Mechanical reasoning tests require candidates to demonstrate their ability to apply mechanical and physical laws to real objects and processes. they will be presented with illustrations of mechanical processes such as gears, pulleys, levers and hydraulics in novel situations, and they must conclude which multiple choice answer demonstrates the correct function or principle.
Suitable for:
For roles where candidates will need to work with and understand mechanical or technical concepts. Using a multiple choice formal under timed conditions, candidates are presented with images and will use mechanical reasoning skills to deduce what will happen in the picture.
Difficulty levels:
Essential – Criterion Workforce Series: This suite includes assessments closer to basic comprehension tests. Designed for industry or manufacturing roles.
Cognitive ability or aptitude tests are an objective way of measuring an individual’s performance on different work related tasks or situations. They tap into reasoning skills and are therefore a measure of potential, rather than academic performance or stored knowledge.
They provide employers with an indication of how people will perform in a work setting and so are frequently used to decide whether a candidate has the baseline cognitive ‘firepower’ necessary to be successful in the role.
We provide the following coginitive ability tests:
- Numerical
- Verbal
- Abstract
- Mechanical
- Checking
When used alongside other psychometrics, such as personality questionnaires or scenario based tests, employers are able to build up a holistic picture of how the individual would behave in the role.