CVs and panel interviews.  

You will be able to choose from a selection of questions available on our platform or add your own questions. We have 30, 000+ questions to choose from. We add 100+ new tests every year to our platform.

You can choose from the following 600+ tech and marketing skills assessments:

  • Java, .Net, PHP
  • Javascript, C, C++, Python, Ruby on Rails
  • Front end development
  • Full stack development
  • Mobile apps
  • IoT, embedded systems
  • Databases
  • Business intelligence
  • Big data
  • Game development
  • Product management
  • Blockchain
  • Multimedia
  • Maths and logic
  • OOP
  • UX/UI
  • Microsoft Office
  • Salesforce
  • SAP
  • Windev
  • DevOps
  • Infrastructure, AWS
  • Test automation

Happy Customers!

We are always recruiting, and the process is definitely more efficient with SkillValue. We discovered the platform whilst looking for a tool which would let us conduct IT tests with our applicants and from the minute we tried it, the process of pre-selecting our applicants was much easier. The tests are comprehensive and ready to use. The results are sent directly to the applicants and are accessible to our recruitment, making the entire selection process easier. SkillValue is the ideal recruitment tool.

Damien Chimier, Sales Director at Infotem.

Title and Description ( French) No. of Questions Duration(min)

PL/SQL quiz niveau intermédiaire

Ce test vous permet de vérifier les connaissances de niveau intermédiaire en PL/SQL. Connaissances mesurées : fonctions, blocs, variables et constantes, structures de contrôle, curseurs et déclencheurs.

17 20
Windows System Engineer
Windows System Engineer

Online - desktop / tablet, Online - mobile

 Online - desktop / tablet, Online - mobile

15 Minutes

 15 Minutes

English (AUS), English (UK)...

 English (AUS), English (UK)...


This Windows quiz will allow you to test your candidate's ability to manage Windows Servers and Client OS, as well as the Active Directory configuration. Topics: OS administration, troubleshooting, Active Directory, PowerShell, and protocols.

Why should you use this assessment?

SkillValue tests improve objectivity in the recruitment process and help you make reliable hiring decisions based on data driven scores, ranking and code analysis. They help you to minimise or remove biases that arise from CVs and panel interviews.  

You will be able to choose from a selection of questions available on our platform or add your own questions. We have 30, 000+ questions to choose from. We add 100+ new tests every year to our platform.

You can choose from the following 600+ tech and marketing skills assessments:

  • Java, .Net, PHP
  • Javascript, C, C++, Python, Ruby on Rails
  • Front end development
  • Full stack development
  • Mobile apps
  • IoT, embedded systems
  • Databases
  • Business intelligence
  • Big data
  • Game development
  • Product management
  • Blockchain
  • Multimedia
  • Maths and logic
  • OOP
  • UX/UI
  • Microsoft Office
  • Salesforce
  • SAP
  • Windev
  • DevOps
  • Infrastructure, AWS
  • Test automation

Happy Customers!

We are always recruiting, and the process is definitely more efficient with SkillValue. We discovered the platform whilst looking for a tool which would let us conduct IT tests with our applicants and from the minute we tried it, the process of pre-selecting our applicants was much easier. The tests are comprehensive and ready to use. The results are sent directly to the applicants and are accessible to our recruitment, making the entire selection process easier. SkillValue is the ideal recruitment tool.

Damien Chimier, Sales Director at Infotem.

Windows Production Engineer
Windows Production Engineer

Online - desktop / tablet, Online - mobile

 Online - desktop / tablet, Online - mobile

20 Minutes

 20 Minutes

English (AUS), English (UK)...

 English (AUS), English (UK)...


This test evaluates your candidate's medium level as a Production Engineer. Topics: OS administration, application servers administration and performance, continuous integration, and ITIL.

Why should you use this assessment?

SkillValue tests improve objectivity in the recruitment process and help you make reliable hiring decisions based on data driven scores, ranking and code analysis. They help you to minimise or remove biases that arise from CVs and panel interviews.  

You will be able to choose from a selection of questions available on our platform or add your own questions. We have 30, 000+ questions to choose from. We add 100+ new tests every year to our platform.

You can choose from the following 600+ tech and marketing skills assessments:

  • Java, .Net, PHP
  • Javascript, C, C++, Python, Ruby on Rails
  • Front end development
  • Full stack development
  • Mobile apps
  • IoT, embedded systems
  • Databases
  • Business intelligence
  • Big data
  • Game development
  • Product management
  • Blockchain
  • Multimedia
  • Maths and logic
  • OOP
  • UX/UI
  • Microsoft Office
  • Salesforce
  • SAP
  • Windev
  • DevOps
  • Infrastructure, AWS
  • Test automation

Happy Customers!

We are always recruiting, and the process is definitely more efficient with SkillValue. We discovered the platform whilst looking for a tool which would let us conduct IT tests with our applicants and from the minute we tried it, the process of pre-selecting our applicants was much easier. The tests are comprehensive and ready to use. The results are sent directly to the applicants and are accessible to our recruitment, making the entire selection process easier. SkillValue is the ideal recruitment tool.

Damien Chimier, Sales Director at Infotem.

Windows Server 2016
Windows Server 2016

Online - desktop / tablet, Online - mobile

 Online - desktop / tablet, Online - mobile

30 Minutes

 30 Minutes

English (AUS), English (UK)...

 English (AUS), English (UK)...


This test evaluates the abilities of a medium level Windows Server Administrator, on the Windows Server 2016 operating system. Topics: Windows Server, Active Directory, DNS, Hyper-V, PowerShell, WSUS, File Server.

Why should you use this assessment?

SkillValue tests improve objectivity in the recruitment process and help you make reliable hiring decisions based on data driven scores, ranking and code analysis. They help you to minimise or remove biases that arise from CVs and panel interviews.  

You will be able to choose from a selection of questions available on our platform or add your own questions. We have 30, 000+ questions to choose from. We add 100+ new tests every year to our platform.

You can choose from the following 600+ tech and marketing skills assessments:

  • Java, .Net, PHP
  • Javascript, C, C++, Python, Ruby on Rails
  • Front end development
  • Full stack development
  • Mobile apps
  • IoT, embedded systems
  • Databases
  • Business intelligence
  • Big data
  • Game development
  • Product management
  • Blockchain
  • Multimedia
  • Maths and logic
  • OOP
  • UX/UI
  • Microsoft Office
  • Salesforce
  • SAP
  • Windev
  • DevOps
  • Infrastructure, AWS
  • Test automation

Happy Customers!

We are always recruiting, and the process is definitely more efficient with SkillValue. We discovered the platform whilst looking for a tool which would let us conduct IT tests with our applicants and from the minute we tried it, the process of pre-selecting our applicants was much easier. The tests are comprehensive and ready to use. The results are sent directly to the applicants and are accessible to our recruitment, making the entire selection process easier. SkillValue is the ideal recruitment tool.

Damien Chimier, Sales Director at Infotem.

Title and Description ( French) No. of Questions Duration(min)

Windows Server 2016 quiz niveau intermédiaire

Ce test évalue les capacités d'un administrateur de Windows Server, avec un niveau intermédiaire, sur le système d'exploitation Windows Server 2016. Connaissances mesurées : serveur Windows (Windows Server), Active Directory, DNS, Hyper-V, PowerShell, WSUS, serveur de fichiers (File Server).

30 30

Online - desktop / tablet, Online - mobile

 Online - desktop / tablet, Online - mobile

20 Minutes

 20 Minutes

English (AUS), English (UK)...

 English (AUS), English (UK)...


This test is designed to assess your candidate's beginner skills in XSLT (eXtensible Stylesheet LanguageTransformations).

Why should you use this assessment?

SkillValue tests improve objectivity in the recruitment process and help you make reliable hiring decisions based on data driven scores, ranking and code analysis. They help you to minimise or remove biases that arise from CVs and panel interviews.  

You will be able to choose from a selection of questions available on our platform or add your own questions. We have 30, 000+ questions to choose from. We add 100+ new tests every year to our platform.

You can choose from the following 600+ tech and marketing skills assessments:

  • Java, .Net, PHP
  • Javascript, C, C++, Python, Ruby on Rails
  • Front end development
  • Full stack development
  • Mobile apps
  • IoT, embedded systems
  • Databases
  • Business intelligence
  • Big data
  • Game development
  • Product management
  • Blockchain
  • Multimedia
  • Maths and logic
  • OOP
  • UX/UI
  • Microsoft Office
  • Salesforce
  • SAP
  • Windev
  • DevOps
  • Infrastructure, AWS
  • Test automation

Happy Customers!

We are always recruiting, and the process is definitely more efficient with SkillValue. We discovered the platform whilst looking for a tool which would let us conduct IT tests with our applicants and from the minute we tried it, the process of pre-selecting our applicants was much easier. The tests are comprehensive and ready to use. The results are sent directly to the applicants and are accessible to our recruitment, making the entire selection process easier. SkillValue is the ideal recruitment tool.

Damien Chimier, Sales Director at Infotem.

Title and Description ( French) No. of Questions Duration(min)

XSLT quiz niveau débutant

Ce test est destiné à l'évaluation des connaissances de niveau débutant sur XSLT (eXtensible Stylesheet LanguageTransformations).

20 20

Online - desktop / tablet, Online - mobile

 Online - desktop / tablet, Online - mobile

15 Minutes

 15 Minutes

English (AUS), English (UK)...

 English (AUS), English (UK)...


This test aims to assess the candidate's beginner skills in developing cleaner code for cross browser compatible websites. Topics: XHTML definitions, attributes, values, syntax, doctypes and document structure.

Why should you use this assessment?

SkillValue tests improve objectivity in the recruitment process and help you make reliable hiring decisions based on data driven scores, ranking and code analysis. They help you to minimise or remove biases that arise from CVs and panel interviews.  

You will be able to choose from a selection of questions available on our platform or add your own questions. We have 30, 000+ questions to choose from. We add 100+ new tests every year to our platform.

You can choose from the following 600+ tech and marketing skills assessments:

  • Java, .Net, PHP
  • Javascript, C, C++, Python, Ruby on Rails
  • Front end development
  • Full stack development
  • Mobile apps
  • IoT, embedded systems
  • Databases
  • Business intelligence
  • Big data
  • Game development
  • Product management
  • Blockchain
  • Multimedia
  • Maths and logic
  • OOP
  • UX/UI
  • Microsoft Office
  • Salesforce
  • SAP
  • Windev
  • DevOps
  • Infrastructure, AWS
  • Test automation

Happy Customers!

We are always recruiting, and the process is definitely more efficient with SkillValue. We discovered the platform whilst looking for a tool which would let us conduct IT tests with our applicants and from the minute we tried it, the process of pre-selecting our applicants was much easier. The tests are comprehensive and ready to use. The results are sent directly to the applicants and are accessible to our recruitment, making the entire selection process easier. SkillValue is the ideal recruitment tool.

Damien Chimier, Sales Director at Infotem.

Title and Description ( French) No. of Questions Duration(min)

XHTML quiz niveau débutant

Ce test vise à évaluer les compétences de niveau débutant des candidats en ce qui concerne le développement d'un code plus propre pour les sites web compatibles avec des « cross-browsers ». Connaissances mesurées : définitions, les attributs, les valeurs, la syntaxe, les types de documents et la structure des documents XHTML.

20 15
Responsive Web Design
Responsive Web Design

Online - desktop / tablet, Online - mobile

 Online - desktop / tablet, Online - mobile

15 Minutes

 15 Minutes

English (AUS), English (UK)...

 English (AUS), English (UK)...


This quiz is the perfect tool to assess the web designers' skills in creating responsive websites. This medium level quiz goes through the most important RWD concepts helping you identify the perfect candidates for your Responsive Web Design roles.Topics: media queries, fluid grids, responsive solutions.

Why should you use this assessment?

SkillValue tests improve objectivity in the recruitment process and help you make reliable hiring decisions based on data driven scores, ranking and code analysis. They help you to minimise or remove biases that arise from CVs and panel interviews.  

You will be able to choose from a selection of questions available on our platform or add your own questions. We have 30, 000+ questions to choose from. We add 100+ new tests every year to our platform.

You can choose from the following 600+ tech and marketing skills assessments:

  • Java, .Net, PHP
  • Javascript, C, C++, Python, Ruby on Rails
  • Front end development
  • Full stack development
  • Mobile apps
  • IoT, embedded systems
  • Databases
  • Business intelligence
  • Big data
  • Game development
  • Product management
  • Blockchain
  • Multimedia
  • Maths and logic
  • OOP
  • UX/UI
  • Microsoft Office
  • Salesforce
  • SAP
  • Windev
  • DevOps
  • Infrastructure, AWS
  • Test automation

Happy Customers!

We are always recruiting, and the process is definitely more efficient with SkillValue. We discovered the platform whilst looking for a tool which would let us conduct IT tests with our applicants and from the minute we tried it, the process of pre-selecting our applicants was much easier. The tests are comprehensive and ready to use. The results are sent directly to the applicants and are accessible to our recruitment, making the entire selection process easier. SkillValue is the ideal recruitment tool.

Damien Chimier, Sales Director at Infotem.

Title and Description ( French) No. of Questions Duration(min)

Responsive Web Design quiz niveau intermédiaire

Le quiz Responsive Web Design est l'outil parfait d'évaluation des compétences des designers web dans la création des sites web responsive. Ce test de niveau intermédiaire couvre les concepts de RWD les plus importants en vous aidant à sélectionner les meilleurs candidats.

20 15
Mechanical Reasoning Test
Mechanical Reasoning Test

Online - desktop / tablet

 Online - desktop / tablet

12 Minutes

 12 Minutes

English (AUS), English (UK)...

 English (AUS), English (UK)...

Request a quote
Request a quote

Mechanical reasoning tests require candidates to demonstrate their ability to apply mechanical and physical laws to real objects and processes. they will be presented with illustrations of mechanical processes such as gears, pulleys, levers and hydraulics in novel situations, and they must conclude which multiple choice answer demonstrates the correct function or principle.

Suitable for: 

For roles where candidates will need to work with and understand mechanical or technical concepts. Using a multiple choice formal under timed conditions, candidates are presented with images and will use mechanical reasoning skills to deduce what will happen in the picture. 

Difficulty levels: 

Essential – Criterion Workforce Series: This suite includes assessments closer to basic comprehension tests. Designed for industry or manufacturing roles.


Cognitive ability or aptitude tests are an objective way of measuring an individual’s performance on different work related tasks or situations. They tap into reasoning skills and are therefore a measure of potential, rather than academic performance or stored knowledge.

They provide employers with an indication of how people will perform in a work setting and so are frequently used to decide whether a candidate has the baseline cognitive ‘firepower’ necessary to be successful in the role.

We provide the following coginitive ability tests: 

  • Numerical 
  • Verbal
  • Abstract
  • Mechanical
  • Checking 

When used alongside other psychometrics, such as personality questionnaires or scenario based tests, employers are able to build up a holistic picture of how the individual would behave in the role.

Java Web (Spring) Developer
Java Web (Spring) Developer

Online - desktop / tablet, Online - mobile

 Online - desktop / tablet, Online - mobile

30 Minutes

 30 Minutes

English (AUS), English (UK)...

 English (AUS), English (UK)...


This test starts with medium level Java questions, covering daily tasks such as collections or garbage collector. It then focuses on the main Spring aspects and pragmatic Hibernate questions (Java Core 20%, Spring 40%, Hibernate 40%). Topics: Java collections, garbage collection, String manipulation, Spring configuration, Spring MVC, Spring ORM integration, Hibernate configuration, Hibernate states, transaction attributes.

Why should you use this assessment?

SkillValue tests improve objectivity in the recruitment process and help you make reliable hiring decisions based on data driven scores, ranking and code analysis. They help you to minimise or remove biases that arise from CVs and panel interviews.  

You will be able to choose from a selection of questions available on our platform or add your own questions. We have 30, 000+ questions to choose from. We add 100+ new tests every year to our platform.

You can choose from the following 600+ tech and marketing skills assessments:

  • Java, .Net, PHP
  • Javascript, C, C++, Python, Ruby on Rails
  • Front end development
  • Full stack development
  • Mobile apps
  • IoT, embedded systems
  • Databases
  • Business intelligence
  • Big data
  • Game development
  • Product management
  • Blockchain
  • Multimedia
  • Maths and logic
  • OOP
  • UX/UI
  • Microsoft Office
  • Salesforce
  • SAP
  • Windev
  • DevOps
  • Infrastructure, AWS
  • Test automation

Happy Customers!

We are always recruiting, and the process is definitely more efficient with SkillValue. We discovered the platform whilst looking for a tool which would let us conduct IT tests with our applicants and from the minute we tried it, the process of pre-selecting our applicants was much easier. The tests are comprehensive and ready to use. The results are sent directly to the applicants and are accessible to our recruitment, making the entire selection process easier. SkillValue is the ideal recruitment tool.

Damien Chimier, Sales Director at Infotem.

Title and Description ( French) No. of Questions Duration(min)

Développeur Java Web (Spring) quiz niveau intermédiaire

Ce test commence par des questions Java de niveau intermédiaire, couvrant des tâches quotidiennes telles que les collections ou le « garbage collector ». Il se concentre ensuite sur les principaux aspects de Spring et les questions pragmatiques d'Hibernate (Java Core 20%, Spring 40%, Hibernate 40%). Connaissances mesurées : Les collections en Java, la « garbage collection », la manipulation String, la configuration Spring, Spring MVC, l'intégration de Spring avec des outils d'ORM, la configuration d'Hibernate, les états d'Hibernate, les attributs de transaction.

30 30
Java Web (JSF) Developer
Java Web (JSF) Developer

Online - desktop / tablet, Online - mobile

 Online - desktop / tablet, Online - mobile

30 Minutes

 30 Minutes

English (AUS), English (UK)...

 English (AUS), English (UK)...


This test goes through three main technologies used to build web applications: Java, JSF and Hibernate (Java Core 20%, JSF 40%, Hibernate 40%). It covers the basic aspects that are mandatory for a developer to understand and/or write applications.Topics: Member visibility, collections, exceptions, JSF form elements, HTTP communication basics, EL expressions, JSF navigation, JSF phases, Hibernate basics (mapping, states, generated SQL), transaction attributes.

Why should you use this assessment?

SkillValue tests improve objectivity in the recruitment process and help you make reliable hiring decisions based on data driven scores, ranking and code analysis. They help you to minimise or remove biases that arise from CVs and panel interviews.  

You will be able to choose from a selection of questions available on our platform or add your own questions. We have 30, 000+ questions to choose from. We add 100+ new tests every year to our platform.

You can choose from the following 600+ tech and marketing skills assessments:

  • Java, .Net, PHP
  • Javascript, C, C++, Python, Ruby on Rails
  • Front end development
  • Full stack development
  • Mobile apps
  • IoT, embedded systems
  • Databases
  • Business intelligence
  • Big data
  • Game development
  • Product management
  • Blockchain
  • Multimedia
  • Maths and logic
  • OOP
  • UX/UI
  • Microsoft Office
  • Salesforce
  • SAP
  • Windev
  • DevOps
  • Infrastructure, AWS
  • Test automation

Happy Customers!

We are always recruiting, and the process is definitely more efficient with SkillValue. We discovered the platform whilst looking for a tool which would let us conduct IT tests with our applicants and from the minute we tried it, the process of pre-selecting our applicants was much easier. The tests are comprehensive and ready to use. The results are sent directly to the applicants and are accessible to our recruitment, making the entire selection process easier. SkillValue is the ideal recruitment tool.

Damien Chimier, Sales Director at Infotem.

Title and Description ( French) No. of Questions Duration(min)

Développeur Java Web (JSF) quiz niveau intermédiaire

Ce test vise à tester les 3 technologies les plus utilisées pour développer des applications Web : Java, JSF et Hibernate (Java Core 20%, JSF 40%, Hibernate 40%). Il couvre les concepts élémentaires qu'un développeur doit bien connaître pour pouvoir comprendre et / ou écrire des applications.

30 30
Java Servlets and JSPs
Java Servlets and JSPs

Online - desktop / tablet, Online - mobile

 Online - desktop / tablet, Online - mobile

20 Minutes

 20 Minutes

English (AUS), English (UK)...

 English (AUS), English (UK)...


This test is designed to assess the candidate's medium knowledge of Java Servlets and JSPs.

Why should you use this assessment?

SkillValue tests improve objectivity in the recruitment process and help you make reliable hiring decisions based on data driven scores, ranking and code analysis. They help you to minimise or remove biases that arise from CVs and panel interviews.  

You will be able to choose from a selection of questions available on our platform or add your own questions. We have 30, 000+ questions to choose from. We add 100+ new tests every year to our platform.

You can choose from the following 600+ tech and marketing skills assessments:

  • Java, .Net, PHP
  • Javascript, C, C++, Python, Ruby on Rails
  • Front end development
  • Full stack development
  • Mobile apps
  • IoT, embedded systems
  • Databases
  • Business intelligence
  • Big data
  • Game development
  • Product management
  • Blockchain
  • Multimedia
  • Maths and logic
  • OOP
  • UX/UI
  • Microsoft Office
  • Salesforce
  • SAP
  • Windev
  • DevOps
  • Infrastructure, AWS
  • Test automation

Happy Customers!

We are always recruiting, and the process is definitely more efficient with SkillValue. We discovered the platform whilst looking for a tool which would let us conduct IT tests with our applicants and from the minute we tried it, the process of pre-selecting our applicants was much easier. The tests are comprehensive and ready to use. The results are sent directly to the applicants and are accessible to our recruitment, making the entire selection process easier. SkillValue is the ideal recruitment tool.

Damien Chimier, Sales Director at Infotem.

Title and Description ( French) No. of Questions Duration(min)

Java Servlets et JSPs quiz niveau intermédiaire

Ce test est destiné à l'évaluation des connaissances de niveau intermédiaire sur Java Servlets et JSPs

20 20
Java Servlet 3.0
Java Servlet 3.0

Online - desktop / tablet, Online - mobile

 Online - desktop / tablet, Online - mobile

30 Minutes

 30 Minutes

English (AUS), English (UK)...

 English (AUS), English (UK)...


This test evaluates the candidate's medium knowledge of the Java programming language, especially in Java Servlet 3.0 Technology. Topics: Annotations Vs. Deployment Descriptor, web fragments, Asynchronous Support, Security.

Why should you use this assessment?

SkillValue tests improve objectivity in the recruitment process and help you make reliable hiring decisions based on data driven scores, ranking and code analysis. They help you to minimise or remove biases that arise from CVs and panel interviews.  

You will be able to choose from a selection of questions available on our platform or add your own questions. We have 30, 000+ questions to choose from. We add 100+ new tests every year to our platform.

You can choose from the following 600+ tech and marketing skills assessments:

  • Java, .Net, PHP
  • Javascript, C, C++, Python, Ruby on Rails
  • Front end development
  • Full stack development
  • Mobile apps
  • IoT, embedded systems
  • Databases
  • Business intelligence
  • Big data
  • Game development
  • Product management
  • Blockchain
  • Multimedia
  • Maths and logic
  • OOP
  • UX/UI
  • Microsoft Office
  • Salesforce
  • SAP
  • Windev
  • DevOps
  • Infrastructure, AWS
  • Test automation

Happy Customers!

We are always recruiting, and the process is definitely more efficient with SkillValue. We discovered the platform whilst looking for a tool which would let us conduct IT tests with our applicants and from the minute we tried it, the process of pre-selecting our applicants was much easier. The tests are comprehensive and ready to use. The results are sent directly to the applicants and are accessible to our recruitment, making the entire selection process easier. SkillValue is the ideal recruitment tool.

Damien Chimier, Sales Director at Infotem.

Title and Description ( French) No. of Questions Duration(min)

Java Servlet 3.0 quiz niveau intermédiaire

Ce test permet d'évaluer les connaissances de niveau intermédiaire des candidats sur le langage de programmation Java, spécialement dans la technologie Java Servlet 3.0. Connaissances mesurées : Annotations Vs. Descripteur de déploiement, fragments web, Support Asynchrone, Sécurité.

20 30

Online - desktop / tablet, Online - mobile

 Online - desktop / tablet, Online - mobile

15 Minutes

 15 Minutes

English (AUS), English (UK)...

 English (AUS), English (UK)...


This test assesses the candidates' advanced skills in Sencha Touch in creating and working with non-native mobile applications.

Title and Description  No. of Questions Duration(min)

Sencha quiz advanced level

This test assesses the candidates' advanced skills in Sencha Touch in creating and working with non-native mobile applications. Topics: architecture, layouts, components, validation, notifications, functions, dialogs, classes.

20 15

Sencha quiz medium level

This test assesses the candidate's general knowledge of Sencha Touch in creating and working with non-native mobile applications, using HTML5, CSS3 and JavaScript skills. Topics: layouts, components, classes.

15 10

Why should you use this assessment?

SkillValue tests improve objectivity in the recruitment process and help you make reliable hiring decisions based on data driven scores, ranking and code analysis. They help you to minimise or remove biases that arise from CVs and panel interviews.  

You will be able to choose from a selection of questions available on our platform or add your own questions. We have 30, 000+ questions to choose from. We add 100+ new tests every year to our platform.

You can choose from the following 600+ tech and marketing skills assessments:

  • Java, .Net, PHP
  • Javascript, C, C++, Python, Ruby on Rails
  • Front end development
  • Full stack development
  • Mobile apps
  • IoT, embedded systems
  • Databases
  • Business intelligence
  • Big data
  • Game development
  • Product management
  • Blockchain
  • Multimedia
  • Maths and logic
  • OOP
  • UX/UI
  • Microsoft Office
  • Salesforce
  • SAP
  • Windev
  • DevOps
  • Infrastructure, AWS
  • Test automation

Happy Customers!

We are always recruiting, and the process is definitely more efficient with SkillValue. We discovered the platform whilst looking for a tool which would let us conduct IT tests with our applicants and from the minute we tried it, the process of pre-selecting our applicants was much easier. The tests are comprehensive and ready to use. The results are sent directly to the applicants and are accessible to our recruitment, making the entire selection process easier. SkillValue is the ideal recruitment tool.

Damien Chimier, Sales Director at Infotem.


Title and Description ( French) No. of Questions Duration(min)

Sencha quiz niveau avancé

Ce test est destiné à l'évaluation des candidats de niveau avancé sur Sencha Touch dans la création et le travail avec des applications mobiles non natives. Connaissances mesurées : architecture, layouts, components, validation, notifications, functions, dialogs, classes, etc.

20 15

Sencha quiz niveau intermédiaire

Ce test permet d'évaluer les connaissances générales de Sencha Touch dans la création et le travail avec des applications mobiles non natives, en utilisant des compétences en développement HTML5, CSS3 et JavaScript. Connaissances mesurées : les layouts, les composants, les classes.

15 10

Online - desktop / tablet, Online - mobile

 Online - desktop / tablet, Online - mobile

20 Minutes

 20 Minutes

English (AUS), English (UK)...

 English (AUS), English (UK)...


For this quiz your candidate should have a basic understand of TypeScript, its basic types, and how different parts of TypeScript work, why TypeScript is a super-set of JavaScript, and it also helps you have a certain degree of familiarity with newer versions of JavaScript (ES6, ES7, ESNext).Also, your candidate should have a basic understanding of what happens when TypeScript gets transpiled down to JavaScript.

Why should you use this assessment?

SkillValue tests improve objectivity in the recruitment process and help you make reliable hiring decisions based on data driven scores, ranking and code analysis. They help you to minimise or remove biases that arise from CVs and panel interviews.  

You will be able to choose from a selection of questions available on our platform or add your own questions. We have 30, 000+ questions to choose from. We add 100+ new tests every year to our platform.

You can choose from the following 600+ tech and marketing skills assessments:

  • Java, .Net, PHP
  • Javascript, C, C++, Python, Ruby on Rails
  • Front end development
  • Full stack development
  • Mobile apps
  • IoT, embedded systems
  • Databases
  • Business intelligence
  • Big data
  • Game development
  • Product management
  • Blockchain
  • Multimedia
  • Maths and logic
  • OOP
  • UX/UI
  • Microsoft Office
  • Salesforce
  • SAP
  • Windev
  • DevOps
  • Infrastructure, AWS
  • Test automation

Happy Customers!

We are always recruiting, and the process is definitely more efficient with SkillValue. We discovered the platform whilst looking for a tool which would let us conduct IT tests with our applicants and from the minute we tried it, the process of pre-selecting our applicants was much easier. The tests are comprehensive and ready to use. The results are sent directly to the applicants and are accessible to our recruitment, making the entire selection process easier. SkillValue is the ideal recruitment tool.

Damien Chimier, Sales Director at Infotem.

Title and Description ( French) No. of Questions Duration(min)

TypeScript quiz niveau intermédiaire

Ce test vérifie les capacités des développeurs Front End sur TypeScript, ses types de base, et comment différentes parties de TypeScript fonctionnent, pourquoi TypeScript est un super-set de JavaScript, ainsi que la transcompilation de TypeScript en JavaScript.

20 20

Online - desktop / tablet, Online - mobile

 Online - desktop / tablet, Online - mobile

20 Minutes

 20 Minutes

English (AUS), English (UK)...

 English (AUS), English (UK)...


This test has been designed to measure the candidate's medium level experience with Redux, the open-source JavaScript library for managing application state. Topics: Reducers, Actions, Store, Middleware.

Why should you use this assessment?

SkillValue tests improve objectivity in the recruitment process and help you make reliable hiring decisions based on data driven scores, ranking and code analysis. They help you to minimise or remove biases that arise from CVs and panel interviews.  

You will be able to choose from a selection of questions available on our platform or add your own questions. We have 30, 000+ questions to choose from. We add 100+ new tests every year to our platform.

You can choose from the following 600+ tech and marketing skills assessments:

  • Java, .Net, PHP
  • Javascript, C, C++, Python, Ruby on Rails
  • Front end development
  • Full stack development
  • Mobile apps
  • IoT, embedded systems
  • Databases
  • Business intelligence
  • Big data
  • Game development
  • Product management
  • Blockchain
  • Multimedia
  • Maths and logic
  • OOP
  • UX/UI
  • Microsoft Office
  • Salesforce
  • SAP
  • Windev
  • DevOps
  • Infrastructure, AWS
  • Test automation

Happy Customers!

We are always recruiting, and the process is definitely more efficient with SkillValue. We discovered the platform whilst looking for a tool which would let us conduct IT tests with our applicants and from the minute we tried it, the process of pre-selecting our applicants was much easier. The tests are comprehensive and ready to use. The results are sent directly to the applicants and are accessible to our recruitment, making the entire selection process easier. SkillValue is the ideal recruitment tool.

Damien Chimier, Sales Director at Infotem.

Title and Description ( French) No. of Questions Duration(min)

Redux quiz niveau intermédiaire

Ces tests vous permettent d'évaluer les connaissances de vos candidats sur Redux, la bibliothèque compacte qui fournit un conteneur d'état « predictable state container » pour les applications JavaScript. Connaissances mesurées : Reducers, Actions, Store, Middleware.

20 20
Prevue Assessment
Prevue Assessment

Online - desktop / tablet, Online - mobile

 Online - desktop / tablet, Online - mobile

60 Minutes

 60 Minutes

English (UK)

 English (UK)

Request a Quote
Request a Quote

The Prevue Assessment was developed by Professor David Bartram and Dr Pat Lindley. It is a high quality comprehensive psychometric measure which assesses:

  • Abilities - 3 areas + an overall measure
  • Motivation and interests – 3 areas
  • Personality – 13 areas

The Prevue Assessment has been designed to be quick and easy to use. It is useful for all occupations and can be used comfortably from age 15+.

What does the Prevue Assessment Measure?

It measures Abilities, Interests and Personality in one straightforward measure which takes about an hour to complete if handled in one sitting.

Abilities - Verbal, Numerical and Spatial Abilities – combining these to produce a general abilities scale

 Motivation & Interests - the extent to which the individual is interested in working with people, data and with things

Personality – 12 scales around 4 core themes (from the “big 5” model) – Independence, Conscientiousness, Extraversion and Stability. (The subscales measure cooperativeness, assertiveness, innovation, organisation, group orientation, outgoing ness, poise and excitability.)

 Social Desirability - The extent to which the individual presents a favourable picture of themselves

MTQ Plus
MTQ Plus

Online - desktop / tablet

 Online - desktop / tablet

15 Minutes

 15 Minutes

English (UK)

 English (UK)

Contact Us
Contact Us

Mental Toughness describes the mindset that every person adopts in everything they do. It is closely related to qualities such as character, resilience, grit, etc. It is defined as: “A personality trait which determines, in large part, how people respond to challenge, stress and pressure, irrespective of their circumstances”. Most personality models and measures assess the behavioural aspects of Personality (how we act).

Mental Toughness differs in that it assesses something more fundamental – “how we think”. In other words, why we act and respond emotionally to events. It enables us to understand mindset in a very practical way. Research carried out under the direction of Professor Peter Clough of Huddersfield University identified by 2002 the four key components (constructs) of Mental Toughness. These are called the 4Cs. In 2017, work by Doug Strycharczyk, Dr John Perry and Professor Clough, allowed the concept to be expanded to eight factors to be understood and assessed around the 4Cs. This is shown below:

Mental Toughness Scale What does MTQ assess… the 8 Factors


Life Control – I really believe in myself, I can do it

Emotional Control – I can manage my emotions and the emotions of others


Goal Orientation – I set goals and like the idea of working toward goals

Achievement Orientation – I do what it takes to keep promises and achieve goals


Risk Orientation – I stretch myself, welcoming new and different experiences

Learning Orientation – I learn from what happens, including setbacks


In Abilities – I believe I have the ability to do it, or can acquire the ability

Interpersonal Confidence – I can influence others


Why is Mental Toughness important?

Published research and case studies from around the world show that Mental Toughness is a major factor in: • Performance – explaining up to 25% of the variation in performance in individuals

• Agility - Positive Behaviour – more engaged, more positive, more “can do”, dealing well with change

• Wellbeing – more contentment, better stress management, less prone to bullying

• Aspirations - more ambitious, prepared to manage more risk It is a major factor in retention, particularly in higher education, employability and is a key aspect of an organisation’s culture.

It has applications in virtually every sector. In the world of work, it is key for leadership and staff development, particularly within change programmes as well as in talent management programmes. It is also widely used for developing young people in education, in youth work and social mobility programmes.

Can we develop Mental Toughness?

We can. We can either help someone change their mental toughness or we can show someone how to adopt the behaviours that a mentally tough person would adopt. Either way, many of the benefits of developing mental toughness can be achieved. 

MTQ48 is a really valuable tool. It certainly makes you think about your performance and positive behaviour – and what you can do about both. We liked the report structure which equipped the manager/coach and the individual with relevant information and practical development suggestions.  -Liz Chandler Director for Corporate Development, Merseytravel


Online - desktop / tablet

 Online - desktop / tablet

15 Minutes

 15 Minutes

English (UK)

 English (UK)

Contact Us
Contact Us

What is the Integrated Leadership Model (ILM72)?

The Integrated Leadership Model is the result of a major study carried out by AQR International in 2005. Carried out by Dr Nollaig Heffernan under the supervision and guidance of Professor Clough and Doug Strycharczyk, CEO.

The study looked at over 50 leadership models and found that all had their origins in the same components - 6 scales which represented the different aspects of leadership style.

This confirmed that the essence of leadership was consistently based on a number of key notions. The study did not develop a new model of leadership, more accurately it “brought order to the chaos that is leadership theory and practice”. Equally importantly it provided an accessible and very practical framework for understanding and developing leadership practice. Further research carried out by Clough & Strycharczyk within the same programme showed that there were three core competencies which are crucial for leadership effectiveness.

An important by-product of the programme was the development of a reliable psychometric measure - ILM72 – which assesses both the specific scales (style) and the global scales indicating leadership effectiveness. These map to almost all leadership models.

Assessing Leadership Style and Leadership Effectiveness

The ILM72 is a seventy-two item questionnaire which produces output on both leadership style and leadership effectiveness factors. The measure produces development reports for individuals, for coaches/managers as well as generating questions for reflection and understanding.

The measure can also be used to assess difference before and after an event to determine where development has occurred. Bringing effective evaluation into the picture.

A tool for organisational development

Importantly it is possible to aggregate data for a group or even a whole organisation, through an OD report, to get a picture of the prevailing leadership style – an important aspect of culture. This enables users to assess whether the given style is appropriate and exactly where leadership style might be developed. This is fundamentally important.


Participants report an increased level of selfawareness with regard to their own leadership style. The reports enable them to identify their strengths and areas for development, which are invaluable in their day to day role as a leader and in creating a personal development plan. -Sandra Keith, HRD Bristol


Online - desktop / tablet, Online - mobile

 Online - desktop / tablet, Online - mobile

15 Minutes

 15 Minutes

English (AUS), English (UK)...

 English (AUS), English (UK)...


This test assesses the candidates' medium knowledge in PhoneGap and their ability to create, build and work with PhoneGap applications and their plugins. Topics: phonegap, cordova, platform, device, plugin.

Why should you use this assessment?

SkillValue tests improve objectivity in the recruitment process and help you make reliable hiring decisions based on data driven scores, ranking and code analysis. They help you to minimise or remove biases that arise from CVs and panel interviews.  

You will be able to choose from a selection of questions available on our platform or add your own questions. We have 30, 000+ questions to choose from. We add 100+ new tests every year to our platform.

You can choose from the following 600+ tech and marketing skills assessments:

  • Java, .Net, PHP
  • Javascript, C, C++, Python, Ruby on Rails
  • Front end development
  • Full stack development
  • Mobile apps
  • IoT, embedded systems
  • Databases
  • Business intelligence
  • Big data
  • Game development
  • Product management
  • Blockchain
  • Multimedia
  • Maths and logic
  • OOP
  • UX/UI
  • Microsoft Office
  • Salesforce
  • SAP
  • Windev
  • DevOps
  • Infrastructure, AWS
  • Test automation

Happy Customers!

We are always recruiting, and the process is definitely more efficient with SkillValue. We discovered the platform whilst looking for a tool which would let us conduct IT tests with our applicants and from the minute we tried it, the process of pre-selecting our applicants was much easier. The tests are comprehensive and ready to use. The results are sent directly to the applicants and are accessible to our recruitment, making the entire selection process easier. SkillValue is the ideal recruitment tool.

Damien Chimier, Sales Director at Infotem.

Title and Description ( French) No. of Questions Duration(min)

PhoneGap quiz niveau intermédiaire

Ce test permet d'évaluer les connaissances intermédiaires en développement PhoneGap des candidats, et leur capacité de créer, construire et travailler avec des applications PhoneGap et leurs plugins. Connaissances mesurées : phonegap, cordova, plateforme, dispositifs, plugins.

20 15
Objective C iOS
Objective C iOS

Online - desktop / tablet, Online - mobile

 Online - desktop / tablet, Online - mobile

20 Minutes

 20 Minutes

English (AUS), English (UK)...

 English (AUS), English (UK)...


This test designed for experienced developers enables you to evaluate your candidates' iOS development and Objective C knowledge.

Title and Description  No. of Questions Duration(min)

Objective C iOS quiz advanced level

This test designed for experienced developers enables you to evaluate your candidates' iOS development and Objective C knowledge. Topics: classes, collections, encapsulation, user interface, threads, memory management, compiler.

15 10

Objective C iOS quiz medium level

This test assesses the candidate's intermediate skills in iOS development using Objective C. Topics: programming language, graphics, local databases, memory management, visual elements.

20 12

Objective C iOS quiz beginner level

This test assesses the candidate's beginner skills in iOS development. Topics: programming language, graphics, local databases, memory management, visual elements.

20 20

Why should you use this assessment?

SkillValue tests improve objectivity in the recruitment process and help you make reliable hiring decisions based on data driven scores, ranking and code analysis. They help you to minimise or remove biases that arise from CVs and panel interviews.  

You will be able to choose from a selection of questions available on our platform or add your own questions. We have 30, 000+ questions to choose from. We add 100+ new tests every year to our platform.

You can choose from the following 600+ tech and marketing skills assessments:

  • Java, .Net, PHP
  • Javascript, C, C++, Python, Ruby on Rails
  • Front end development
  • Full stack development
  • Mobile apps
  • IoT, embedded systems
  • Databases
  • Business intelligence
  • Big data
  • Game development
  • Product management
  • Blockchain
  • Multimedia
  • Maths and logic
  • OOP
  • UX/UI
  • Microsoft Office
  • Salesforce
  • SAP
  • Windev
  • DevOps
  • Infrastructure, AWS
  • Test automation

Happy Customers!

We are always recruiting, and the process is definitely more efficient with SkillValue. We discovered the platform whilst looking for a tool which would let us conduct IT tests with our applicants and from the minute we tried it, the process of pre-selecting our applicants was much easier. The tests are comprehensive and ready to use. The results are sent directly to the applicants and are accessible to our recruitment, making the entire selection process easier. SkillValue is the ideal recruitment tool.

Damien Chimier, Sales Director at Infotem.


Title and Description ( French) No. of Questions Duration(min)

Objective C iOS quiz niveau avancé

Ce test, créé pour les développeurs expérimentés, vous permet d'évaluer les connaissances de vos candidats sur le développement iOS et Objective C. Connaissances mesurées : classes, collections, encapsulation, interface utilisateur, threads, gestion de la mémoire, compilateur.

15 10

Objective C iOS quiz niveau intermédiaire

Ce test vous permet de vérifier les compétences des candidats de niveau intermédiaires sur le développement iOS avec Objective C. Connaissances mesurées : langage de programmation, graphiques, bases de données locales, gestion de la mémoire, éléments visuels...

20 12

Objective C iOS quiz niveau débutant

Ce test vous permet de vérifier les compétences des candidats de niveau débutant sur le développement iOS. Connaissances mesurées : langage de programmation, graphiques, bases de données locales, gestion de la mémoire, éléments visuels ...

20 20
SharePoint 2010 Development
SharePoint 2010 Development

Online - desktop / tablet, Online - mobile

 Online - desktop / tablet, Online - mobile

30 Minutes

 30 Minutes

English (AUS), English (UK)...

 English (AUS), English (UK)...


This test assesses medium or advanced skills in SharePoint 2010 development. This test will cover topics as such SharePoint Farms, Web Applications, SharePoint Sites & Webs, list definitions, custom actions, web-parts, custom site definitions. Topics: - SharePoint 2010 object model. - SharePoint components and how to build custom entities. - SharePoint 2010 configuration and customization options.

Why should you use this assessment?

SkillValue tests improve objectivity in the recruitment process and help you make reliable hiring decisions based on data driven scores, ranking and code analysis. They help you to minimise or remove biases that arise from CVs and panel interviews.  

You will be able to choose from a selection of questions available on our platform or add your own questions. We have 30, 000+ questions to choose from. We add 100+ new tests every year to our platform.

You can choose from the following 600+ tech and marketing skills assessments:

  • Java, .Net, PHP
  • Javascript, C, C++, Python, Ruby on Rails
  • Front end development
  • Full stack development
  • Mobile apps
  • IoT, embedded systems
  • Databases
  • Business intelligence
  • Big data
  • Game development
  • Product management
  • Blockchain
  • Multimedia
  • Maths and logic
  • OOP
  • UX/UI
  • Microsoft Office
  • Salesforce
  • SAP
  • Windev
  • DevOps
  • Infrastructure, AWS
  • Test automation

Happy Customers!

We are always recruiting, and the process is definitely more efficient with SkillValue. We discovered the platform whilst looking for a tool which would let us conduct IT tests with our applicants and from the minute we tried it, the process of pre-selecting our applicants was much easier. The tests are comprehensive and ready to use. The results are sent directly to the applicants and are accessible to our recruitment, making the entire selection process easier. SkillValue is the ideal recruitment tool.

Développeur .NET C# 4.0
Développeur .NET C# 4.0

Online - desktop / tablet, Online - mobile

 Online - desktop / tablet, Online - mobile

40 Minutes

 40 Minutes




Ce test est destiné à l'évaluation des développeurs .NET confirmés et expérimentés. Connaissances mesurées : LINQ, threads, collections, principes POO, types de données.

Why should you use this assessment?

SkillValue tests improve objectivity in the recruitment process and help you make reliable hiring decisions based on data driven scores, ranking and code analysis. They help you to minimise or remove biases that arise from CVs and panel interviews.  

You will be able to choose from a selection of questions available on our platform or add your own questions. We have 30, 000+ questions to choose from. We add 100+ new tests every year to our platform.

You can choose from the following 600+ tech and marketing skills assessments:

  • Java, .Net, PHP
  • Javascript, C, C++, Python, Ruby on Rails
  • Front end development
  • Full stack development
  • Mobile apps
  • IoT, embedded systems
  • Databases
  • Business intelligence
  • Big data
  • Game development
  • Product management
  • Blockchain
  • Multimedia
  • Maths and logic
  • OOP
  • UX/UI
  • Microsoft Office
  • Salesforce
  • SAP
  • Windev
  • DevOps
  • Infrastructure, AWS
  • Test automation

Happy Customers!

We are always recruiting, and the process is definitely more efficient with SkillValue. We discovered the platform whilst looking for a tool which would let us conduct IT tests with our applicants and from the minute we tried it, the process of pre-selecting our applicants was much easier. The tests are comprehensive and ready to use. The results are sent directly to the applicants and are accessible to our recruitment, making the entire selection process easier. SkillValue is the ideal recruitment tool.

SharePoint 2007 Development
SharePoint 2007 Development

Online - desktop / tablet, Online - mobile

 Online - desktop / tablet, Online - mobile

30 Minutes

 30 Minutes

English (AUS), English (UK)...

 English (AUS), English (UK)...


This test assesses medium or advanced skills in SharePoint 2007 development. This test covers topics such as SharePoint Farms, Web Applications, SharePoint Sites & Webs, list definitions, custom actions, web parts, custom site definitions, etc. and will give you the opportunity to check your knowledge of the most important features of SharePoint development. Topics: - SharePoint 2007 object model. - SharePoint components and how to build custom entities. - SharePoint 2007 configuration and customization options.

Why should you use this assessment?

SkillValue tests improve objectivity in the recruitment process and help you make reliable hiring decisions based on data driven scores, ranking and code analysis. They help you to minimise or remove biases that arise from CVs and panel interviews.  

You will be able to choose from a selection of questions available on our platform or add your own questions. We have 30, 000+ questions to choose from. We add 100+ new tests every year to our platform.

You can choose from the following 600+ tech and marketing skills assessments:

  • Java, .Net, PHP
  • Javascript, C, C++, Python, Ruby on Rails
  • Front end development
  • Full stack development
  • Mobile apps
  • IoT, embedded systems
  • Databases
  • Business intelligence
  • Big data
  • Game development
  • Product management
  • Blockchain
  • Multimedia
  • Maths and logic
  • OOP
  • UX/UI
  • Microsoft Office
  • Salesforce
  • SAP
  • Windev
  • DevOps
  • Infrastructure, AWS
  • Test automation

Happy Customers!

We are always recruiting, and the process is definitely more efficient with SkillValue. We discovered the platform whilst looking for a tool which would let us conduct IT tests with our applicants and from the minute we tried it, the process of pre-selecting our applicants was much easier. The tests are comprehensive and ready to use. The results are sent directly to the applicants and are accessible to our recruitment, making the entire selection process easier. SkillValue is the ideal recruitment tool.

.NET C# 4.0
.NET C# 4.0

Online - desktop / tablet, Online - mobile

 Online - desktop / tablet, Online - mobile

40 Minutes

 40 Minutes

English (AUS), English (UK)...

 English (AUS), English (UK)...


This test is especially designed for intermediate and experienced .NET developers. Topics: LINQ, Threads, Collections, OOP principles, Data Types.

Why should you use this assessment?

SkillValue tests improve objectivity in the recruitment process and help you make reliable hiring decisions based on data driven scores, ranking and code analysis. They help you to minimise or remove biases that arise from CVs and panel interviews.  

You will be able to choose from a selection of questions available on our platform or add your own questions. We have 30, 000+ questions to choose from. We add 100+ new tests every year to our platform.

You can choose from the following 600+ tech and marketing skills assessments:

  • Java, .Net, PHP
  • Javascript, C, C++, Python, Ruby on Rails
  • Front end development
  • Full stack development
  • Mobile apps
  • IoT, embedded systems
  • Databases
  • Business intelligence
  • Big data
  • Game development
  • Product management
  • Blockchain
  • Multimedia
  • Maths and logic
  • OOP
  • UX/UI
  • Microsoft Office
  • Salesforce
  • SAP
  • Windev
  • DevOps
  • Infrastructure, AWS
  • Test automation

Happy Customers!

We are always recruiting, and the process is definitely more efficient with SkillValue. We discovered the platform whilst looking for a tool which would let us conduct IT tests with our applicants and from the minute we tried it, the process of pre-selecting our applicants was much easier. The tests are comprehensive and ready to use. The results are sent directly to the applicants and are accessible to our recruitment, making the entire selection process easier. SkillValue is the ideal recruitment tool.

.NET 4.0 Silverlight
.NET 4.0 Silverlight

Online - desktop / tablet, Online - mobile

 Online - desktop / tablet, Online - mobile

20 Minutes

 20 Minutes

English (AUS), English (UK)...

 English (AUS), English (UK)...


This test aims to assess the candidate's knowledge about Silverlight programming concepts, Silverlight infrastructure and new Silverlight 4.0 features. Topics: new additions in Silverlight 4.0, Silverlight programming concepts, Silverlight project organization and infrastructure.

Why should you use this assessment?

SkillValue tests improve objectivity in the recruitment process and help you make reliable hiring decisions based on data driven scores, ranking and code analysis. They help you to minimise or remove biases that arise from CVs and panel interviews.  

You will be able to choose from a selection of questions available on our platform or add your own questions. We have 30, 000+ questions to choose from. We add 100+ new tests every year to our platform.

You can choose from the following 600+ tech and marketing skills assessments:

  • Java, .Net, PHP
  • Javascript, C, C++, Python, Ruby on Rails
  • Front end development
  • Full stack development
  • Mobile apps
  • IoT, embedded systems
  • Databases
  • Business intelligence
  • Big data
  • Game development
  • Product management
  • Blockchain
  • Multimedia
  • Maths and logic
  • OOP
  • UX/UI
  • Microsoft Office
  • Salesforce
  • SAP
  • Windev
  • DevOps
  • Infrastructure, AWS
  • Test automation

Happy Customers!

We are always recruiting, and the process is definitely more efficient with SkillValue. We discovered the platform whilst looking for a tool which would let us conduct IT tests with our applicants and from the minute we tried it, the process of pre-selecting our applicants was much easier. The tests are comprehensive and ready to use. The results are sent directly to the applicants and are accessible to our recruitment, making the entire selection process easier. SkillValue is the ideal recruitment tool.

Damien Chimier, Sales Director at Infotem.

Title and Description ( French) No. of Questions Duration(min)

.NET 4.0 Silverlight quiz niveau intermédiaire

Ce test vise à évaluer les connaissances des candidats sur les concepts de la programmation Silverlight, l'infrastructure Silverlight et les nouvelles fonctionnalités de Silverlight 4.0. Connaissances mesurées : nouvelles fonctionnalités dans Silverlight 4.0, concepts de programmation Silverlight, organisation et infrastructure du projet Silverlight.

20 20
Verbal Ability or Reasoning Test (for Practitioner)



Verbal Ability or Reasoning Test (for Practitioner)

Online - desktop / tablet, Online - mobile

 Online - desktop / tablet, Online - mobile

15 Minutes

 15 Minutes

English (UK)

 English (UK)


Are you looking to assess your candidates’ potential? If the answer is yes, then use ability tests such as verbal, numerical and logical.

Using a verbal ability test, you will be able to assess candidate’s ability to use English language in the workplace i.e. to communicate and understand. 

You will be able to request a complete cognitive ability test covering verbal, numerical and logical reasoning. Our Personality Insights Report includes cognitive ability results too.

Note: The SOVA Cognitive ability tests (verbal, numerical, and logical) are timed tests although the time is not present on screen. Therefore, we ask candidates to work as accurately and as quickly as they can – remember, ability tests measure maximum performance.

Personality Assessment (for Practitioner)



Personality Assessment (for Practitioner)

Online - desktop / tablet, Online - mobile

 Online - desktop / tablet, Online - mobile

15 Minutes

 15 Minutes

English (UK), English (US)...

 English (UK), English (US)...

Our personality assessment is based on six major dimensions of personality i.e. HEXACO model. The factors that make up the HEXACO model: Honest-humility
Openness to Experience We provide two different types of reports which can be used by test practitioners who are qualified at the Test User Occupational Personality level. Please refer to the reports section for further information.  Note: The SOVA Cognitive ability tests (verbal, numerical, and logical) are timed tests although the time is not present on screen. Therefore, we ask candidates to work as accurately and as quickly as they can – remember, ability tests measure maximum performance.
Logical Ability or Reasoning Test



Logical Ability or Reasoning Test

Online - desktop / tablet, Online - mobile

 Online - desktop / tablet, Online - mobile

16 Minutes

 16 Minutes

English (UK)

 English (UK)

Are you looking to assess your candidates’ potential? If the answer is yes, then use ability tests such as verbal, numerical and logical. Logical reasoning assesses how quickly and accurately a person can execute factually-based decisions. Candidates will be expected to go through logical and abstract reasoning, extract rules, and structures to find a correct answer among a set of possible options.   You will be able to request a complete cognitive ability test covering verbal, numerical and logical reasoning. Our Personality Insights Report includes cognitive ability results too. Note: The SOVA Cognitive ability tests (verbal, numerical, and logical) are timed tests although the time is not present on screen. Therefore, we ask candidates to work as accurately and as quickly as they can – remember, ability tests measure maximum performance.
Logical Ability or Reasoning Test (for Practitioner)



Logical Ability or Reasoning Test (for Practitioner)

Online - desktop / tablet, Online - mobile

 Online - desktop / tablet, Online - mobile

16 Minutes

 16 Minutes

English (UK)

 English (UK)

Are you looking to assess your candidates’ potential? If the answer is yes, then use ability tests such as verbal, numerical and logical. Logical reasoning assesses how quickly and accurately a person can execute factually-based decisions. Candidates will be expected to go through logical and abstract reasoning, extract rules, and structures to find a correct answer among a set of possible options.   You will be able to request a complete cognitive ability test covering verbal, numerical and logical reasoning. Our Personality Insights Report includes cognitive ability results too. Note: The SOVA Cognitive ability tests (verbal, numerical, and logical) are timed tests although the time is not present on screen. Therefore, we ask candidates to work as accurately and as quickly as they can – remember, ability tests measure maximum performance.
Verbal Ability or Reasoning Test



Verbal Ability or Reasoning Test

Online - desktop / tablet, Online - mobile

 Online - desktop / tablet, Online - mobile

15 Minutes

 15 Minutes

English (UK)

 English (UK)

Are you looking to assess your candidates’ potential? If the answer is yes, then use ability tests such as verbal, numerical and logical. Using a verbal ability test, you will be able to assess candidate’s ability to use English language in the workplace i.e. to communicate and understand.  You will be able to request a complete cognitive ability test covering verbal, numerical and logical reasoning. Our Personality Insights Report includes cognitive ability results too. Note: Note: The SOVA Cognitive ability tests (verbal, numerical, and logical) are timed tests although the time is not present on screen. Therefore, we ask candidates to work as accurately and as quickly as they can – remember, ability tests measure maximum performance.”  
PHP5 Development
PHP5 Development

Online - desktop / tablet, Online - mobile

 Online - desktop / tablet, Online - mobile

20 Minutes

 20 Minutes

English (AUS), English (UK)...

 English (AUS), English (UK)...


This test has been designed to measure the candidate's medium knowledge of PHP5. It focuses on syntax, widely used PHP features and the PHP environment, having a more practical approach. Topics: type hinting, references, OOP, debugging, regular expressions, image manipulation, output buffering, magic functions.

Why should you use this assessment?

SkillValue tests improve objectivity in the recruitment process and help you make reliable hiring decisions based on data driven scores, ranking and code analysis. They help you to minimise or remove biases that arise from CVs and panel interviews.  

You will be able to choose from a selection of questions available on our platform or add your own questions. We have 30, 000+ questions to choose from. We add 100+ new tests every year to our platform.

You can choose from the following 600+ tech and marketing skills assessments:

  • Java, .Net, PHP
  • Javascript, C, C++, Python, Ruby on Rails
  • Front end development
  • Full stack development
  • Mobile apps
  • IoT, embedded systems
  • Databases
  • Business intelligence
  • Big data
  • Game development
  • Product management
  • Blockchain
  • Multimedia
  • Maths and logic
  • OOP
  • UX/UI
  • Microsoft Office
  • Salesforce
  • SAP
  • Windev
  • DevOps
  • Infrastructure, AWS
  • Test automation

Happy Customers!

We are always recruiting, and the process is definitely more efficient with SkillValue. We discovered the platform whilst looking for a tool which would let us conduct IT tests with our applicants and from the minute we tried it, the process of pre-selecting our applicants was much easier. The tests are comprehensive and ready to use. The results are sent directly to the applicants and are accessible to our recruitment, making the entire selection process easier. SkillValue is the ideal recruitment tool.

Damien Chimier, Sales Director at Infotem.

Title and Description ( French) No. of Questions Duration(min)

Développement PHP5 quiz niveau intermédiaire

Ce quiz a été créé pour mesurer les connaissances intermédiaires des candidats sur PHP5 et vise la syntaxe, les caractéristiques PHP les plus utilisées et l'environnement PHP, ayant une approche plus pratique. Connaissances mesurées : type hinting, références, POO, débogage, expressions régulières, manipulation d'images, bufferisation de sortie, fonctions magiques.

20 20

Online - desktop / tablet, Online - mobile

 Online - desktop / tablet, Online - mobile

20 Minutes

 20 Minutes

English (AUS), English (UK)...

 English (AUS), English (UK)...


This test evaluates the candidate's basic knowledge in PHP programming. Topics: PHP concepts and basic environment knowledge, syntax, arrays, OOP, Regular Expressions.

Why should you use this assessment?

SkillValue tests improve objectivity in the recruitment process and help you make reliable hiring decisions based on data driven scores, ranking and code analysis. They help you to minimise or remove biases that arise from CVs and panel interviews.  

You will be able to choose from a selection of questions available on our platform or add your own questions. We have 30, 000+ questions to choose from. We add 100+ new tests every year to our platform.

You can choose from the following 600+ tech and marketing skills assessments:

  • Java, .Net, PHP
  • Javascript, C, C++, Python, Ruby on Rails
  • Front end development
  • Full stack development
  • Mobile apps
  • IoT, embedded systems
  • Databases
  • Business intelligence
  • Big data
  • Game development
  • Product management
  • Blockchain
  • Multimedia
  • Maths and logic
  • OOP
  • UX/UI
  • Microsoft Office
  • Salesforce
  • SAP
  • Windev
  • DevOps
  • Infrastructure, AWS
  • Test automation

Happy Customers!

We are always recruiting, and the process is definitely more efficient with SkillValue. We discovered the platform whilst looking for a tool which would let us conduct IT tests with our applicants and from the minute we tried it, the process of pre-selecting our applicants was much easier. The tests are comprehensive and ready to use. The results are sent directly to the applicants and are accessible to our recruitment, making the entire selection process easier. SkillValue is the ideal recruitment tool.

Damien Chimier, Sales Director at Infotem.

Title and Description ( French) No. of Questions Duration(min)

PHP quiz niveau débutant

Ce test vérifie les capacités de base des candidats en programmation PHP. Connaissances mesurées : concepts PHP, environnement PHP, syntaxe, arrays, OOP, Regular Expressions.

20 20

Online - desktop / tablet, Online - mobile

 Online - desktop / tablet, Online - mobile

40 Minutes

 40 Minutes

English (AUS), English (UK)...

 English (AUS), English (UK)...


This test assesses the candidate's medium knowledge of the PHP 7 environment, with focus on the new features of PHP 7. Topics: OOP, variables, operators, exceptions, void return type, generator delegation, iterable type.

Why should you use this assessment?

SkillValue tests improve objectivity in the recruitment process and help you make reliable hiring decisions based on data driven scores, ranking and code analysis. They help you to minimise or remove biases that arise from CVs and panel interviews.  

You will be able to choose from a selection of questions available on our platform or add your own questions. We have 30, 000+ questions to choose from. We add 100+ new tests every year to our platform.

You can choose from the following 600+ tech and marketing skills assessments:

  • Java, .Net, PHP
  • Javascript, C, C++, Python, Ruby on Rails
  • Front end development
  • Full stack development
  • Mobile apps
  • IoT, embedded systems
  • Databases
  • Business intelligence
  • Big data
  • Game development
  • Product management
  • Blockchain
  • Multimedia
  • Maths and logic
  • OOP
  • UX/UI
  • Microsoft Office
  • Salesforce
  • SAP
  • Windev
  • DevOps
  • Infrastructure, AWS
  • Test automation

Happy Customers!

We are always recruiting, and the process is definitely more efficient with SkillValue. We discovered the platform whilst looking for a tool which would let us conduct IT tests with our applicants and from the minute we tried it, the process of pre-selecting our applicants was much easier. The tests are comprehensive and ready to use. The results are sent directly to the applicants and are accessible to our recruitment, making the entire selection process easier. SkillValue is the ideal recruitment tool.

Damien Chimier, Sales Director at Infotem.

Title and Description ( French) No. of Questions Duration(min)

PHP 7 quiz niveau intermédiaire

Ce test évalue les compétences des candidats en PHP7, notamment conçernant les nouvelles fonctionnalités de la version 7. Connaissances mesurées : POO, variables, opérateurs, exceptions, void return type, generator delegation, iterable type.

20 40
Drupal 8
Drupal 8

Online - desktop / tablet, Online - mobile

 Online - desktop / tablet, Online - mobile

10 Minutes

 10 Minutes

English (AUS), English (UK)...

 English (AUS), English (UK)...


This test assesses the candidate's medium knowledge of Drupal 8. Topics: Cache API, Render API, Drush, Database API, JavaScript, Composer, Theme.

Why should you use this assessment?

SkillValue tests improve objectivity in the recruitment process and help you make reliable hiring decisions based on data driven scores, ranking and code analysis. They help you to minimise or remove biases that arise from CVs and panel interviews.  

You will be able to choose from a selection of questions available on our platform or add your own questions. We have 30, 000+ questions to choose from. We add 100+ new tests every year to our platform.

You can choose from the following 600+ tech and marketing skills assessments:

  • Java, .Net, PHP
  • Javascript, C, C++, Python, Ruby on Rails
  • Front end development
  • Full stack development
  • Mobile apps
  • IoT, embedded systems
  • Databases
  • Business intelligence
  • Big data
  • Game development
  • Product management
  • Blockchain
  • Multimedia
  • Maths and logic
  • OOP
  • UX/UI
  • Microsoft Office
  • Salesforce
  • SAP
  • Windev
  • DevOps
  • Infrastructure, AWS
  • Test automation

Happy Customers!

We are always recruiting, and the process is definitely more efficient with SkillValue. We discovered the platform whilst looking for a tool which would let us conduct IT tests with our applicants and from the minute we tried it, the process of pre-selecting our applicants was much easier. The tests are comprehensive and ready to use. The results are sent directly to the applicants and are accessible to our recruitment, making the entire selection process easier. SkillValue is the ideal recruitment tool.

Damien Chimier, Sales Director at Infotem.

Title and Description ( French) No. of Questions Duration(min)

Drupal 8 quiz niveau intermédiaire

Ce test vous permet d'évaluer les connaissances en Drupal 8. Sujets : Cache API, Render API, Drush, Base de donnée API, JavaScript, Composer, Theme.

20 10

Online - desktop / tablet, Online - mobile

 Online - desktop / tablet, Online - mobile

15 Minutes

 15 Minutes

English (AUS), English (UK)...

 English (AUS), English (UK)...


Designed for experienced specialists, this quiz will allow you to test knowledge of JUnit, the unit testing framework of the Java programming language. Topics: environment setup, test writing, test suites, test fixtures, use of assertions, dependencies.

Why should you use this assessment?

SkillValue tests improve objectivity in the recruitment process and help you make reliable hiring decisions based on data driven scores, ranking and code analysis. They help you to minimise or remove biases that arise from CVs and panel interviews.  

You will be able to choose from a selection of questions available on our platform or add your own questions. We have 30, 000+ questions to choose from. We add 100+ new tests every year to our platform.

You can choose from the following 600+ tech and marketing skills assessments:

  • Java, .Net, PHP
  • Javascript, C, C++, Python, Ruby on Rails
  • Front end development
  • Full stack development
  • Mobile apps
  • IoT, embedded systems
  • Databases
  • Business intelligence
  • Big data
  • Game development
  • Product management
  • Blockchain
  • Multimedia
  • Maths and logic
  • OOP
  • UX/UI
  • Microsoft Office
  • Salesforce
  • SAP
  • Windev
  • DevOps
  • Infrastructure, AWS
  • Test automation

Happy Customers!

We are always recruiting, and the process is definitely more efficient with SkillValue. We discovered the platform whilst looking for a tool which would let us conduct IT tests with our applicants and from the minute we tried it, the process of pre-selecting our applicants was much easier. The tests are comprehensive and ready to use. The results are sent directly to the applicants and are accessible to our recruitment, making the entire selection process easier. SkillValue is the ideal recruitment tool.

Damien Chimier, Sales Director at Infotem.

Title and Description ( French) No. of Questions Duration(min)

JUnit quiz niveau intermédiaire

Conçu pour les développeurs expérimentés, ce test vous permet d'évaluer les connaissances de JUnit, le framework de tests unitaires du langage de programmation Java. Connaissances mesurées : installation d'environnement, écriture de tests, suites de tests, montages d'essai, utilisation d'assertions, dépendances.

20 15
Numerical Ability or Reasoning Test



Numerical Ability or Reasoning Test

Online - desktop / tablet, Online - mobile

 Online - desktop / tablet, Online - mobile

15 Minutes

 15 Minutes

English (UK)

 English (UK)

Are you looking to assess your candidates’ potential? If the answer is yes, then use ability tests such as verbal, numerical and logical. Numerical reasoning assesses how quickly and accurately a person can make factually-based decisions. You will be able to request a complete cognitive ability test covering verbal, numerical and logical reasoning. Our Personality Insights Report includes cognitive ability results too. Note: The SOVA platform complies with the ‘Web Content Accessibility Guidelines’ and timings on the ability tests can be adjusted for individuals who have neurodiverse conditions.
Numerical Ability or Reasoning Test (for Practitioner)



Numerical Ability or Reasoning Test (for Practitioner)

Online - desktop / tablet, Online - mobile

 Online - desktop / tablet, Online - mobile

15 Minutes

 15 Minutes

English (UK)

 English (UK)

Are you looking to assess your candidates’ potential? If the answer is yes, then use ability tests such as verbal, numerical and logical. Numerical reasoning assesses how quickly and accurately a person can make factually-based decisions. You will be able to request a complete cognitive ability test covering verbal, numerical and logical reasoning. Our Personality Insights Report includes cognitive ability results too. Note: The SOVA platform complies with the ‘Web Content Accessibility Guidelines’ and timings on the ability tests can be adjusted for individuals who have neurodiverse conditions.
Personality Assessment (Tailored)



Personality Assessment (Tailored)

Online - desktop / tablet, Online - mobile

 Online - desktop / tablet, Online - mobile

15 Minutes

 15 Minutes

English (UK), English (US)...

 English (UK), English (US)...

Our personality assessment is based on six major dimensions of personality i.e. HEXACO model. The factors that make up the HEXACo model: Honest-humility
Openness to Experience
We provide three different types of reports which can be used by interviewers. Please refer to the reports section for further information. We provide lots of support to help our clients use our tailored assessments, including full debrief sessions before interviews commence to answer any questions arising and to do a deeper dive into the candidates’ personality, ability, and derailment reports.  Note: The SOVA Cognitive ability tests (verbal, numerical, and logical) are timed tests although the time is not present on screen. Therefore, we ask candidates to work as accurately and as quickly as they can – remember, ability tests measure maximum performance.
Java SE 8
Java SE 8

Online - desktop / tablet, Online - mobile

 Online - desktop / tablet, Online - mobile

40 Minutes

 40 Minutes

English (AUS), English (UK)...

 English (AUS), English (UK)...


Designed for experienced specialists, this quiz allows you to test your candidate's knowledge on the new Java SE 8 features. Topics: Memory management, Method enhancements, Streams, Lambdas, New date/time API, Optionals, and Concurrency.

Title and Description  No. of Questions Duration(min)

Java SE 8 quiz advanced level

Designed for experienced specialists, this quiz allows you to test your candidate's knowledge on the new Java SE 8 features. Topics: Memory management, Method enhancements, Streams, Lambdas, New date/time API, Optionals, and Concurrency.

20 40

Java SE 8 quiz medium level

This test evaluates the candidate's medium knowledge of the latest enhancements in Java SE 8, new features and API. Topics: Methods enhancements, Lambda expressions, Streams, Optionals, New date and time API, Annotations.

20 30

Java SE 8 quiz beginner level

This test is designed to measure beginner knowledge of Java SE 8, as well as the candidate's understanding of the platform's new features and APIs. Topics: Method enhancements, Lambda expressions, Streams, Optionals, New date and time API, Annotations.

20 30

Why should you use this assessment?

SkillValue tests improve objectivity in the recruitment process and help you make reliable hiring decisions based on data driven scores, ranking and code analysis. They help you to minimise or remove biases that arise from CVs and panel interviews.  

You will be able to choose from a selection of questions available on our platform or add your own questions. We have 30, 000+ questions to choose from. We add 100+ new tests every year to our platform.

You can choose from the following 600+ tech and marketing skills assessments:

  • Java, .Net, PHP
  • Javascript, C, C++, Python, Ruby on Rails
  • Front end development
  • Full stack development
  • Mobile apps
  • IoT, embedded systems
  • Databases
  • Business intelligence
  • Big data
  • Game development
  • Product management
  • Blockchain
  • Multimedia
  • Maths and logic
  • OOP
  • UX/UI
  • Microsoft Office
  • Salesforce
  • SAP
  • Windev
  • DevOps
  • Infrastructure, AWS
  • Test automation

Happy Customers!

We are always recruiting, and the process is definitely more efficient with SkillValue. We discovered the platform whilst looking for a tool which would let us conduct IT tests with our applicants and from the minute we tried it, the process of pre-selecting our applicants was much easier. The tests are comprehensive and ready to use. The results are sent directly to the applicants and are accessible to our recruitment, making the entire selection process easier. SkillValue is the ideal recruitment tool.

Damien Chimier, Sales Director at Infotem.


Title and Description ( French) No. of Questions Duration(min)

Java SE 8 quiz niveau avancé

Conçu pour les spécialistes expérimentés, ce test vous permet de vérifier les connaissances sur les nouvelles fonctionnalités de Java SE 8. Connaissances mesurées : gestion de mémoire, amélioration des méthodes, flux de données (streams), expressions Lambda, Nouvelle API Date and Time, optionnels, et concurrence.

20 40

Java SE 8 quiz niveau intermédiaire

Ce test évalue les connaissances de niveau intermédiaire du candidat en ce qui concerne les nouvelles améliorations de Java SE 8, les nouvelles fonctionnalités et API. Connaissances mesurées : améliorations des méthodes, expressions Lambda, flux, optionnels, nouvelles API date et heure, annotations.

20 30

Java SE 8 quiz niveau débutant

Ce test a été spécialement créé pour évaluer les connaissances de niveau débutant en Java SE 8 et la compréhension des dernières fonctionnalités et APIs. Connaissances mesurées : amélioration de méthodes, expressions Lambda, flux, Optional, nouvelle API Date and Time, annotations.

20 30

Online - desktop / tablet, Online - mobile

 Online - desktop / tablet, Online - mobile

40 Minutes

 40 Minutes

English (AUS), English (UK)...

 English (AUS), English (UK)...


This test assesses the candidates' work experience with SSAS, focusing on their medium skills in SQL Server Analysis Services (SSAS). The SSAS medium level quiz covers the following main topics: Data source management and design, cube development, SSAS features usage, deployment.

Why should you use this assessment?

SkillValue tests improve objectivity in the recruitment process and help you make reliable hiring decisions based on data driven scores, ranking and code analysis. They help you to minimise or remove biases that arise from CVs and panel interviews.  

You will be able to choose from a selection of questions available on our platform or add your own questions. We have 30, 000+ questions to choose from. We add 100+ new tests every year to our platform.

You can choose from the following 600+ tech and marketing skills assessments:

  • Java, .Net, PHP
  • Javascript, C, C++, Python, Ruby on Rails
  • Front end development
  • Full stack development
  • Mobile apps
  • IoT, embedded systems
  • Databases
  • Business intelligence
  • Big data
  • Game development
  • Product management
  • Blockchain
  • Multimedia
  • Maths and logic
  • OOP
  • UX/UI
  • Microsoft Office
  • Salesforce
  • SAP
  • Windev
  • DevOps
  • Infrastructure, AWS
  • Test automation

Happy Customers!

We are always recruiting, and the process is definitely more efficient with SkillValue. We discovered the platform whilst looking for a tool which would let us conduct IT tests with our applicants and from the minute we tried it, the process of pre-selecting our applicants was much easier. The tests are comprehensive and ready to use. The results are sent directly to the applicants and are accessible to our recruitment, making the entire selection process easier. SkillValue is the ideal recruitment tool.

Damien Chimier, Sales Director at Infotem.

Title and Description ( French) No. of Questions Duration(min)

SSAS quiz niveau intermédiaire

Ce test est dédié à l'évaluation des capacités des candidats à travailler avec SSAS. Il permet d'évaluer leurs compétences de niveau intermédiaire sur SQL Server Analysis Services (SSAS) et porte sur les principaux sujets suivants : gestion et conception des sources de données, développement du cube, utilisation des fonctionnalités de SSAS, déploiement. Connaissances mesurées : Sources de données SSAS, Vue de source de données, cubes SSAS, modèles SSAS, tableaux Fact et Dimension.

24 40