
This section includes all tests related to Information Security . Please refer to the list below as we will be regularly updating it. 

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Sécurité informatique pour les développeurs
Sécurité informatique pour les développeurs

Online - desktop / tablet, Online - mobile

 Online - desktop / tablet, Online - mobile

20 Minutes

 20 Minutes




Ce test vous aidera à évaluer les connaissances, de niveau débutant, de votre candidat en ce qui concerne les techniques de sécurité informatique pour testeurs.

Title and Description  No. of Questions Duration(min)

Sécurité informatique pour les développeurs quiz niveau débutant

Ce test porte sur les concepts de sécurité, de niveau débutant, pour les développeurs, tels que : le Top 10 de l'OWASP, les thèmes de CID (Confidentialité, Intégrité et Disponibilité) et les meilleures pratiques de sécurité générale. Il vous permettra de tester les connaissances théoriques de votre candidat en ce qui concerne les différentes attaques web (telles que SQLi, CSRF, XSS, les failles d'autorisation), les techniques d'attaque générale et les meilleures pratiques en matière de sécurité (indicateurs de cookies, en-têtes HTTP, politiques de mot de passe) et aussi d'indiquer quelles sont les mesures appropriées pour atténuer ces vulnérabilités. Il contiendra des concepts de CID et de chiffrement (hachage, chiffrement symétrique, chiffrement asymétrique).

20 20

Sécurité informatique pour les développeurs quiz niveau intermédiaire

Ce test porte sur les concepts de sécurité, de niveau intermédiaire, pour les développeurs, tels que : le Top 10 de l'OWASP, les thèmes de CID (Confidentialité, Intégrité et Disponibilité) et les meilleures pratiques de sécurité générale. Il vous permettra de tester les connaissances théoriques de votre candidat en ce qui concerne les différentes attaques web (telles que SQLi, CSRF, XSS, l'autorisation contournée), les techniques d'attaque générale et les meilleures pratiques en matière de sécurité, mais aussi les mesures appropriées pour atténuer ces vulnérabilités.

20 20

Why should you use this assessment?

SkillValue tests improve objectivity in the recruitment process and help you make reliable hiring decisions based on data driven scores, ranking and code analysis. They help you to minimise or remove biases that arise from CVs and panel interviews.  

You will be able to choose from a selection of questions available on our platform or add your own questions. We have 30, 000+ questions to choose from. We add 100+ new tests every year to our platform.

You can choose from the following 600+ tech and marketing skills assessments:

  • Java, .Net, PHP
  • Javascript, C, C++, Python, Ruby on Rails
  • Front end development
  • Full stack development
  • Mobile apps
  • IoT, embedded systems
  • Databases
  • Business intelligence
  • Big data
  • Game development
  • Product management
  • Blockchain
  • Multimedia
  • Maths and logic
  • OOP
  • UX/UI
  • Microsoft Office
  • Salesforce
  • SAP
  • Windev
  • DevOps
  • Infrastructure, AWS
  • Test automation

Happy Customers!

We are always recruiting, and the process is definitely more efficient with SkillValue. We discovered the platform whilst looking for a tool which would let us conduct IT tests with our applicants and from the minute we tried it, the process of pre-selecting our applicants was much easier. The tests are comprehensive and ready to use. The results are sent directly to the applicants and are accessible to our recruitment, making the entire selection process easier. SkillValue is the ideal recruitment tool.

Damien Chimier, Sales Director at Infotem.

Sécurité informatique pour les testeurs
Sécurité informatique pour les testeurs

Online - desktop / tablet, Online - mobile

 Online - desktop / tablet, Online - mobile

20 Minutes

 20 Minutes




Ce test vous aidera à évaluer les connaissances, de niveau débutant, de votre candidat en ce qui concerne les techniques de sécurité informatique pour testeurs.

Title and Description  No. of Questions Duration(min)

Sécurité informatique pour les testeurs quiz niveau débutant

Ce test vous aidera à évaluer les connaissances, de niveau débutant, de votre candidat en ce qui concerne les techniques de sécurité informatique pour testeurs. Vous pourrez vérifier ses compétences sur des concepts divers comme le test du TOP 10 de l'OWASP, ses connaissances théoriques sur les différentes attaques et les moyens de tester les vulnérabilités (SQLi, CSRF, XSS), ses connaissances théoriques générales sur le HTTP et les meilleures pratiques de sécurité (en-têtes HTTP, indicateurs de cookie), les concepts de CID (Confidentialité, Intégrité et Disponibilité) et les techniques de validation des entrées.

20 20

Sécurité informatique pour les testeurs quiz niveau intermédiaire

Ce quiz est conçu pour évaluer la capacité de votre candidat à effectuer des tests en ce qui concerne les attaques web avancées (SSRF, charges utiles XSS, charges utiles d'injection SQL, Open redirect (redirection ouverte), XXE), les différents mécanismes d'authentification, les meilleures pratiques en matière de politique de session. Il couvre également des concepts tels que le processus d'analyse de la vulnérabilité et les meilleures pratiques du protocole HTTP avancé.

20 20

Why should you use this assessment?

SkillValue tests improve objectivity in the recruitment process and help you make reliable hiring decisions based on data driven scores, ranking and code analysis. They help you to minimise or remove biases that arise from CVs and panel interviews.  

You will be able to choose from a selection of questions available on our platform or add your own questions. We have 30, 000+ questions to choose from. We add 100+ new tests every year to our platform.

You can choose from the following 600+ tech and marketing skills assessments:

  • Java, .Net, PHP
  • Javascript, C, C++, Python, Ruby on Rails
  • Front end development
  • Full stack development
  • Mobile apps
  • IoT, embedded systems
  • Databases
  • Business intelligence
  • Big data
  • Game development
  • Product management
  • Blockchain
  • Multimedia
  • Maths and logic
  • OOP
  • UX/UI
  • Microsoft Office
  • Salesforce
  • SAP
  • Windev
  • DevOps
  • Infrastructure, AWS
  • Test automation

Happy Customers!

We are always recruiting, and the process is definitely more efficient with SkillValue. We discovered the platform whilst looking for a tool which would let us conduct IT tests with our applicants and from the minute we tried it, the process of pre-selecting our applicants was much easier. The tests are comprehensive and ready to use. The results are sent directly to the applicants and are accessible to our recruitment, making the entire selection process easier. SkillValue is the ideal recruitment tool.

Damien Chimier, Sales Director at Infotem.

Cyber Threat Intelligence
Cyber Threat Intelligence

Online - desktop / tablet, Online - mobile

 Online - desktop / tablet, Online - mobile

25 Minutes

 25 Minutes

English (AUS), English (UK)...

 English (AUS), English (UK)...


Cyber Threat Intelligence defines the processes, policies and tools designed to gather and analyze security-relevant information. It involves the identification of trends, patterns, and emerging threats and risks, in order to inform decision and policy makers or to provide timely warnings for organizations. This quiz is designed to test your candidate's knowledge on the subject. Topics include: concepts and definitions, the CTI life cycle, data collection, incident response.

Why should you use this assessment?

SkillValue tests improve objectivity in the recruitment process and help you make reliable hiring decisions based on data driven scores, ranking and code analysis. They help you to minimise or remove biases that arise from CVs and panel interviews.  

You will be able to choose from a selection of questions available on our platform or add your own questions. We have 30, 000+ questions to choose from. We add 100+ new tests every year to our platform.

You can choose from the following 600+ tech and marketing skills assessments:

  • Java, .Net, PHP
  • Javascript, C, C++, Python, Ruby on Rails
  • Front end development
  • Full stack development
  • Mobile apps
  • IoT, embedded systems
  • Databases
  • Business intelligence
  • Big data
  • Game development
  • Product management
  • Blockchain
  • Multimedia
  • Maths and logic
  • OOP
  • UX/UI
  • Microsoft Office
  • Salesforce
  • SAP
  • Windev
  • DevOps
  • Infrastructure, AWS
  • Test automation

Happy Customers!

We are always recruiting, and the process is definitely more efficient with SkillValue. We discovered the platform whilst looking for a tool which would let us conduct IT tests with our applicants and from the minute we tried it, the process of pre-selecting our applicants was much easier. The tests are comprehensive and ready to use. The results are sent directly to the applicants and are accessible to our recruitment, making the entire selection process easier. SkillValue is the ideal recruitment tool.

Damien Chimier, Sales Director at Infotem.


Title and Description ( French) No. of Questions Duration(min)

Cyber Threat Intelligence quiz niveau intermédiaire

La "Cyber Threat Intelligence" (renseignement sur les cybermenaces) définit les processus, les politiques et les outils conçus pour collecter et analyser les informations pertinentes pour la sécurité. Cela implique l'identification des tendances, des modèles, des menaces et des risques émergents afin d'informer les décideurs et les responsables des politiques ou de fournir des avertissements opportuns aux organisations. Ce quiz vous permettra de tester les connaissances de votre candidat sur le sujet. Sujets abordés : concepts et définitions, cycle de vie de la CTI, collecte de données, réponses aux incidents.

25 25
The Security Operations Center
The Security Operations Center

Online - desktop / tablet, Online - mobile

 Online - desktop / tablet, Online - mobile

25 Minutes

 25 Minutes

English (AUS), English (UK)...

 English (AUS), English (UK)...


Operating as a centralized function within the organization, the Security Operations Center (SOC) helps preventing, detecting, analyzing, and responding to cyber security incidents. The proliferation of advanced threats emphasizes the need to collect context from diverse sources. The SOC acts as the correlation point for every event logged within the organization or intelligence gathered from other external feeds. This quiz is designed to test your candidate's knowledge on the subject. Topics include: concepts and definitions, basic information security vocabulary, the cyber kill chain, security monitoring.

Why should you use this assessment?

SkillValue tests improve objectivity in the recruitment process and help you make reliable hiring decisions based on data driven scores, ranking and code analysis. They help you to minimise or remove biases that arise from CVs and panel interviews.  

You will be able to choose from a selection of questions available on our platform or add your own questions. We have 30, 000+ questions to choose from. We add 100+ new tests every year to our platform.

You can choose from the following 600+ tech and marketing skills assessments:

  • Java, .Net, PHP
  • Javascript, C, C++, Python, Ruby on Rails
  • Front end development
  • Full stack development
  • Mobile apps
  • IoT, embedded systems
  • Databases
  • Business intelligence
  • Big data
  • Game development
  • Product management
  • Blockchain
  • Multimedia
  • Maths and logic
  • OOP
  • UX/UI
  • Microsoft Office
  • Salesforce
  • SAP
  • Windev
  • DevOps
  • Infrastructure, AWS
  • Test automation

Happy Customers!

We are always recruiting, and the process is definitely more efficient with SkillValue. We discovered the platform whilst looking for a tool which would let us conduct IT tests with our applicants and from the minute we tried it, the process of pre-selecting our applicants was much easier. The tests are comprehensive and ready to use. The results are sent directly to the applicants and are accessible to our recruitment, making the entire selection process easier. SkillValue is the ideal recruitment tool.

Damien Chimier, Sales Director at Infotem.


Title and Description ( French) No. of Questions Duration(min)

Security Operations Center (SOC) quiz niveau intermédiaire

Opérant comme une fonction centralisée au sein de l'organisation, le centre des opérations de sécurité (Security Operations Center ou SOC) aide à prévenir, détecter, analyser les incidents de cybersécurité et à réagir en conséquence. La prolifération des menaces avancées met l'accent sur la nécessité de recueillir tous les éléments contextuels à partir de diverses sources. Le SOC sert de point de corrélation pour chaque événement enregistré au sein de l'organisation ou pour les renseignements collectés à partir d'autres sources externes. Grâce à ce quiz, testez les connaissances de votre candidat sur le sujet. Sujets abordés : les concepts et les définitions, le vocabulaire de base de la sécurité de l'information, la « cyber kill chain », la surveillance de la sécurité, etc.

25 25
Log Analysis
Log Analysis

Online - desktop / tablet, Online - mobile

 Online - desktop / tablet, Online - mobile

25 Minutes

 25 Minutes

English (AUS), English (UK)...

 English (AUS), English (UK)...


Log Analysis is a very relevant professional skill in today's complex and challenging cyber security environment.

Title and Description  No. of Questions Duration(min)

Log Analysis quiz medium level

Log Analysis is a very relevant professional skill in today's complex and challenging cyber security environment. A professional acting in this role should understand how to collect, analyze, and use modern network and endpoint data sources in a tactical manner, to detect malicious or unauthorized activity in order to strengthen the organization's security posture. This quiz is meant to test your candidate's knowledge on the subject. Topics include: concepts and definitions, basic information security vocabulary, risk related concepts, incident response.

25 25

Why should you use this assessment?

SkillValue tests improve objectivity in the recruitment process and help you make reliable hiring decisions based on data driven scores, ranking and code analysis. They help you to minimise or remove biases that arise from CVs and panel interviews.  

You will be able to choose from a selection of questions available on our platform or add your own questions. We have 30, 000+ questions to choose from. We add 100+ new tests every year to our platform.

You can choose from the following 600+ tech and marketing skills assessments:

  • Java, .Net, PHP
  • Javascript, C, C++, Python, Ruby on Rails
  • Front end development
  • Full stack development
  • Mobile apps
  • IoT, embedded systems
  • Databases
  • Business intelligence
  • Big data
  • Game development
  • Product management
  • Blockchain
  • Multimedia
  • Maths and logic
  • OOP
  • UX/UI
  • Microsoft Office
  • Salesforce
  • SAP
  • Windev
  • DevOps
  • Infrastructure, AWS
  • Test automation

Happy Customers!

We are always recruiting, and the process is definitely more efficient with SkillValue. We discovered the platform whilst looking for a tool which would let us conduct IT tests with our applicants and from the minute we tried it, the process of pre-selecting our applicants was much easier. The tests are comprehensive and ready to use. The results are sent directly to the applicants and are accessible to our recruitment, making the entire selection process easier. SkillValue is the ideal recruitment tool.

Damien Chimier, Sales Director at Infotem.


Title and Description ( French) No. of Questions Duration(min)

Analyse d’un log quiz niveau intermédiaire

L'analyse d'un log est une compétence professionnelle qui prend tout son sens compte tenu de l'environnement actuelle de la cybersécurité, à la fois complexe et riche en défis. Un professionnel responsable de cette mission devra savoir comment collecter, analyser et utiliser stratégiquement les sources de données des réseaux et des terminaux modernes pour détecter les activités malveillantes ou non autorisées afin de renforcer la sécurité de l'organisation. Grâce à ce quiz, testez les connaissances de votre candidat sur le sujet. Les sujets abordés sont : concepts et définitions, vocabulaire de base de la sécurité de l'information, concepts liés au risque, réaction aux incidents, etc.

25 25
RGPD quiz niveau intermédiaire
RGPD quiz niveau intermédiaire

Online - desktop / tablet, Online - mobile

 Online - desktop / tablet, Online - mobile

25 Minutes

 25 Minutes




Le RGPD vise à améliorer la protection des données à caractère personnel dans l'ensemble de l'Union européenne en fournissant une loi unique et harmonisée sur la protection des données personnelles. Prenez ce quiz pour tester les connaissances de votre candidat sur le RGPD. Sujets : Contexte et terminologie du RGPD, principes de protection des données, droits des personnes concernées, signalement des violations de données.

Why should you use this assessment?

SkillValue tests improve objectivity in the recruitment process and help you make reliable hiring decisions based on data driven scores, ranking and code analysis. They help you to minimise or remove biases that arise from CVs and panel interviews.  

You will be able to choose from a selection of questions available on our platform or add your own questions. We have 30, 000+ questions to choose from. We add 100+ new tests every year to our platform.

You can choose from the following 600+ tech and marketing skills assessments:

  • Java, .Net, PHP
  • Javascript, C, C++, Python, Ruby on Rails
  • Front end development
  • Full stack development
  • Mobile apps
  • IoT, embedded systems
  • Databases
  • Business intelligence
  • Big data
  • Game development
  • Product management
  • Blockchain
  • Multimedia
  • Maths and logic
  • OOP
  • UX/UI
  • Microsoft Office
  • Salesforce
  • SAP
  • Windev
  • DevOps
  • Infrastructure, AWS
  • Test automation

Happy Customers!

We are always recruiting, and the process is definitely more efficient with SkillValue. We discovered the platform whilst looking for a tool which would let us conduct IT tests with our applicants and from the minute we tried it, the process of pre-selecting our applicants was much easier. The tests are comprehensive and ready to use. The results are sent directly to the applicants and are accessible to our recruitment, making the entire selection process easier. SkillValue is the ideal recruitment tool.

Damien Chimier, Sales Director at Infotem.

GDPR quiz medium level
GDPR quiz medium level

Online - desktop / tablet, Online - mobile

 Online - desktop / tablet, Online - mobile

25 Minutes

 25 Minutes

English (AUS), English (UK)...

 English (AUS), English (UK)...


Ce test va évaluer le niveau maîtrise de connaissances de grammaire et d'usage de la langue française du candidat, niveau C2.

Why should you use this assessment?

SkillValue tests improve objectivity in the recruitment process and help you make reliable hiring decisions based on data driven scores, ranking and code analysis. They help you to minimise or remove biases that arise from CVs and panel interviews.  

You will be able to choose from a selection of questions available on our platform or add your own questions. We have 30, 000+ questions to choose from. We add 100+ new tests every year to our platform.

You can choose from the following 600+ tech and marketing skills assessments:

  • Java, .Net, PHP
  • Javascript, C, C++, Python, Ruby on Rails
  • Front end development
  • Full stack development
  • Mobile apps
  • IoT, embedded systems
  • Databases
  • Business intelligence
  • Big data
  • Game development
  • Product management
  • Blockchain
  • Multimedia
  • Maths and logic
  • OOP
  • UX/UI
  • Microsoft Office
  • Salesforce
  • SAP
  • Windev
  • DevOps
  • Infrastructure, AWS
  • Test automation

Happy Customers!

We are always recruiting, and the process is definitely more efficient with SkillValue. We discovered the platform whilst looking for a tool which would let us conduct IT tests with our applicants and from the minute we tried it, the process of pre-selecting our applicants was much easier. The tests are comprehensive and ready to use. The results are sent directly to the applicants and are accessible to our recruitment, making the entire selection process easier. SkillValue is the ideal recruitment tool.

Damien Chimier, Sales Director at Infotem.

IT Security for DevOps
IT Security for DevOps

Online - desktop / tablet, Online - mobile

 Online - desktop / tablet, Online - mobile

20 Minutes

 20 Minutes

English (AUS), English (UK)...

 English (AUS), English (UK)...


DevSecOps is about introducing security earlier in the life cycle of application development, thus minimizing vulnerabilities and bringing security closer to IT and business objectives. This test will assess basic knowledge of common security-related concepts and practices used during the DevOps workflow.

Why should you use this assessment?

SkillValue tests improve objectivity in the recruitment process and help you make reliable hiring decisions based on data driven scores, ranking and code analysis. They help you to minimise or remove biases that arise from CVs and panel interviews.  

You will be able to choose from a selection of questions available on our platform or add your own questions. We have 30, 000+ questions to choose from. We add 100+ new tests every year to our platform.

You can choose from the following 600+ tech and marketing skills assessments:

  • Java, .Net, PHP
  • Javascript, C, C++, Python, Ruby on Rails
  • Front end development
  • Full stack development
  • Mobile apps
  • IoT, embedded systems
  • Databases
  • Business intelligence
  • Big data
  • Game development
  • Product management
  • Blockchain
  • Multimedia
  • Maths and logic
  • OOP
  • UX/UI
  • Microsoft Office
  • Salesforce
  • SAP
  • Windev
  • DevOps
  • Infrastructure, AWS
  • Test automation

Happy Customers!

We are always recruiting, and the process is definitely more efficient with SkillValue. We discovered the platform whilst looking for a tool which would let us conduct IT tests with our applicants and from the minute we tried it, the process of pre-selecting our applicants was much easier. The tests are comprehensive and ready to use. The results are sent directly to the applicants and are accessible to our recruitment, making the entire selection process easier. SkillValue is the ideal recruitment tool.

Damien Chimier, Sales Director at Infotem.

Title and Description ( French) No. of Questions Duration(min)

Sécurité informatique pour DevOps quiz niveau débutant

DevSecOps consiste à introduire la sécurité plus tôt dans le cycle de vie du développement des applications, ce qui permet de réduire les vulnérabilités et de rapprocher la sécurité des objectifs informatiques et commerciaux. Ce test évaluera les connaissances de base des concepts et pratiques de sécurité courants utilisés pendant le workflow (flux de travail) DevOps.

20 20
IT security for developers
IT security for developers

Online - desktop / tablet, Online - mobile

 Online - desktop / tablet, Online - mobile

20 Minutes

 20 Minutes

English (AUS), English (UK)...

 English (AUS), English (UK)...


This test has in scope beginner-level security concepts for developers, such as: OWASP Top Ten, CIA topics and general security best practices.

Title and Description  No. of Questions Duration(min)

IT security for developers quiz beginner level

This test has in scope beginner-level security concepts for developers, such as: OWASP Top Ten, CIA topics and general security best practices. It will allow you to test your candidate's theoretical knowledge in different web attacks (such as SQLi, CSRF, XSS, Authorization flaws), in general attacking techniques and security best practices (cookie flags, HTTP headers, password policies) and also to indicate what are proper measures to mitigate these vulnerabilities. It will contain SQLi, CSRF, XSS, Authorization flaws), in general attacking techniques and security best practices (cookie flags, HTTP headers, password policies) and also to indicate what are proper measures to mitigate these vulnerabilities. It will contain CIA and encryption concepts (hashing, symmetric encryption, asymmetric encryption).

20 20

IT security for developers quiz medium level

This test has in scope medium-level security concepts for developers, such as: OWASP Top Ten CIA concepts and general security best practices. It will allow you to test your candidate's theoretical knowledge in different web attacks (such as SQLi, CSRF, XSS, broken authorization), in general attacking techniques and security best practices and also to indicate what are proper measures to mitigate these vulnerabilities.

20 20

Why should you use this assessment?

SkillValue tests improve objectivity in the recruitment process and help you make reliable hiring decisions based on data driven scores, ranking and code analysis. They help you to minimise or remove biases that arise from CVs and panel interviews.  

You will be able to choose from a selection of questions available on our platform or add your own questions. We have 30, 000+ questions to choose from. We add 100+ new tests every year to our platform.

You can choose from the following 600+ tech and marketing skills assessments:

  • Java, .Net, PHP
  • Javascript, C, C++, Python, Ruby on Rails
  • Front end development
  • Full stack development
  • Mobile apps
  • IoT, embedded systems
  • Databases
  • Business intelligence
  • Big data
  • Game development
  • Product management
  • Blockchain
  • Multimedia
  • Maths and logic
  • OOP
  • UX/UI
  • Microsoft Office
  • Salesforce
  • SAP
  • Windev
  • DevOps
  • Infrastructure, AWS
  • Test automation

Happy Customers!

We are always recruiting, and the process is definitely more efficient with SkillValue. We discovered the platform whilst looking for a tool which would let us conduct IT tests with our applicants and from the minute we tried it, the process of pre-selecting our applicants was much easier. The tests are comprehensive and ready to use. The results are sent directly to the applicants and are accessible to our recruitment, making the entire selection process easier. SkillValue is the ideal recruitment tool.

Damien Chimier, Sales Director at Infotem.


Title and Description ( French) No. of Questions Duration(min)

IT security for testers quiz beginner level

This test will help you assess your candidate's knowledge of OWASP TOP Ten testing techniques, theoretical knowledge on different attacks and ways to test vulnerabilities (SQLi, CSRF, XSS), general theoretical knowledge on HTTP and security best practices (HTTP headers, Cookie flags), CIA concepts and input validation techniques.

20 20

IT Security for testers quiz medium level

This test is designed to test your candidate's ability to test against advanced web attacks (SSRF, XSS payloads, SQL injection payloads, Open redirect, XXE), different authentication mechanisms, session policy best practices. It also covers concepts like vulnerability scanning process and advanced HTTP protocol best practices.

20 20

Online - desktop / tablet, Online - mobile

 Online - desktop / tablet, Online - mobile

40 Minutes

 40 Minutes

English (AUS), English (UK)...

 English (AUS), English (UK)...


Developed and maintained by ISACA (, since 1978, the CISA certification attests an individual's knowledge in auditing information systems, controls and security. By taking the following quiz, one may assess knowledge in a manner similar to the real CISA exam.

Title and Description  No. of Questions Duration(min)
CISA Certified Information Systems Auditor quiz beginner level

Developed and maintained by ISACA (, since 1978, the CISA certification attests an individual's knowledge in auditing information systems, controls and security. By taking the following quiz, one may assess knowledge in a manner similar to the real CISA exam.Topics: The process of auditing information, Governance and management of IT, Information systems acquisition, development, and implementation, Information systems operations, maintenance and support, Protection of information

40 40

CISA Certified Information Systems Auditor quiz medium level

Developed and maintained by ISACA ( since 1978, the CISA exam certifies an individual's knowledge in auditing information systems, controls and security. By taking the following quiz, you can assess your candidate's knowledge in a manner similar to the official CISA exam.Topics: The process of auditing information, Governance and management of IT, Information systems acquisition, development, and implementation, Information systems operations, maintenance and support, Protection of information

40 40

Why should you use this assessment?

SkillValue tests improve objectivity in the recruitment process and help you make reliable hiring decisions based on data driven scores, ranking and code analysis. They help you to minimise or remove biases that arise from CVs and panel interviews.  

You will be able to choose from a selection of questions available on our platform or add your own questions. We have 30, 000+ questions to choose from. We add 100+ new tests every year to our platform.

You can choose from the following 600+ tech and marketing skills assessments:

  • Java, .Net, PHP
  • Javascript, C, C++, Python, Ruby on Rails
  • Front end development
  • Full stack development
  • Mobile apps
  • IoT, embedded systems
  • Databases
  • Business intelligence
  • Big data
  • Game development
  • Product management
  • Blockchain
  • Multimedia
  • Maths and logic
  • OOP
  • UX/UI
  • Microsoft Office
  • Salesforce
  • SAP
  • Windev
  • DevOps
  • Infrastructure, AWS
  • Test automation

Happy Customers!

We are always recruiting, and the process is definitely more efficient with SkillValue. We discovered the platform whilst looking for a tool which would let us conduct IT tests with our applicants and from the minute we tried it, the process of pre-selecting our applicants was much easier. The tests are comprehensive and ready to use. The results are sent directly to the applicants and are accessible to our recruitment, making the entire selection process easier. SkillValue is the ideal recruitment tool.

Damien Chimier, Sales Director at Infotem.


Title and Description ( French) No. of Questions Duration(min)

CISA Certified Information Systems Auditor quiz niveau débutant

Développée et maintenue par ISACA (, depuis 1978, la certification CISA atteste la connaissance d'une personne en ce qui concerne l'audit des systèmes d'information, les contrôles et la sécurité. En faisant le quiz suivant, on peut évaluer les connaissances d'une façon similaire à celle d'un examen CISA réel. Connaissances mesurées : le processus d'audit de l'information ; la gouvernance et la gestion de l'IT ; l'acquisition, le développement et l'implémentation des systèmes d'information ; l'exploitation, la maintenance et le support des systèmes d'information ; la protection des actifs de l'information.

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CISA Certified Information Systems Auditor quiz niveau intermédiaire

Développée et maintenue par ISACA (, depuis 1978, la certification CISA atteste la connaissance d'une personne en ce qui concerne l'audit des systèmes d'information, les contrôles et la sécurité. En faisant le quiz suivant, on peut évaluer les connaissances d'une façon similaire à celle d'un examen CISA réel. Connaissances mesurées : le processus d'audit de l'information ; la gouvernance et la gestion d'IT ; l'acquisition, le développement et l'implémentation des systèmes d'information ; l'exploitation, la maintenance et le support des systèmes d'information ; la protection des actifs de l'information.

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