
Verbal Ability / Reasoning tests assess a test taker’s ability to solve verbal problems. Tests may use brief information, such as analogies where test takers have to identify they relationships between pairs of words, or more extended information that test takers need to understand before answering questions. Questions may range from simple information retrieval to more complex skills such as understanding a person’s perspective or making inferences. Tests of Verbal Ability / Reasoning will assess a test taker’s ability to reason with and solve verbal problems but will also provide an indication of their general reasoning ability.

Verbal reasoning tests are one of the most commonly used methods for assessing a candidate’s suitability for a role because of their ability to provide employers with information about the extent to which candidates can:

  • Analyse, draw logical conclusions and identify key issues from business-related reading materials such as reports, manuals and reference documents.
  • Write clear, concise and relevant executive summaries, reports and other documents
  • Express business matters and issues clearly and articulately to managers, customers and other stakeholders.

Candidates for the same role are asked the same questions and tests are scored objectively.

There are different types of verbal reasoning tests:

Verbal Critical Reasoning

These tests require candidates to apply logic and reason to determine if a given statement is ‘true, false or cannot tell’ based on information provided.

Reading Comprehension

These tests require candidates to read and digest written information and then answer a related series of questions accurately.

Tests may be presented in different multiple-choice formats:

  • Explicit multiple choice – where the answer to questions will be explicitly stated in the text.
  • Implicit multiple choice – where the answers to questions can be inferred from information provided in the text.
  • Meta multiple choice - where the answers to questions are not found in information given in the text and require the candidate to think more broadly.

Verbal tests may also include tests to assess understanding of language and levels of literacy, for example grammar and spelling, vocabulary (range and the ability to identify how ideas are related) and word analogy (the relationship between a pair of words).

Verbal reasoning tests are usually used as part of an overall recruitment strategy involving other psychometric tests such as numerical reasoning and personality questionnaires.


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Verbal Ability Test
Verbal Ability Test

Online - desktop / tablet

 Online - desktop / tablet

11 Minutes

 11 Minutes

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This test has been designed to measure the candidate’s ability to understand written information.

Suitable for: 

For roles where candidates will need to have to comprehend, analyse and draw conclusions from written information. Tests present a paragraph of text about a given topic, candidates must then decide if a series of statements are true, false or cannot say by evaluating the information under timed conditions.

Difficulty levels: 

Expert - Utopia : This suite contains high level reasoning tests for top level managers, professionals or graduates.This level contains 16 questions to be completed in 11 min. 

Enhanced - B2C: Our most widely used suite of assessments, applicable for entry and mid-level roles. For example, customer service and administration. This level contains 16 questions to be completed in 9 min. 

Essential – Criterion Workforce Series: This suite includes assessments closer to basic comprehension tests. Designed for industry or manufacturing roles. This level contains 16 questions to be completed in 10 min. 

Recruitment Industry Numerical Assessment is also available with 8 questions to be completed in 5 min. 


Cognitive ability or aptitude tests are an objective way of measuring an individual’s performance on different work related tasks or situations. They tap into reasoning skills and are therefore a measure of potential, rather than academic performance or stored knowledge.

They provide employers with an indication of how people will perform in a work setting and so are frequently used to decide whether a candidate has the baseline cognitive ‘firepower’ necessary to be successful in the role.

We provide the following coginitive ability tests: 

  • Numerical 
  • Verbal
  • Abstract
  • Mechanical
  • Checking 

When used alongside other psychometrics, such as personality questionnaires or scenario based tests, employers are able to build up a holistic picture of how the individual would behave in the role.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Verbal reasoning tests are commonly used for roles requiring a high level of reading comprehension and analysis skills, such as management and leadership roles, policy development, intelligence services, graduate opportunities, local and central government, project management, HR, and research. Typically, the more senior the role, the more complex the verbal reasoning tests will be.

Verbal reasoning tests are typically used in combination with other psychometric tests for recruitment, including: 

These tests combine to form an effective recruitment strategy for a wide range of roles. 

Raw scores are provided as well as percentile scores which show how a candidate performs compared to others taking the test.

To learn more about the importance of these scores, check out our post on why cognitive ability matters.

Verbal reasoning tests, like other tests which measure intelligence, tend to show higher levels of adverse impact than other types of tests. This can be minimised by conducting a thorough job analysis prior to recruitment taking place, combine scores from verbal reasoning tests with other assessments and take steps to ensure that every aspect of the testing process is fair.

A range of tests and online assessment tools for recruitment can be used in combination to ensure that you get a well rounded view of each candidate.