This test assesses the candidate's beginner skills on Ruby on Rails development, as well as their knowledge of the MVC architecture and database access libraries.
Title and Description |
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Ruby on Rails quiz beginner level
This test assesses the candidate's beginner skills on Ruby on Rails development, as well as their knowledge of the MVC architecture and database access libraries. Topics: libraries, MVC architecture, database access library, controllers.
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Ruby on Rails quiz medium level
This test is designed to measure medium knowledge of the Ruby on Rails framework, with focus on the main concepts such as the MVC design pattern. Topics: MVC architecture, libraries, controllers, database, caching, middleware, Action Mailer.
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We are always recruiting, and the process is definitely more efficient with SkillValue. We discovered the platform whilst looking for a tool which would let us conduct IT tests with our applicants and from the minute we tried it, the process of pre-selecting our applicants was much easier. The tests are comprehensive and ready to use. The results are sent directly to the applicants and are accessible to our recruitment, making the entire selection process easier. SkillValue is the ideal recruitment tool.
Damien Chimier, Sales Director at Infotem.
Title and Description ( French) |
No. of Questions |
Duration(min) |
Ruby on Rails quiz niveau débutant
Ce test vous permet de vérifier les compétences des développeurs débutants en ce qui concerne Ruby on Rails et leurs connaissances sur l'architecture MVC et les bibliothèques d'accès aux bases de données. Connaissances mesurées : bibliothèques, architecture MVC, bibliothèque d'accès aux bases de données, contrôleurs.
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Ruby on Rails quiz niveau intermédiaire
Ce test vous permet de mesurer vos connaissances, de niveau intermédiaire, en ce qui concerne le framework et les principaux concepts de Ruby on Rails tels que le « design pattern » (patron de conception) Modèle-Vue-Contrôleur (MVC). Connaissances mesurées : architecture MVC, bibliothèques, contrôleurs, bases de données, mise en cache, middleware, Action Mailer.
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