
This section will include all tests related to .Net

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Found 24 results

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.NET Core 3
.NET Core 3

Online - desktop / tablet, Online - mobile

 Online - desktop / tablet, Online - mobile

35 Minutes

 35 Minutes

English (AUS), English (UK)...

 English (AUS), English (UK)...


This quiz is a journey through topics like ASP.NET Core, ASP.NET Core MVC, Blazor, Razor Pages, Windows desktop applications, API, Security and Identity, Middlewares, Tag Helpers, Dependency Injection that assesses a candidate's intermediate knowledge on inner work of .NET Core 3.0 and above.

Title and Description  No. of Questions Duration(min)

.NET Core 3 quiz medium level

This quiz is a journey through topics like ASP.NET Core, ASP.NET Core MVC, Blazor, Razor Pages, Windows desktop applications, API, Security and Identity, Middlewares, Tag Helpers, Dependency Injection that assesses a candidate's intermediate knowledge on inner work of .NET Core 3.0 and above.

22 30

.NET Core 3 quiz advanced level

Covering topics like ASP.NET Core, ASP.NET Core MVC, Hosting, Dependency Injection, API, Security and Identity, .Net Core CLI, Razor Pages, and Blazor, this test assesses a candidate's advanced knowledge of .NET Core.

20 35

Why should you use this assessment?

SkillValue tests improve objectivity in the recruitment process and help you make reliable hiring decisions based on data driven scores, ranking and code analysis. They help you to minimise or remove biases that arise from CVs and panel interviews.  

You will be able to choose from a selection of questions available on our platform or add your own questions. We have 30, 000+ questions to choose from. We add 100+ new tests every year to our platform.

You can choose from the following 600+ tech and marketing skills assessments:

  • Java, .Net, PHP
  • Javascript, C, C++, Python, Ruby on Rails
  • Front end development
  • Full stack development
  • Mobile apps
  • IoT, embedded systems
  • Databases
  • Business intelligence
  • Big data
  • Game development
  • Product management
  • Blockchain
  • Multimedia
  • Maths and logic
  • OOP
  • UX/UI
  • Microsoft Office
  • Salesforce
  • SAP
  • Windev
  • DevOps
  • Infrastructure, AWS
  • Test automation

Happy Customers!

We are always recruiting, and the process is definitely more efficient with SkillValue. We discovered the platform whilst looking for a tool which would let us conduct IT tests with our applicants and from the minute we tried it, the process of pre-selecting our applicants was much easier. The tests are comprehensive and ready to use. The results are sent directly to the applicants and are accessible to our recruitment, making the entire selection process easier. SkillValue is the ideal recruitment tool.

Damien Chimier, Sales Director at Infotem.


Title and Description ( French) No. of Questions Duration(min)

.NET Core 3 quiz niveau intermédiaire

Ce quiz est un voyage à travers des sujets comme ASP.NET Core, ASP.NET Core MVC, Blazor, les pages Razor, les applications de bureau Windows, l'API, la sécurité et l'identité, les middlewares (logiciels médiateurs, intergiciels), les Tag Helpers (assistances des balises), l'injection de dépendance ; qui évalue les connaissances de niveau intermédiaire du candidat sur le travail interne de .NET Core 3.0 et au-delà.

22 30

.NET Core 3 quiz niveau avancé

Couvrant des sujets comme ASP.NET Core, ASP.NET Core MVC, l'hébergement, l'injection de dépendance, l'API, la sécurité et l'identité, .Net Core CLI, les pages Razor, et Blazor, ce test évalue les connaissances du candidat, avec un niveau avancé, sur .NET Core.

20 35

Online - desktop / tablet, Online - mobile

 Online - desktop / tablet, Online - mobile

15 Minutes

 15 Minutes

English (AUS), English (UK)...

 English (AUS), English (UK)...


This test aims to assess the candidate's beginner skills in ASP.NET MVC 4 development. It covers multiple aspects of the MVC 4 framework, as well as general web development topics (security, HTTP). Topics: - ASP.NET Web API. - ASP.NET - Styles and Layout. - Controllers and Routing. - Views and UI Rendering.

This test aims to assess the candidate's medium skills in ASP.NET MVC 4 development. It covers multiple aspects of the MVC 4 framework, as well as general web development topics (security, HTTP).

Title and Description  No. of Questions Duration(min)

ASP.NET MVC 4 quiz beginner level

This test aims to assess the candidate's beginner skills in ASP.NET MVC 4 development. It covers multiple aspects of the MVC 4 framework, as well as general web development topics (security, HTTP). Topics: - ASP.NET Web API. - ASP.NET - Styles and Layout. - Controllers and Routing. - Views and UI Rendering..

20 15

ASP.NET MVC 4 quiz medium level

This test aims to assess the candidate's medium skills in ASP.NET MVC 4 development. It covers multiple aspects of the MVC 4 framework, as well as general web development topics (security, HTTP). Topics: - ASP.NET Web API. - ASP.NET - Styles and Layout. - Controllers and Routing. - Views and UI Rendering. - ASP.NET MVC Model Binding.

20 15

Why should you use this assessment?

SkillValue tests improve objectivity in the recruitment process and help you make reliable hiring decisions based on data driven scores, ranking and code analysis. They help you to minimise or remove biases that arise from CVs and panel interviews.  

You will be able to choose from a selection of questions available on our platform or add your own questions. We have 30, 000+ questions to choose from. We add 100+ new tests every year to our platform.

You can choose from the following 600+ tech and marketing skills assessments:

  • Java, .Net, PHP
  • Javascript, C, C++, Python, Ruby on Rails
  • Front end development
  • Full stack development
  • Mobile apps
  • IoT, embedded systems
  • Databases
  • Business intelligence
  • Big data
  • Game development
  • Product management
  • Blockchain
  • Multimedia
  • Maths and logic
  • OOP
  • UX/UI
  • Microsoft Office
  • Salesforce
  • SAP
  • Windev
  • DevOps
  • Infrastructure, AWS
  • Test automation

Happy Customers!

We are always recruiting, and the process is definitely more efficient with SkillValue. We discovered the platform whilst looking for a tool which would let us conduct IT tests with our applicants and from the minute we tried it, the process of pre-selecting our applicants was much easier. The tests are comprehensive and ready to use. The results are sent directly to the applicants and are accessible to our recruitment, making the entire selection process easier. SkillValue is the ideal recruitment tool.

Damien Chimier, Sales Director at Infotem.


Title and Description ( French) No. of Questions Duration(min)

ASP.NET MVC 4 quiz niveau débutant

Ce test est destiné à l'évaluation des compétences de niveau débutant sur la programmation en ASP.NET MVC 4. Il couvre plusieurs aspects du Framework ASP.NET MVC 4, ainsi que des sujets généraux sur le développement web (sécurité, HTTP ...) Connaissances mesurées : - ASP.NET Web API. - ASP.NET - Styles et layout. - Contrôleurs et routage. - Vues et rendu de l'interface utilisateur.

20 15

ASP.NET MVC 4 quiz niveau intermédiaire

Ce test est destiné à l'évaluation des compétences de niveau intermédiaire sur la programmation en ASP.NET MVC 4. Il couvre plusieurs aspects du Framework ASP.NET MVC 4, ainsi que des sujets généraux sur le développement web (sécurité, HTTP ...). Connaissances mesurées : - ASP.NET Web API. - ASP.NET - Styles et layout. - Contrôleurs et routage. - Vues et rendu de l'interface utilisateur. - La liaison de modèle ASP.NET MVC

20 10
C# 7.0
C# 7.0

Online - desktop / tablet, Online - mobile

 Online - desktop / tablet, Online - mobile

25 Minutes

 25 Minutes

English (AUS), English (UK)...

 English (AUS), English (UK)...


This test will assess your candidate's knowledge of C# development language. Topics: object-oriented programming in C#, syntax, collections, data types, exceptions and tuples.

Title and Description  No. of Questions Duration(min)
C# 7.0 quiz beginner level

This test will assess your candidate's knowledge of C# development language. Topics: object-oriented programming in C#, syntax, collections, data types, exceptions and tuples.

20 25

C# 7.0 quiz medium level

This test assesses the knowledge of medium-level developers working with the C# programming language and some of the C# 7.0 new features. Topics: data types, collections, enumerations, operators, loops, and tuples.

20 25

Why should you use this assessment?

SkillValue tests improve objectivity in the recruitment process and help you make reliable hiring decisions based on data driven scores, ranking and code analysis. They help you to minimise or remove biases that arise from CVs and panel interviews.  

You will be able to choose from a selection of questions available on our platform or add your own questions. We have 30, 000+ questions to choose from. We add 100+ new tests every year to our platform.

You can choose from the following 600+ tech and marketing skills assessments:

  • Java, .Net, PHP
  • Javascript, C, C++, Python, Ruby on Rails
  • Front end development
  • Full stack development
  • Mobile apps
  • IoT, embedded systems
  • Databases
  • Business intelligence
  • Big data
  • Game development
  • Product management
  • Blockchain
  • Multimedia
  • Maths and logic
  • OOP
  • UX/UI
  • Microsoft Office
  • Salesforce
  • SAP
  • Windev
  • DevOps
  • Infrastructure, AWS
  • Test automation

Happy Customers!

We are always recruiting, and the process is definitely more efficient with SkillValue. We discovered the platform whilst looking for a tool which would let us conduct IT tests with our applicants and from the minute we tried it, the process of pre-selecting our applicants was much easier. The tests are comprehensive and ready to use. The results are sent directly to the applicants and are accessible to our recruitment, making the entire selection process easier. SkillValue is the ideal recruitment tool.

Damien Chimier, Sales Director at Infotem.


Title and Description ( French) No. of Questions Duration(min)

C# 7.0 quiz niveau débutant

Ce test est destiné à l'évaluation des compétences de niveau débutant sur la programmation en C# 7.0. Connaissances mesurées : la programmation orientée objet en C#, la syntaxe, les collections, les types de données, les exceptions et tuples.

20 25

C# 7.0 quiz niveau intermédiaire

Ce test permet de vérifier les capacités des développeurs intermédiaires sur les fonctionnalités du langage C# 7.0 et le fonctionnement interne du framework .NET. Connaissances mesurées : C# 7.0, types de données, collections, enumerations, opérateurs, boucles et tuples.

20 25
Développement SharePoint 2007
Développement SharePoint 2007

Online - desktop / tablet, Online - mobile

 Online - desktop / tablet, Online - mobile

30 Minutes

 30 Minutes




Ce test vérifie les capacités des développeurs SharePoint intermédiaires ou seniors et permet de tester leurs connaissances sur la programmation SharePoint 2007. Ce test portera sur des sujets tels que les fermes SharePoint, les applications, les sites et pages web SharePoint, les définitions de listes, les actions personnalisées, les composants Web Part, les définitions de sites personnalisées, etc. et vous donnera l'occasion d'évaluer vos connaissances sur les caractéristiques les plus importantes de la programmation SharePoint. Connaissances mesurées : - Modèle d'objet SharePoint 2007. - Composants SharePoint et comment créer les entités personnalisées. - Configuration et personnalisation SharePoint 2007.

Why should you use this assessment?

SkillValue tests improve objectivity in the recruitment process and help you make reliable hiring decisions based on data driven scores, ranking and code analysis. They help you to minimise or remove biases that arise from CVs and panel interviews.  

You will be able to choose from a selection of questions available on our platform or add your own questions. We have 30, 000+ questions to choose from. We add 100+ new tests every year to our platform.

You can choose from the following 600+ tech and marketing skills assessments:

  • Java, .Net, PHP
  • Javascript, C, C++, Python, Ruby on Rails
  • Front end development
  • Full stack development
  • Mobile apps
  • IoT, embedded systems
  • Databases
  • Business intelligence
  • Big data
  • Game development
  • Product management
  • Blockchain
  • Multimedia
  • Maths and logic
  • OOP
  • UX/UI
  • Microsoft Office
  • Salesforce
  • SAP
  • Windev
  • DevOps
  • Infrastructure, AWS
  • Test automation

Happy Customers!

We are always recruiting, and the process is definitely more efficient with SkillValue. We discovered the platform whilst looking for a tool which would let us conduct IT tests with our applicants and from the minute we tried it, the process of pre-selecting our applicants was much easier. The tests are comprehensive and ready to use. The results are sent directly to the applicants and are accessible to our recruitment, making the entire selection process easier. SkillValue is the ideal recruitment tool.

Développement SharePoint 2010
Développement SharePoint 2010

Online - desktop / tablet, Online - mobile

 Online - desktop / tablet, Online - mobile

30 Minutes

 30 Minutes




Ce test vérifie les capacités des développeurs SharePoint intermédiaires ou seniors et permet de tester leurs connaissances sur la programmation SharePoint 2010. Ce test portera sur des sujets tels que les fermes SharePoint, les applications, les sites et pages web SharePoint, les définitions de listes, les actions personnalisées, les composants Web Part, les définitions de sites personnalisées. Connaissances mesurées : - Modèle d'objet SharePoint 2010. - Composants SharePoint et comment créer les entités personnalisées. - Configuration et personnalisation SharePoint 2010.

Why should you use this assessment?

SkillValue tests improve objectivity in the recruitment process and help you make reliable hiring decisions based on data driven scores, ranking and code analysis. They help you to minimise or remove biases that arise from CVs and panel interviews.  

You will be able to choose from a selection of questions available on our platform or add your own questions. We have 30, 000+ questions to choose from. We add 100+ new tests every year to our platform.

You can choose from the following 600+ tech and marketing skills assessments:

  • Java, .Net, PHP
  • Javascript, C, C++, Python, Ruby on Rails
  • Front end development
  • Full stack development
  • Mobile apps
  • IoT, embedded systems
  • Databases
  • Business intelligence
  • Big data
  • Game development
  • Product management
  • Blockchain
  • Multimedia
  • Maths and logic
  • OOP
  • UX/UI
  • Microsoft Office
  • Salesforce
  • SAP
  • Windev
  • DevOps
  • Infrastructure, AWS
  • Test automation

Happy Customers!

We are always recruiting, and the process is definitely more efficient with SkillValue. We discovered the platform whilst looking for a tool which would let us conduct IT tests with our applicants and from the minute we tried it, the process of pre-selecting our applicants was much easier. The tests are comprehensive and ready to use. The results are sent directly to the applicants and are accessible to our recruitment, making the entire selection process easier. SkillValue is the ideal recruitment tool.

SharePoint 2010 Development
SharePoint 2010 Development

Online - desktop / tablet, Online - mobile

 Online - desktop / tablet, Online - mobile

30 Minutes

 30 Minutes

English (AUS), English (UK)...

 English (AUS), English (UK)...


This test assesses medium or advanced skills in SharePoint 2010 development. This test will cover topics as such SharePoint Farms, Web Applications, SharePoint Sites & Webs, list definitions, custom actions, web-parts, custom site definitions. Topics: - SharePoint 2010 object model. - SharePoint components and how to build custom entities. - SharePoint 2010 configuration and customization options.

Why should you use this assessment?

SkillValue tests improve objectivity in the recruitment process and help you make reliable hiring decisions based on data driven scores, ranking and code analysis. They help you to minimise or remove biases that arise from CVs and panel interviews.  

You will be able to choose from a selection of questions available on our platform or add your own questions. We have 30, 000+ questions to choose from. We add 100+ new tests every year to our platform.

You can choose from the following 600+ tech and marketing skills assessments:

  • Java, .Net, PHP
  • Javascript, C, C++, Python, Ruby on Rails
  • Front end development
  • Full stack development
  • Mobile apps
  • IoT, embedded systems
  • Databases
  • Business intelligence
  • Big data
  • Game development
  • Product management
  • Blockchain
  • Multimedia
  • Maths and logic
  • OOP
  • UX/UI
  • Microsoft Office
  • Salesforce
  • SAP
  • Windev
  • DevOps
  • Infrastructure, AWS
  • Test automation

Happy Customers!

We are always recruiting, and the process is definitely more efficient with SkillValue. We discovered the platform whilst looking for a tool which would let us conduct IT tests with our applicants and from the minute we tried it, the process of pre-selecting our applicants was much easier. The tests are comprehensive and ready to use. The results are sent directly to the applicants and are accessible to our recruitment, making the entire selection process easier. SkillValue is the ideal recruitment tool.

Développeur .NET C# 4.0
Développeur .NET C# 4.0

Online - desktop / tablet, Online - mobile

 Online - desktop / tablet, Online - mobile

40 Minutes

 40 Minutes




Ce test est destiné à l'évaluation des développeurs .NET confirmés et expérimentés. Connaissances mesurées : LINQ, threads, collections, principes POO, types de données.

Why should you use this assessment?

SkillValue tests improve objectivity in the recruitment process and help you make reliable hiring decisions based on data driven scores, ranking and code analysis. They help you to minimise or remove biases that arise from CVs and panel interviews.  

You will be able to choose from a selection of questions available on our platform or add your own questions. We have 30, 000+ questions to choose from. We add 100+ new tests every year to our platform.

You can choose from the following 600+ tech and marketing skills assessments:

  • Java, .Net, PHP
  • Javascript, C, C++, Python, Ruby on Rails
  • Front end development
  • Full stack development
  • Mobile apps
  • IoT, embedded systems
  • Databases
  • Business intelligence
  • Big data
  • Game development
  • Product management
  • Blockchain
  • Multimedia
  • Maths and logic
  • OOP
  • UX/UI
  • Microsoft Office
  • Salesforce
  • SAP
  • Windev
  • DevOps
  • Infrastructure, AWS
  • Test automation

Happy Customers!

We are always recruiting, and the process is definitely more efficient with SkillValue. We discovered the platform whilst looking for a tool which would let us conduct IT tests with our applicants and from the minute we tried it, the process of pre-selecting our applicants was much easier. The tests are comprehensive and ready to use. The results are sent directly to the applicants and are accessible to our recruitment, making the entire selection process easier. SkillValue is the ideal recruitment tool.

SharePoint 2007 Development
SharePoint 2007 Development

Online - desktop / tablet, Online - mobile

 Online - desktop / tablet, Online - mobile

30 Minutes

 30 Minutes

English (AUS), English (UK)...

 English (AUS), English (UK)...


This test assesses medium or advanced skills in SharePoint 2007 development. This test covers topics such as SharePoint Farms, Web Applications, SharePoint Sites & Webs, list definitions, custom actions, web parts, custom site definitions, etc. and will give you the opportunity to check your knowledge of the most important features of SharePoint development. Topics: - SharePoint 2007 object model. - SharePoint components and how to build custom entities. - SharePoint 2007 configuration and customization options.

Why should you use this assessment?

SkillValue tests improve objectivity in the recruitment process and help you make reliable hiring decisions based on data driven scores, ranking and code analysis. They help you to minimise or remove biases that arise from CVs and panel interviews.  

You will be able to choose from a selection of questions available on our platform or add your own questions. We have 30, 000+ questions to choose from. We add 100+ new tests every year to our platform.

You can choose from the following 600+ tech and marketing skills assessments:

  • Java, .Net, PHP
  • Javascript, C, C++, Python, Ruby on Rails
  • Front end development
  • Full stack development
  • Mobile apps
  • IoT, embedded systems
  • Databases
  • Business intelligence
  • Big data
  • Game development
  • Product management
  • Blockchain
  • Multimedia
  • Maths and logic
  • OOP
  • UX/UI
  • Microsoft Office
  • Salesforce
  • SAP
  • Windev
  • DevOps
  • Infrastructure, AWS
  • Test automation

Happy Customers!

We are always recruiting, and the process is definitely more efficient with SkillValue. We discovered the platform whilst looking for a tool which would let us conduct IT tests with our applicants and from the minute we tried it, the process of pre-selecting our applicants was much easier. The tests are comprehensive and ready to use. The results are sent directly to the applicants and are accessible to our recruitment, making the entire selection process easier. SkillValue is the ideal recruitment tool.

.NET C# 4.0
.NET C# 4.0

Online - desktop / tablet, Online - mobile

 Online - desktop / tablet, Online - mobile

40 Minutes

 40 Minutes

English (AUS), English (UK)...

 English (AUS), English (UK)...


This test is especially designed for intermediate and experienced .NET developers. Topics: LINQ, Threads, Collections, OOP principles, Data Types.

Why should you use this assessment?

SkillValue tests improve objectivity in the recruitment process and help you make reliable hiring decisions based on data driven scores, ranking and code analysis. They help you to minimise or remove biases that arise from CVs and panel interviews.  

You will be able to choose from a selection of questions available on our platform or add your own questions. We have 30, 000+ questions to choose from. We add 100+ new tests every year to our platform.

You can choose from the following 600+ tech and marketing skills assessments:

  • Java, .Net, PHP
  • Javascript, C, C++, Python, Ruby on Rails
  • Front end development
  • Full stack development
  • Mobile apps
  • IoT, embedded systems
  • Databases
  • Business intelligence
  • Big data
  • Game development
  • Product management
  • Blockchain
  • Multimedia
  • Maths and logic
  • OOP
  • UX/UI
  • Microsoft Office
  • Salesforce
  • SAP
  • Windev
  • DevOps
  • Infrastructure, AWS
  • Test automation

Happy Customers!

We are always recruiting, and the process is definitely more efficient with SkillValue. We discovered the platform whilst looking for a tool which would let us conduct IT tests with our applicants and from the minute we tried it, the process of pre-selecting our applicants was much easier. The tests are comprehensive and ready to use. The results are sent directly to the applicants and are accessible to our recruitment, making the entire selection process easier. SkillValue is the ideal recruitment tool.

.NET 4.0 Silverlight
.NET 4.0 Silverlight

Online - desktop / tablet, Online - mobile

 Online - desktop / tablet, Online - mobile

20 Minutes

 20 Minutes

English (AUS), English (UK)...

 English (AUS), English (UK)...


This test aims to assess the candidate's knowledge about Silverlight programming concepts, Silverlight infrastructure and new Silverlight 4.0 features. Topics: new additions in Silverlight 4.0, Silverlight programming concepts, Silverlight project organization and infrastructure.

Why should you use this assessment?

SkillValue tests improve objectivity in the recruitment process and help you make reliable hiring decisions based on data driven scores, ranking and code analysis. They help you to minimise or remove biases that arise from CVs and panel interviews.  

You will be able to choose from a selection of questions available on our platform or add your own questions. We have 30, 000+ questions to choose from. We add 100+ new tests every year to our platform.

You can choose from the following 600+ tech and marketing skills assessments:

  • Java, .Net, PHP
  • Javascript, C, C++, Python, Ruby on Rails
  • Front end development
  • Full stack development
  • Mobile apps
  • IoT, embedded systems
  • Databases
  • Business intelligence
  • Big data
  • Game development
  • Product management
  • Blockchain
  • Multimedia
  • Maths and logic
  • OOP
  • UX/UI
  • Microsoft Office
  • Salesforce
  • SAP
  • Windev
  • DevOps
  • Infrastructure, AWS
  • Test automation

Happy Customers!

We are always recruiting, and the process is definitely more efficient with SkillValue. We discovered the platform whilst looking for a tool which would let us conduct IT tests with our applicants and from the minute we tried it, the process of pre-selecting our applicants was much easier. The tests are comprehensive and ready to use. The results are sent directly to the applicants and are accessible to our recruitment, making the entire selection process easier. SkillValue is the ideal recruitment tool.

Damien Chimier, Sales Director at Infotem.

Title and Description ( French) No. of Questions Duration(min)

.NET 4.0 Silverlight quiz niveau intermédiaire

Ce test vise à évaluer les connaissances des candidats sur les concepts de la programmation Silverlight, l'infrastructure Silverlight et les nouvelles fonctionnalités de Silverlight 4.0. Connaissances mesurées : nouvelles fonctionnalités dans Silverlight 4.0, concepts de programmation Silverlight, organisation et infrastructure du projet Silverlight.

20 20

Frequently Asked Questions

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