
This section includes all tests related to JavaScript . Please refer to the list below as we will be regularly updating it. 

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Found 20 results

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Online - desktop / tablet, Online - mobile

 Online - desktop / tablet, Online - mobile

20 Minutes

 20 Minutes




Ce test est conçu pour les débutants. Il mesure leurs connaissances de Vuex à l'aide de questions interactives qui testent à la fois les compétences théoriques et pratiques. Sujets : Vue, Vuex, JavaScript, Front-End, composants, store.

Why should you use this assessment?

SkillValue tests improve objectivity in the recruitment process and help you make reliable hiring decisions based on data driven scores, ranking and code analysis. They help you to minimise or remove biases that arise from CVs and panel interviews.  

You will be able to choose from a selection of questions available on our platform or add your own questions. We have 30, 000+ questions to choose from. We add 100+ new tests every year to our platform.

You can choose from the following 600+ tech and marketing skills assessments:

  • Java, .Net, PHP
  • Javascript, C, C++, Python, Ruby on Rails
  • Front end development
  • Full stack development
  • Mobile apps
  • IoT, embedded systems
  • Databases
  • Business intelligence
  • Big data
  • Game development
  • Product management
  • Blockchain
  • Multimedia
  • Maths and logic
  • OOP
  • UX/UI
  • Microsoft Office
  • Salesforce
  • SAP
  • Windev
  • DevOps
  • Infrastructure, AWS
  • Test automation

Happy Customers!

We are always recruiting, and the process is definitely more efficient with SkillValue. We discovered the platform whilst looking for a tool which would let us conduct IT tests with our applicants and from the minute we tried it, the process of pre-selecting our applicants was much easier. The tests are comprehensive and ready to use. The results are sent directly to the applicants and are accessible to our recruitment, making the entire selection process easier. SkillValue is the ideal recruitment tool.

Damien Chimier, Sales Director at Infotem.

Angular 8
Angular 8

Online - desktop / tablet, Online - mobile

 Online - desktop / tablet, Online - mobile

25 Minutes

 25 Minutes

English (AUS), English (UK)...

 English (AUS), English (UK)...


Angular 8 quiz consists of 25 basic questions. It evaluates the understanding of the framework's key concepts familiar to any skilled developer. You, as a developer, should have a range of competencies: - making use of the RxJS library; - breaking the application into feature modules and shared modules; - using advanced routing techniques like lazy loading, guarding, or resolvers; - implementing a presentational/container component architecture; - creating services; - integrating third-party modules and libraries;deploying the Angular application to a production environment. Topics: Modules, Forms, Components, Angular CLI, Routing, HTTP Requests, RxJS.

Why should you use this assessment?

SkillValue tests improve objectivity in the recruitment process and help you make reliable hiring decisions based on data driven scores, ranking and code analysis. They help you to minimise or remove biases that arise from CVs and panel interviews.  

You will be able to choose from a selection of questions available on our platform or add your own questions. We have 30, 000+ questions to choose from. We add 100+ new tests every year to our platform.

You can choose from the following 600+ tech and marketing skills assessments:

  • Java, .Net, PHP
  • Javascript, C, C++, Python, Ruby on Rails
  • Front end development
  • Full stack development
  • Mobile apps
  • IoT, embedded systems
  • Databases
  • Business intelligence
  • Big data
  • Game development
  • Product management
  • Blockchain
  • Multimedia
  • Maths and logic
  • OOP
  • UX/UI
  • Microsoft Office
  • Salesforce
  • SAP
  • Windev
  • DevOps
  • Infrastructure, AWS
  • Test automation

Happy Customers!

We are always recruiting, and the process is definitely more efficient with SkillValue. We discovered the platform whilst looking for a tool which would let us conduct IT tests with our applicants and from the minute we tried it, the process of pre-selecting our applicants was much easier. The tests are comprehensive and ready to use. The results are sent directly to the applicants and are accessible to our recruitment, making the entire selection process easier. SkillValue is the ideal recruitment tool.

Damien Chimier, Sales Director at Infotem.

Title and Description ( French) No. of Questions Duration(min)

Angular 8 quiz niveau intermédiaire

Le quiz sur Angular 8 se compose de 25 questions de base. Il évalue la compréhension des concepts-clés du framework qui sont familiers à tout développeur compétent. En tant que développeur Angular, vos candidats doivent avoir un éventail varié de compétences : - Utiliser la bibliothèque RxJS ; - Décomposer l'application en modules de fonctionnalités et modules partagés ; - Utiliser des techniques de routage avancées comme le lazy loading, le guarding ou les resolvers ; - Implémenter une architecture de composants de présentation/conteneurs ; - Créer des services ; - Intégrer des modules tiers et des bibliothèques tierces ; - Déployer l'application sous Angular dans un environnement de production.

25 25
Angular 8
Angular 8

Online - desktop / tablet, Online - mobile

 Online - desktop / tablet, Online - mobile

20 Minutes

 20 Minutes

English (AUS), English (UK)...

 English (AUS), English (UK)...


This test assesses a candidate's beginner knowledge of Angular 8.

Title and Description  No. of Questions Duration(min)

Angular 8 quiz beginner level

This test assesses a candidate's beginner knowledge of Angular 8. Topics: Modules, Forms, Components, Routing, HTTP Requests, etc.

20 20

Angular 8 quiz advanced level

This quiz provides 20 basic questions that outline key concepts of the framework that every Angular 8 developer should be familiar with them. Topics: Version changes, best practices, asynchronous calls, rxjs, Routing, Forms, templating.

20 20

Why should you use this assessment?

SkillValue tests improve objectivity in the recruitment process and help you make reliable hiring decisions based on data driven scores, ranking and code analysis. They help you to minimise or remove biases that arise from CVs and panel interviews.  

You will be able to choose from a selection of questions available on our platform or add your own questions. We have 30, 000+ questions to choose from. We add 100+ new tests every year to our platform.

You can choose from the following 600+ tech and marketing skills assessments:

  • Java, .Net, PHP
  • Javascript, C, C++, Python, Ruby on Rails
  • Front end development
  • Full stack development
  • Mobile apps
  • IoT, embedded systems
  • Databases
  • Business intelligence
  • Big data
  • Game development
  • Product management
  • Blockchain
  • Multimedia
  • Maths and logic
  • OOP
  • UX/UI
  • Microsoft Office
  • Salesforce
  • SAP
  • Windev
  • DevOps
  • Infrastructure, AWS
  • Test automation

Happy Customers!

We are always recruiting, and the process is definitely more efficient with SkillValue. We discovered the platform whilst looking for a tool which would let us conduct IT tests with our applicants and from the minute we tried it, the process of pre-selecting our applicants was much easier. The tests are comprehensive and ready to use. The results are sent directly to the applicants and are accessible to our recruitment, making the entire selection process easier. SkillValue is the ideal recruitment tool.

Damien Chimier, Sales Director at Infotem.


Title and Description ( French) No. of Questions Duration(min)

Angular 8 quiz niveau débutant

Ce test évalue les connaissances, de niveau intermédiaire, de vos candidats en ce qui concerne Angular 8. Connaissances mesurées : modules, formulaires, composants, routing, requêtes HTTP, etc.

20 20

Angular 8 quiz niveau avancé

Ce quiz propose 20 questions de base sur les concepts clés du framework. Chaque développeur, utilisant Angular 8, se doit de les connaître. Connaissances mesurées : changements de version, meilleures pratiques, appels asynchrones, rxjs, routage, formulaires, templates (modèles).

20 20
JavaScript ES6
JavaScript ES6

Online - desktop / tablet, Online - mobile

 Online - desktop / tablet, Online - mobile

20 Minutes

 20 Minutes

English (AUS), English (UK)...

 English (AUS), English (UK)...


This quiz will assess your candidate's advanced understanding of newly introduced ES6 syntax, language constructs and concepts made popular by recent updates to the language like immutability, transpiling, polyfilling, using modules.

Title and Description  No. of Questions Duration(min)

JavaScript ES6 quiz advanced level

This quiz will assess your candidate's advanced understanding of newly introduced ES6 syntax, language constructs and concepts made popular by recent updates to the language like immutability, transpiling, polyfilling, using modules.

20 15

JavaScript ES6 quiz medium level

This test is designed to evaluate the candidate's intermediate knowledge of JavaScript ES6. Topics: environment, JavaScript syntax, variables, operators, loops, arrow functions, classes, promises.

20 20

JavaScript ES6 quiz beginner level

This quiz will assess your candidate's basic understanding of newly introduced ES6 syntax, language constructs and concepts made popular by recent updates to the language like immutability, transpiling, polyfilling, using modules.

20 20

Why should you use this assessment?

SkillValue tests improve objectivity in the recruitment process and help you make reliable hiring decisions based on data driven scores, ranking and code analysis. They help you to minimise or remove biases that arise from CVs and panel interviews.  

You will be able to choose from a selection of questions available on our platform or add your own questions. We have 30, 000+ questions to choose from. We add 100+ new tests every year to our platform.

You can choose from the following 600+ tech and marketing skills assessments:

  • Java, .Net, PHP
  • Javascript, C, C++, Python, Ruby on Rails
  • Front end development
  • Full stack development
  • Mobile apps
  • IoT, embedded systems
  • Databases
  • Business intelligence
  • Big data
  • Game development
  • Product management
  • Blockchain
  • Multimedia
  • Maths and logic
  • OOP
  • UX/UI
  • Microsoft Office
  • Salesforce
  • SAP
  • Windev
  • DevOps
  • Infrastructure, AWS
  • Test automation

Happy Customers!

We are always recruiting, and the process is definitely more efficient with SkillValue. We discovered the platform whilst looking for a tool which would let us conduct IT tests with our applicants and from the minute we tried it, the process of pre-selecting our applicants was much easier. The tests are comprehensive and ready to use. The results are sent directly to the applicants and are accessible to our recruitment, making the entire selection process easier. SkillValue is the ideal recruitment tool.

Damien Chimier, Sales Director at Infotem.


Title and Description ( French) No. of Questions Duration(min)

JavaScript ES6 quiz niveau avancé

Ce quiz évaluera la compréhension avancée de votre candidat en ce qui concerne la syntaxe d'ES6, les constructions du langage et les concepts rendus populaires par les mises à jour du langage comme l'immutabilité, la « transpilling », le « polyfilling », l'utilisation de modules.

20 15

JavaScript ES6 quiz niveau intermédiaire

Ce quiz permet de tester les connaissances intermédiaires en programmation JavaScript ES6. Connaissances mesurées : l'environnement, la syntaxe JavaScript, les variables, les opérateurs, les fonctions, les loops, les classes, les promises.

20 20

JavaScript ES6 quiz niveau débutant

Ce quiz évaluera la compréhension de base de la syntaxe d'ES6, des constructions du langage et des concepts rendus populaires par les mises à jour du langage comme l'immutabilité, la transpilation (« transpilling »), le « polyfilling », l'utilisation de modules.

20 20

Online - desktop / tablet, Online - mobile

 Online - desktop / tablet, Online - mobile

20 Minutes

 20 Minutes

English (AUS), English (UK)...

 English (AUS), English (UK)...


This test is designed for beginners to measure their knowledge of Vue.js with interactive questions that will test both theoretical and practical skills.

Title and Description  No. of Questions Duration(min)
Vue.js quiz beginner level

This test is designed for beginners to measure their knowledge of Vue.js with interactive questions that will test both theoretical and practical skills. Topics: Vue, JavaScript, FrontEnd, Vue.js directives, components, event emitter.

20 15

Vue.js quiz medium level

This test assesses medium knowledge of the Vue.js JavaScript framework with interactive questions that will test both theoretical and practical skills of the candidates. Topics: Vue.js directives, components, interpolation, markup, events, event emitter.

20 20

Why should you use this assessment?

SkillValue tests improve objectivity in the recruitment process and help you make reliable hiring decisions based on data driven scores, ranking and code analysis. They help you to minimise or remove biases that arise from CVs and panel interviews.  

You will be able to choose from a selection of questions available on our platform or add your own questions. We have 30, 000+ questions to choose from. We add 100+ new tests every year to our platform.

You can choose from the following 600+ tech and marketing skills assessments:

  • Java, .Net, PHP
  • Javascript, C, C++, Python, Ruby on Rails
  • Front end development
  • Full stack development
  • Mobile apps
  • IoT, embedded systems
  • Databases
  • Business intelligence
  • Big data
  • Game development
  • Product management
  • Blockchain
  • Multimedia
  • Maths and logic
  • OOP
  • UX/UI
  • Microsoft Office
  • Salesforce
  • SAP
  • Windev
  • DevOps
  • Infrastructure, AWS
  • Test automation

Happy Customers!

We are always recruiting, and the process is definitely more efficient with SkillValue. We discovered the platform whilst looking for a tool which would let us conduct IT tests with our applicants and from the minute we tried it, the process of pre-selecting our applicants was much easier. The tests are comprehensive and ready to use. The results are sent directly to the applicants and are accessible to our recruitment, making the entire selection process easier. SkillValue is the ideal recruitment tool.

Damien Chimier, Sales Director at Infotem.


Title and Description ( French) No. of Questions Duration(min)

Vue.js quiz niveau intermédiaire

Le test Vue.js est parfait pour l'évaluation des connaissances générales des développeurs de ce framework. Nos questions interactives testent les compétences théoriques et pratiques des candidats. Connaissances mesurées : directives Vue.js, composants, interpolation, markup, événements, émetteur d'événements.

20 20

Vuex quiz beginner level

This test is designed for beginner developers. It measures their knowledge of Vuex with the help of interactive questions that test both theoretical and practical skills. Topics: Vue, Vuex, JavaScript, FrontEnd, components, store.

20 20

Online - desktop / tablet, Online - mobile

 Online - desktop / tablet, Online - mobile

15 Minutes

 15 Minutes

English (AUS), English (UK)...

 English (AUS), English (UK)...


This test assesses the candidates' advanced skills in Sencha Touch in creating and working with non-native mobile applications.

Title and Description  No. of Questions Duration(min)

Sencha quiz advanced level

This test assesses the candidates' advanced skills in Sencha Touch in creating and working with non-native mobile applications. Topics: architecture, layouts, components, validation, notifications, functions, dialogs, classes.

20 15

Sencha quiz medium level

This test assesses the candidate's general knowledge of Sencha Touch in creating and working with non-native mobile applications, using HTML5, CSS3 and JavaScript skills. Topics: layouts, components, classes.

15 10

Why should you use this assessment?

SkillValue tests improve objectivity in the recruitment process and help you make reliable hiring decisions based on data driven scores, ranking and code analysis. They help you to minimise or remove biases that arise from CVs and panel interviews.  

You will be able to choose from a selection of questions available on our platform or add your own questions. We have 30, 000+ questions to choose from. We add 100+ new tests every year to our platform.

You can choose from the following 600+ tech and marketing skills assessments:

  • Java, .Net, PHP
  • Javascript, C, C++, Python, Ruby on Rails
  • Front end development
  • Full stack development
  • Mobile apps
  • IoT, embedded systems
  • Databases
  • Business intelligence
  • Big data
  • Game development
  • Product management
  • Blockchain
  • Multimedia
  • Maths and logic
  • OOP
  • UX/UI
  • Microsoft Office
  • Salesforce
  • SAP
  • Windev
  • DevOps
  • Infrastructure, AWS
  • Test automation

Happy Customers!

We are always recruiting, and the process is definitely more efficient with SkillValue. We discovered the platform whilst looking for a tool which would let us conduct IT tests with our applicants and from the minute we tried it, the process of pre-selecting our applicants was much easier. The tests are comprehensive and ready to use. The results are sent directly to the applicants and are accessible to our recruitment, making the entire selection process easier. SkillValue is the ideal recruitment tool.

Damien Chimier, Sales Director at Infotem.


Title and Description ( French) No. of Questions Duration(min)

Sencha quiz niveau avancé

Ce test est destiné à l'évaluation des candidats de niveau avancé sur Sencha Touch dans la création et le travail avec des applications mobiles non natives. Connaissances mesurées : architecture, layouts, components, validation, notifications, functions, dialogs, classes, etc.

20 15

Sencha quiz niveau intermédiaire

Ce test permet d'évaluer les connaissances générales de Sencha Touch dans la création et le travail avec des applications mobiles non natives, en utilisant des compétences en développement HTML5, CSS3 et JavaScript. Connaissances mesurées : les layouts, les composants, les classes.

15 10

Online - desktop / tablet, Online - mobile

 Online - desktop / tablet, Online - mobile

15 Minutes

 15 Minutes

English (AUS), English (UK)...

 English (AUS), English (UK)...


This test is designed to evaluate the candidate's beginner and intermediate knowledge of JavaScript.

Title and Description  No. of Questions Duration(min)

JavaScript quiz beginner level

This test is designed to evaluate the candidate's beginner and intermediate knowledge of JavaScript. Topics: JavaScript syntax, variables, objects, operators, functions, events, DOM structure, loops, conditional statements.

25 15

JavaScript quiz medium level

This test is designed to evaluate the candidate's intermediate knowledge of JavaScript. Topics: JavaScript syntax, variables, arrays, objects, operators, functions, events, methods.

20 15

Why should you use this assessment?

SkillValue tests improve objectivity in the recruitment process and help you make reliable hiring decisions based on data driven scores, ranking and code analysis. They help you to minimise or remove biases that arise from CVs and panel interviews.  

You will be able to choose from a selection of questions available on our platform or add your own questions. We have 30, 000+ questions to choose from. We add 100+ new tests every year to our platform.

You can choose from the following 600+ tech and marketing skills assessments:

  • Java, .Net, PHP
  • Javascript, C, C++, Python, Ruby on Rails
  • Front end development
  • Full stack development
  • Mobile apps
  • IoT, embedded systems
  • Databases
  • Business intelligence
  • Big data
  • Game development
  • Product management
  • Blockchain
  • Multimedia
  • Maths and logic
  • OOP
  • UX/UI
  • Microsoft Office
  • Salesforce
  • SAP
  • Windev
  • DevOps
  • Infrastructure, AWS
  • Test automation

Happy Customers!

We are always recruiting, and the process is definitely more efficient with SkillValue. We discovered the platform whilst looking for a tool which would let us conduct IT tests with our applicants and from the minute we tried it, the process of pre-selecting our applicants was much easier. The tests are comprehensive and ready to use. The results are sent directly to the applicants and are accessible to our recruitment, making the entire selection process easier. SkillValue is the ideal recruitment tool.

Damien Chimier, Sales Director at Infotem.


Title and Description ( French) No. of Questions Duration(min)

JavaScript quiz niveau débutant

Ce quiz permet de tester les connaissances de base et intermédiaires en programmation JavaScript. Connaissances mesurées : la syntaxe, les variables, les objets, les opérateurs, les fonctions, les événements, la structure DOM, les instructions de boucle etc.

25 15

JavaScript quiz niveau intermédiaire

Ce quiz permet de tester les connaissances intermédiaires en programmation JavaScript. Connaissances mesurées : la syntaxe JavaScript, les variables, les tableaux, les objets, les opérateurs, les fonctions, les événements, les méthodes.

20 15

Online - desktop / tablet, Online - mobile

 Online - desktop / tablet, Online - mobile

20 Minutes

 20 Minutes

English (AUS), English (UK)...

 English (AUS), English (UK)...


The quiz covers all the key-concepts that any novice should know with various applied exercises for which the candidate should determine the output of the execution, evaluating his understanding of how the main concepts work.

Title and Description  No. of Questions Duration(min)

Angular.js quiz beginner level

The quiz covers all the key-concepts that any novice should know with various applied exercises for which the candidate should determine the output of the execution, evaluating his understanding of how the main concepts work. Topics: general knowledge of modules, controllers and angular $scope.

20 20

Angular.js quiz medium level

This test assesses the candidate's medium knowledge of Angular.js and focuses on the main concepts of Angular.js development. Topics: essential concepts of Angular JS such as Models, Controllers, Views, $scope.

20 15

Why should you use this assessment?

SkillValue tests improve objectivity in the recruitment process and help you make reliable hiring decisions based on data driven scores, ranking and code analysis. They help you to minimise or remove biases that arise from CVs and panel interviews.  

You will be able to choose from a selection of questions available on our platform or add your own questions. We have 30, 000+ questions to choose from. We add 100+ new tests every year to our platform.

You can choose from the following 600+ tech and marketing skills assessments:

  • Java, .Net, PHP
  • Javascript, C, C++, Python, Ruby on Rails
  • Front end development
  • Full stack development
  • Mobile apps
  • IoT, embedded systems
  • Databases
  • Business intelligence
  • Big data
  • Game development
  • Product management
  • Blockchain
  • Multimedia
  • Maths and logic
  • OOP
  • UX/UI
  • Microsoft Office
  • Salesforce
  • SAP
  • Windev
  • DevOps
  • Infrastructure, AWS
  • Test automation

Happy Customers!

We are always recruiting, and the process is definitely more efficient with SkillValue. We discovered the platform whilst looking for a tool which would let us conduct IT tests with our applicants and from the minute we tried it, the process of pre-selecting our applicants was much easier. The tests are comprehensive and ready to use. The results are sent directly to the applicants and are accessible to our recruitment, making the entire selection process easier. SkillValue is the ideal recruitment tool.

Damien Chimier, Sales Director at Infotem.


Title and Description ( French) No. of Questions Duration(min)

Angular.js quiz niveau débutant

Ce quiz vous permet de vérifier les connaissances générales avec quelques exercices appliqués dont le candidat doit déterminer le résultat de l'exécution, l'accent étant mis sur la compréhension des principaux concepts. Connaissances mesurées : les modules, les contrôleurs et le $scope (l'objet scope d'Angular).

20 20

Angular.js quiz niveau intermédiaire

Ce test a le but de vérifier les compétences intermédiaires en programmation Angular.js des candidats. Connaissances mesurées : ce quiz comprend les principaux concepts d'Angular.js tels que les Modèles, les Contrôleurs, les Vues, $scope,

20 15

Online - desktop / tablet, Online - mobile

 Online - desktop / tablet, Online - mobile

20 Minutes

 20 Minutes

English (AUS), English (UK)...

 English (AUS), English (UK)...


For this quiz your candidate should have a basic understand of TypeScript, its basic types, and how different parts of TypeScript work, why TypeScript is a super-set of JavaScript, and it also helps you have a certain degree of familiarity with newer versions of JavaScript (ES6, ES7, ESNext).Also, your candidate should have a basic understanding of what happens when TypeScript gets transpiled down to JavaScript.

Why should you use this assessment?

SkillValue tests improve objectivity in the recruitment process and help you make reliable hiring decisions based on data driven scores, ranking and code analysis. They help you to minimise or remove biases that arise from CVs and panel interviews.  

You will be able to choose from a selection of questions available on our platform or add your own questions. We have 30, 000+ questions to choose from. We add 100+ new tests every year to our platform.

You can choose from the following 600+ tech and marketing skills assessments:

  • Java, .Net, PHP
  • Javascript, C, C++, Python, Ruby on Rails
  • Front end development
  • Full stack development
  • Mobile apps
  • IoT, embedded systems
  • Databases
  • Business intelligence
  • Big data
  • Game development
  • Product management
  • Blockchain
  • Multimedia
  • Maths and logic
  • OOP
  • UX/UI
  • Microsoft Office
  • Salesforce
  • SAP
  • Windev
  • DevOps
  • Infrastructure, AWS
  • Test automation

Happy Customers!

We are always recruiting, and the process is definitely more efficient with SkillValue. We discovered the platform whilst looking for a tool which would let us conduct IT tests with our applicants and from the minute we tried it, the process of pre-selecting our applicants was much easier. The tests are comprehensive and ready to use. The results are sent directly to the applicants and are accessible to our recruitment, making the entire selection process easier. SkillValue is the ideal recruitment tool.

Damien Chimier, Sales Director at Infotem.

Title and Description ( French) No. of Questions Duration(min)

TypeScript quiz niveau intermédiaire

Ce test vérifie les capacités des développeurs Front End sur TypeScript, ses types de base, et comment différentes parties de TypeScript fonctionnent, pourquoi TypeScript est un super-set de JavaScript, ainsi que la transcompilation de TypeScript en JavaScript.

20 20

Online - desktop / tablet, Online - mobile

 Online - desktop / tablet, Online - mobile

20 Minutes

 20 Minutes

English (AUS), English (UK)...

 English (AUS), English (UK)...


This test has been designed to measure the candidate's medium level experience with Redux, the open-source JavaScript library for managing application state. Topics: Reducers, Actions, Store, Middleware.

Why should you use this assessment?

SkillValue tests improve objectivity in the recruitment process and help you make reliable hiring decisions based on data driven scores, ranking and code analysis. They help you to minimise or remove biases that arise from CVs and panel interviews.  

You will be able to choose from a selection of questions available on our platform or add your own questions. We have 30, 000+ questions to choose from. We add 100+ new tests every year to our platform.

You can choose from the following 600+ tech and marketing skills assessments:

  • Java, .Net, PHP
  • Javascript, C, C++, Python, Ruby on Rails
  • Front end development
  • Full stack development
  • Mobile apps
  • IoT, embedded systems
  • Databases
  • Business intelligence
  • Big data
  • Game development
  • Product management
  • Blockchain
  • Multimedia
  • Maths and logic
  • OOP
  • UX/UI
  • Microsoft Office
  • Salesforce
  • SAP
  • Windev
  • DevOps
  • Infrastructure, AWS
  • Test automation

Happy Customers!

We are always recruiting, and the process is definitely more efficient with SkillValue. We discovered the platform whilst looking for a tool which would let us conduct IT tests with our applicants and from the minute we tried it, the process of pre-selecting our applicants was much easier. The tests are comprehensive and ready to use. The results are sent directly to the applicants and are accessible to our recruitment, making the entire selection process easier. SkillValue is the ideal recruitment tool.

Damien Chimier, Sales Director at Infotem.

Title and Description ( French) No. of Questions Duration(min)

Redux quiz niveau intermédiaire

Ces tests vous permettent d'évaluer les connaissances de vos candidats sur Redux, la bibliothèque compacte qui fournit un conteneur d'état « predictable state container » pour les applications JavaScript. Connaissances mesurées : Reducers, Actions, Store, Middleware.

20 20

Frequently Asked Questions

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